MILF (JJK various x Milf! Cur...

By Crazy_Slots

182K 6.7K 7.3K

"You're a mom of three?!" "What about it, Strawberry Vessel?" "You don't look a day over nineteen!" "That's k... More

Love interests!
My Husband Tried To End Me But I'm The Main Character
The Vessel Is a Cutie, But His Sensei Is Hot!
Megumi's Inner Fanboy Is Unleashed!
Nightmares And Unintended Dirty Words
Funky Backstory Make Yuji Go Ooo-La-La
important author note
So No Head?

Crazy Mall Teens And Super Failed Schemes

20.1K 831 447
By Crazy_Slots


Warning: Cussing and idk Kofuku ig?

Status: Raw


We all know that the future is a mystery, it is a veil that only stoned priests like the Oracle of Delphi or kids that fucked up can peer through.

Though Junpei was not high, nor in trouble, he just knew he was about to get fucked.

In a good way or bad way, he had yet to confirm.

Now this was just him thinking.

He simply got this idea from the way your hand rubbed the area between his shoulders with a soothing hum. Maybe it was by how close you were, you were something of a gentle horror dream.

The light from the street lamps glowing over your taller figure made him see a silhouette.

Even when only your shape was visible, you were still a hauntingly beautiful sight that only those blessed by higher beings that favored them could lay eyes upon.

'Damn, where'd that come from?' He stared at the ground with a heavy blush.

You chuckled, catching Junpei's attention as you began putting a little distance between the two of you. "If you were getting uncomfortable, you could've said something."

You looked down at him with all white eyes, glowing in your silhouette, "Don't be afraid to tell me anything, love."

Junpei nodded, eyes wide when he saw your own unnatural eyes, "Woah, how can you do that?" It was something straight out of a scary movie!

A smile stretched across your face, "I'm a curse, but I can change my eyes from normal," You gestured to your eyes before waving your hand over your face, revealing your (e/c), "To undercover."

Junpei's little blush of amazement made your heart clench. "You're just too cute, Junpei."

Said teen couldn't help but smile, muttering a small thanks as he got used to your compliments.

"Let's get you home, we can start tomorrow if you're still interested in learning."

"O..okay, I'm still pretty curious." He nodded, pointing to the direction of his home.


Meanwhile, Gojo realized the struggles of parenthood.

Nobara and Megumi were about a pinch away from being banned from the outdoor mall. They ran up and down the place, carefully analyzing the best gifts and discussing which ones would be suitable for your tastes.

"What about this Wisteria spider necklace?" Megumi held up a gorgeous necklace with said spider gem. He tried to be nonchalant about it, but deep down he was as excited as a kid on their birthday.

Nobara rubbed her chin in deep concentration, "She used that code word for her kids. If we show her that, then she'd be reminded of them." She then shook her head, "No! That'll make her sad, and the last thing I wanna do is bring my hero down."

Megumi nodded confidently, "Right!" Before they could run off, a hand tapped Megumi's shoulder.

He turned to see one of the most beautiful teenage girls he had ever come across so far. She was around his height, maybe even taller, and her golden locks glowed in the moonlight.

Megumi felt as though he had seen her somewhere before...

Her tight smile snapped him out of his surprise, "Pardon, but may I see that necklace?" Her tone, as professional as she tried to keep it, held a bit of urgency beneath it in a way that made Megumi instantly hand over the spider jewelry.

"Many thanks!" She shouted out, since Nobara had zoomed off to another expensive looking store, dragging Megumi behind her.

As much as Gojo wanted to tease Megumi for finally talking to a girl, he still had to get the two students back to bed before Principle Yaga handed his ass to him.

Finally, Gojo bought two kid leashes from a concerned store keeper and began to chase the teens as they ran with bags of ridiculously pricey gifts.

See, this would've been a good idea if he managed to catch up with these two.

"Where did all of this energy come from?!" Gojo gasped for air, resting his hands on his knees. He thought hard, how could he catch these two before the sun rose up?

A lightbulb lit up over his chibi form, "Oh!" He pulled out his phone, mumbling, "Boop." As he clicked the three contacts he wanted to call.

After a few rings, the call was answered.


Gojo's phone flew up into the air, almost dodging his fumbled catches until held captive by his... probably dirty hands.


Gojo heard Panda sigh, "Guys, chill out. Gojo-sensei must have a valid reason for waking us up... at such a time.... Though I doubt it."

Fake tears left Gojo's eyes, "Why would you say such a thing, Pan-"

"FUCK that," Maki groaned in frustration. A thud had followed, but from Toge's end, causing Gojo to snort, "Did you just fall out of bed, Toge?"

A hiss and a small, "Salmon." followed.

"Alright, where's the fire?" Maki groaned, shuffling coming from her end. Gojo grinned, "I'm at that one outdoor mall. You know, with that thing that I like in one of those booths there."

"You mean that one mall where you got your set of thon-"

"Nope!" Gojo popped the 'p' as he interrupted Panda.

"The one store with the wacky scammer lady that told you Michelle Jocksan would come to your house to use the bathroom?"

"In a past life, he might've, but his sister did for sure!"


Panda spoke up, "I have an idea where you're at."

And with that, the call ended.

Gojo huffed, "I think I would know if a hot celebrity came all the way from the 'mericas to use my bathroom, and she did!"

"Hey sensei."

Turning around, the second-best Jujutsu Sorcerer spotted a sleepy Yuji walking up to him.

Yuji yawned, stretching his arms as he weakly waved. "What's going on?" He questioned, tilting his head over to the two rampaging teens.

"Oh, hey Yuji." Gojo returned a small wave, before they both blankly stared at Megumi and Nobara.

"What are they doing?" Yuji altered his earlier question as Nobara excitedly muttered about what she would wear when meeting you.

"It's gotta be cute, but not childish cute! Something that says I'm single without making me look desperate." She looked around the store and peered at the many clothes.

Yuji innocently said, "Why not go as you are?"

Nobara paused her search to give the pink haired boy a long stare, then silently gestured to herself... still wearing the onesie.

Yuji blinked in realization and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Gojo sighed, "Lucky, they actually respond to what you say!"

When the two shopping sorcerers didn't respond to that, Yuji spoke up, "I think it's because (Y/n) is a big deal."

Gojo's jaw dropped, "And I'm not?!"

"Not by a longshot!" Nobara and Megumi bellowed in unison.

Yuji, not having the heart to agree with his friends, decided to slip away, "I'm tired, see you guys in the morning!" He waved goodbye as he speed walked away.

The look of betrayal on Gojo's face was just 😩👌.

So much happened, yet he was back where he started.

One last idea finally popped into his head, "If you guys head to bed, I'll reschedule her meeting for two days! And I'll bring her to the Sister Exchange!" He cooed.

Instantly, Nobara and Megumi stood before him, staring right at where his eyes would be if not covered with his blindfold.

"You better not be lying to us, sensei." Nobara frowned, glaring at him. "This will literally be my final straw if you're lying." Megumi followed.

The sensei chuckled, "Come on, guys. I'm the best sorcerer there is! I got this!"


Chibi grinned to herself as she jogged over to her brothers with a small bag in hand. Hayao was leaning against the nearby tree, while Kofuku sat on the bench next to it.

"Oh boys!" She chirped, grabbing their attention instantly. "I have an idea on how to find Momma more easily~" Reaching into the bag, Chibi tossed two small cases to her siblings.

Hayao caught it with ease, and Kofuku, the poor guy, caught it with his face, causing him to yelp and fall backwards.

Hayao wordlessly lifted him back up and opened the case. "What are these for? Purple isn't my color." Kofuku teased as he dangled the Wisteria Spider necklace between his fingers.

Chibi smirked, "Why, I'm so glad you asked, dear brother. You guys remember how Momma used the code word, 'Wisteria Spiders' just in case anything were to separate us?" She asked.

Kofuku's lips tightened into a thin line as Hayao visibly thought hard.

"I had literally just left the coot and you expect me to remember something that wasn't used with me?" Kofuku raised a brow as he rested his cheek in his palm, continuing to hang the necklace in his other hand.

Chibi huffed at her brother's words, "Well, she did, to speed things up. I have a feeling that if we wear these, it'll help her confirm that it's us and that we remember her."

Hayao weakly smiled, his thick brows creased with painful humor. "Because out of everyone that wears these tiny necklaces, we are easy to spot." Kofuku snorted.

Chibi paused, grinning with a flustered chuckle. "Maybe not my best idea?"

Hayao laughed as he stepped up, "Okay, how about this: custom jackets with our names on them?"

"Great idea, Hayao!" "I know, right!?"

Kofuku sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while his older siblings jumped around in a circle and cheered. "Seems like I have the brain cell today. Are you guys hearing yourselves?"

They looked over to the irritated sibling in confusion.

He continued, "First off, it's not like we're the only people in all of Japan with our names, so that's off the table. Second, Mom's holiday is coming up, so everyone is cosplaying as someone from her life. We'll just get lost in the crowds of those cosplaying as us. Third, we've already done that."

Hayao and Chibi perked up, "Ooohh," They said simultaneously.

Kofuku groaned, resting his head in his arms. "Why couldn't I just stay dead?"


You and Junpei finally reached his home without any issues. Junpei turned back to you, "Thank... Thank you for walking me home, (L/n)-san." He bowed with a heavy blush.

You chuckled, "Don't mention it, hon. It was my pleasure."

The door opened, revealing Nagi with a slightly surprised expression. "Oh there you are, Junpei." She smiled, opening the door wider.

Junpei became confused, looking back at you. You leaned against the wall behind you, crossing your arms, "She can't see or hear me, love."

Nagi's brows creased at her son's weird actions, how does one blush when looking at a wall?

She rested a hand on his shoulder, "Come on, Junpei. You gotta get to sleep."

You shook your head with a smile, "Good night, hun. Same spot tomorrow, at noon?"

Junpei slowly nodded, "Yeah, okay Mom." He faintly said as he turned towards his own mother.

You smiled as the door finally closed, the warmth of their home leaving you in the cold of the apartment hallway.

A chuckle was heard from behind your lips, "That boy is my favorite already." You licked your lips, standing upright to leave the hallway.

"That's an accomplishment when in my harem~"


Here you guys go!

plss tell me someone got the bathroom reference

Just as a heads up, I'm probably not going to be able to update a lot for the next month or so due to a road trip, savor this while you can!

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