My employer's wife

By jennycaldo

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Mature content All right reserve This is my first novel and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed wri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Authors Note
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapters Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty

Chapter Nine

244 14 0
By jennycaldo

        I was sleeping untill some noise that refused to stop woke me up. I got up realising that someone is calling me. I picked it up not looking at the name.
        Hello I muttered
       "Hi beautiful!" a familiar voice said. I immediately froze anger over boiling in me
         "Who's is this?" I asked though I already know who was call
         "You should check your phone before answering first"
         "Well I actually deleted all the snakes from my phone"
          "I guess you know who is speaking; Not easy to forget my voice huh?
          What do you want? I asked cutting the bullshit
           Can't a girl call her favorite person? She trying to piss me off
          You really have guts, after ruining my life" this woman is so unbelievable
          I didn't, your life was already ruined. I was gripping the phone so hard that I swear that it might break at any point   
         "I will cut this call if you have nothing important to say" I looked at the time, it was four
          "If you do, I will find you. Trust me you know I can"
           "Only a stupid person can" I said knowing I did once
           "Yeah and you did which makes you stupid doesn't it?"
          "Did  you call just to ruin my day or what" I asked getting tired of this conversation
        "Off course not, I wanted to hear your voice"
       "Now  you do, so leave me the hell alone and I will return the favor. I hope your remaining day burns" I said cutting the call.
          Fuck, fuck fuck! I cuss hitting my hand on the table near my bed. I wanted to throw my phone but I know it's of no use. She will always find me. I have changed my number numerous times but she still manages to get a hold of it. I got up knowing there no sleep for me again. My afternoon has been ruined by that bitch. You know how a vampire craves a blood, that's how she is. She craves to ruin people's lives and happiness.
She was my ex "Vivian". I wonder what I saw in her that made me attracted to her in the first place. She was the first biological daughter of Satan. I offed my phone so that she won't be able to contact me for the meantime. It was already five in the evening. Deciding to keep myself calm before I go out and murder someone, I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for Mrs Lisa. Cooking and running is the only thing that calms me down.
         After cooking I was already calm enough not to murder someone. I decided to kill time by reading my favorite novel "from the shadows". I have read this novel so many time that I eventually lost count of it but whenever I picked it up, it feels like I haven't read it before. I looked at the clock knowing that she will be back any time soon.
      It was already six but she hasn't come back. Is she at the bar again I thought or is she working late tonight. I was getting impatient so I decided to call her. On the second ring, the door suddenly opened. She stepped in stoping to bring her phone. She looked at me when she saw it was me that was calling. I cut the call relief that she's home
       Why calling? She asked closing the door
       I wanted to know when you will be back" I said dropping my phone into my pocket
       I'm back?....
       Yeah, I noticed I said sarcastically. How was your day
        Stressful and yours?she asked going
        "Terrible! I said remembering the phone call
        "Why?, Thought you will be glad that the kids aren't home to give you headache"
        Without the kids, the house is as bored as fuck... I mean as....hell. anyway I prepared dinner I said changing subject
          Okay, I will go up to refresh, then come downstairs...I hope it's edibile she said
          I hope so cause I don't want you to end up in the hospital bed. I said. She looked at me briefly like with a questioning stare
        Hahaha go up and change, let me warm the food so we can eat I said going to warm the food. What does she think, I'm going to poison her
       Ok she said going upstairs
I couldn't stop but stare at her backside. Sure this woman get curves in all the right places. How can a man who have this woman as his wife stay half a months without touching her, is he impotent or what cause I know I can't. That thought reminded me that she's married with two kids and I don't think that I wanna get into this shit, I still have my crazy ex_girlfriend Vivian to deal with.
         With that thought, I went into the kitchen to warm the food I prepared. Setting everything on the table, still waiting for her to come down. After some time, she came downstairs with oversized shirt and a short. I could tell she took a bath cos the fragrance of her sweet soap which I don't know the name Is all over the dinning.
         One thing I can say about her is that she loves oversized clothe. I could remember the night she got so drunk that she couldn't move, I tried changing her clothe but she stopped me telling me to turn so she can change.
        Are we going to eat or stare at the food till it gets cold she asked
       Yeah! I said coming back to reality
       Yeah what, eat or stares? She asked again
       Yeah eat I said
       She took a minute of silence which I knew she praying. I waited for her cause I don't want to be rude
       I had prepared rice, chicken which I noticed she loves and salad and orange juice.
She took a spoon chewing it with her eyes closed. I was waiting for her reaction. I know I'm good in kitchen but I don't consider myself great. After some time she opened her eyes looking at me without anyword
         So? I asked really wanting to know what she thinks.
          Not bad" she said taking another spoon
          Not bad? I asked
          Yeah not bad! she repeated nodding her head.
        "You sure know how to compliment" I said sarcastically. I looked down eating my food in silence. I gave everything to it and all I get is not bad!
       I looked up at her, I saw her trying to stop herself from laughing
        Is my food so bad? I asked. Was she trying not to Laugh cause my food is so bad
        I'm sorry it's just that you look cute when you are angry
        "I'm not angry" I said
         "Ok pissed! she said chuckling. I was trying to remain pissed at her but when she called me cute I couldn't stop myself from brushing
        Shut up! I said getting up to take the remaining dishes. I didn't want her to see my face
        It's great actually! she suddenly said
        What? I asked not getting her point
The food! she said rolling her eyes
         "Off course I know, you couldn't get enough of it I stated as a matter of fact.
         Thanks! She says getting up too
       Welcome! I said going into the kitchen. I feel so proud of myself right.
         "I should watch the plate, you cook, I should clean" she stated
         You went to work and I stayed at home. That makes it equal. You should go and rest and leave it to me
        Ok I will leave it to you she said going up to her room

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