By wroetospotter

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"He's English! I can't be fancying him!" ~~~ Maira McCarthy and her best friends are trying to enjoy life du... More



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By wroetospotter


Maira had spent most of their walk listening to Clare's ranting, she was really not happy about this whole situation, Maira found it quite funny however, she just didn't know how Michelle was able to get away with it. "So were you forced to help with this?" Maira asked James.

James nodded. "I had to keep watch, yes."

Sadly for James, Clare overheard what he had said, she turned around with a shocked expression. "Why did you let her do this?!"

"I didn't have a choice!" James defended himself. "She forced me to go with her."

"You really think Michelle would let him off and risk getting caught just by herself?" Maira pointed out to Clare, she knew James wouldn't of won that argument against Clare.

Michelle wasn't listening to any of them at the moment, a smile on her face and still buzzing about what she had managed to do. "Michelle, what exactly happened?" Erin questioned, which made Michelle and the group stop walking.

"Fionnula was out the back, hashing it up." Michelle began to tell her story. "I sneaked in, yanked it off the wall, and away I went. I was like a thief in the night."

Clare immediately scoffed. "You were 'like' a thief in the night?" She glared at her friend. "You actually were a thief in the night, and you stole from Fionnula, of all people. Fionnula! I once saw her punch a Rottweiler, Michelle!" Clare exclaimed. "If she finds out about this, she'll kill you."

"Kill us." Michelle corrected. "You're an accessory after the fact now, my friend."

James eyes widened at what his cousin said. "Aye, this is what she does." Maira informed him, it was never ever just Michelle's fault, they all apparently took part in her antics.

"God!" Clare muttered to herself, Maira knew she was ready to pray to God soon.

"Can I ask why you stole the notice board?" Erin questioned, wanting Michelle to continue her adventure story.

"So we get first dibs on all the jobs." Michelle shrugged like it was obvious.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to just remove the notices? They're only Blu Tacked on." James pointed out to her, and one of the first times he had actually stood up to Michelle.

Michelle didn't say anything for a moment, processing what James had just told her. "Fuck off, dickweed." She replied, Maira letting out a breathy laugh at how blunt it was. "Get your head out his arse while you're at it, Maira."

This immediately made Maira stop laughing, and actually decided to stand away from James, instead going to stand on the other side of Orla. "Christ, what possessed you, Michelle?" Erin asked, doing most of the talking for them.

"Yeah..." Michelle paused as she thought about the situation again. "The more I talk about it and the more I sober up, the less sure I am, really."

"You were drunk?!" Clare screeched.

"Michelle Mallon, everyone." Maira gestured to the girl.

"Brilliant!" Erin huffed.

"Look! We're not like Jenny Joyce." Michelle reminded. "Nobody's just gonna hand us things. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have things."

Maira raised a brow at the way Michelle was acting, she was never like this. "I'm terrified." Orla mumbled to Maira, who nodded in agreement.

"Come on, Clare." Michelle walked over to her shorter friend. "I know how much you've dreamed of seeing the Arc de...whatever the fuck it's called." She spun around and walked over to her cousin. "James...I know how much you want to practice the shit out of the past participle."

James looked over at Maira and Orla. "What?" He whispered, Maira shrugged.

"Orla...you really, really buzz off those Renault Clio ads." Michelle pointed out. "Maira...I know that both our fanny's want French fella's." She winked, Maira furrowing her brows in confusion, unsure when she actually said that. "And you, Erin. Well...you're just riding Charlene Kavanagh."

"I'm not riding her. I just think it might be time I moved on, friendship wise." Erin explained to them.

"You are aware you've talking to your current friends?" Clare snapped at her, she had every right to, Erin always believed like she was better than everyone in the group, which was quite frankly a load of shite.

"Dick." Maira glared at the girl before they all went and stood in front of Michelle, who was waiting for them at the top of the steps.

"We can't give up on Paris." Michelle demanded. "Let's do this, girls. Let's just make it happen."

"God, I've never seen you so fired up." Erin pointed out with a smile.

"I will buck a French lad, Erin." Michelle announced to the group, Maira rolling her eyes playfully at this. "I will buck a French lad, so help me God."


Maira has been invited to come over to Erin's house to have a look at what jobs they were gonna go for, but Maira was late. She had spent too long trying to get ready and was now rushing over to Erin's. Mrs Quinn let her in, and she ran upstairs to burst into Erin's room. The group all jumped at her entrance. "Alright?" She breathlessly asked, walking in and sitting beside James on the bed.

"Why are you so late?" Erin questioned her.

"I'm here now." Maira shrugged, but Erin didn't seem too pleased with her response. "I was just getting ready."

Orla moved her head between James and Maira, making Maira shuffle away slightly. "You're wearing a lot of makeup." She pointed out.

Maira let out an awkward laugh, Orla knew her too well. You'd think she wasn't paying attention and she comes out with that. Maira was wearing more makeup today, no particular reason why at all...She just thought, why not? "No more on than I normally do."

Orla shrugged her shoulders and rested her back on the headboard again. "So, firstly we have the tutoring." Erin read out. "And out of everyone, I thought you might be best suited to that, Clare, because-"

Clare shrugged like it was obvious. "I'm the brightest." She replied.

The group all looked at her, sure she was smart but than all of them? Maira wasn't sure, maybe James had taken Clare's spot. "Well, in the conventional sort of way, I suppose." Erin awkwardly answered, Clare glaring at her. "There's also some babysitting. The child will be in bed, so you should just about be able to manage that, Michelle."

Maira let out a laugh. "Oh, thanks. And you should just about be able to manage this." Michelle stuck her middle finger up at Erin, which was deserved.

"Always the lady." Erin sarcastically mumbled. "Maira, you're working in Dennis' shop."

Maira almost missed what her friend said. "What?!" She exclaimed. "Why've I been dumped with that job?!"

Erin seemed reluctant to say, like she didn't want to admit it. "Because you're the one that doesn't piss him off as much."

A smirk slowly began present on Maira's face. "So I'm least annoying then?" She raised a brow, no one said anything, the silence answering her question. "I can agree with that."

"Anyway..." Erin trailed off, wanting to move on. "There's also some gardening, mowing a lawn, etc. This will require a bit of muscle, so..." Maira seen James confidently shift slightly, she wasn't quite sure she agreed with him on his belief. "You should take that one, Orla."

Orla agreed with her cousin, James didn't seem too pleased at all with that decision. "No, I should do that one. It's a man's job, Erin. I'm a man." He argued.

"That's debatable." Michelle scoffed.

James briefly looked at his cousin, but went back to facing Erin. "Well, I'm more of a man than, Orla."

"I do not accept that." Orla answered, offended.

"Neither." Maira nodded, James looking at her with an shocked expression, thinking she'd be on his side. "No offence James, but Orla's really strong."

James turned back to Erin, a pleading look on his face. "Come on, Erin."

Erin seemed to be debating whether or not in her mind, but she quickly made up her mind. "Fine." She huffed.

Maira turned to face Orla, who seemed annoyed that she hadn't been chosen. "You're still strong my eyes, Orla." Maira assured her.

"Thank you for noticing, Maira." Orla replied, sadly.

Maira shook her head at James before Erin began talking again. "So that leaves dog-walking and washing a car."

Orla perked up again when she heard her cousin. "Is it a Renault Clio?" She asked.

"No." Erin answered.

"I'll take the dogs." Orla informed

"Okay." Erin smiled. "Let's go to work."

The rest of the group got up from where they were seated and all left Erin's room, huge grins on all their faces, this was one of the only times a plan of Michelle actually worked out. They all left her house, with a swaggering walk. Maira flicking his hair confidently, they continued down the street until a van pulled up beside them. "You thieving wee fuckers!" Fionnula screamed at them before driving off.

Everyone was silent, in complete shock they had been caught out that quickly. Maira turned to Michelle. "Wonder how she figured that out?" She furrowed her brows, she must have had cameras that seen her friend.

"I really hate you Michelle." Clare outburst before Michelle had time to answer Maira.

Michelle glared at Clare. "Look, I told you we were all in this!" She pointed out to Clare.

"But once again it's your fault!" Erin joined in, the three of them began arguing as Maira, Orla and James stayed silent. This was a usual occurrence for Maira and Orla, no one argued with Orla because she was always in her own wee world.

And Maira didn't see the point with arguments, she only argued if she really cared about the topic, other wise it was nothing to do with her.

"Is this normal?" James muttered to Maira.

Maira nodded as she watched the chaos ensue. "Aye, the three of them will calm down soon." She explained to him.

Orla let out a sigh. "Can we please go and get sweets?" She begged Maira.

"Why not." Maira shrugged, Orla rushing off ahead so she could get there first. "They'll be arguing for a while." Maira turned to James. "You wanting to come?"

James smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, I'll join you." He paused before he spoke again. "Both."

"Me and Orla do this all the time." Maira explained to them as they walked in the direction Orla went.

"Do they really argue that much?" James questioned.

"Aye, but we're all still friends at the end of the day." Maira smiled, thinking about her group. "Which is quite weird like, the more I think about it."

"That's good though." James pointed out to her. "You're still all friends."

"You're right." Maira agreed, the two of them making it to Dennis' shop and seeing Orla waiting for them outside.

"Dennis." Maira greeted as the three of them entered the shop, Dennis letting out a huge sigh, closing his eyes and muttering something to himself.

"What?" He sharply responded.

"We're back." Maira gestured to the two others. "I might start working here myself."

Dennis' eyes widened at this. "Please...please don't." He begged, he really didn't like their group, nippiest wains he'd ever fucking met.

Maira furrowed her brows at this, picking up and lollypop and unwrapping it. "You posted the ad, Dennis, I need money." She pointed out.

"Find somewhere else to fucking work." Dennis said through gritted teeth.

Orla gasped as she realised something. "Free sweets if you do work, Maira." She grabbed Maira's arm and shook it.

Maira's mouth fell slightly open as Orla said that, turning back to Dennis. "Ach, come on, Dennis!" She grinned, hoping he'd change his mind.

"Get out!" Dennis bellowed, the three of them jumping and rushing out the wee shop.

"I don't think he really likes us." James pointed out to them.

"I don't know why." Maira shrugged as they began walking away. "We're nice girls." She huffed, looking over at James. "And fella."

"Should we head back to the other three?" James asked.

"Probably best." Maira nodded in agreement. "Knowing them, they're still arguing."


Fionnula had went straight to Erin's ma to tell her what happened, they all got ordered to immediately come to Erin's. Maira was one of the last to arrived, having to squeeze in between James and Michelle on the couch. "How did you find out?" Michelle asked.

"Doesn't matter how she found out, Michelle. That's not what's important, What's important is that we are all deeply-" Clare began to lecture.

"Her mother rang me." Fionnula interrupted Clare.

Maira let out a laugh at this. "Oh that's a classic." She did the best to calm herself down as she was the only one laughing.

"You told your ma?!" Erin exclaimed as her and Michelle glared at Clare in the middle.

"Okay, I cracked! I couldn't handle it, and I cracked!" Clare confessed to them.

"For fucks sake, Clare!" Michelle huffed.

"Enough!" Erin's Ma ordered them, turning back to Fionnula. "Where do we go from here?"

"Mary, look..." Finonnula sighed. "You're family." She paused. "Well, you're good people." Maira looked at her friends as she paused again. "Well, you're decent people. But I have to set an example."

"No. Dear God, no. You're not talking about a ban." Erin's Ma said in a hush whisper, she was quite clearly in shock.

"Yes." James punched a fist in the air as he muttered this.

Maira turned to him. "Not the time." She shook her head, she could understand why he was happy, but they were all suffering right now.

"Let's call it a suspension. I'm sorry, Mary." Fionnula apologised to Erin's Ma.

"Ach, Fionnula. What about you? I thought I could smell vinegar." Orla's Ma entered the room, looking very dolled up. "I'm just on my way to meet our Colm here. I'm a nervous wreck." She explained. "We're doing this interview, you see, for UTV. I'm gonna be on UTV, Fionnula."

"Save your breath, Sarah. There'll be no free chips." Mary glared at the group of them on the couch. "There'll be no chips, full stop."

"Excuse me?" Sarah asked, completely confused.

"What do you expect me to do on a Friday, Fionnula? Cook? You expect me to cook?" Mary questioned.

"You could order a pizza?" Fionnula suggested to them.

Maira grimaced at the thought. "Christ." She mumbled.

"Pizza is not as nice." Orla shook her head.

"No. You are right, Orla. Pizza's not as nice." Mary agreed. "Maybe you should have all thought about that." The group except Maira had their heads hung in shame. "Maira McCarthy, you won't be sitting like that when your mother hears." Mary reminded her, and it just hit Maira what her Ma was gonna do when she found out about this. Maira might be put up for adoption. "Is there nothing we can do?"

Fionnula thought for a second, a smirk coming to her face once it hit her. "They can clean the chippy up?"

"Brilliant." Mary eagerly nodded. "I'll let their mothers know."


The group walked to outside the chippy, Maira letting out a sigh. "Here we are." Erin mumbled.

"I'm gonna fucking stink if we're in here too long." Maira huffed, she liked have a chippy, but mother of God it absolutely fucking stinked.

"We have to just accept that." Clare quickly replied, following Erin and Michelle as they walked inside.

James was in front of Maira, the girl expecting to push the door back open as James walked away. But the door didn't come swinging back, Maira looked up with a raised eyebrow and saw James was holding the door open for her. "Thanks." She gave a small smile, not expecting this to happen.

"No problem." James smiled back, making her feel butterflies in her stomach, why on earth was she feeling them?!

"Why didn't you hold the door open for me?" Orla questioned.

"It's because she was last, Orla." James replied.

"Don't talk to me, James." Orla put her hand in James' direction, she and Clare walking through to the chippy. James sighed as he followed.

"So, not only are we not going to Paris, we're spending our Sunday scrubbing Fionnula's fucking fish hole for free." Michelle thankfully broke the tension with her complaining.

"How'd you guess spot on Michelle?" Maira sarcastically asked.

"She'll be back from yoga soon, so get a shift on." Erin demanded them, starting to follow where the three others had went.

"It's slave labour, Erin!" Michelle huffed.

"It's worse than slave labour. We're not even getting paid." Orla confidently pointed out, no one had the heart to tell her that it wasn't quite right, she had already been upset with James.

"Look, mammy had to cut some sort of deal." Erin reminded them.

"Would living without fried food really be so bad?" James laughed to himself, the group probably looked so dramatic to him.

But this was a dramatic situation.

"Yes!" The girls all exclaimed.

"She wouldn't actually of banned us. She was bluffing." Michelle shrugged off the whole thing, probably hoping she didn't need to do  any work.

"She's not bluffing, Michelle." Clare slowly shook her head. "Didn't she ban the McGuigan twins?"

"Seriously?" Michelle asked.

"I heard that too." Maira nodded.

"Sure. That's why they lost all that weight." Orla reminded them.

"Right, girls. No dicking about." Michelle announced to them. "We need to leave this place fucking spotless."

Everyone started to get to work doing different things. "I'll pour some of this out and you mop." Erin demanded to Maira.

"Go ahead." Maira gestured for Erin to do what she needed to do, Erin poured the cleaning product out, but it smelt...greasy. "Fuck, the chippy smell has even ruined the cleaning products."

Maira began to mop the floor, after a while of mopping and no change, she lifted her head up and let out a huge puff of breath. She was fucking sweating. She rubbed her forehead arm, catching James' eye briefly. After that Maira couldn't help it, she kept looking up and hoped he'd look at her again. Maira was behind the chippy counter still moping and staring at James when someone snuck up behind her. "Why do you stare at him all the time?" Orla asked.

Maria jumped at sound of Orla's voice. "Jesus Christ!" She exclaimed, dropping her mop. The three other girls, who were cleaning in front of the counter, and James looked at Maira, who quickly picked up her mop again. "He's just in my line of sight, Orla." She whispered to Orla.

"You're cheeks are going red." Orla pointed at her face, eyes widened as she realised something. "You better not be lying to me."

Maira gently put her mop down again as she held her hands up in defence. "I'm still a child of god, Orla."

"That's another lie, isn't it?" Orla quickly asked.

Maira huffed, knowing she wasn't going to get away with this. "Orla, I'll tell you, but you cannot tell anybody, and I mean no one?" Maira mumbled to the girl. "Alright?"

"I might just forget in five minutes." Orla shrugged.

"Good." Maira nodded. "Look, I'm not sure what the fuck is going on in my head now, but James is always up there." Maira made a bad mistake, she pointed up to the sky when saying this, giving Orla the wrong impression.

"He's dead?!" Orla exclaimed, everyone turning to her as Maira's eyes widened.

"Who's dead?" Erin asked her cousin.

"James!" Orla answered.

The rest of them had furrowed brows. "He's right there, Orla." Michelle pointed at James, who was by the window.

"But Maira just said he was." Orla pointed at the blonde girl.

"Why would you say he's dead?!" Clare questioned.

Maira didn't actually know what to say. "It was just a little joke." She tried to laugh off.

"Please don't joke about my death again." James asked Maira, the girl nodding in response.

"Alright." Maira pulled Orla aside again. "Orla, focus." She told the girl. "I think I might...like him."

"I like him too." Orla smiled.

Maira furrowed her brows. "In what way?" She questioned.

"I mean I would replace him in the group if someone else came along but he's a nice fella." Orla honestly explained.

Maira almost let out a sigh of relief, but kept it to herself. "See, I think, I might like James a little more than that."

Orla's eyes widened as she let out a quiet gasp. "You want to marry him then?" She mumbled.

Maira pulled a face at that. "Orla, when the fuck did I say that?" She scoffed.

"You just said you liked him." Orla reminded her.

"Just don't tell anyone Orla." Maira begged her friend. "He's English, so it's just really confusing."

Orla was going to speak again until Erin barged herself between the two of them. "What are two talking about?"

"Maira wants to marry someone." Orla did an over the top wink at Maira.

"Orla." Maira warned.

"But I can't tell you who." Orla added on, actually listening to Maira. "I have to keep a secret."

"Why the fuck does Orla know and not me?" Michelle furrowed her brows, overhearing the conversation.

"Because Orla doesn't spraff." Maira answered. "Clare would freak out and Erin would ask too many questions."

James raised his hand a little. "Wouldn't I have been better?" He asked.

Orla let out an over the top laugh. "No! I don't think so James!" She shook her head, Maira could see the rest of them were getting suspicious.

"Orla, I bet you can't clean that counter silently." Maira challenged the girl, hoping it would keep her silent by focusing on that.

Orla narrowed her eyes at her friend. "I accept that challenge." She nodded, getting to work right away.

"Fucking hell, I need a moment." Maira mumbled to herself, walking from behind the counter and heading towards where they would normally stand while waiting for there order. But she started to feel her legs slide, the floor was clearly still hadn't been cleaned enough. She braced herself for impact but was caught instead. She looked up to see it was James who had caught her in time. "Cheers James." She thanked as he stood her up properly.

"Are you alright?" James asked.

"Uhh, aye." Maira awkwardly answered. "I am, thanks."

James nodded turning to Erin. "I'm not sure cleaning products are supposed to make the floor that slippery."

"I'm sure it's fine." Erin quickly brushed it off.  "Get back to work."

Maira furrowed her brows at Erin's bluntness despite how she nearly fell. "Christ." She mumbled, turning to James. "Want a hand?"

"That be good, thanks." James nodded. Maira took some of the cleaning product and put it on a sponge, it didn't smell nice at all, but she went along with it.

Another twenty minutes passed, and nothing seemed to be getting cleaner. Erin stood up from the floor. "It's...still sticky." She mumbled. "How? How is it still sticky?" Erin rhetorically asked. "Is it worse than when we started?"

They all had a look around. "I think it might be, yeah." Clare replied.

"This is grand." Maira sarcastically added on.

"Great." Erin muttered.

"Oh, I see. Yeah. This isn't Windolene. This is..." James was holding up the bottle of cleaning product, and gave it a smell. "This is mayonnaise."

Maira looked briefly at the window and seen the stains it had made on the glass. "Great work folks." Erin muttered angrily. "Absolutely brilliant! Well done, everyone!" She got progressively louder and more annoyed. "It's been a productive morning! Fionnula will be absolutely thrilled!"

Music began to blast above them, Maira immediately recognised what was playing. "Class song!" She exclaimed, carefully making her way over the sticky floor and running up the stairs to see Michelle doing a shot. "Oi oi Michelle!"

"Let's fucking go!" Michelle cheered, pouring some drink for Maira to do a shot with her. The two of them did one as the rest of the group entered the room. "Alright?" Michelle greeted, Erin walking over to the music and turning it off. "Boo!"

"Where'd you get all this?!" Clare questioned.

"Fionnula's cupboard. I think she might have a bit of a prob-lem." Michelle joked.

"You think Fionnula might have a bit of problem?" Erin raised both brows. "Put it away and get back downstairs, now."

"Sit yourselves down, have a wee drink." Michelle offered, pouring another for Maira, who gladly accepted.

"No, Michelle. It's wrong." Clare argued.

"So are those ski pants, Clare. But that didn't stop you pulling them over your hole this morning." Michelle snapped at her friend, who did seem quite taken aback.

"I can't believe you're drinking too." Clare gestured at Maira as she did another shot.

"Alcohol is in front me, I can't help myself." Maira shrugged, setting the shot glass down.

"Wait for it." Michelle told them, bringing out a lighter and setting alight the shots.

"Michelle!" Clare warned.

Maira rolled her eyes at her friends. "Lighten up a wee bit Clare!" She huffed.

"Sláinte, motherfuckers!" Michelle smiled as she held the tray of flaming drinks.

The tray began to wobble slightly. "No, no, no, no!" Erin panicked, the tray almost falling.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Michelle exclaimed as the tray burned her hand, of course she dropped it onto the carpet. The fire travelling along the carpet and making its way towards the curtains.

Maira stayed back, well back. Michelle began to throw alcohol onto the fire. "Are you throwing alcohol on it? Are you actually throwing alcohol on it?!" Erin questioned. "And what in the name of God are you doing? Seasoning it?!"

James came rushing into the room with a fire extinguisher, beginning to put out the fire, and was eventually successful. "Wow." James said to himself, impressed he was able to do it.

"Wow indeed." Maira mumbled, she thought James was a shitebag but apparently not. The girl saw Orla staring at her. "Dont even look at me Orla."

"On a scale of one to ten, how dead do you think we are?" Michelle asked, the group turning to scowl at them.

Once again, this was completely a group effort that they set fire to Fionnula's flat.


Maira sat awkwardly as Erin's Ma was angrily looking at them, they didn't know what else to do but to try and find someone to help them, but maybe Mary wasn't the best option. "It's the truth, Mammy." Erin insisted.

"Erin, if you expect me to believe that Michelle tripped while carrying a scented candle, you must think I came up the Foyle in a bubble." Mary glared at her daughter.

"It's my bit! It's my bit!" Sarah excitedly beamed, she was watching her interview she did with her Uncle Colm.

"What are we gonna do?" Mary turned to her sister.

"Oh, for God's sake, Mary, would you look?! You're missing my big moment!" Sarah begged her. Maira picked up what the interview was about, Colm had been robbed and tied to his radiator. She could see the idea pop into Mary's head.

"Oh Christ." Maira mumbled.

"Get to the radiators, now." Mary ordered them.

"What is she planning to do?" James asked Maira.

"Tie us up." Maira answered, following what Mary demands.

James seemed surprised by this. "Pardon?"

Maira furrowed her brows. "James, my accent is not that bad."

"Fucking English prick." Michelle spat at him as the three of them were at the same radiator, Sarah starting to tie Maira up.

"I said, she's going to tie us up." Maira put on an accent so James could understand her, although by the look on her face, he didn't mean for her to do that.

"Why would two gunmen break into a chippy?" Erin scoffed at her Ma's idea.

"Ah! That really hurt!" James complained as the knot was tied too tightly around his wrist.

"You're such a pussy." Michelle mumbled.

"What were they looking for?" Erin asked.

"Chips, obviously." Orla replied.

"They were looking for the keys to the van. Keep up, Erin." Mary snapped her fingers in front of her daughter's face.

"Do you think we should knock them about a bit?" Sarah suggested.

"No." Mary replied.

"Nothing drastic. Just a few slaps." Sarah shrugged.

"I said no, Sarah." Mary sharply spoke.

"What, not even the wee gay fella?" Sarah nodded towards James.

"I'm not gay." James informed them.

"Okay, that should do it. Ready?" Mary asked her sister.

"I hate to be a health and safety stickler, but surely you're not actually planning on leaving us like this, are you?" Clare questioned.

They heard movement from downstairs, meaning Fionnula was back home. "Oh shite." Maira mumbled.

"Back door. Back door. Back door." Mary whisper shouted to her sister. "Hurry up."

The two sister managed to leave the room before Fionnula arrived, the chippy owner in complete shock once she saw her curtains. "Hiya Fionnula." Maira greeted, she hadn't noticed the teens tied up yet.

Maybe they would have gotten away with the situation if Mary and Sarah weren't complaining downstairs about the door being locked. They guiltily entered the room again. "What the fuck's going on here exactly?!" Fionnula yelled at them.

"Okay..." Mary mumbled. "Um, all right." She paused. "Well, what happened was...Michelle dropped a scented candle."


sorry this chapter took forever to come out! i basically finished all the dialogue for the rest of season one first, so hopefully more chapter come out quicker!

i hope you like that i've made maira and orla quite close, i think she's just the complete opposite and her perfect best friend :)

don't worry i'll make her closer with the other three girls at some point! obviously michelle is suspicious of maira and james, and erin is always too caught up in her own problems to care, and idk why clare isn't close with her yet but soon come!

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