Braver - Jack Brewer

By kam1c0r3

52.8K 1K 566

"She's braver. Braver than most." "You got that right." Jack Brewer is the new kid at Seaford High. Naomi Ada... More

1. Wasabi Warriors
1.5 Rudy and Naomi's talk
2. Fat Chance
3. Dummy Dancing
3.5 Jack and Naomi's moment
4. Dojo Day Afternoon
5. Swords and Magic
6. Road to Wasabi Part 1
6. Road to Wasabi Part 2
6. Road to Wasabi Part 4
7. All The Wrong Moves
8. Rocky Beaver
9. Wax On, Wax Off
10. The Commercial
11. Kung Fu Cop

6. Road to Wasabi Part 3

1.9K 41 11
By kam1c0r3

Quick A/N...
I'm so sorry about the chapters being so short! I am working on other books too like my Kiara Carrera, Mitch Rapp, and some others that I haven't published yet. I will most likely be discontinuing my Ricky Bowen story. I am very sorry but I want to work on this story more often so I will stop with my HSMTMTS story. Please check out my other books and I will write more on this one with the more reads the others get! Thank you! Happy reading!

Jack, Kim, and I were walking to the dojo. Once we entered the food court, we saw Milton, Eddie, and Jerry fighting. All three of us immediately run over and try breaking them apart. Well, it was mostly Jack breaking them apart.

"Hey, guys, what are you doing?" Jack exclaims,"Stop. Get away. Come on." Jack gets Eddie off of Jerry. Kim and I get Milton off of Eddie.

"What is going on with you guys?" I frantically ask.

"This Bobby Wasabi movie is tearing us apart." Milton explains.

Kim and I grab Jack and pull him to the side, again. "Jack, this is crazy." Kim points out.

"Just tell them the truth." I say. The words sting like a rug burn. How can I tell Jack to tell them the truth when I'm not even truthful. My face falls. My breath hitches. My heart hurts. My stomach becomes queasy. The warm summer air now feels like sharp pieces of ice stabbing me in the back. I deserved it. After all, I am stabbing them in the back.

Jack pulls me out of my thoughts by placing his hand on my shoulder,"Naomi?"

I hum in response.

"Are you ok? You kinda zoned out for a bit." He turns me to look at him even though my eyes look everywhere but him.

"Yeah, no, I'm good." I say slowly. Jack nods.

"Well, I said,'You're right.' So, I'm gonna tell them." Jack frowns slightly before walking back to the boys at the table. "Guys, you remember how I said Bobby Wasabi was coming down to our dojo?"

"Yeah." All the boys reply.

"Well, the truth is..."

A man with a lot if rings pick up two of Jerry's falafel balls. He walks past the table and over to our dojo.

Jerry stands up and sticks out his fork at the guy,"Hey, beef meats, who do you think you are?"

The guy turns around with his long hair and mustache blowing in the wind. It was like he was in slow motion.

"I am..." The man throws one falafel ball and it gets stabbed perfectly onto Jerry's fork. "Bobby Wasabi." He turns back around and heads for our dojo.

All of our mouths stood agape,"Woah."

We stand there for a bit as we watch the Bobby Wasabi walk into our dojo.

"We should probably go tell...what's our sensei's name?" I snap my fingers together, still in awe.

"R-Ruby?" Jack says more like a question.

"Rudy!" We all say in unison before running into our dojo.

"Rudy, Rudy, your birthday present's here." Jack runs up to Rudy,"It's Bobby Wasabi!" Jack points at Bobby.

"Yeah." Jerry pants.

"You wanna know why he's here? Because when I say I can deliver, what happens? Oh, that's right. I deliver." Jack praises himself.

"You're ego is wayyyy too big, dude." I pat his shoulder.

Rudy points at Bobby and chuckles,"That's a great joke. You hire some big betty to squeeze into a dress," Rudy starts.

I start using my hand and dragging it across my neck, telling him to stop. I shake my head and so do the others.

Rudy continues,"and then wobble in here saying he's Bobby Wasabi."

We start shushing him silently.

"It is hilarious." Rudy laughs.

"You don't think I am..." Bobby stands next to the cardboard cutout we have of him when he was younger and poses how the cutout was posing,"Bobby Wasabi?"

"No, ma'am or sir, I do not." Rudy answers.

We keep telling him to cut it out silently.

Man this dumbass is gonna get his ass kicked by Bobby Wasabi!
I thought to myself.

Bobby starts walking to Rudy. "That is it. Hi-ya-ya-ya-ya-yah!" Bobby starts throwing punches at Rudy while Rudy keeps blocking them.

Rudy kept fighting Bobby and punched him in the gut before flipping him on the ground.

We all watch wincing and trying to get Rudy to stop. We run up to him while Bobby lays on the floor, groaning.

"Rudy, this is no joke. That really is Bobby Wasabi." Jack's voice cracks from worry.

"Oh." Rudy's face scrunches like he's in deep thought before he kneels down next to Bobby and puts his hands on the karate master's stomach. "Oh. Oh!" Rudy finally realized what he did before helping Bobby up along with the rest of us.

"Oh, Bobby."

"I'm, sorry."

"Sorry, Mr. Wasabi."

"Sorry, dude."

We all said at different times while helping the man up.

"Mr. Wasabi, I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding. Um, welcome to my dojo." Rudy says, nervously.

"This is not your dojo. This is my dojo. And you. Are. Fired!" Bobby flips his hair and struts out of the dojo.

I look at Jack with worry written all over my face. His eyes flash that he is scared.

"Nice birthday present, Jack. You got Rudy fired." Kim tells the sorry boy as we walk down the hallway.

"Maybe next year you can give him a balloon and push him off of a three story building." I smile sarcastically.

"The worst part is the Bobby Wasabi comeback movie is dead." Milton groans as we come to a stop next to the cafeteria doors.

I sit down on the steps by the door and just think, tuning out my friends conversation. I look at my board that was hanging on my bag by a velcro strap. I undo the strap and set the board on my lap, grabbing a Sharpie from the pocket of my ripped black jeans.

I start doodling on my board. If it didn't turn out great, I could always put a sticker on top of it.

I didn't think of what I was drawing. I just let my hand move doing squiggles and lines. While I let my hand do the drawing, I start thinking about what we are going to do with Rudy gone.

Jack and I can lead, right? Or are we gonna get a new sensei? Will we like them? Will they be a cold hearted bastard?

My heart rate starts to pick up and my breathing quickens. My mind races like a race car on a track. Going 'round and 'round and 'round. Never stopping.

My hand starts tightening around the Sharpie and pushing it into my board.

I can hear faint voices of my friends.

"Naomi, are you ok?"

"Naomi, wake up."

"Focus, Naomi."

"Come on, Naomi, breathe!"

My mind comes back into focus when the tip of the Sharpie is now pushed all the way into the plastic around it. I throw the Sharpie on the ground. I can finally hear the voices clearly. With my breath heavy and my mind slowing down from the racing it was doing, I could focus.

I feel a firm grip on my right shoulder. I look over to see Jack.

"You ok?" He asks, clearly worried about me.

I shrug his hand off and stand up fast,"I'm fine. I just- need some air." And with that, I speed walk out of the school doors.

I am sitting down on a the side walk right outside of school. I found some pebbles on the ground, so I start throwing them at speed limit sign.

From behind me, I heard light gentle footsteps. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"Hey." Jack says, sitting down by me.

"Hey." I quietly say.

We sit in silence for a good minute or so until Jack spoke up.

"Are you know, after earlier?" He said hesitant.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good..I guess..maybe..I don't know!" I keep answering after feeling Jack's eyes burn into the side of my head. I still hadn't looked at him. Unsure if I would break down on the spot or if I'd take my anger out on him.

He rests his hand on my shoulder. I once again shrug it off.

"Ok, I get it." Jack puts his hands in surrender before letting them fall back onto his lap.

"Get what?" I finally glance over at him for a split second.

"You're mad at me for getting Rudy fired by having Bobby Wasabi go over to the dojo."

"Ya think?" I scoff.

"Look, you can be mad at me all you want. Just...please don't be mad at me forever." Jack looks at me before standing up and walking back into the school.

I pick up a bigger rock and throw it at the sign in anger. "Shit!" I yell out.

I just fucked up with my best friend.

I sit alone in a park, looking up at the stars. I haven't talked to Jack or anyone since school. I felt lonely all day long.

I feel a sudden weight on the blanket I'm sitting on.

"Jack, I don't want to talk-" I look over and see Kim. "Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it. So...Jack told us about the little conversation you two had at school."

I scoff,"Of course he did."

"Jack's right. You can't be mad at him forever."

"I know, but...I don't know. Rudy is the glue that holds us all together...and with no Rudy, we kinda start to split apart." I shrug and lay down with a huff.

Kim lays down too,"I get that. And maybe there's a way we can get Rudy back." Kim looks at me with a smirk.

Kim and I run over to Bobby's mansion.

"I got her." Kim pants.

"Thank God." The boys sigh out.

"You owe me." Kim points at Jack.

"Yeah, yeah." Jack shrugs it off.

A/n: Hey guys! Thank you sooooo much for the reads and the support. I will start making more parts soon. I have been having some family and self problems, but I will start writing normal again soon!

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