Forever Mine

De jfrussell

278K 6.8K 1.1K

BOOK 1 OF THE FOREVER SERIES At the age of sixteen, Roxy Thorn never expected to find her soulmate while atte... Mai multe

Next In The Forever Series...


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De jfrussell

Roxy was walking amongst the throng of students to the car park with Kayla chatting at her side when jogging footsteps approached behind her. Soon enough Levi had waded through the small crowd to join her other side. She couldn't hide her surprise at his appearance and scanned the crowd for Abigail who'd been clinging to him like glue since they'd come out as soulmates. For the first time she couldn't see the girl anywhere.

'Hey, Roxy.' Levi gave a nervous smile. 'Can we talk?'

Sensing that things were about to get serious, Kayla rested a hand on her arm. 'I'll meet you at the car park. Bye, Levi.'

The students merged around Roxy and Levi as they stood in front of one another. She bit her lip in anticipation of what he was going to say, her hands tightening around the straps of her backpack. It was an understatement that things had become awkward between them since the food fight. Levi had turned into a lost puppy dog being dragged along by Abigail's leash – a leash which no longer liked to come near herself and Kayla. Roxy understood in part how exciting it was to discover her soulmate, wanting to be around them every minute of every day. Their presence was like a drug that you quickly became addicted to, like finding a bottle of water after dying of thirst for days. But she'd never seen someone so sweet morph into such a jealous creature like Abigail had. She wasn't sure if she was more annoyed at her friend's change in personality or the fact that Levi had never stood up to her.

'You said you wanted to talk.' Roxy stretched onto her tiptoes, becoming impatient. 'Or are you too worried Abigail will see us together?' She mocked a gasp. 'Scandalous.'

A sad look crossed Levi's features and he kicked the ground with the toe of his worn sneakers. 'I'm real sorry, Roxy.'

She scoffed, unable to hold in the hurt. 'For what? For how Abigail has iced out Kayla and I, for her becoming insanely jealous when another she-wolf is within a five metre radius of you or.' She swallowed roughly, fingering the leather tassels of her bracelet. 'For pretending to be a good friend to me only to ditch me?'

Levi winced. 'For all of the above.' He sighed and stepped forward, clasping her hands in his rough and calloused ones. 'I'm sorry I let Abigail come between us. I was on a high after finding my soulmate, blinded by how incredibly jealous she'd become.' His curls bounced as he shook his head sadly. 'Once the magical clouds began to clear I started to see how she's been treating people, you in particular. I told you that I'd be there for you knowing how hard it is to be the new kid and I let you down. I'm so sorry, Roxy.'

Roxy bit her lip, brushing her fingers across the amethyst crystal. She looked up to him with a sad smile. 'You're lucky I'm not someone to hold grudges.' She began untying the bracelet. 'I think it's best if I give this back. I'm sure it's not helping Abigail's jealousy.'

Levi quickly placed a hand to prevent her from slipping it from her wrist. 'No, Roxy. I gave that to you as a supportive friend. If Abigail doesn't like it then she's going to have to get over it.' He sighed heavily and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. 'It's about time I make her realise how she's been treating people.'

Roxy opened her mouth to speak before smacking it shut at the sight of Abigail rushing towards them. She made the effort of taking a large step away from Levi when her friend's eyes which had once been wide and innocent narrowed into a scowl. A sad feeling filled Roxy when she looked at the girl she barely recognised. She'd really liked Abigail. Why had she turned so bitter because she'd found her soulmate? Kayla was the one Roxy felt for the most, she'd lost her childhood friend.

'Roxy.' Abigail gave a false smile and turned her nose up. 'What are you doing talking to my soulmate? Isaac out of town?'

She gave a menacing growl in response. 'I was talking to my friend. My friend who you wouldn't have known was your soulmate if I hadn't been the one to introduce you.'

A nervous look filled Levi's eyes when Abigail snaked an arm through his, her manicured nails digging into the sleeve of his jumper like claws. 'That's true however he's mine now so how about you back off,' she spat. Roxy was calming her defensive wolf as she watched her turn to Levi, morphing into a picture of innocence with batting eyelids. 'Come on, sweetie, we're having ice cream aren't we?'

'Well, uh.' Levi looked to Roxy painfully who waved him off with a small smile. There was no way she was getting into another fight on school grounds. His shoulders slumped as he rushed to catch up to Abigail who'd already began sashaying behind the other students.

'Don't get a brain freeze!' called Roxy after them. Abigail whipped around to give her a glare, her light brown hair a spinning curtain around her, before dragging Levi along faster.

Poor Levi.

A familiar rumbling engine approached Roxy and she grinned at the sight of Kayla hanging out the passenger window of Tobias' truck.

'You're riding with us today!' A wide grin was on Tobias' face as he gave the engine a playful rev, making the exhaust burble.

Roxy grinned back and slung off her backpack as she made her way towards the car. 'Where's Isaac?'

Kayla rolled her eyes. 'Busy running errands.'

Roxy slid into the leather interior and closed the door after herself, scrambling to fasten her seatbelt when Tobias took off like a rocket. Being stuck with Isaac didn't seem so bad as she dug her nails into the seat while the GMC Sierra roared along the road as if it were a racetrack.

Ten minutes earlier than the time she'd usually arrive back at the pack house with Isaac, Roxy stepped out of the car of legs of jelly. Tobias drove like he was a champion NASCAR driver. Her nails had nearly torn holes into the luxurious seat, trying to stop her butt sliding on the leather as they'd flown through corners. Kayla had been a stark contrast to a nervous Roxy, chatting away to the both of them as if they weren't in a death machine. As much as she hated being in his presence at times, she would much rather Isaac pick her up from now on than having to fear for her life like that again.

A sharp whistle from Tobias had the students who'd been walking from their cars in the garage covering their ears, their faces twisted into agony. Once the Beta was satisfied he'd gotten their attention, he gave a grin. 'Pack training session commences in ten minutes!'

There was a collection of tired groans before everyone dragged their feet towards the house. A flurry of nerves kickstarted in Roxy's belly as she walked with Kayla upstairs. She'd never trained with the pack before with Isaac wanting to continue with their private sessions until she was more experienced. Did this mean he thought she was ready or was Tobias changing the rules while the Alpha was away? Either way, she was glad to be socialising with the pack. Being sheltered by Isaac since her arrival she worried that the pack saw her as a precious princess. She wanted to show them that she was anything but. That if Isaac miraculously did accept her as his someday then they would trust their new Luna was as strong as their Alpha.

'Don't think Tobias will go on us any easier than Isaac,' grumbled Kayla as she walked alongside Roxy and the other pack members towards the tree covering, now changed from their uniforms. In front a group of young teenage boys were riling one another up by bumping one another.

Roxy smiled nervously. 'Well I've been getting trained by Isaac for almost two weeks now. I'm sure this will be nothing out of my depth.'

Kayla's raised eyebrows in response made Roxy doubtful.

And rightly so.

An hour later, now in wolf form, Roxy was standing amongst the other wolves in a circle, watching two of the she-wolves wrestling one another while Tobias paced around them barking instructions. The training session had started by the pack Beta flogging them through an obstacle course in their human forms which looked like a replica of something the military would use. After scaling walls, hopping through tyres and crawling on her elbows and knees beneath meshed wire, Roxy's body had felt like a limp noodle when Tobias had commanded everyone to shift into their wolf forms. For the first time in years her body had ached during the transition but her self-pity had been short lived before everyone had been sent on a mile sprint. Waiting for her turn to be in the centre of the circle was the longest break Roxy had been able to catch.

With a wince, she watched as one of the wolves, Georgia, slammed the other wolf, Yasmine, down into the ground. Yasmine gasped for breath as Georgia pressed a paw down onto her throat. At Tobias' command Georgia released the pressure leaving Yasmine to spring to her feet, still rasping for breath.

'Well done, Georgia. Yasmine, your reflexes need work. If that were a rogue you would've had your throat torn out minutes ago,' said Tobias through the mind link.

Roxy had noticed he'd been referring to rogues a lot during the training session and she couldn't help but feel nervous. Was there something going on she didn't know about? Had there been more rogue attacks back at Saltwater Woods? She was snapped out of her thoughts when Tobias' steel eyes landed on her, amusement swirling within them.

'Roxy.' The other wolves' stares landed on her when Tobias paced around the group, deciding on her opponent. 'Let's see how much Isaac had taught you, shall we? Paul – you're up.'

Paul!? Roxy gulped when the large wolf stepped into the centre of the ring. Through the whispers of the training session she'd learnt that Paul was the top warrior wolf. She looked up at his tall wolf from where she stood in front of him, taking in the many scars and missing chunks of dark brown fur. He was fearless, taking no prisoners. Isaac's choice of Beta if anything were to happen to Tobias.


The two wolves lowered themselves into a crouched position at Tobias' command. Roxy couldn't stop her legs from trembling when his dark eyes bored into her, his sharp teeth exposed as if he was laughing at her. Suddenly, she doubted her ability. She wished Isaac was around to mentor her, or better yet get stuck into Tobias for allowing her to fight. He hated the thought of her being hurt, surely he would protest her being put against the strongest warrior of the pack.

Shoving the doubt aside, she dug her paws into the dirt deeper, bringing her competitive glare up to match Paul's. If she wanted to prove to Isaac that she could take care of herself, to prove that he'd made a mistake in rejecting her, to prove that she was the Luna this pack deserved, then this was how she would have to do it.


Roxy's heart leapt in her chest when Paul snapped at her dangerously, quickly jumping out of the way from his sharp canines. Up close she noticed some of his teeth were broken, others missing. A flame of hope ignited in Roxy at this. It told her that he was in impulsive, launching himself towards danger before thinking things through. Impatient. With a quiet confidence, she continued to walk around in a circle, her legs crossing over one another as she stepped. She could see he was beginning to grow impatient, a snarl rippling from his lips and his muscles tensing. Her plan was working.

Minutes ticked by and she still hadn't made a move. Paul was showing more signs of frustration and the other pack members looked to be growing bored. Roxy knew her small wolf lacked in physical ability, but what she could excel in was mind games. Figuring out her opponent and using their weakness against them. For Paul, it was his impatience, which would then lead to clumsiness. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tobias sitting straight as he watched them and she could've sworn there'd been an amused glint in his eyes.

Just like she'd planned, Paul became tired of the games, lunging at her with a snap of her jaws. Her small wolf was able to nimbly scurry out of the way before his larger frame could spin around. She felt like a mouse teasing the big bad tomcat. Paul launched at her again, this time with a more ferocious agenda as he gave a loud roar and slashed at her with a paw. Again, she quickly ducked out of the way. This went on for some time, the other pack members beginning to perk up when Paul was becoming clumsy with annoyance. Roxy's breath hitched when he whipped around to face her, his dark eyes glowering with rage. With a gulp she widened her stance, digging her paws deep into the dirt and lowering her head, letting rip with a challenging growl. Fed up with her antics, Paul charged to her, his paws thundering along the ground. She could feel the pack's anticipation as she remained frozen to the spot, pushing away the instinct to run.

Just a little closer.

At the perfect moment, Roxy sucked in a deep breath and dove towards Paul's front legs. Her teeth clamped around his fur, making the tough wolf give a loud yelp. She hid herself beneath his belly, her own being dragged across the ground as he tried shaking her free. His large frame prevented him from being able to twist around and bite at her.


Roxy obeyed Tobias' order and quickly scurried away from Paul. Blood dribbled down his legs where her teeth had pierced his skin. With Tobias standing guard she might have an abundance of courage but she wasn't sure if she'd been brave enough to do such a thing without him there. Paul slowly turned to face her, making her hold her breath. She expected to see white rage glowing in his dark eyes but instead they twinkled with... respect.

'Moonlight Ridge will be in safe hands with you and our Alpha, Luna.'

Roxy flushed as he lowered his head in a respectful bow. It was then she felt suddenly awkward by the gesture, knowing full well she most likely never would be their Luna. Even though it wasn't her fault, she felt like a fraud. She hated lying to them.

'It's about time we found some brains for Isaac's brawn,' chuckled Tobias. He walked up to her, his silver wolf glistening in the sunset. 'I gotta be honest, Roxy, I wasn't expecting that. You understood your weakness, and Paul's, which allowed you to come out on top. Isaac will be proud. You should be proud of yourself too.'

Roxy's eyes watered at his heartfelt comment. Although she wasn't convinced Isaac would be proud. 'Thank you, Tobias,' she said in a soft voice.

Tobias smiled with his eyes before turning his attention to the rest of the pack. 'Well done today everybody.' His tone became serious as he paced about eyeing them off individually. 'Training sessions will be getting harder from now on. We want you to bring your A game every session. As some as you might have heard, the rogue population is no longer growing with numbers but knowledge. They're becoming calculated, able to disguise themselves as any other well-meaning wolf.'

There were nervous chatters amongst the mind link, the wolves looking at each other anxiously with tucked tails. A cold feeling settled in Roxy's stomach. So her insinuation had been right. This was about the rogues who'd visited Saltwater Woods.

As if sensing her nervousness, Tobias turned to look at her while continuing to speak. 'A few days ago, Big Sky pack was attacked, their pack members murdered. Fortunately, alliances were able to clear them out not long after they'd arrived. While this attack was purely for territory, Alphas from other packs have reason to believe the rogues are hunting something we don't know.' His gaze tore away from her. 'I'm not telling you this to alarm you, to panic you, but to purely make you aware. If you know of, see or hear anything unordinary then please let either Alpha Winters or myself know immediately. Pack dismissed.'

The wolves seemed stunned before eventually walking away. Roxy was in a world of her own as she walked amongst them, her mind consumed of images of the rogue she'd encountered with Kenny. Since being sent away she'd buried her head in the sand, convincing herself that Trent was being dramatic. Rogues weren't becoming smarter and they sure as heck weren't after a pack member. But now that the situation had put other packs on alert, it appeared she'd been wrong.

So very wrong.

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