Hero's return

By Jeku18

7.4K 216 153

One day Ninja Kei appeared to the runningman's doorstep in need of their help much to their surprise.The runn... More

Unexpected visit
Cat Problems
Accused again?
Frank's interrogation
Rescue Plan
Rescuers (Part I)
Rescuers (Part II)
New places,New Faces
Red eyed Pululu
Heading out

Another Day in the Woods

365 9 13
By Jeku18

A door opened with a hiss and Alus stepped inside a dark room.Inside two figures sat across each other on opposite sides of the table.One was a tan peacock slouching on his chair staring at the ceiling as his arms hang from both sides of his seat - he was wearing a purple jacket that has red tassels hanging from his shoulders.The other sitting across him was another peacock scrolling something on a rectangular device,he has a rough green skin and a darker green on his spike up hair.The two looked at Alus enter.He smiled and walked over to them and sat next to the tan peacock.

He gave him a side eye glance "Sup" he greeted briefly raising his left palm "So how was it?Did he agree?" Alus saw a magazine lying on the middle of the table so he reached out a hand to grab it - pausing for a moment as he gave a look at the man across him,waiting for a reaction  but got none so he shrugged and grabbed it.He turned ot over and flipped over a few pages before answering.

"Yes." He spoke plainly.The tan haired peacock raised an eyebrow "Really just like that?Well that was easy,I thought for sure we were gonna have to make him join"he mused.Alus chuckled "Well he did refuse fot a while but don't worry I managed to persuade him....although I could tell he was still doubtful even when he accepted"

"We just need to make sure he doesn't do anything we'll regret"

"I'll handle him.In the mean time you two should stay hidden..for now."

"Sure less work means less stress anyways.Just don't mess this up" the tan peacock shrugged.The green one just remained silent throughout their conversation.


The runningman continued walking on the forest with tired faces as they just got passed their first obstacle.Liu walked ahead a little farther from the rest,humming a soft tune.Lonky,Paru and Shan glared at him from behind.Angry at the boy for different reasons because of the stunt he pulled,Liu's plan to cross the  gap was a success but they weren't hoping for his mind to think of that idea.

"Ok listen up guys here's a plan!" Liu shouted at the others,after a while of  thinking and messing with his gun,he was sure this would work "Ok I have modified my weapon to disperse strong gusts of air balls that we can use to launch ourselves from here to there" he pointed at the other side of the cliff "I won't go into details as to how I made this because that's boring!" Some of others were looking at him uncertainly but he was too caugth up in excitment to notice "All we have to do is simple: first is we point this to the ground at a right angle" he squatted and hovered the firing hole of the gun a few inches from the ground,once he was satisfied with his position he slanted  the gun's hole a bit "And then press here for a few seconds so that it can store up power" he gently pressed one finger on the trigger "keep this up for about five seconds aaaand..."

"Wait hold on-" Shan shouted in worry once she understood what he was trying to do.The smarter ones of the group narrowed their eyes too but  was to late to voice their concerns

"...release!" He exclaimed and instantly as strong burst of hot air came out of the gun's hole as liu was launched from the ground.Shocked and horrified faces stared at the him as they watch him flew over to the other side


Liu landed on his left leg and stumbled forward "W-Whoa!" trying to regain balance but failed and ended up slipping and falling on the ground groaning.

"LIU! are you....alright!" He heard a voice yell.He hurriedly got back up and turned to the others.He lightly dusted some dirt on his jacket and knees before smiling and cupped both his palms on both side of his mouth like a funnel


The others sighed in relief and frustration when they heard that "that kid!..." Shan thought angrily.They soon snapped their head back up when he continued



He smiled kneeling down and placing the gun in mr suitcase's mouth and ordered him to give it back to them.The small puppy like helper chirped happily and complied flying back to the others.Once  the bot landed it quickly ran over to Shan spinning in place once before dropping the gun barking cutely.She knelt down and uncertainty picked up the gun.She held it in both of her palms,took a glance at it and then at the others.They all had the same look - fear.


She spun her head and creased her brows "D-do you guys want to try it?" She asked.

"Uhh you first" Lonky said trying to smile and act calm but instead turned out to be a nervous smile.She closed her eyes and thought for a moment before exhaling loudly,shaking her head "alright" she whispered.She followed liu's stance before and launched herself  screaming.Its not like she's not used to this,she is from the bug tribe but she was more used to jumping upward instead to forward and the strong wind didn't help.

After she reached liu,they sent back mr suitcase to the rest and they repeated the process - including the screaming part.Except for Kuga and Makhan who were "too cool" to scream girly.At one time,kuku almost didn't reach the other side which caused the others to panick but Leonardo was quick to snap out of the schock and stretched his arms to him.While they were doing
this,Shan gave Liu a long lecture about giving her a heart attack.

Liu had to apologize to the others for the unnecessary panick and although most of them forgave him,some were still grumpy.It took them a few more minutes to catch there breathe before they moved again.For a few minutes Liu walked behind them head down before he got over it and offered to take the lead and happily zoomed passed them until he was a few distance ahead of them.

"Hey guys" Pala said catching everyone's attention.He raised a hand and scratched his cheek "uh I've been thinking,where exactly are we gonna sleep?"

Pala's question caused the others to slow down.Where are they gonna sleep?It's not like they can just stop in the middle of the forest with wild creatures lurking around them.The clearing where they slept the nigth after their jailbreak was better because it has little to no inhabitants.But this is different.Here they were sure something will definitely eat them once they close their eyes shut.Their bags were fall of foods and drinks and other could be useful items but not a sleeping bag.They groaned.How could they forget such a crucial thing!

"...Don't worry guys I'm sure we will find some nice spot to camp out" Kei said raising his hands.He felt guilty for not remembering to buy sleeping bags or even blankets or small pillows and he was the one who asked for their help but forgot such small but very vital part of this trip.He felt like an idiot.

Spin stroked his chin "maybe if we hurry we can reach the next town...I mean I saw a little house symbol on the map across this forest ...about a few miles from here.So maybe we can reach it there at mid...nigth" He stopped when he saw his friends pale faces and knew they'll probably collapse after or maybe before they can reach another mile or two.

"...or not" he sighed solemnly and the closest person next to him - Alto gave him a soft pat on the shoulder.

"I have a feeling we may not have a choice but to stay here." Rema said with her arms crossed looking down.

"She's right.Although we need to keep on moving as far we can for today so that tommorow's walk will be shorter.We can't stop until we're truly tired"

They looked at Kei and agreed.Lonky and Popo looked like they were about to protest but kept their mouth shut as their argument would probably end up in nothing.So with that they continued walking down the dirt road dejectedly.


"Good night guys!" Liu shouted from above a tree.After four more hours of walking and complaining from some of the others,they finally decided to stop and get some rest. Much to their delight.They found a perfect area to camp,they found a nice spot above a down hill road just outside the forest.

After finishing dinner - and some berries for desserts when they found some on near bushes - and talking for a while Shan suggested that they should get some sleep so that hopefully they can get an early head start the next day.Once each of them found a spot that they were comfortable with they began on bidding goodnight's and clearing their minds for sleep to come.Kuga slept sitting with his back against a tree stump.Lonky and Popo slept beside each other almost hugging.Miyo laid down on her side using a medium sized rock as her pillow.Pala slouched beside a tree lightly snoring with his head rested on the side of his staff with Spin right above his head sleeping on a large tree branch,he was seated upright and has one his knee raised and the other lying straight on the branch.His arms rested on top of his raised knee and his head buried in them.The valiants decided to sleep together huddled into a circle "just like old times" as they put it.Shan and Rema sat next to each other with Rema's head resting on Shan's shoulder and Shan's on Rema's head.And above them was Liu and Kei sleeping on seperated branches.Liu slept on his side overlooking the large  open field below him.One of his leg then fell down and  started swaying in the air for a few seconds before stopping.And two more branches above him was Kei sleeping.His knees pressed on his chest and wrapped in his arms as his head rested on top.

A few hours later.Liu opened his eyes suddenly feeling mother nature's call.He carefully sat upright so not to fall.He then started to think of a way to get down without waking anyone.Trembling,he placed his left arm around the tree and then slowly did the same to his left leg.He moved to the side using his his left leg and clutched the side of the branch using the toes on his rigth leg.He looked to his left and smiled then turned to his rigth and slowly let his rigth arm part from the tree for a few moments to move it closer to his face.Looking down he slowly let go of the remaining leg that was still firmly attached to the branch.Now his body was fully embracing the large tree.Gently,he let his body slide down against the rough skin of wood.The moment his feet touched the grass he instantly detached himself on the tree and ran to some nearby bushes to do his business.

He returned back to their camp smiling as great relief washed over him.As he walked back towards the tree his eyes wandered around the many other trees and bushes he saw some have some fruits in the.He told himself that he would grab some tomorrow once he wakes up.He put one leg and hand on the tree preparing to climb when he noticed someone was missing.He surveyed the area with his eyes and found the rest of them on the same place they were before -
- with some of them now facing the other way.He let go of the tree and walked a few feet to the side and looked up.Kei was still there sleeping soundly,his body not moving at all.Liu frowned then looked around again.He turned to the edge of the hill below them.There to the side he saw the back of a figure sitting a few steps on a tree beside it.He squinted his eyes and tried to figure out who but the shadow of the tree casted half the side and back of its body.He did saw however that the person has long hair and a slim physic.Just outside the tree's shadow he saw a skinned color...ear?  barely escaping the shadow's grasp.He looked again on the sleeping forms of his friends and noticed one of the girls was missing.He now  realized who was missing then turned his eyes back to the figure.He slowly made his way towards the figure careful not to make his presence known.As he got closer he can make out the figure more clearly and smiled at his head that he was rigth.When he was just a few steps away,he stopped and hesitated for a moment not sure what to even say once he greeted him and considered just turning around and go back to sleep.

But alas it was too late as he was caught.

"Liu?" The girl said - or asked?

"OH! hey I just noticed that someone was missing and got worried a-and then I saw you.I- I wasn't trying to stalk you or anything! I promise!" Liu explained hurriedly in a not so quiet tone but not loud enough for the others to hear.Or atleast.He hoped.Reluctantly he glanced back to the others and sighed when no one had seemed to hear him.

Miyo pursed her lips.

"Its fine.What are you staying up this late? I'm surr Shan will get be disappointed if she found out."

"N-no I actually just returned from..." he paused "peeing."


"Mm.What about you.Why are you here at this hour?"

"Couldn't sleep I guess." Miyo said,half shrugging.

"Hehe uh I figured the rock wasn't much of a comfort then huh."

"It wasn't"

Liu opened his mouth about to continue but stopped not really knowing what to say now.He thinks it would just be better to  say goodbye and go back to sleep but he didn't want to be rude and leave her.He thought he probably looks like some idiot right now just standing there.Staring.

Miyo sensed his nervousness turned away and sighed.Liu jolted wondering if that was a sign that she didn't want to talk anymore.Scratching his neck he was about to ask if he should leave when she spoke.

"If you want you sit here for a while...and talk." Miyo said timidly.

Liu stood there not moving until a breeze went pass him making him shiver.He shook his head and smiled as he made his way next to her and copied her position.

"Thanks" he whispered.

Miyo glanced at him and nodded before looking back below.

There were a number of trees just below the hill but unlike the forest, they were scattered not really forming a line and instead was planted randomly.It was more of like a valley with a few flowers here and there and each tree stood not far from each other and rather their gap was only few meters away.Some of leaves were curly bush shaped and some were more of a triangle.Light wind made their leaves sway causing their shadows illuminated by the bright moon to move.

"Its a calming sight don't you think?" Miyo spoke softly almost dreamily.Her eyes only half opened.

Liu glanced at her.

"Yeah they are." While Liu himself wasn't much for sceneries and was more fascinated with science and technologies.He couldn't deny that what his saying was beautiful.His sister did always tell him - encourage him to love appreciate nature as he do with science.And that he did and to be honest, he didn't regret it.

"You know back in my tribe, there was a meadow just ahead. I would always sneak there at night when no one was awake.I would always just lay there admiring.Sometimes I even fell asleep there.Lucky for me no one noticed." She giggled "Well maybe not no one but those that did I made sure they wouldn't tell."

Liu remained silent staring at the trees but made sure to still listen to her.

"I had a lot of free time back then.Until my training for the championship began that is"

"Do you...regret joining?" Liu asked.

Miyo lowered her head.Then gave him a side glance.

"No.I don't think so."

"I didn't expect a lot of things to happen.Like meeting you and making so many enemies." Liu nodded agreeing.He didn't expect alot to happen to so fast in a short time.

They looked at each other.They went through a ton of dangers in just the past months.

Miyo pursed her lips.

"I also didn't expect for this to happen.You gotta admit this is the worst thing that ever happened to us...yet"

Liu looked away sighing.This is really their worst fight yet,and they're not even halfway to the end.But he reminded himself that he is the leader.He needs to be optimistic "That is true,but.This is just another challenge for us to overcome! And I'm sure once we finish this one we'll go back to normal!" He said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I really wish your right."

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