Another Day in the Woods

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A door opened with a hiss and Alus stepped inside a dark room.Inside two figures sat across each other on opposite sides of the table.One was a tan peacock slouching on his chair staring at the ceiling as his arms hang from both sides of his seat - he was wearing a purple jacket that has red tassels hanging from his shoulders.The other sitting across him was another peacock scrolling something on a rectangular device,he has a rough green skin and a darker green on his spike up hair.The two looked at Alus enter.He smiled and walked over to them and sat next to the tan peacock.

He gave him a side eye glance "Sup" he greeted briefly raising his left palm "So how was it?Did he agree?" Alus saw a magazine lying on the middle of the table so he reached out a hand to grab it - pausing for a moment as he gave a look at the man across him,waiting for a reaction  but got none so he shrugged and grabbed it.He turned ot over and flipped over a few pages before answering.

"Yes." He spoke plainly.The tan haired peacock raised an eyebrow "Really just like that?Well that was easy,I thought for sure we were gonna have to make him join"he mused.Alus chuckled "Well he did refuse fot a while but don't worry I managed to persuade him....although I could tell he was still doubtful even when he accepted"

"We just need to make sure he doesn't do anything we'll regret"

"I'll handle him.In the mean time you two should stay hidden..for now."

"Sure less work means less stress anyways.Just don't mess this up" the tan peacock shrugged.The green one just remained silent throughout their conversation.


The runningman continued walking on the forest with tired faces as they just got passed their first obstacle.Liu walked ahead a little farther from the rest,humming a soft tune.Lonky,Paru and Shan glared at him from behind.Angry at the boy for different reasons because of the stunt he pulled,Liu's plan to cross the  gap was a success but they weren't hoping for his mind to think of that idea.

"Ok listen up guys here's a plan!" Liu shouted at the others,after a while of  thinking and messing with his gun,he was sure this would work "Ok I have modified my weapon to disperse strong gusts of air balls that we can use to launch ourselves from here to there" he pointed at the other side of the cliff "I won't go into details as to how I made this because that's boring!" Some of others were looking at him uncertainly but he was too caugth up in excitment to notice "All we have to do is simple: first is we point this to the ground at a right angle" he squatted and hovered the firing hole of the gun a few inches from the ground,once he was satisfied with his position he slanted  the gun's hole a bit "And then press here for a few seconds so that it can store up power" he gently pressed one finger on the trigger "keep this up for about five seconds aaaand..."

"Wait hold on-" Shan shouted in worry once she understood what he was trying to do.The smarter ones of the group narrowed their eyes too but  was to late to voice their concerns

"...release!" He exclaimed and instantly as strong burst of hot air came out of the gun's hole as liu was launched from the ground.Shocked and horrified faces stared at the him as they watch him flew over to the other side


Liu landed on his left leg and stumbled forward "W-Whoa!" trying to regain balance but failed and ended up slipping and falling on the ground groaning.

"LIU! are you....alright!" He heard a voice yell.He hurriedly got back up and turned to the others.He lightly dusted some dirt on his jacket and knees before smiling and cupped both his palms on both side of his mouth like a funnel

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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