Ours | Haylor AU |

By Alexbl23

14.4K 624 93

| Haylor AU | So don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine And life mak... More

Ch. 1 / Stranger's Silence
Ch. 2 / Life Makes Love Look Hard
Ch. 3 / My Heart Is Yours
Ch. 4 / My Choice is You
Ch. 5 / It's Not Theirs To Speculate
Ch. 6 / There's Always Someone Who Disaproves
Ch. 8 / I'll Fight Their Doubt And Give You Faith
Ch. 9 / The water's rough...
Author's Note
Ch. 10 / For The First Time
Ch. 11 / Every Time I Look At You...
Ch. 12 / The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine

Ch. 7 / The Jury's Out But My Choice Is You

1K 45 7
By Alexbl23

"I'm here, I'm here, baby," he said before kissing her on the lips. She was having bad chills and he figured he had to get her home fast and keep her warm. "I'm going to take you home now, love... I love you," he whispered as he held onto her for dear life.


Harry drove along the busy streets, occasionally glancing at Taylor, making sure she was okay. The traffic was bad, so he had decided to go back to his parents' house instead. It would take less time to go there than to drive home to his apartment.

Once he had arrived back to the house, he carried Taylor bridal style and took her inside.

"What happened?!" his mom questioned when he walked in.

"I had to bring her here. She's freezing. We need a place to stay and my house was too far," Harry explained as he headed toward the couch and gently laid Taylor down on it.

"Why is she cold?" His mom asked again, obviously frustrated, as she tried to assess the situation.

"We had a fight and she asked me to stop the car. She went out and told me to leave her alone, so I did..." He explained guiltily.

"Harry!" Anne, Harry's mom, exclaimed in horror. She immediately shook her head at her son, upon imagining what Taylor could have encountered when he had left her on the streets. Sure, she didn't like Taylor that much, but she knew that what her son did was wrong.

"What's going on here?" Des, Harry's dad, asked as he stepped in the living room, where he found Harry attending to an unconscious Taylor lying on the couch, looking really pale.

Since his parents were basically the reason he and Taylor were fighting, Harry had decided to tell them the truth.

"She was so upset for disappointing you two. She kept on ranting about it and I was being insensitive and inconsiderate, and decided I've had enough of her crap. She wanted me to stop the car, so I did and she went out. I know I was a jerk for leaving her out in the cold, but I just wasn't thinking straight.... When I realized what I have done, I went back to find her. I caught her surrounded by five filthy men, trying to scare the shit out of her. This is where we ended up. I was so stupid. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something worse had happened," he hissed. Although he was glad that nothing worse had happened, he was so disappointed at himself for breaking his promise not to ever leave her. He was supposed to be there for her and never let her down when she needed him the most.

"Take her to the guest room. I'll give her a hot bath," Anne kindly offered.

"I'll go make hot cocoa," Des said as he rushed to the kitchen.

Harry couldn't quite believe what he had heard, but he didn't comment on it. He was relieved at his parents' mood change.

"Too cold..." He heard Taylor whisper while her body continued to shiver.

He remembered his mom saying that she would give Taylor a warm bath, so he carried Taylor to the guest room. Once he reached the room's en-suite bathroom, he sat her on the chair in front of the vanity. He then took off her coat, scarf, boots, and socks.

"I got you, love," Harry whispered lovingly, as he took her in a warm embrace.

Fortunately, Anne soon entered the bathroom to help Taylor take a bath.

"Mom, I can't take off her clothes," Harry said worriedly.

"It's okay. I'll take it from here. Get some clean clothes from my closet," she commanded.

Harry kissed his girlfriend's warm forehead and whispered in her ear. "I'll be back Tay, I love you."

He walked out and found his cell phone ringing on top of his bed. Picking it up, he swiped the screen and answered the call. It was Austin.

"Harry! Oh my God! Where's Taylor? Tell me she's with you!" Austin yelled on the line worriedly.

Harry felt confused for a while, but then, he realized Taylor must have called her brother while they were apart. "She's here, she's safe, Austin."

Austin let out a sigh of relief. "She left me a message and told me to pick her up. She didn't know where she was, so she told me to track her. When I heard the message, I tracked her, but then, her phone was turned off. I got really scared. Is she okay? What happened?" he asked anxiously.

"Her phone must have run out of battery, then!" He commented before explaining to her what had happened. "We got in a fight in my car. She told me to pull over. She got out of the car and I foolishly left her. I was an asshole for leaving her. I wasn't thinking straight. And..." he trailed off. He didn't know if he should tell him that her sister almost got raped. Her family would hate him if he did. They might even forbid him to see Taylor again.

"Oh my God, where are you? You are so dead to me. I need to see my sister. I need to see if she's okay. And if she's hurt, I'm going to hurt you," he threatened, making him gulp in fear.

In reply, Harry told him his parents' address and Austin hung up on him right after he had written it down. After that conversation, Harry then changed his clothes and walked into his parents' room to get some clothes for Taylor. He knew he had to tell her that Austin was coming.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As for Anne, her negative thoughts about Taylor were already buried at the back of her mind. She guessed that her over protectiveness towards her son truly got the best of her. Upon realizing that Harry really cared for Taylor a lot, she loosened up a bit, and learned to accept the fact that she had to swallow her pride and give herself a chance to get to know the person who had captured her son's heart.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you this morning. I would like to start over, if it's okay with you. I'd like to get to know the girl who got my son head over heels in love with," she told Taylor.

"It's okay, Mrs. Styles. Thank you for this," Taylor replied, talking about Mrs. Styles' big help.

"You're welcome, and please, just call me Anne" Mrs. Styles warmly told her.

Taylor closed her eyes as Anne lathered her hair with shampoo. Dipping in the tub had been relaxing, and she somehow felt a little comfortable than before. The warm water seemed to calm her a bit. The thought of having a stranger give her a bath was sort of embarrassing on her part, but she was happy with the turn of events. She was glad that she was able to spend some time with Anne and have a fresh start with her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once everything was done, Anne helped Taylor get up from the bath tub. Taylor dried-off and Taylor helped her wear the bathrobe. Anne led Taylor outside the bathroom and made her sit on the chair in front of the vanity. She dried Taylor's hair before carefully brushing her soft blonde curls.

Dressed in a comfy bathrobe, Taylor was sitting on the chair in front of the vanity while Anne was brushing her hair, when a knock on the door interrupted the silence. "Mom, are you done?" Harry's voice rang from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, come in," Anne said.

Harry poked his head through the open door and he smiled at the sight of his mother brushing Taylor's hair. Grinning from ear to ear, he walked in and handed the clothes to his mom.

Bending down, he kissed Taylor's cheek and caressed her hand.

"You okay, love?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah," she answered softly.

After giving her hand a gentle squeeze, he kissed her quickly on the lips. "I'm gonna go check the hot cocoa," he said, releasing Taylor's hand.

"Okay," Taylor answered.

"Thanks for taking care of her, mom." Harry said, kissing his mother's cheek, before leaving the room.

Anne smiled at her son's little antics.

Once Harry was out of the room, Anne helped Taylor up so she could wear some clothes.

"I've always wanted to have two daughters, but I had a great time dealing with both lipsticks and soccer balls," Anne suddenly shared, chuckling at the thought.

"My mom wanted boys, but she says the moment I was born she changed her mind. I have one sibling, his name is Austin, he's a bit younger than me," Taylor shared comfortably, feeling less intimidated by her boyfriend's mom.

"It is easy to live with only two me in the house. Being with more would just be crazy, don't you think?." Anne chuckled. Harry had always been messy, annoying, playful, and sweet, all at the same time, while Gemma was the princess of the family, truly spoiled by everyone.

Taylor giggled in reply. "I can't imagine."

Both Anne and Taylor felt less cold towards each other. They started to make good conversations and found similar interests, such as their love for music. It was a good start for both of them.

Once Taylor was all pampered up, Anne left the room to let Harry have his own time to look after Taylor.

"Drink this, love. It's hot cocoa. Dad made it for you," Harry said as he brought the mug close to Taylor's lips, so she could drink. "Your brother's on his way here," he informed anxiously.

Taylor felt terrified of what might happen if her family would find out what happened to her. They would probably freak out and go insane once they find out.

"Don't tell him what happened, please?" She begged.

"Why not?" he asked curiously. Sure, it would cause him a lot of trouble, but he didn't want to lie to her family, because they trusted him so much.

"They won't let me see you again," she replied as tears gathered in her eyes.

Harry felt beyond guilty. Everything was his fault. He was the one who left her out in the cold in the middle of nowhere, and almost got her raped. But despite everything that happened, all Taylor cared about was the consequence of telling them the truth - her family might not let her see him again if they knew what happened.

He sighed and leaned in to kiss her lips with such passion. "I'm not going anywhere, baby. I promise," he assured her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Austin arrived at the Styles residence after a while. Des and Anne happily greeted and welcomed him in the house. He got ushered towards the guest room where he saw his sister lying on the bed, wrapped in a blanket.

"Oh, Tay," Austin sighed as he walked towards his sister. Leaning down, he hugged his sister tight, because he was really worried for her. "You have a fever!" he said anxiously, after feeling Taylor's forehead.

"I'm okay. I already took a pill, don't worry," Taylor whispered softly.

Austin then turned around to face Harry.

"Harry, what did you freaking do to her?" He demanded an explanation. He looked furious, his knuckles were white from how tight he was holding his fists, and Harry kinda felt terrified.

But before Harry had the chance to explain, Taylor spoke up, "He didn't do anything. I forced him to leave me on the street. It was a stupid move, I know. But it's not his fault."

"I don't care Taylor, I'm taking you home right now," Austin said.

Taylor struggled to sit up on the bed. Harry tried to make her lie down again, but Taylor was determined. "No, I don't wanna go home. I am not coming with you. I want to stay with Harry!" she cried as she wrapped her arms around Harry's waist.

"When mom and dad find out what happened today, you two are gonna be dead," Austin threatened.

Taylor snapped up upon hearing Austin mention their parents. "Please don't tell them Aus," she begged.

"Taylor, you know it's dangerous for you to be left alone in a place you don't know," Austin reasoned out.

"They won't let me be with Harry again," Taylor sobbed. "He's the only person that makes me really happy. I love him, and I feel loved when I'm with him. But once they find out, they won't let me see him again," Taylor sobbed, terrified at the thought of being separated from Harry.

Holding her tight, Harry whispered soothing words in Taylor's ear and caressed her back, trying to make her calm down.

Austin realized that his sister was right. Their parents won't let Taylor hang out with Harry again, if they found out about what happened today. Austin couldn't take his sister's happiness away, most especially, the love of her life. Harry was the only man who didn't judge Taylor by her blindness. He was the only man who had the patience to get to know her. He was the only man who saw how special and beautiful Taylor was, inside and out. If he makes his sister happy, he knew better not to take him away from her.

Austin scooted closer to Taylor. Harry smiled and released Taylor from his embrace. Austin hugged his sister and whispered "I'm sorry," over and over again. "I'm really sorry,Tay. I was just scared for you. I got really scared when I heard your message. And when I couldn't track your phone because it was switched off, I got really mad," he confessed wide-eyed.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'm safe," Taylor reassured her once more as she wrapped her arms around her brother's shoulders.

Austin promised he wouldn't tell their parents what happened that day, but he made a deal. First, the incident should never ever happen again. Second, he would let Taylor stay with Harry for the night, but Harry would have to get her home the next day, before lunch. Last, he said that he would handle their parents with regards to her overnight stay at Harry's.

After a string of conversations consisting of words of concern and relief, Austin hugged her sister goodbye and finally left the house.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The day passed by quickly. Harry was happy because in the end, the day somehow turned out great. They had dinner together with his family, and it was such a big leap from how they were over lunch that day. However, he seemed to notice how Taylor had become a bit hostile since the incident earlier. He couldn't blame her, though. She must have felt beyond horrified when she was attacked. He wanted to talk to her about it, but Taylor had fallen asleep just a few minutes after her head had hit the pillow. He figured she must have been exhausted, so he let her get some much needed rest. He lay beside her on the bed, and watched her as she slept.

"Harry... Harry... Harry..." A girl's voice interrupted Harry's sleep in the middle of the night. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the purple-colored ceiling, which sort of freaked him out, upon realizing that it wasn't the color of his bedroom. "Harry..." he heard the voice again, and this time, it was a wail - a cry for help. Turning around, he found a familiar blonde tossing and turning in her sleep. It took him a moment to realize it was Taylor, and she was having a bad nightmare.

"Tay? Wake up, love... You're having a nightmare," he said as she shook her by the arms, trying to wake her from her horrible dreams. "Taylor, you have to wake up."

"Hazz?" Her voice faltered as she called out his name.

"It's me, love. I'm here. Don't be scared anymore," he coaxed, repetitively kissing the back of her hand while caressing the side of her face, hoping it would give her enough comfort.

In her eyes, he found fear. It was such a heartbreaking sight, considering he played a part on why his girlfriend was suffering from this miserable condition.

Taylor immediately wrapped her arms around him and held onto him tightly.

"No one is going to hurt you, love. You're safe here with me," he spoke softly.

"Thank you," she said gratefully. She owed him her life. She didn't know what could have happened to her if he didn't come back. "Don't ever leave me," she pleaded, making his heart break. She didn't have to beg. He would stay with her as long as she needed him.

Pulling her closer, he kissed her lips lovingly. "I won't, I won't. You're my everything. I love you," he said while dropping butterfly kisses around her face. He then kissed her eyes softly before moving down to kiss her lips.

"Why do you want a girl like me? I'm blind," she asked timidly. Her question was sincere. She really wanted to know the reason why a guy as perfect as Harry would stay with a girl like her. She thought of it like he was a prince and she was a frog, and happy endings only happened in fairy tales.

"That's what made you stand out among the rest," he murmured in her ear.

"But you could choose any other girl prettier than me - a girl who could see you and take care of you." Of course, Taylor was stubborn. She still couldn't believe she had someone like Harry in her life, and she was scared to ever lose him.

"Love cannot be questioned. You just feel it, and when you find someone who makes your heart beat like a drum and give you tingles every time you look at her and see her smile, you never let her go. When you find someone who loves you too much even if she thinks she doesn't deserve you, you take her in your arms and shower her with your love - you show her the meaning of true love."

Harry's words meant a lot to Taylor. She didn't know when she would stop feeling insecure, but one thing she surely knew was Harry would always be there for her to bring her up whenever she felt low, and love her even at her worst.

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