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Maira had spent most of their walk listening to Clare's ranting, she was really not happy about this whole situation, Maira found it quite funny however, she just didn't know how Michelle was able to get away with it. "So were you forced to help with this?" Maira asked James.

James nodded. "I had to keep watch, yes."

Sadly for James, Clare overheard what he had said, she turned around with a shocked expression. "Why did you let her do this?!"

"I didn't have a choice!" James defended himself. "She forced me to go with her."

"You really think Michelle would let him off and risk getting caught just by herself?" Maira pointed out to Clare, she knew James wouldn't of won that argument against Clare.

Michelle wasn't listening to any of them at the moment, a smile on her face and still buzzing about what she had managed to do. "Michelle, what exactly happened?" Erin questioned, which made Michelle and the group stop walking.

"Fionnula was out the back, hashing it up." Michelle began to tell her story. "I sneaked in, yanked it off the wall, and away I went. I was like a thief in the night."

Clare immediately scoffed. "You were 'like' a thief in the night?" She glared at her friend. "You actually were a thief in the night, and you stole from Fionnula, of all people. Fionnula! I once saw her punch a Rottweiler, Michelle!" Clare exclaimed. "If she finds out about this, she'll kill you."

"Kill us." Michelle corrected. "You're an accessory after the fact now, my friend."

James eyes widened at what his cousin said. "Aye, this is what she does." Maira informed him, it was never ever just Michelle's fault, they all apparently took part in her antics.

"God!" Clare muttered to herself, Maira knew she was ready to pray to God soon.

"Can I ask why you stole the notice board?" Erin questioned, wanting Michelle to continue her adventure story.

"So we get first dibs on all the jobs." Michelle shrugged like it was obvious.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to just remove the notices? They're only Blu Tacked on." James pointed out to her, and one of the first times he had actually stood up to Michelle.

Michelle didn't say anything for a moment, processing what James had just told her. "Fuck off, dickweed." She replied, Maira letting out a breathy laugh at how blunt it was. "Get your head out his arse while you're at it, Maira."

This immediately made Maira stop laughing, and actually decided to stand away from James, instead going to stand on the other side of Orla. "Christ, what possessed you, Michelle?" Erin asked, doing most of the talking for them.

"Yeah..." Michelle paused as she thought about the situation again. "The more I talk about it and the more I sober up, the less sure I am, really."

DREAMS - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now