Ch. 11 / Every Time I Look At You...

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After three months, a tragedy occurred. Harry's cousin passed away in a dreadful accident. Harry had rushed at the hospital once they found out what happened. Taylor went with him too. She sobbed as she sat on Harry's lap in the waiting area, because she couldn't imagine how bad it would be if she had lost one of her family members, or even Harry.

Harry's aunt and uncle met Taylor and learned about her condition, so they had decided to donate their daughter's cornea to her. Harry didn't even have to ask, since they willingly offered to donate it to Taylor.

Just a few days after the burial, Taylor got tested for transplant. Luckily, the donated corneas matched her eyes, and the transplant was scheduled to take place after three days.

That week was truly a whirlwind of events. First, someone had passed away. Second, Taylor finally had a cornea donor. Third, she passed the screening and found out that the donated corneas were a match. Lastly, she would finally go through operation for the cornea transplant. She would be given a chance to finally see the world.


"Hazza?" Taylor whispered as she held onto the hand holding hers.

She was still in the hospital room with her family and Harry gathered around her bed. The doctor would soon be there to take off the gauze wrapped around her head. She would be able to finally open her eyes and see for the first time in her twenty two years of living.

Harry couldn't help but feel excited for Taylor. He knew that being able to see was Taylor's biggest dream, so he was happy to be by her side as she experienced probably the most memorable moment in her life. "It's me. I'm right here. How are you feeling love?" he asked as he kissed her hand.

"Excited and really nervous," she answered as anxiety became evident in her voice.

However, Harry ignored it. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. "Me too."

She smiled and sighed happily. "I can't wait to see you."

He frowned for a moment as he caressed her hair. It was his turn to feel insecure.

"I'm scared you might not like me once you see me," he admitted.

Taylor gasped slightly, knowing pretty well that she couldn't do that to him. She wouldn't let physical looks prevail against inner beauty. She knew him and she couldn't ask for more than him. "I won't. I will never leave even if you're the ugliest person in the world," she said and added a joke.

"That hurts," he joked, trying to sound hurt.

She chuckled and squeezed his hand. "Hmmm... You're the most handsome man in the world, baby," she teased.

"You haven't even seen me," he complained.

Taylor smiled. By the sound of his voice, the feel of his face, and the touch of his hands, she didn't have a doubt that he was utterly gorgeous. "I just know it."

The doctor went inside the room and made some small talk before doing the procedure.

"Are you ready, Tay?" Andrea asked as tears started to form in her eyes. She was so happy for her daughter because in just a few minutes, she would finally be living her life-long dream.

"Yes, mom. I'm ready," Taylor replied, taking a deep breath. "Stay here, please?" she asked Harry as the doctor started to uncover her eyes.

"I'll hold your hand," he promised as he watched the doctor take off the covers of Taylor's eyes.

The doctor soon instructed Taylor to slowly open her eyes. Taylor's family excitedly cheered her on, speaking words of encouragement. Taylor carefully opened her eyes and saw light for the first time ever since her existence in the earth. Tears finally escaped from her eyes as she thought of her dream finally coming into life. An endless feeling of gratitude radiated from her joyful heart and she couldn't help but laugh through her tears. She was quite irritated at the light because she wasn't used to it, but she didn't have the heart to complain. She could finally see! Her vision was still a bit blurry but her heart skipped a beat when she saw the figures hovering above her. The doctor instructed her to do some tasks, which sort of seemed like exercises which helped her with her sight. Her vision soon got clearer and she saw three people standing next to the left side of the bed.

"Mom? Dad? Austin?" she called out one by one. She never saw them once, but she already had their faces pictured in her head based on descriptions, and the three people standing beside her looked like the family she had ever dreamed of seeing. They all looked beautiful and perfect to her.

"At last! My baby can now see," Scott sighed in content as he smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes. He took Taylor in an embrace and kissed her on the forehead.

"Dad!" she trilled.

Next to speak was Andrea. "I'm so happy for you, baby," she said as she kissed her daughter and caressed her hair. "It's a dream come true."

"Thanks, mom," Taylor answered as she hugged her mom tightly. She soon spotted the blonde haired-young man beside her mom. She smiled wide, assuming it was Austin. "Aus!" she squealed happily.

"Teffy!" Austin squealed back and hugged her sister. "I'm glad my big sister can see now."

"You all look beautiful," Taylor sighed in delight.

Turning to her left, Taylor spotted a dark-haired and green-eyedguy who looked utterly handsome. He smiled at her and tucked some strands of her hair beneath her ear. The sight of him totally made her swoon. If she was standing at the moment, she could have fallen because he was breathtaking and it made her weak in the knees. Just one look in his eyes, she knew it was him, her boyfriend. "Harry? Gosh, you're beautiful," she gushed, looking astonished, making him blush.

"Tay..." he spoke her name as he wrapped her in his arms. He was scared she wouldn't like his appearance, but her reaction upon seeing him definitely implied that he didn't need to worry anymore. Nothing changed, and if it was even possible, she only loved him even more.

Taylor leaned in and kissed him ever so lovingly. When they pulled back, she eyed the features of his face with her eyes filled with love. "You look so handsome, just like how I imagined you would be."

"Thank you, love. How's your vision? Very good?" he asked, happy how this turned up to be.

"Still a bit blurry sometimes," she noted and she felt his lips on hers again.

"It will get better in time," he said while caressing her cheeks.

Finally, after all those years Taylor was able to see and to love, while being loved back too.

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Just one more chapter left!

Love, Alex.

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