Undesirable (George Weasley)

By sabtheteenagewitch

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After what appeared to be another quiet summer morning, Sabrina LaBelle receives a letter that proves to be a... More



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By sabtheteenagewitch

I avoided everyone for the next couple of weeks, the guilt of not warning Harry becoming a great burden to myself. I separated myself in classes I had with the twins, choosing to sit with others across the room. I avoided meals, to which Angelina slowly picked up on, starting to leave me a plate on my bed afterwards. The only person I found solitude with was Hermione, surprisingly enough, as I knew I couldn't betray another person I cared about.

We had discussed a lot, her updating me on everything that's been happening between our friends for the past couple of weeks while I helped her study in the library. She told me of Harry and Ron's falling out, which hurt me even more. Harry wasn't mad at me, he knew I wasn't supposed to talk to people directly. He was miffed at first, which I can't blame him, as it was such a sudden surprise. But after how Ron has been treating him, he knew he couldn't stay mad at me. He knew how guilty I felt, Hermione had told him. She said that the twins missed me the most, to which I let the tears flow. I missed George.

"You can always see them, they just don't know what to do. You won't talk to them, you avoid them in class. They just want their friend back." I smiled at her.

"I know, I just can't keep hurting everyone. I know too much, and I let myself get involved when I shouldn't have. It was selfish."

"It was NOT selfish, Sabrina. We all need people in our lives to help us through everything. You shouldn't shut them out, they want to be there for you."

I thought about that conversation, as I headed into the Great Hall for the first time in almost a month. I saw George's defeated expression, as he sat in a space between his brother. I frowned, realizing that that seat was for me. I wondered if he had been saving it all this time.

I quickly slipped in next to him, to which he didn't even look up.

"This seats taken, my girlfriend is coming." His voice had no tone, as if he had recited this line many times before. He probably had.

"You got a new girlfriend, Georgie? I know I haven't been the best, but oof-." George hugged me so tight that the air left my lungs.

"I've been so worried, I wanted to give you the space you needed but I didn't even know what was wrong! I should have been there, I'm so sorry."

"Sorry? You're sorry? George, I'm a complete ass. I shouldn't have pushed you away. Or Fred. Or Lee, or Angelina, or anyone I cared about. I knew what would happen with the Goblet. I know what's going to come, but I need to come to terms with watching everything. It's awful, Georgie, but I'm more prepared now. I'm so sorry I made you worry. I'll always come back to you."

George grabbed me again, and held me for a few minutes before letting go.

"I know you will."

Solely making my amends with everyone, I realized the reason ss to how I would be strong was through this group of people I've comes to loved. I knew though, that I owed Harry at least the first task.

In the common room later that day, I caught Harry between his classes.

"Harry, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know how, and it's stupid of me, but I was hoping that I could have changed it before it happened. But the second Cedrics name flew out I knew that yours would too." Harry studied my eyes, then grabbed my hands.

"It's okay. I forgave you the night it happened."

"Harry, I have to tell you about the first task. It's soon, isn't it?" I questioned.

"Next week, actually. I've been trying to practice spells with Hermione, but it's hard not knowing what I'm facing." He looked down into the carpet, shuffling his feet.

"It's dragons. You have to fight a dragon. And Hagrid will be showing you them, in the next couple of days I believe when they arrive. You don't have to fight it, you just have to get around it and get an item. You're a good flyer Harry, on your broom? You're only allowed a wand, but there's always a way to get objects with a spell. I can't ruin the timeline too much, so when you have this conversation with others, act surprised alright? And also ask Hermione for the spell, I'm sure she'll know it." I smiled, and Harry's concerned face shifted from relieved to concerned back to relief.

"Dragons?" He whispered. I nodded.

"The other champions will learn of it too, so I suggest letting Cedric know after you've met with Hagrid. Not before, don't make people suspicious of it. But I'm giving you extra time to prepare, alright?" He nodded.

"I have to go to class, Harry. You'll be okay. I promise." I patted him on the shoulder, and left him in his thoughts as he headed out of the common room and me the opposite direction, towards my dorm.

When the task did arrive, I had taken it upon myself to bring George along with me to madam pomfry's. I wanted him to know everything, from now on, and after the task I was ready to tell Dumbledore I wanted George to help with keeping Cedric safe this year.

Walking along, he swung our entwined hands, sneaking glances at me here and there. Every time I caught him, he grinned widely at me, which only made me smile ten times harder.

"You know I love spending time with you, but where are we going, love?" He questioned, as I led him down towards the hospital wing. He noticed where I was headed, and stopped us before reaching the entrance.

"Are you alright? Why are we going to the hospital wing?" He touched his hand to my forehead, then patted my body to make sure everything was in check.

"I've had trouble, Georgie. With my anxiety. I wanted you to know, now that I'm comfortable with knowing that it's okay to have these moments. Madam Pomfry makes calming draughts for me, so I can control it. I wanted to bring you so you knew. I don't and to keep anything from you anymore. I want you to know what I'm trying to prevent this year, if you want to know. I plan on going to Dumbledore after the task." I looked up at him, and he seemed at a loss for words.

"Are you sure it's safe, me knowing?" He questioned.

"That's why we have to go to Dumbledore. It doesn't involve you, but I can't do this on my own. I need someone." He nodded. Grabbing the bottom of my chin, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss against my lips. My eyes closed on instinct, taking in the feeling of butterflies that often came with George's affectionate touches. He smiled into the kiss, sheik we both pulled away.

"Come on." I prompted, pushing open the doors and entering the infirmary.

"Hello Madam, how are you?" I asked politely, George greeting her the same.

"Oh dear, how great to see you. What shall be the problem today?" She questioned, eyeing George warily.

"I told him, it's okay. I need a calming drought for the tournament today, if you have any leftover." I asked, my leg bouncing off the tiles.

"Of course." She said, reaching over a counter and grabbing the small vial from a cupboard. The doses I took were incredibly small, as they were meant for panic attacks and tragedy. The wizarding world didn't really have anything for mental health, so we had decided to use small vials of the draught instead. It worked, slowly easing off the edge of my anxiety, allowing myself to take control of my mind instead of the opposite.

"Thank you." I said, after tipping the contents into my mouth. She smiled at me, then shooed us out of the castle, claiming we'll miss the first task if we chose to hang out with "her little old self" any longer. George snorted at that comment.

"Love, Fred and I, we're going to be taking bets from people before the task. Trying to make some extra money, you know, for the shop. Is that alright with you? I'll catch you before."

"Of course! I see Angelina over there anyways, I'll catch you before everything starts." He smiled at me, pecked my lips, then ran off to where Fred and Lee were yelling slogans from around the stands.

The quidditch pitch was transformed, creating this large arena that I knew would soon be home to dragons. I shuddered at the thought.

"Sabrina! Over here!" Angelina voice called out, and I quickly grabbed the seat next to her. Ron and Hermione were above us, whispering intensely among themselves. I knew Hermione had been trying to convince Ron that Harry hadn't put his name in, but that didn't seem to relate back to Ron in any way. He was jealous, as I knew that any best friend of Hardy's would be. And like all jealousy, it eventually fades.

"Thanks!" I said, sitting down. I shivered as the brisk air caught underneath my shirt, making me curse myself for not bringing any more layers. It had been unusually warm the past few days, so I had assumed dressing as I had would be sufficient enough. I was wrong.

"Oh, you're freezing!" Angelina exclaimed, quickly going to reach for the scarf around her neck. Before she could, I felt a woolen sweater slip over my head, momentarily blinding me from the stadium. Adjusting the sleeves, I saw George's lopsided grin stare down at me.

"My woman shall never be cold!" He exclaimed, wrapping me in his arms. He also removed his scarf, draping it over my neck and fixing it so it was on correctly.

"George, don't call me your woman." I laughed, kissing him on the cheek for the sweater. He had a jacket over his shirt, with mittens on each hand. I didn't worry about him losing his sweater, as he appeared to be warm himself. He pulled me into him, nestling his nose into the crook of my neck.

Angelina cooed, letting out a loud "awwwww" while Fred simultaneously made gagging noises from next to Ron.

"Oh shut it Fred." Angelina scowled, turning to face the stadium. George snickered at Fred, whose face looked betrayed.

Suddenly, a loud voice boomed over the stadium. I quickly recognized it as Dumbledore, for his voice was both demanding yet comforting. It scared me.

"Welcome to the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Each constant has been given the opportunity to select a model dragon. These represent very real dragons, each of which been given a golden egg to protect. Their objective is simple: collect the egg. They must complete this, for each egg contains a clue without which they cannot hope to proceed to the next task. On the cannon, our first competitor will emerge."

Almost immediately, a large crash of the cannon echoed the stadium, slowly emerging each of the contestants. I thought that my anxiety would be off the roof, watching each and every competitor duel for their lives against a dragon. It seemed, to most people, to be one of the most nerve racking experiences they have ever had. But part of me also knew what would happen, and having that knowledge allowed me to talk myself down from passing out to an anxiety attack right then and there. With George holding me, and the calming draught I had beforehand, I watched the first task with ease. The only moment where I thought I might pass out was when we were narrowly smacked by the edge of the dragon's wing, yet everything that has happened in the books remained the same. I was glad my pretense hadn't affected the first task, and this and the second one needed to go according to plan.

It's the third task that needs to change.

After the task, Fred exclaimed that Charlie was here, as he was the brother that worked with the dragons in Romania. Excited, George grabbed my hand and led me towards the back where all the trainers were.

"Erm, George I don't know if meeting your brother right now is the best things." I said, nervously wiping my hand across my jeans. I was still wearing George's homemade sweater, which only made me blush harder. I was scared of meeting the other Weasley's, as my first impression had been so strange with the rest of them.

"You're not... scared are you?" George joked, poking at the edge of my sides where he knew I was ticklish.

"No...I'm... not." I breathed out, in between laughing from having my sides squished together.

"Good." He stopped, grabbed my hand, and motioned Fred over.

"Charlie!" They yelled in unison, walking at a quicker pace to see their brother.

"Hello Fred, George. Who's this?" He questioned, sending George a knowing smirk.

"I'm Sabrina." I introduced, grabbing Charlie's colouselled hand. He looked impressed, as George had went to introduce me but I had quickly taken over. It's my first impression, after all.

"Charlie. I've heard a lot about you. All the hogwarts houses? That must be stressful." He said with a laugh, and I tried not to frown.

"Oh, yeah. I mostly stick around the Gryffindors." I smiled, staring at George who was already looking at me. Blushing, I looked towards the rest of the dragons, who were being carefully handled in the back. I assumed getting ready for their trip home to Romania.

"Good. Best house there is." He sent me a wink, then turned his head when his name was called.

"I better go. It was great seeing you brothers, and meeting you, Sabrina." He sent a warm smile, then trotted back to the other handlers.

When George, Fred and I were far away enough from the stadium and practically back into the castle, I turned my head towards George.

"Hey George?"


"Your brother's hot."


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