Perfection Over Flowers ( B...

By rose_riyana

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RAINEBELLE WILLIAMS. A ruling beauty she was true. She had the world at her fingertips, a silver spoon in her... More



202 6 0
By rose_riyana

RAINEBELLE STARED AT HER reflection in the mirror still not quite used to it. Her visage was completely different, a pale face with chocolate freckles across the bridge of her nose, eyes which once looked like the sky in the chilly morning of winter, now looked like the greens of the earth. The pink glasses that rested on her face seemed to draw the attention away from her countenance, effectively lowering the vibrancy of the contacts.

Lisa scrolled through her phone, her job already done for the day as Taylor took over. Small pieces of the wig were straightened carefully, a dash of hairspray finishing the job. Today, Taylor decided to let her hair loose, pinning some of the front hairs on her head and finishing with a beautiful golden butterfly clip.

A gasp escaped from the makeup artist with made both the girls turn to her.

"What happened?" Rainebelle asked furrowing her eyebrows; a dread already skimming over her bones and Taylor wore a similar expression. The twins had heard the brutal tale of Belle's days of school which made them recoil in disgust, unable to believe that such celestial looking being was capable of doing something so gruesome.

"Someone from your school is pregnant!" Lisa said handing Rainebelle her phone, which made the redhead visibly relax.

Pregnancy? Now that was another scandalous situation. Belle could already imagine all old people - on the verge of being a fossil - all crinkling their noses at the sight of a teenage pregnancy and that too not in the bonds of holy matrimony? Cue dramatic gasp and then them whining about the new generation and how we were all going to hell and how Satan was housed in the minds of teenagers.

It didn't matter at the end of the day; whether the teenager raised the baby or aborted it. It was none of their business.

The redhead squinted her eyes, placing the phone closer to her face. "Ms G, a junior at Shinhwa High, is infamous for her naughty lifestyle. She was seen visiting an ob-gyn clinic." She rolled her eyes, shaking her head at these people who seemed hungry for drama.

"Wait how did you find it?"

"The Shinwa school has a private Facebook page."

Belle frowned, "You are on there? How come I didn't know about it?"

Lisa smiled a big mysterious smile; like she had done something daring that no one would be able to guess.

"Any clue who it might be?" Taylor asked changing the subject, shaking her head at her twin as Rainebelle shook her head, her mind turning blank.

"Ms G, a junior?" Rainebelle repeated in perplexity, turning to face the girls, the wings of the butterfly clip flapping as she did so. "Maybe it's a girl from Jandi's class."

"Could it be a Gil? Gong?" Lisa guessed, her long pink nails thoughtfully drumming on her cheek.

"There's a Gwon." Taylor pointed out, showing her twin -are-you-really-this-dumb- expression. Lisa ignored this, not before her green eyes turned into a pointed glare.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter as long as it's someone I don't know," Rainebelle said, trying to ease the tension growing between the sisters. The twins snapped their heads towards her and slowly nodded, eyes still glaring at each other.

Lisa and Taylor were always like this; fighting one second, making up the next and then bickering again. They were like cats and dogs.

"True," Lisa mumbled as Rainebelle stood up and bid the girls goodbye, leaving them to sort it out like always.

Rainebelle predicted it would only take ten minutes. The golly tensions of the family always worked out that way.


TURNED OUT BELLE was wrong. It didn't take minutes. It took exactly 9 minutes and 40 seconds. Gosh darn, it. She was off by 60 seconds.

They chatted with each other on the group chat, sending each other lame jokes and corny pick-up lines. A sudden buzz of chatter-like bees in a beehive caught Belle's attention, as she temporarily placed her phone aside, eyes glancing upwards.

Before her, two girls sat at their desks whispering animatedly to each other. Well, the whispering was more like screaming and the redhead was sure the whole of Korea could have heard them by now.

"Did you hear?" a mousy-looking girl continued, beady black eyes twinkling with amusement.  "Ms G's identity is revealed!"

Belle subconsciously edged closer to the girls, trying to appear as offhanded as possible. Tucking a strand of red hair behind her hair, she focused on her right ear.  "Turns out it's a girl named Geum Jandi from the junior class," she whispered excitedly, edging closer to her friend.

Belle leaned back in complete shock, trying not to gape like a fish. Geum Jandi ... was pregnant? What? How? When?

It had to have been a simple rumour right? But then spread by ... Belle narrowed her eyes staring at nothing in particular ... it wasn't impossible that a certain curly-headed brat could have been behind this...but then... there was the slightest possibility that the rumour was true.

Could it be?

Belle had the habit of making up her own scenarios and possibility when someone told her something even remotely unbelievable like when Lisa told her Hogwarts wasn't real and she was in fact not getting a letter of acceptance, she had made her own story; Hogwarts was in fact real and Voldemort and taken over and that's why muggle-borns didn't get their letters...

Yeah, you get that idea.

Either way, Belle needed to know what the truth was. So she stood up, ignoring the student's bewildered looks and made her way to the junior's class. Jandi was a grade lower than Belle; Jandi called her sunbae and the two had grown closer chatting with each other. Sohee had followed, although was more sceptical; she thought the two were like fire and lava, they didn't balance each other and really needed a speedbump between their thoughts and actions.

Therefore Sohee decided to become water to balance them out; which was quite a thoughtful move on her part.

Upon approaching the junior classroom, she noticed a figure exit the classroom. The brown eyes the colour of earth widened upon seeing her, lips parting.



Jandi rushed towards her, pulling her in a much-needed hug, hiding her face in the crook of the taller girl's neck. The redhead slowly wrapped her arms around her, partly confused.

She knew, of course, someone as headstrong and unyielding had some soft moments; moments when their facade crumbled and they showed the side of themselves they suppress, refusing to share with the world. When everything wasn't okay, when the sun didn't shine, when the world stilled.

The redhead just didn't think it would come that fast. And that Jandi trusted her enough to show this side of her made Belle feel tingy with warmth. She kept her head on Jandi's, rubbing her back soothingly.

The girl with the bob cut separated herself, face flushing with embarrassment. She couldn't believe she almost had a mental breakdown with a friend she just made. Wasn't that just great?

"So what happened?"

Jandi's eyes grew wide; remembering the events that had occurred not too long ago. "I'm not pregnant, sunbae, it's a stupid rumour," her words were laced with passion and frustration, brows creasing in the sheer absurdity of all this.

"But who would...." Belle's words died on her lips as Jandi threw her a look. Her blood ran cold, rage shimmering in them.

There were two types of anger in this world; hot and cold. Hot, was something everyone was familiar with; it increased the temperature of the body, and the head refused to be rational and wanted to break everything within the span of the eye. That was dangerous. However, when a cold rage brews like a brutal snowstorm, it didn't just make you wanna break everything, it made you want to destroy the problem, and uproot the very roots of it; so it wouldn't dare dream of doing anything else.

That was how Belle felt, cold ire flowing through her bloodstream, the sudden chill made Belle grab Jandi's hand and head to the one place she never thought she would go.

The F4 lounge.

Her own sound of her footsteps, breathing that grew heavier with each passing second reminded Belle to never let go of the sheer rage.

The audacity of this Shinwa man-child!

What did he hope to achieve by spreading such a blasphemous rumour? The main reason for his doing this was sprouted with misogyny, using the yields of society's barriers and rules as a means to humiliate her goddess of a best friend. How Junpyo could manage to see his own face in the mirror after committing such awful deeds, Belle knew not.

A determined look appeared on Jandi's countenance, the usual bubbling brunette overcome by sheer anger. "I'm going to confront him."  Jandi tightened her fists, her breathing slowly turning heavier as she headed to her designated location.

"Jandi, I'm coming with you,"

Jandi turned back, eyes glinting with confusion. Belle offered to come with her ... for support ...? A warmth spread through her body, and made her temporarily abandon her anger.

"It's okay, Belle, you don't have to," a warm smile spread across Jandi's face, as she assessed her friend's face with a newfound increased fondness.

"I know but I want to," Belle smiled at Jandi, hooking her arm through Jandi's right arm as they made their way to the hangout. Slowly Jandi's smile disappeared, each stride filled with power and with her head held high.

Right when they entered, Belle noticed fowl-smelling dirty rags that were scrunched up in Jandi's wrists, nostrils flaring as she took each breath. Jandi's visage was one of pure displeasure, eyes ablaze with anger.

Jandi looked dangerous.

It was awfully exciting to see this part of her.

The boys were staring in fascination as the pair entered.

Junpyo smirked; happy his plan had seemed to work. After all no one and absolutely no one would be able to stand against the almighty Gu Junpyo and live to tell the tale without newly formed scars that he would gift, making their self-respect and dignity crumble down pathetically.

How wrong he would be.

"Speak of the devil." Junpyo looked out the window like something interesting was happening outside, ignoring his own satisfaction that bubbled inside him. "I'm right! She has come here. It's too late to apologize." The Shinwa heir dismissed with his hand on his chin.

"I won't let this happen anymore. A warning? That's for people like you." Jandi seethed, gritting her teeth as her petite frame shook with restrained fury, brows creasing. Her piercing glare would have sufficed to burst Junpyo into flames.

"Hey, Ms Dry Cleaning. Is this your idea of an apology?" Junpyo asked finally looking up, trying not to frown, confusion filling his stare. His plan had to work. It was a plan made by himself after all.

"Why would I apologize to you when I'm the one who deserves an apology?" Jandi asked glaring daggers into his soul.

"Are you picking a fight with me?" Junpyo asked challenging her, as he tilted her head up as if daring Jandi to say otherwise.

A scoff left Belle's pink glossed lips, rolling her eyes skywards as she did so. This made all eyes turn to her, waiting to see what she had to say.

"You have already started the fight but not with Jandi's consent. You dare bully her for saying what you actually are; a spoilt brat."

Junpyo narrowed his eyes at Belle, eyes ablaze with fury. He stood up and slowly walked closer to Belle as if trying to reinsert his dominance and control over the situation. As brown eyes met with green contact ones the air suddenly turned thick and silent; they could hear their own heartbeats.

Before he could say anything else Jandi went in front of Belle, raising her chin and staring him straight in the eyes. "Then what in your neighbourhood, is this how people apologize you jerk!" Jandi threw the dirty rag that was in her hands straight to his face.

Junpyo, stunned, stared at the shorter brunette, eyes wide with disbelief. Seeing this, Jandi threw the remaining cloth in her hands, confidence surging through her body. The eldest daughter of the Geum household tightened her fists and took a defensive stance.

Belle stepped back to access the situation, growing more confused and perplexed at the actions of her friend.

"What are you doing?" Junpyo asked looking at her hands in confusion; to him, Geum Jandi was a specimen not from Earth.

It all happened in slow motion. Jandi jumped back, lifting her leg and twisting it, therefore Roundhouse kicking Junpyo in the face.

The air turned still.

Belle, with eyes as wide as the moon, surveyed the screen, turning speechless. Geum Jandi wasn't just a hero, she was a superhero. Jandi was an absolute goddess; having strength and courage that was admirable. Could Jandi perhaps marry her?

The other F4 boys watched the scene with expressions that mirrored Belle's that was slowly turning into amusement.

Jandi screamed, her voice echoing in stunned silence. "Did you see it? Did you see me sleeping with another guy? I've never even kissed anyone before. What did you say to me? Hey! If you do anything like this again, you're dead!"

The last statement ended with a glare directed towards the Shinwa heir who was on the floor, staring at her with multiple emotions. Jandi threw him one last glance before twisting on her heel and walking out of the scene like she was the heroine in a movie.

Belle didn't even think it was possible to love her more than she already had.

The redhead glanced at Junpyo, titling her head thought as a red fiery strand covered a side of her face so she could hide her growing smile. Junpyo stared at the retreating back of Jandi, still flabbergasted by the whole ordeal which only made the situation more hilarious.

Belle walked towards him, pushing the strand of hair behind her ear. She stepped close to where Junpyo lay, offering him her hand.

Junpyo glanced at it suspiciously, creasing his brows. He trailed his eyes from her hands to her arm to finally her face.

Belle smiled a fakely sweet smile, grabbing his hand suddenly which made Junpyo almost fall over himself. She surveyed it with fake curiosity, trailing the veins on the back of his hands in thought which made Junpyo shiver. The redhead pulled him up into a sitting position, and the Shinwa heir didn't resist, observing her carefully.

"If you do anything like that again," Belle looked back at him, straight in the eyes.  "Jandi will kill you and I will resurrect you, just to kill you again."

Her voice was velvety and sweet but there was something ominous about it, like the powerful sun, lethal and hot at one distance, warm, comforting and tender as a caress at another distance or like fire dances upon a candle wick, or roars upon a path of destruction capable of turning everything into stygian smoke.

Before he could utter a word out of his mouth, she abruptly let go and he fell flat to the floor again.

Ji-hoo had to fight the urge to laugh as he saw Junpyo's bewildered face, these girls were something else and he couldn't wait to see what more they were capable of.

Yi Jung grinned looking at Junpyo. He didn't think entertainment would come handed to him on a silver platter with red hair and green eyes but now that it was here, how could he not enjoy it? If only he had buttered popcorn in his hands it would have made everything better.  Geum Jandi and Belle Williams were quite the storm that threatened to uproot Gu Junpyo and it couldn't have been more entertaining.

Besides, it was quite entertaining to hear Junpyo's opinion because they always missed the mark. Always.

Woobin not even bothering to hide his grin offered his hand to Junpyo who took it without hesitation. He seated himself, eyes misty with thoughts swarming his mind.

Woobin wondered for a moment if the girls had broken him.

He couldn't wait to see what more drama the girls bring.


BELLE WALKED into school, wary the next day. Although she was not afraid of the Shinwa heir; he was a hothead and irrational; capricious like an earthquake, calm before it make the land shake violently and throw you off course, destroying everything in the process. He had the necessary tools at his disposal, able to make things in his favour, like a puppeteer with a puppet.

How would he retaliate now? Spread a rumour that Belle was pregnant? Use his wicked mind to make her life hell at Shinwa?

Just what would he do?

The uncertainty of what he might do kept her on edge. However, when she saw the entry of F4 from the bridge in the school that overlooked the entrance, there were only three of them at school.

It was truly strange indeed. Sohee told her not to worry, although she herself seemed hesitant.

What was even stranger was that Jandi was nowhere to be found that bright day. It was unlike her. Jandi had once told her that if she even missed a day of school her mother would be more than happy to have a murder charge on her hands . . .

Just what was going on?

Belle had never felt so perplexed but she swallowed and kept them aside. Her classmates littered around her, animatedly chatting and whispering with each other. Some gossiped noisily about where Gu Junpyo could be, heartbroken at the fact they couldn't see him that day.

Belle rolled her eyes skywards, pressing her lips to not let out a sigh of annoyance. Sohee had left her side sometime earlier, leaving the school early that day for basketball practice.

The pretty brunette was an active basketball lover; loving the sport with every bit of her warm heart. She was really good too; Belle wholeheartedly believed that even if the game was one against six, Sohee would win. That was how good she was.

Just when she had arrived at her locker, she could feel a shiver crawl up her bones. She attracted attention as people queued up to gawk at her. Feeling hundreds of eyes staring at her back, Belle swallowed, and for the first time in a long time insecurity and discomfort clouded her mind.

There was an inexplicable sense of time being frozen. Each breath that left her lungs felt like it took hundreds of years to escape, and the flutter of her eyes and the sudden increase in her heartbeat made it impossible for her to think. Belle swallowed, suddenly feeling herself leaving her cloudy daze and stepping into reality. She glanced behind her; students stared at her with eyes wide that were filled with an emotion she couldn't name.

Belle glanced back at her locker and slowly raised her hand and the students watched with bated breath, leaning forward.

Before the redhead could put her locker combination she let her hand fall and twisted on her heel and walked away.

The students let out breaths of disbelief, chatter slowly filling the ambience, unlike the sombre tension that was present in the hall until a second ago.


THE NEXT DAY, Belle later caught up to Jandi in school, each step turning more and more hurried. Jandi stopped to let her catch up to her side, her eyes wide with confusion. The redhead panted for a moment and let out a friendly smile and Jandi couldn't help but mirror.

Belle was unlike anything Jandi had ever expected.

"Where were you?" was the first question Belle asked Jandi with lips turning into a pout, eyes doe-like with a teasing sadness washing over her irises. The duo walked side-by-side, and Jandi couldn't help but giggle.

Suddenly Jandi's expression fell, recalling the events of the previous day in her mind that made Belle's heart swell with worry. "Well..." Jandi began to explain, Belle hanging intently on her words. Her kidnap by Junpyo and how he gave her a makeover thinking she liked him.

Belle had wanted to snort but she resisted.

When she said no, she walked out rightfully so she was met by her knight in shining armour who offered her his shoes on seeing her frazzled countenance. It was now time for her to return his shoes.

Belle grew more and more confused as time went by. By the time Jandi had finished telling her tale, her eyebrows had permanently knitted, lips turning into a confused frown, as she tried to make sense of the situation.

It was very confusing, like a poorly written drama. But it may be because Jandi was very vague. It was pretty obvious that Geum Jandi had a crush on Yoon Ji-hoo.

Light reflected off the pristine walls of Shinwa Academy; it was a new day and a new beginning. Despite the fact that her classmates' behaviour had not changed much in that time, Belle, for the first time in a long time, felt at ease. Sure, stares lingered on her and Jandi, some with envy, some with distaste, it didn't matter as long as Jandi was by her side.

Belle hadn't realised that the feelings of friendship had blossomed so well in her heart, but her heart swelled with love for Jandi, the bright sunlight amid the silent, foreboding cemetery; the diamond among the coal; the rose among the wilting, decaying flowers.

Jandi stared at Belle's side, who seemed unaffected by the number of eyes that were watching the duo. Small strands of scarlet hair flew around her angelic face, and pink full lips turned into a saccharine smile that Belle would gift Jandi occasionally if the redhead noticed her discomfort. Her green eyes stayed in front of her; a gorgeous green colour with thick feather-like lashes that fluttered with each blink. The butterfly clip glittered when the sunlight hit, almost blinding Jandi.

Belle was an absolute goddess.

When the redhead glanced at her, hues of red bloomed on Jandi's pale cheeks. "I-I-um, I actually need to return the shoes back to Ji-hoo sunbae."

Belle's eyes diverted to the cloth bag in Jandi's hands, and the eldest Geum, internally let out a sigh of relief.

"Maybe he is in the F4 lounge," the girl with large brown doe eyes continued, the blush on her cheeks slowly disappearing. "let's drop it off there,"

The redhead tensed, reflecting back at the last time the series of unfortunate events had led them there. Gu Junpyo could be present there. Belle didn't want to engage in another verbal altercation with the bratty Shinwa heir on this fine and peaceful morning.

However, seeing Jandi's hopeful eyes, and a small pout on her lips made Belle cave in.

Jandi laced her arm through Belle's, trying to reassure her that it was a good idea.

Belle's thoughts swarmed as each step led her closer and closer to the F4 lounge. Each breath that left her felt more and more controlled. Her eyes glazed over, unfocused at the sight in front of her. Surely, nothing good could come out of this?

They entered the lounge quicker than Belle would have thought.

The marble-titled floors glistened, and the footsteps of Belle and Jandi echoed with each step. The girls swept their gazes over the room; a dartboard was on the side, and a pool table was in the middle. One of the walls held a gleaming big television with the controls neatly kept on a coffee table.

The room was deathly silent.

The redhead let out a sigh of relief, her muscles loosening. Her fingers placed with themselves, as she quietly assessed the room, her platform heels filling the silent atmosphere with each step.

Of course, F4 would have their own private lounge with facilities that catered to its interests and desires. Favouritism on the grounds of the school ruined the message an education centre would want to send its students.

Shinwa Academy was messed up.

"Who is this?"

The teasing, baritone voice made Belle freeze. She snapped her eyes shut, trying to make herself believe the voice was a figment of her imagination. Jandi nudged her side and turned her around. Two amused brown eyes stared at both the girls, with identical mischievous grins.

Belle almost stepped on her tippy toes, staring past the two boys to see if Junpyo was also present. When she saw no one, a sigh of relief passed her.

The redhead really didn't want Gu Junpyo to ruin her mood.

Yi Jung smirked almost as if he found it amusing. "Aren't you Wonder Girl Gu Junpyo's worst nightmare?"

"And. . ." Yi Jung's brown eyes flickered to Belle's, an eyebrow raised.

The redhead assumed he wanted an introduction, and while she really didn't want to interact with any members of F4, she also didn't want to appear rude either. She was stuck in a conundrum. She quickly chose the latter in her head. She forcefully tugged her lips upwards in a quasi-polite smile and raised her right hand.

"I'm Belle Williams."

Yi Jung took her hand in his, giving it a small shake. "Only someone living under a rock would not know who you are."

The redhead raised an elegantly shaped eyebrow in question when he tugged her hand a little, catching her by surprise as she walked forward and pressed a light kiss on the back of her hand all the while his eyes still stayed with Belle's.

Heat rushed through her veins, giving a small tincture of pink to her cheeks, as she was caught off guard.

When he let her hand fall back, Woobin stepped forward, a teasing smile spreading across his lips.

"I'm not sure if you've heard the rumours, but some even call you the goddess of Shinwa, I mean, they are surely not exaggerating."

Woobin took Belle's other hand and landed a kiss on it. Belle watched him, trying not to widen her eyes in disbelief. Her lips parted as Woobin let her hand fall and step back, thoughts suddenly turning muddled.

Were both of them...flirting with her?

"What are you doing here? Junpyo isn't in now." Woobin said, dark eyes flickering to Jandi as Belle snapped back into reality.

"I don't have any business with him," Jandi said defensively, almost on reflex, distaste evident in her words, her eyes crinkling like half moons.

The boys chuckled in amusement.

"Aren't those Ji-hoo's running shoes?" Woobin asked, eyes falling on the familiar white and golden shoes in the hands of Jandi, his voice laced with confusion.

The fierce brunette suddenly turned shy, her cheeks scrumptiously blushed like a newlywed's; the tender brunette disappeared into a haze like a newlywed's glistening dress. The big, brown pools of her eyes seemed to be standing still, with a strange feeling developing in the pits of her stomach as she stared into her shoes.

"Please give them back to him." Jandi softly requested, so unlike, when she had confronted Junpyo.

Green contact eyes stuck to the brunette, unable to hide her smile of amusement. The effect Yoon Ji-hoo had on her friend was so amusing.

However, there was an uncertainty that made Belle almost feel like she was standing on a ledge. They were the best friends of Gu Junpyo, and birds of a feather flock together. Was Ji-hoo really different from Gu Junpyo? Belle knew not. But she didn't want to burst Jandi's bubble formed by the fluttery feelings of first love, so she decided to remain quiet.

Jandi shared a look with Belle; it was time for them to leave. As they spun on their heel, a voice made them stop.

"Would you like some tea?"

The redhead felt a myriad of emotions. Jandi glanced at her with those infuriatingly adorable brown eyes and she knew at that moment that what she felt didn't matter. Belle rubbed her lips together, trying to force a smile to form on her lips. "Sure, as long as it is not poisoned."

The boys let out soft grins at her quip.

"We can't promise that."


"Did you say that to Junpyo?" Woobin asked, eyes glinting with amusement as took a sip of his warm tea.

'Wow, you're amazing!" Yi Jung praised, his smile growing wider, exposing the dimples on his cheeks. "No one's ever made him that angry before."

Jandi shyly shook her head.

On the day of the meeting, the television was on, chatter illuminating the atmosphere sometimes and the two of them would turn their attention to the TV when they ran out of things to talk about. It was odd but Belle felt strangely more at ease as more and more time went on. Maybe it was the cup of warm tea in her hands, and the soft questions that weren't too invasive. . .

The redhead was enjoying this and she didn't know how to feel about it.

Woobin's eyes fell to the tv, taking another sip of his tea, "It's Seohyeon. She should be returning to Korea soon."

That statement made everyone's head snap to the tv. A very popular model Min Seo Myun was doing a commercial for the newest phone that came out.

When Belle had first heard of the word angel, she remembered looking at Min Seo Myun with eyes wide with awe, and the thought 'she's an angel' crossing her mind. With straight brunette locks, a pale face with delicate features that seemed to be carved from the heavens and teeth the hue of white pearls; anyone would be a fool not to recognise her beauty.

"Ji-hoo must be happy," Yi Jung said, his eyes turning misty with nostalgia. Woobin offhandedly nodded his head.

Curiosity bubbled in Belle's chest. The redhead glanced over at Jandi and she could tell the brunette felt the same way.

"Excuse me," Jandi's shy voice made both the males snap their heads towards her. "Have the four of you known each other for a long time?"

"Since kindergarten," Woobin replied.

Jandi's eyebrows knitted verily mimicking the appearance of a confused bunny. Her visage almost looked troubled, millions of thoughts rushing through her head, all at the same time.

Yi Jung read the expression on Jandi's face easily; he was really good at catching small details, it was what made him a good potter after all. "I can tell somethings on your mind. Ask me. I'll try to answer it. I'd be paying you back."

"Paying me back?" Jandi asked bewildered, her frown deepening.

"We've been having a great time thanks to you lately." Yi Jung leaned forward, both of his hands on his knees, his voice laced with mockery similar to when Gu Junpyo did the same during the 'ice cream' incident.

A flicker of anger and irritation crossed the redhead's heart. Trying not to show her annoyance, Belle let out a smile, filled with sarcasm. "I'm glad her suffering means entertainment."

"You are quite feisty Red," Yi Jung stated and the redhead furrowed her eyes, hearing the unfamiliar nickname. "It's attractive,"

Perhaps, he was trying to catch her off-guard, that thought made Belle roll her eyes and a scoff left her pink lips, "Yi Jung, flattery is going to get you nowhere."

"Yeah Yi Jung, stop the flirting act, my ears are about to bleed," Woobin rubbed his eyes dramatically, letting out a faux pained groan. The black-haired potter rolled his eyes at his dramatic best friend.

"Listen to your friend if you don't want him to be deaf," Belle deadpanned before her eyes flickered to Jandi who was watching the interaction thoroughly amused. "Jandi, would you do the honour of changing the subject?"

Jandi opened and closed her mouth like a fish, as she was suddenly put in the spotlight. "Are Ji-hoo and Min Seohyeon acquaintances?" she blurted out, before internally shaking her head, cringing at herself.

Belle raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin spreading across her lips. She couldn't wait to tease Jandi about this.

"Acquaintances?" Woobin and Yi Jung asked in sync as if they were twins. Their cheery demeanour slowly disappeared into a serious one. It made Belle wonder if it was not the appropriate question to ask.

Yi Jung took a deep breath. "Ji-hoo was in a car accident when he was five. His parents were killed on the spot. He became autistic and didn't hang out with anyone, but it was Seohyeon who pulled him back into the world. She's been our friend since childhood. But to Ji-hoo, she's his first love, but also like his mother."

Belle swallowed, pity forming in her heart for Yoon Ji-hoo. Poor him had been through so much. It made the redhead happy that Soehyeon unnie could help him.

"I didn't realize you knew Seohyeon unnie too," Belle started and it made both the boys widen their eyes in surprise. "She is like a big sister to me."

The dreary atmosphere dissolved within a blink.

"Really?" Woobin raised an eyebrow, "How did you get acquainted with her?"

"When I was sixteen I think," Belle began her tale, eyes gleaming. "She was on tour in Japan, and I was there too. I was taking a vacation at the time." the redhead added when the boys looked confused. "I had finished my finals. And we just clicked."

None of them noticed Jandi's expression, whose eyes were gleaming with woe, and a faint pain that appeared in her heart.


THE NEXT DAY, was a sunny and bright day. The scorching hot heat warmed Belle's back uncomfortably, and her pale face resembled the hue of a tomato. Sweat dripped down her back, as she panted, already semi-tired from the game of dodgeball. Her eyes fell to Jandi who didn't seem to be paying attention to the game.

Belle followed Jandi's line of sight and was surprised to find the F4 boys who were all playing a semi-friendly game of basketball. Their attire was different; baggy shirts, with shorts and a bandana on their foreheads keeping the hair out of their eyes.

The redhead could see why the girls who were resting gawked at the boys because they were eye candy. Refusing to address the direction her thoughts were going, she was about to move to sit next to Sohee who was resting after playing brilliantly. Just before she could take a step, someone called Jandi's name.

Belle whipped her head around wondering who was calling her friend. A ball rushed through the air and hit Jandi straight on her face. A surprised and worried gasp left Belle's lips, feet already padding to Jandi.

"Blood," Jandi whispered, touching her nose.

"Let's get you to the bathroom," Belle dropped her voice to a soft murmur trying to comfort Jandi in any way possible. The redhead grabbed Jandi's shoulder gently and helped her stand up.

"What a joke!"

"It's a sight for sore eyes."

"Blood from both nostrils."

Belle glared at the rude comments delivered by her stupid classmates. Ever since Jandi had gotten that dumb red card, every student was treating her differently and not in a good way. It made the redhead want to scream.

Jandi was easily the goddess among disgusting mortals.

The redhead glared at the students which made the laughter get caught in their throats. Rolling her eyes, she walked towards the benches and sat down on one. Tapping her foot slightly on the ground she didn't notice Sohee take a seat next to her.

"You play very well," Sohee complimented as Belle turned towards her, startled; face easily melting into a smile.

"Thank you," Belle said, her cheeks turning higher with her ever-growing smile. "It's a huge compliment coming from you."

Sohee's cheeks were tinted light pink. When the shorter brunette turned, her smile faded. She saw Ginger with a devilish smirk as she threw the ball, targeting her face. Without thinking Sohee snapped her eyes shut, a tremor climbing back down her spine.

A second passed.

Nothing opened.

Sohee peeked an eye open, the sweat on her lashes making it difficult to focus. Once she was confused, she noticed a hand that was in front of her face that caught the ball; Belle's.

The redhead's face had a truly terrifying look on her face, her face twisted in anger. Green eyes glared daggers at Ginger, lips turned into an unpleasant frown. Belle stood up, and bounced the ball, spinning the ball on her pointer finger.

It happened too fast. Belle threw the ball with full force at Ginger who fell backwards from the force, a pained cry escaping her. She covered her nose, blinking back tears as Sunny and Miranda crouched next to her.

"The next time you try to hurt a person, especially if they are not on guard," Belle said, her voice as smooth as velvet. "remember this,"

Sunny, Ginger and Miranda glared at her. The students were staring at her in bewilderment, jaws almost dropping to the floor.

Belle rolled her eyes at the number of eyes that landed on her. "Show's over, go back to what you were doing."

After playing for a little while, Belle walked to the girl's bathroom.

The bathroom was huge. There were huge mirrors in front of the sink, illuminated by light bulbs that decorated the edge, with gleaming sinks that shone, no speck of dust or dirt in sight. The showers were divided with huge walls and doors that guaranteed privacy.

Belle removed her wig and contacts and jumped in for an extremely quick shower. There were shampoo and body wash on a shelf, on the left. If Belle didn't know any better she would have thought it was a hotel bathroom and not a school one.

Shinwa had surely invested a lot of money in this school.

Anxiety gnawed at Belle's stomach, not wanting to meet any students without her disguise on. Her nerves made her rush threw her shower, and quickly put on clean clothes. She peeked outside and upon finding no one quickly exited and put on her disguise.

She smoothed her wig by running her fingers threw it, and quickly fled the bathroom.

On the bathroom sink, her ring glistened as the light hit.


"Ugh that foreigner is so annoying," Sunny stated, a frown marring her face, eyes gleaming with distaste.

Ginger nodded her head, holding the handkerchief on her nose gently, trying to soothe the bleeding. A groan almost left her as she accidentally applied too much pressure.

"I know right," Miranda said, her expression mirroring Sunny's. "She's not even that pretty."

Ginger let out a chuckle, her anger slightly soothed by Sunny and Miranda.

The trio walked into the girl's bathroom and settled their things on the sink, thoughts filled with the redhead.

"How dare that foreigner walk in this school like she owns the school," Sunny said, lips curling in disgust as she removed her hair tie and let her sweaty hair fall on her back.

"Yeah, I bet she is cheap like that commoner," Miranda said, lips turning into a frown. Ginger splashed some cool water on her face, but that didn't soothe her cheeks which were turning red from anger. A scoff left her lips as she dried her face.

"I bet my new Luis Vuitton bag that she is also from a poor background, and she is lying about being rich," Sunny stated, scrubbing her face with an expensive facewash. Foam covered her face, as she peered at the other two.

"Imagine if the whole school found out, it would be a sight to see," Miranda said as the girls let out hyena laughs that resonated around the school toilet, causing the other girls to stop and stare.

Ginger noticed a ring on the counter, "Hey guys, what's this?"

The other girls huddled closer to her, eyes stuck on the ring. The ring was beautiful, with a butterfly design. It appeared to be made of gold and was adorned with diamonds. The delicate appearance of the ring made it seem fragile.

Ginger picked it up gently and checked her surroundings. Once she realized no eyes were on her, she marvelled at the ring and as she turned it, she noticed initials written on the inner band of the ring.


"Whose initials could this be?" Sunny asked staring at the ring.

"It doesn't matter, it's mine now," Ginger smirked maliciously, her greedy eyes shining, and slid it on her middle finger.

The girls exchanged mischievous smirks.


Belle grabbed her backpack and walked out as she observed kids gathering around a notice. Feeling their curiosity grow, she walked closer to the crowd, eyes falling on the notice.

Shinhwa High, Sophomores and Juniors
December 1st to 31st

Cruise to 5 European Countries

Now, that actually looked like fun. Cruising through five European countries? Count Belle in! She remembered criticizing a lot in her brain about Shinwa Academy's ways, but this? She couldn't possibly be upset about it.

The excitement began to grow in her heart, as she quickly paid the fee with her card, not bothering to remember the price of the trip. She ignored the number of eyes that fell on her, some staring at her with distaste.

Belle had already made enemies with classmates within the Shinwa walls, with her almost confrontation with Gu Junpyo to her being friends with Geum Jandi and rumours had already circulated that the redhead and Jandi had tea with So Yi Jung and Song Woobin.

So clearly, she was as welcome as fish among birds.

In her excitement to tell Jandi as the brunette had already left early that day. She rushed to the place Geum Jandi worked, rushing a bit over the speed limit. She quickly got out of her car and slammed the door, which made people stare at her and her car with envy.

Geum Jandi worked part-time at a porridge shop with her best friend. The prospect of meeting Belle's other friend - Chu Ga Eul - made Belle stop at the door. Would Ga Eul even like her? Was she intruding on them?

Suddenly, the idea of meeting Jandi didn't seem like such a good idea anymore. Green eyes stared at the 'open' sigh, uncertainly and doubt clouding her mind.

Inside the porridge shop, Jandi was sitting in one of the chairs, her eyes drifted through the restaurant before stopping at a figure with red hair outside the door. It couldn't be. . .

Jandi hurried and opened the door causing Belle to jump back, startled. "Belle?" The brunette squinted her brown eyes, partly in wonder and partly in confusion.

"Um...won't you come in?"

Belle snapped back into reality and hurried inside, a small bell chimed over her head that caught the attention of a female.

"Welcome," the girl bowed. "Please take a seat."

Jandi hooked an arm around Belle's sensing her growing anxiety. "Ga Eul, this is Belle,"

Ga Eul's face morphed into shock which quickly morphed into ecstasy. She rushed in front of Belle and bowed again. "It's a pleasure to meet you sunbae."

All of her anxiety washed away, seeing the pretty girl in front of her. "It's a pleasure to meet you too."

The girls led her to a table and Belle settled on the chair.

"I thought Jandi would be a loner but now I can't believe she has not one but two friends!" The way Ga Eul's pretty doe eyes filled with awe when she looked at Belle made her blush. Ga Eul giggled, whispering to Jandi about how cute she was.

"Would you like some porridge?"

"Oh, um, no that's fine. I actually came here to tell Jandi something."

Confused frowns marred both the girl's faces.

"Actually Shinwa is having a cruise and I wanted to tell you. It could be fun." Belle turned to Jandi, eyes wide with hope.

"Oh yes," Jandi grumbled, her frown deepening. "The school trip that costs $20,000."

A startled gasp left Ga Eul's pin cupids, doe eyes turning wide. "A school trip? What? $20,000? Your school is over the top. How could a school trip cost $20,000? The entire school will be going on the trip?"

Jandi nodded, some strands of her hair falling in front of her eyes.

"It's $20,000 because the school wants to rob its students." Belle joked, making both the girls giggle.

"Are you trying to go somewhere without me?" a male asked, dressed in the attire of a chef. Once he saw her, his eyes widened and he quickly bowed.

Ga Eul's pretty features turned into an irritated scowl. "Where the heck would we go?" she then turned around to face the girls, her expression softening. "What are you going to do?"

"I'll get a part-time job during the summer," Jandi said which made Belle's heart drop. Now thinking about the whole ordeal again, Belle realised how stupid she was to think Jandi would go on this trip with her. "My dad has caused trouble again. Life at home is like walking on thin ice these days."

Jandi scrunched her face in annoyance, remembering what her father had done earlier.

The girl's boss had a small satellite in his hand and he exclaimed. "South! You're going south!" Belle stared at the chef, blinking as he swayed his arms up in the air trying to do god knows what.

"Why don't you go inside and cook some porridge for Belle?" Ga Eul snarled and she looked at Jandi with a softer look. "Our class has also been begging for a school trip instead of going to an English Village. I wish I could make money and play at the same time."

"To the sea? South?" The girl's boss yelled excitedly.

Before Ga Eul could reply her phone started buzzing. Her caller ID read 'Mommy'

"Hey, Mom... Really? I'm able to go." Ga Eul hesitated. "But can't I go with Jandi?... Really? Will you talk to Auntie for me? But we need to be paid 70,000 won a day." With that, she hung up and Ga Eul and Jandi started jumping around excitedly, locked in an excited embrace. Belle watched them with a smile, swallowing her negative feelings.

The redhead had naively already paid for the trip but now Jandi wouldn't even be present, nor would Sohee be, as she was planning on visiting France for a month. Belle was truly and utterly alone.

"See?" Their boss pointedly a finger accusingly at them "You guys are going somewhere. Are you planning a trip south?"

"Well," Rainebelle started, struggling to keep the smile on her face. "You both have fun then!"


BELLE had seen a lot of cruises in her lifetime. However, nothing quite prepared her for the cruise at Shinwa High. It was positively huge, with various things to engage oneself. There was a pool on the deck, and inside there were numerous libraries, cafeterias, and the rooms the students were assigned were magnificent.

All of the students were on deck, lounging around and relaxing. Belle was feeling a tad bit annoyed though. Before she got on the cruise, the captain had announced that they were changing destinations. After some snooping around, she discovered that the destination change was because of Gu Junpyo.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" an annoying voice entered Belle's ears making her grimace.

The redhead rolled her eyes and turned around to find herself looking at the less-than-friendly faces of Ginger, Sunny and Miranda.

What a great way to start the day.

"You know," Sunny started as her beady eyes trailed down the yellow dress she was wearing, with judgement. "If you want to fit in. You have got to change your fashion sense."

The girls laughed like it was the funniest thing they had heard all day, their high-pitched laughs drawing attention.

Belle let a heavy sigh escape her, rolling her eyes. Her visage of pure irritation was enough of a message to not mess with her yet these girls didn't seem to be catching the hint. The redhead had been supportive of girls supporting girls but what can you do with a shallow, vindictive, mindset that poisoned their minds making them nothing but a mere lump of flesh and bones?

"Look, I am not in the mood of dealing with witches," her sharp reply made the trio gasp in hurt. "So if you would just leave me alone..."

The redhead tried to make her exit but was annoyingly blocked by Ginger. She wondered for a moment if it would be an appropriate response to throw her in the ocean and all of her goons. Ginger placed a hand on Belle's shoulder.

"Look, we just want what's best for you," Ginger said, faking a sympathetic smile, a voice filled with false promises.

Belle glared at Ginger's hand and a ring glimmered in the light. It was a butterfly ring, with delicate wings encrusted with diamonds on a golden band. . . The redhead tried not to show any reaction.

The redhead looked at her own hands which were devoid of any jewellery. Belle paled. This meant. . .

The witch had her ring!

"You see this?" Ginger said putting her hand in front of Belle's face in an irritating way. "My father got this for me."

Ginger trailed the butterfly wings and Belle fought the urge to knock her hand off her precious ring. She felt her soul cry in anguish when Ginger placed a gentle kiss on the golden band.

That ring was given to her by her father on her twelfth birthday and had been custom-made. Her father had given it to her, blue eyes filled with pride and love and when he slipped it on her finger, he gently spoke about how proud he was of his daughter and knew that she was a bright star in the future.

Heat rushed through her veins, and she slowly formed her hands into fists, nails digging into her soft skin. Belle couldn't think what to do. Should she just force the ring off Ginger's finger? That seemed like too much work and Belle really didn't want to add 'thief' to the list of insults the girls probably threw at her.

How could she get her ring back?

Before she could think before, F4 shuffled into view and the girls rushed off without sparing her a blink.

Worry and anxiety gnawed at her stomach. She had to get it back. Belle swallowed, trying not to let her strong feelings overwhelm her, the pain forming in her hands temporarily distracted her. She opened her palms to find red crescent moon shapes.

"Hey, Ms Laundry! Can you hear me? Hey!" Gu Junpyo's voice turned nauseatingly loud with the help of a megaphone echoed in her ears almost making her jump.

Ms Laundry? Who was he talking about?

Belle's eyebrows knitted in confusion, a sudden wind toying with the ends of her yellow dress and her hair. She stepped forward, the force of which made all her hair flying behind her neck, tickling her. The redhead didn't need to put in much effort to reach the front, as boys stared at her with their mouths open, parting like the red sea.

The redhead peered into the blue ocean to find a small boat, on top of which, were Geum Jandi and Chu Ga Eul.

Jandi's face which had been twisted into a frown, brightened once he saw her. "Belle!" she cheered, moving one of her jacket-covered arms to wave at the redhead.

"Hi..." Belle waved back, growing more and more confused. She glanced at Gu Junpyo and a sudden thought came to mind. He didn't change directions because of...Jandi...No way that couldn't be the case.

Gu Junpyo hated Geum Jandi with all of his spoiled heart. Right?

Ga Eul stared at Belle, with her doe eyes turning wide in awe. Red hair flew behind Belle, the wind teasing her hair. Pink saccharine lips were curved upwards in the most mesmerising smile, showing off her pearly whites. Belle's yellow sundress hugged her body in the most perfect way, her skirt flaring out at the end that fluttered in the breeze.

Belle looked hypnotizing; akin to a siren.

Ga Eul blushed hotly when Belle's gaze landed on her, throwing her a small cute wave. The brunette mirrored her action.

"I heard you went to the sea. Just look at her." Junpyo spoke into the microphone. Belle didn't need to look at him to know he had the most annoying smile on his face as he spoke.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jandi yelled. "I thought you were going to Europe."

"I've been there too many times before." Junpyo shrugged carelessly. "Someone recommended this place to me. What a coincidence, huh? I had no idea you'd be here, Dry Cleaner."

Belle turned her head to Gu Junpyo. A coincidence? It didn't seem like it. He declined to go to European countries on tour to be on a cruise to be in the oceans in South Korea.

Something didn't add up.

"Just go on your way. Pretend you didn't see me." Jandi said, lips turning into an annoyed frown. Jandi looked adorable, so much so, that Belle wanted to pinch her puffed cheeks.

"Are you okay on that wooden boat?" Junpyo said.

A snort left Belle's lips, as she covered her mouth to muffle it. Gu Junpyo truly was a stand-up comedy show. Some girls who heard her glared at her and whispered to each other in annoyance.

"It's a real boat! Don't worry about us!"

"Really? I guess you won't drown though, because you know how to swim. Here we go!" Junpyo said.

As the cruise speeded up and the water splashed across the girls, Belle was unsure whether to laugh at the expressions on the girls' faces or to be angry at Junpyo for having done that to them.


They checked into the hotel, and Belle was really surprised to find an invite to a party sitting on her bed. Once she read it, a gentle smile formed on her lips. It was a party for Seohyun returning to South Korea.

She arrived at the venue, looking at everything with awe. Once she entered through the double doors, her heels met with the carpeted floor. The walls were tall, housing her classmates that were all polished and dolled up to perfection; boys with suits pressed to perfect and girls with cute dresses that flared around them.

She attracted some stares, as she slowly entered. Her hair had been done up in soft curls that fell down her back, a silver clip on the back of her head. A royal blue dress hugged her curves, which were short in the front, exposing her silver heels with her dress flaring in the back that fluttered with each movement she made.

With her posture and the aura of confidence that surrounded her, she looked nothing short of royalty.

Green eyes flicked around the venue, searching for Jandi. Upon not seeing her, an unintentional pout formed on her lips. She grabbed a drink from the waiter and sipped the drink.

A sudden commotion grabbed her attention, and her gaze landed on the food table. Upon seeing Ginger, Sunny and Miranda, Belle already knew something wrong was going on. Her feet padded away to the scene pushing past multiple people.

A gasp left her lips at the scene that greeted her.

There was Jandi laying on the cold ground, bits of food and drinks spilt over her attire which gleamed in red and blue; suspiciously appearing like a Wonder Woman costume. The brunette had her eyes shut, a humiliated frown adorning her face. 

"Isn't that Wonder Woman?"  A student asked.

Belle felt her blood pressure rise. As anger surged through her bones, she carefully knelt on the ground, hands already moving on their own to help Jandi.

"Oh, my gosh! Isn't that Wonder Woman? I guess she doesn't know reality from fantasy." Ginger laughed with a smug look on her face, that made the redhead want to knock her teeth out.

Belle let out a heavy sigh, her jaw slowly clenching as she brought the brunette to her toes who looked down at her feet, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"You should've asked for a dress. I know you want to be different, but you've gone too far." Sunny said in mock sympathy, her artificially sweet voice and her stupid quip make the other students laugh.

Green eyes turned into a glare as she wrapped an arm around Jandi, nuzzling her closer to her bosom, running her hand up and down Jandi's arm trying to provide her with some comfort.

"Is this what regular people do to have fun?"

The girls cackled like they were the villains of a fairy tale.

"Why don't you three shut up before I make you?!

The trio stopped laughing, and seeing the furious visage of Belle, gulped trying to regain their composure.

There was something strangely fear-inducing in the way Belle could make her sweet as a cupcake voice suddenly drops to a cold velvety one like she was singing a song that would cause someone's death.

Seohyun gracefully walked near Jandi with Ji-hoo looking elegant as ever in her pearly white dress; her attire mirroring Ji-hoo's. They looked like a couple straight out of a fairytale.

Belle could see an emotion akin to fury and strangely enough pity in Ji-hoo's honey-brown eyes. His gaze was stuck on Jandi as he removed his white coat and gently put it around her, which covered Belle as well.

Belle adjusted the cloth, as she separated herself from Jandi who seemed to be clinging to her like how a bear cub clings to its mother. Once Jandi was covered she resumed her place at Belle's side desperately seeking warmth.

Even though Jandi seemed tough, Belle could see past her strong facade to see a girl who was scared but went on despite the fear for what she believed in.

Geum Jandi was truly one of a kind.

"I know what you're trying to do." Seohyun began, her honey-glazed voice making everyone look at her.  "Let me tell you something. This proves that you're just vulgar."

This made the trio of witches stop in their laughing, faces dropping.

Seohyun slightly turned her head to look at Ji-hoo, silky chocolate locks fluttering as she did so. "Ji-hoo, take her to my room.

How much Belle loved Seohyun at that moment.

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