Then and Now [INDEFINITE HIA...

By fictionlover122020

14K 1.2K 293

[ON INDEFINITE HIATUS] Bright and Win developed an unlikely friendship despite their six years age gap which... More

prologue [edited]
2 || one of a kind
3 || golf and bets
4 || a name and a face
5 || sunsets
6 || discreet
7 || rebels and deals
8 || bruises and letting go
9 || tug at your heart
10 || faint heart
11 | courage and cowardice
12 || silent battles
13 || futile attempts
14 || second chances
15 || everything and more [part 1]

1 || welcome back

1.1K 86 11
By fictionlover122020


Win was pacing back and forth, gazing out the conference room's floor to ceiling windows as he tried to get his head straight for his first day at work. His hands were clammy, itching to sketch the Bangkok skyline from the Chivaaree Tower, 47 floors above despite the numerous times he had already done so. To say that he missed the city would be a bit of an overstatement, considering he went home three months ago during spring break. But perhaps there was just something about the concept that now, he's back for good... at least for the next two years or so.

"You alright there, kid?" New Thitipoom asked from the glass conference table a few feet away, fiddling with an Apple pen as he examined today's meeting outline on his iPad.

Win stopped on his tracks, clearing his throat before taking a seat across from the senior civil engineer, "Yeah Phi."

"You sure? You look pale," The older man who he owed his first job to pointed out, sparing a quick look at him.

"Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep. Still adjusting to the time zone."

"Uhh, Phi..." Win warily added, "Are you sure only the project manager will come today?"

"Yeah, only Tay and his assistant. Don't be nervous, they already approved of your design. They love it." Win absently bobbed his head, internally letting out a relieved breath. New then snapped his iPad's case closed, removing his glasses, "Take a five. Drink some water or wash your face. Today is gonna be a long day, I don't want you all jittery later."

When Win returned to the room approximately four minutes later, he was taken aback to see all the seats taken now. The nervousness came right back up against his throat in an instant as all heads turned towards him, like hawks zeroing on their next prey.

New clamped a hand on his shoulder as he settled next to him, "Everyone, this is Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, our lead architect for the central building. I recruited him all the way from Berkeley so don't go scaring him away."

Win wai-ed to the five people and New began introducing them in clockwise order, starting with the guy seated closest to him, "This is our boss Tay Tawan Vihokratana, the project manager or project development head, whatever you wanna call it."

"Namtan Tipnaree, his assistant."

"Earn Rachanun, lead architect for the recreational facilities."

"Phukong Guntithanon, junior architect."

"Luke Ishikawa Voyage, civil engineer manager."

Okay so maybe the hawk simile was over the top, now that everyone was smiling at the youngest in the room, Win.

"Nice to meet you, Nong. Welcome to the team." Tay shook his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, Khun!"

"Drop the formalities. We're all family here. Right guys?"

Everyone agreed in unison, offering him assurances and warm greetings to which Win answered with a grin from ear to ear, his prominent two front bunny teeth showing.

"Na rak!" Namtan cooed along with Earn, making him blush in embarrassment.

After a couple of small talks, Tay clapped his hands to gather their attention, "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?"


Five taxing but productive hours, about six liters of coffee, three successful revisions, and a lunch break later...

"Where's Win?" Earn asked, opening her laptop, ready for the next five more hours of revising and planning.

"Oh, he went down to receive some delivery," informed New.

The architects and engineers were about to get in their zone once more when they were interrupted by knocks on the opened glass door of the conference room. They all looked up to see Namtan and Tay with another man taller than the latter.

"Hey, guys! Someone will be sitting in for the rest of the meeting. Don't mind him though," Tay announced, not bothering to mask the annoyance from his tone.

Everyone but New grew tense as they recognized the other man. New only smirked, "Come on in, Vachirawit."

The others greeted Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree, Chivaaree Investment Incorporation' Executive Vice President and Tay's cousin, a good afternoon meekly, apprehensive as to why he would be observing them, considering their current project was out of his job description and authority.

"Tay's right. Pretend I'm not here. I'm just here to check how he's handling my old job, so no need to get conscious." Bright briefed, offering a reserved and polite smile, letting his eyes wander around the room.

Tay didn't appreciate his cousin's presence one bit though, muttering under his breath just how unnecessary it was while giving him a stink eye.

Just as they were about to commence the second half of the meeting, Win suddenly came bombarding in, almost tripping on the way, stressed out and out of breath whilst carrying two tall bags.

"I'm sorry, I got lost on the way back." He heaved, settling down the bags which appeared to be filled with small boxes.

"Ohoo! Are those for us?" Phukong exclaimed, giddy at the thought of receiving gifts.

"Yeah. Uhh, my mom told me to give something on my first day of work..." Win sheepishly confessed, scratching his nape.

Phukong then took it upon himself to open one box, "Macarons!" and began distributing them.

"Ohoo! You're so boujee, Nong," Luke wondered out loud as the others thanked him.

Still catching his breath, Win loosened his tie (he was the only one wearing one anyway), his eyes sweeping over his team's simple business casual attires. He was definitely overdressed with his classic business suit. He stopped short when he saw a navy blue pinstripe suit jacket he didn't notice earlier, and froze even more when he saw who's wearing it.


And Bright, who had his gaze glued onto Win the moment the latter entered the room, stared right back at him, sporting a poker face for his mind was already far away into memory lane...


Six years ago

"How the hell---"

"Did we know you're gonna come back today? And your flight?" Type finished for Bright, boasting.

Bright's stupefied expression didn't wane, seeing his closest friends Type, Gunsmile, and Gigie at the arrival section of Suvarnabhumi Airport.

"Arm saw you at LAX and spread the word. You know how it is." Gigie shrugged, hugging him speechless.

"Gosh, I hate nosy hi-sos." Bright grunted, beyond displeased that Thai elites or Thai hi-sos (high-society) had feasted on his actions and invaded his privacy again.

"Every hi-so has been expecting your return since your graduation, Khun Vachirawit. Don't be surprised," Gigie tapped his cheek like a little kid.

"Welcome back, bro," After an exchange of fist bumps and side hugs between the three boys, Gunsmile and Type wheeled his Thom Browne suitcases as they walked towards the parking lot.

"So what's up with the business class seat?" Gunsmile asked, genuinely curious and concerned as if anything below first class was a crime against humanity, making Bright roll his eyes at him, "Shut up, bro. I booked it last minute."


"Wait, where are we going?" Bright demanded after seeing that Type had purposely missed the exit on the freeway that would lead straight to Pathum Wan district, one of the most posh areas in Central Bangkok, where his condo was.

"Mi casa, my friend."

"Alai? Why? Have mercy on me you guys, I just got off a 20 hour flight!" Bright whined.

"Don't worry about it," Gigie comforted him, eyes hidden behind sunglasses, not offering much information.

"I swear if this is a party, I'm out."


So it wasn't a party, per se, but a small gathering at the Opas-iamkajorn residence's garden consisting of about 15 Thai hi-sos their age whose trust funds were as valuable as a small country's GDP, if combined. It would be much larger if you were to include the Bright, Gigie, Gunsmile, and Type's in the mix, considering their generational wealth.

Going back, even though the gathering was in celebration for Bright's return from college, the man of the hour remained seated in the patio, done with socializing after doing one round of greetings.

He heard Gunsmile beside him sigh, "My days as the center of attention are over," taking off an imaginary crown and placing it on his head.

"You've never been the center, dude. In your dreams." Type deadpanned, chugging at his beer.

Bright was about to tease Gunsmile too when he saw a lanky high schooler at the entrance going to the main house, who looked flabbergasted at the sight before him. The former jutted his chin towards the unknown person, "Who's the kid?"

Gigie turned to look at where he was pointing then back at him, "Alai? You don't recognize Win?"


"My little brother, you doofus. Did Stanford make you forget every person you know in Bangkok?" Type whacked his head, before shouting for Win to approach them.

"What is going on here, Phi? You could have told me you'll be having a party..." Win muttered quietly, agitated as he looked around.

"Things got outta hand. Sorry. Don't tell mae and por I let you near any alcohol."

Gige leaned in to Bright, whispering as they watched the two brothers talk, "Win used to be the sickly and homeschooled Opas-iamkajorn."

Oh. Upon hearing such a revelation, Bright was suddenly flooded by memories of a timid kid who was six years younger than them. The one who was always peering out the window and was never allowed to play whenever he, Gigie, and Gunsmile came over. He remembered patting and ruffling the kid's hair when he bid farewell to the Opas-iamkajorn family before leaving for California.


Bright was forced out of his reverie when he heard Win suddenly freak out, "Ai Phi, why didn't you lock Bentley and Cartier inside!?" then scrambled to catch the hyperactive Sheltie puppies who had been entertaining the guests in lieu of his place.

Bright shook his head in amusement as he picked up the things Win had dropped near his feet, inspecting the papers that had managed to spill out from the student's classic black leather Thai school bag.

"Ai Win, don't be rude. Greet your phis here!" Type bellowed, but Win kept running around whilst carrying Cartier, struggling to catch Bentley who beelined for the table.

"N'Win is so cute!" Gigie giggled.

Win walked back to the patio, tripping on the way over, distressed and breathless as he carried two frenzied puppies, and slightly bowed to them.

"You remember Vachirawit, Bright?" Type pointed at the person in question.

Win stared at Bright for a few seconds and let out a tranquil grin, "Yeah... Welcome back, P'Bai."

And Bright curled his bow-shaped lips into a smile of his own, "Almost didn't recognize you, N'Win."



Tay nudged Bright, pulling him back to the present. The latter snapped out of his trance only to witness that everyone had grown quiet, looking at him and Win who apparently hadn't moved an inch yet too.

"Ai Vachirawit, you must know Win, right? He's Type's little brother. He just got back from the US."

With a wistful grin etched on, Bright softly muttered, "Of course... Welcome back, Metawin."



I don't know a thing about engineers and architects but I'm doing my best to research. But I'm also quite busy and google doesn't offer everything so please go easy on me if I make things up along the way skfsjkgh55555 🙇‍♀️😅

This is gonna have plenty of flashbacks (but not every chapter!) and I personally don't like it when there's too many italicized parts in a story. But please let me know if you prefer the flashbacks being italicized to avoid any confusion (cause I'll edit it for y'all) 😊

Also, this AU is already proving to be much harder to write than my first AU (through ups and downs) cause I have to build up BW's relationship. AHHHHH, but I hope you guys like and will like this. 🥺

Anw, let me know what you think about this chapter? 👉 👈

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