Gabriela's tale

De ETHsamm

33K 570 33

A young girls life changes in the matter of months when she meets the peaky blinder... For the better or wors... Mai multe

twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five


1.8K 34 5
De ETHsamm

I woke up at seven-thirty and got in the shower. I washed my hair, and when I wash my hair it takes me a while longer. As I finished up and I thought I heard a knocking. I waited a second to see if I would hear it again and I didn't.

I continued to do what I was doing and got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I grabbed another one and dried my hair with it. I left the bathroom and went into my bedroom. I pulled out my clothes for the day and put it on the bed. I grabbed my undergarments' and put them on the bed next to my clothes.

*knock knock knock*

There was a knock at the front door. I took off my towel and grabbed my robe and wrapped it around myself. I opened my room door and walked towards the front door. I stopped at the window and peeked through it.

It was John, waiting at my front door. I unlocked the door and opened it.

"About bloody time. I've been waiting out here for hours." John said, throwing his cigarette on the ground and turning around towards me. His eyes went wide when he saw I wasn't dressed.

"Your so dramatic." I said.

"I was in the shower, I didn't hear the door. Now come on, get in." I added, moving out the way so he could come in.

"I see I came at a good time." he said, with a smirk and walked in. I closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm walking you to work." he said.

"Its a bit early." I said, he looked at me like he didn't care what time it was.

"All right than. Let me get dress so we can leave." I said.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" I asked him.

"Sure." he said, standing by the door.

"I'll make it after I'm dressed." I said, making my way towards my bedroom.

I got in and took off my robe and put on my underwear along with my bra. I lathered my body up with lotion, while I did this John had a perfect view of me. I turned over to look at him and he looked away sheepishly.

I laughed to myself and continued to get ready. I pulled on a black shirt with little beads on it, and my dark purple long skirt. I pulled on some black stockings' and put on long wool socks. I grabbed my boots and walked out to the kitchen and put them by the door. I walked to the stove and put on the kettle. John moved towards me.

"A fucking tease you are." he said.

"Am I?" I asked, with a smirk.

"You know exactly what you did, and you know I can't fucking have you." he said.

"If you really wanted to you could." I said.

When I said that I took myself by surprise. Every time John was around I felt like a different person, in a good way.

I moved to the cubert and grabbed two tea cups. John didn't say anything. He move to the sitting room and sat down on the couch.

"Can I take a smoke in here?" he asked.

"Go ahead." I said, the tea was done and I poured it into the cups.

"Milk? Sugar?" I asked.

"Just sugar." he said.

I put sugar in one cup and milk with sugar in the other. I slowly walked to the sitting room with the cups in hand trying not to spill. I passed John his cup and sat next to him. He thanked me and took a sip of it and putting out his smoke.

We looked at each other for a while without saying anything. I was starting to get shy because of how long he was staring at me.

He put his cup down and brought his hand up to my hair and bounced a couple of my curls. My hair was still out and wet, getting puffier as it got dryer.

"I like your hair." he said.

"Thank you. I've just washed it." I said, smoothing it down a bit. John pulled his hand away.

"Why don't you wear it out?" he asked.

"Well, after a while it gets really puffy and hard to handle." I said.

"Maybe one day I'll let you see it out for a whole day." I added.

"Deal." he said with a smile.

"Can I see your cap?" I asked him.

"Sure." he said taking it off and handing it to me.

"Be carful." he said pointing at the sharp blade on the inside of the cap.

"Why on earth do you have blades on your cap?" I asked.

"Well..." he said with a laugh but he didn't answer my question.

"How do I look?" I asked, putting the cap on and doing a couple of poses.

"It suits you." he said, with a smile.

I laughed and took it off and passed it back to him.

"Seriously though, why do you have a blade on your cap?" I asked again, curiously. 

"I'm a Peaky Blinders. We all have the caps and we all have a blades sewed on it. Its just a thing we do." he said.

I didn't really get it, but I don't live the life he does so it makes much more scene to him then it does me.

"I've got to finish getting ready." I said, and got up and went to my room. John followed behind me and stood at the door.

I sat down in front of my mirror and began fixing my hair putting it into a bun and letting a few curls hang loss. I looked over at John who was still standing at the door.

"You can come in." I said.

He walked in slowly looking around my small room. He sat down on the bed as he watched me do my eye makeup. Once I finished my my make up I grabbed my watch from the night stand.

There was twenty minutes before nine. I got up and put the watch on and put on a couple of bracelets and a necklace that went with my outfit. John watched me quietly while I did all of this.

It felt extra cold today so I grabbed my thicker gloves and put them on. John followed behind me.

"Ready?" I asked, he nodded and grabbed his cap he left on the couch and I grabbed the cups and washed them quickly and put them away.

I put my boots on and tied them tightly. I grabbed my coat and put it on and lastly grabbed my purse and brought it over my shoulder.

I grabbed my key and John opened the front door and let me pass first. He walked out behind me and closed the door. I locked it and we began walking to the Garrison.

We made it there ten minutes later, it was almost nine.

"I still don't have a key." I said.

John laughed at me and pulled out his and opened the door. I thanked him and walked in. I noticed he wasn't coming in behind me. I turned back around, he was still standing there.

"You're not coming in?" I asked him.

"No. I've got some work to do but I'll come around later." he said.

"Oh all right. I'll see you later then. Thank you for walking me." I said.

"You're welcome beautiful." he said with a smile and began walking in the other direction. I blushed and walked inside the pub.

These last couple of days I've been around John I noticed that most of the time he had a pick in his mouth. All the time. It reminded me of my uncle Frank, he used to do that a lot.

I came back and walked to the bar. tommy was sitting at the bar with a whiskey in his hand.

"Good morning tommy." I said, walking behind the bar taking off my coat and gloves and pulling out my apron from my purse and wrapping it around my waist.

"Good morning Gabriela." he said.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Go ahead." he said, looking up at me waiting for me to say something.

"Every morning I come and the door is locked, and I was wondering if I could get a key?" I asked.

"Here have mine." he said, pulling the key out of his pocket. 

"Oh, thank you." I said, grabbing it from his hand.

He got up from the bar and walked into his office. He came back a a few seconds later a gave me a piece of paper.

"This is the address to the house. Make sure to go, Polly. She's expecting you and don't lose that key." he said, taking the last sip from his cup and walking to the front door.

"I'll see you later." he said, and he made his way out.

I went to his office and closed the doors, I don't think he meant to leave it open. 

My shift went by pretty quickly and smoothly. A couple people came in between nine and twelve and as the day went on a couple more came in. 

Once my shift was over I waited for Sam to come for his shift, and once he did I made my way to see Polly.

I wasn't dreading it, but I also wasn't excited to go. I just didn't want to feel like I was in her way or she was obligated to spend time with me just because tommy told her to. 

I finally made it to the house and knocked on the door. A young boy opened it.

"Hello. I'm looking for Polly." I said.

"Come in." he said, moving aside. I walked in and he closed the door behind me.

"She's right over here." he said, as we walked through the house. She was sitting at her dining table.

"Polly, you've got a visitor." the young boy said.

"Thank you Finn." she said.

"Well hello Gabriela." she said, with a welcoming smile.

"Hello Polly. Its nice to see you again." I said.

"May I have a seat." I asked.

"Of course!" she said, pointing at the seat across from her. I took off my coat and put it over the chair and sat down.

"would you like some tea?" she asked me.


She got up and walked to the kitchen and began making the tea. We talked for a while, she asked me about my family and a little about me. We sat down and drank our tea with some biscuits. We were having a really good talk.

"Hello mum." a boy said, coming from the front door. He looked to be around my age. I didn't recognize him, I've never seen him around.

"Ah Michael, you're back." Polly said to her son.

"This is Gabriela. I don't think you've met her." Polly said. Michael walked over to me, he held his hand out and I stood up and shook it.

"Nice too meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you." he said. I wondered what they were saying about me together, they've clearly talked about me.

"Have you? Well its nice to meet you." I said, with a smile.

Michael excused himself and went out another door. I sat back down and looked over at Polly trying to see if she would tell me what the good things he's heard about are, but she didn't. Polly and I continued our talk.

"Is Michael your only son?" I asked her.

"He is. He's recently come to live with me. He's a few years younger than you." she said.

"And Finn?" I asked.

"He's the younger brother. Only twelve, but he wants to be just like his brothers. Doing what they do." she said, with a chuckle. I laughed.

"That's how younger siblings are. My litter sister was just like that." I said with a smile, remembering how she used to be when she was younger.

There was a loud swing at the door. Polly and I both turned our heads, and in came John and Arthur. Their faces all bloodied up with cuts like they've come from a fight.

"What on earth happened to you both?!" she asked, getting up from her chair and walking up to them.

"Lord, what did you two get into?" I said, following behind her.

John had blood dripping from the side of his face and Arthur had bloody cuts on his face. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey that was on the shelf and poured some in a glass and passed it to John and passed Arthur the bottle.

"Here drink this." I said, they both thanked me.

"You should see their faces." Arthur said with a laugh, John laughing along.

"We got in a fight with three cunts from at the pub. They kept pushing us until they finally got what they wanted." John said.

Polly went into a room and came out with cloths.

"Here, drench it in the whiskey and clean him with it." she said, handing me the cloth and going up to Arthur.

She grabbed the bottle from Arthur's hand and poured some on the cloth. She passed me the bottle and I did the same thing. She ran the cloth over Arthur's cuts, he let out a moan of pain. I passed him back the bottle.

I went up to John, we were extremely close, only inches away from his face. I ran the cloth over his top lip, and he let out a low moan in pain. He clenched his hand into a tight fist.

"You can hold onto me if you'd like." I said, and he did.

He put his hand on the side of my thigh. I ran the cloth over the side of his face where he had a cut, he let out another low moan, and squeezed my leg.

"I'm sorry." I said.

I went to the kitchen to wet the cloth with cold water, and went back to him and cleaned the rest of his face. I grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured some into his cup,

"Drink some more." I said, and poured some on the cloth.

"I have to do it one more time so it doesn't get infected." I said.

"All right, I'm ready." John said, grabbing at my thigh again.

I passed the rag over the cuts again and he let out moans less stronger this time.

"Hello Esme." Arthur said.

John practically jumped in his seat and pulled his hand completely away from me. I turned in the direction Arthur was looking in and smiled at her. She looked at me with a disliking face. I moved away from John and introduced myself. She did the same, but I could feel the tension. And that's when it clicked... This must be his wife.

"These two idiots got into a fight at the Garrison." Polly said.

"Again..." she said, rolling her eyes at them.

"We beat them down though." John said.

Esme coming up to him and looking at his face. She sat next to him and grabbed his hand and put it on her lap. He looked over at me, but quickly looked away. He had a guilty look on his face.

"You can toss that cloth." told me and made her way to the kitchen and threw it away.

I did the same and washed my hands. Polly gave both Arthur and John something that'll help them with the pain for later. Which I don't think Arthur really needs, he seems out of it already.

"Arthur move to the couch." Polly said, and he got up from the chair and moved to the couch and a little while later feel asleep.

"I should get going. Its getting late." I said, mostly talking to Polly.

"Thank you for having me over, and thank you for the tea and biscuits." I said, going up to her and giving her a hug.

I don't think she was expecting it, but she ended up hugging me back. I grabbed my coat from the chair and put it on.

"Come over anytime sweetie." she said, I smiled and thanked her.

"Let me drive you." John said, standing up and moving towards me.

"You don't have to." I said, looking at him and over to Esme.

"tommy's orders." he said.

I nodded and said goodbye to Michael and Finn who were sitting by the couch, and lastly I said bye to Esme. 

She still looked at me with disgusts so I didn't hug her. John and I made our way down the stairs, John in front of me he opened the door, and let me pass first and he came out behind me.

"How do you feel?" I asked him.

"I feel fine. My face is jus a bit sore." he said.

"Put some ice on it when you get home." I said, he nodded.

"tommy told you to take me home?" I asked.

"No." he said. 

"He told Arthur, but I told him to let me take you, and as you can see he did because he's dead asleep." he added.

"You wife doesn't seem very fond of me." I said, we were still standing outside.

"Yea that's why I said it was tommy's orders to take you home." he said sheepishly. I didn't say anything.

"Are you fine to drive?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he said. We got in the car and he turned on the engine and started driving.

"I didn't know she was coming." he said.

"I could tell. It looked like you saw a ghost when you saw her." I said, laughing a little, he laughed.

"She's going to give me shit when I get home." he said.

"I'm sorry. Its not like we were doing anything. All I was doing was cleaning you up, nothing inappropriate." I said.

He didn't say anything, and for the rest of the drive it was silent... Until we got to my house.

"Thank you... for cleaning me." he said.

"Thank you for driving me home." I said, and planted a kiss on his cheek, but was very close to his lips. 

I didn't mean to aim so close to his lips, but pretended like I didn't notice, I began to regret doing that. I opened the car door and walked out the car.

I walked up to the door and pulled out my key and opened my door quickly. I closed it, and locked it behind me.

I took off my coat and hung it up along with my purse, and without turning on the lights I made my way to my bedroom and knocked off my boots and threw them to the side and I threw myself into the bed. I was rethinking my afternoon. It was actually pretty nice, talking with Polly. she's very sweet. I enjoyed speaking with her, and the John thing and then the Esme thing...

I really don't mean to disrespect her marriage, but I can't help but flirt back with him. Speaking of John...

There was a car light reflecting on the window. I got up and looked through the window. It was the same car he dropped me off in. I opened the front door and walked up to the car and knocked on the window and opened the door.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, getting into the car and shutting the door.

"I was just thinking." he said.

"About?" I asked.

"About you." he said.

"Why?" I asked. He looked so handsome in the moonlight. He didn't reply, he just looked the opposite direction.

I'm going to do it. I don't know how it'll turn out, but it feels like the right thing to do right now.

I brought a hand up to his face and turned it towards me. I ran my thumb over the cut on his lip and went for it. I moved in for a kiss, and when he noticed he did the same thing and our lips connected. The kiss was so good, his soft lips on mine. I wasn't expecting it to be this good but it was like we were... magnets connecting, but I had to pull away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." I said, turning my head the other way.

"Wow." he said.

"That was amazing." he said, I turned over to look at him and he had a smirk on his face.

He looked down at me for a few seconds before he planted another kiss on my lips which I wasn't expecting. He moved his hand to my neck, and I kissed him back, but not to long after I pulled away.

"John no, we shouldn't." I said.

"Fuck it." he said.

"No. Really we shouldn't. I'm sorry its my fault." I said.

"No its not." he said.

I looked up at him, getting the urge to kiss him again but I couldn't, and grabbed the handle and opened the door and shut it behind me.

I made it inside, and closed the door behind me stood there. I ran my finger over my lips where John kissed me. I couldn't believe that just happened. I ran to my bathroom and washed my face.

Did I really just do that? Why would I do that? Why was it amazing? Oh god what have I done. 

I looked at myself in disbelief. I got to my bed and stripped all my clothes off and jumped into the covers.

That cannot happen again. I have to avoid him some how. I have to, it can't happen again. He has a wife this isn't right.

I laid in my bed until two in the morning thinking about John and the kiss. His lips on mine, I wish it could have lasted all night. I felt like a teenage girl thinking after kissing her boyfriend for the first time.

A/N: I hope you all are enjoying the chapters so far. I've got more in store. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote, and leave comments<33

also if you have any other suggestions or ideas you'd like for me to write lmk:)

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