Horimiya: Plus One (Male Read...

By StardustMaster

119K 3.5K 2.3K

It sucks being the middle child. Even though, Y/n is a little younger than Kyouko, he is still seen as the mi... More

Prologue: The Cook
You Don't Have A Chance...
First Names?
Kyoto and...Cats?
Just Say It...
??? Chapter
Lovely Days
Uh... Friendship...?
Feelings, Cake, and Stew
Idiots and Cats...
Reunions and Tongue Games
Haircut Level...Up?
Wrapping Up The Year
Although We May Say Goodbye Now...[Finale]
...The World Will Keep Spinning, And Bring Us Back Together Some Day [Epilogue]

The Fear & Acceptance... Of Change

6.5K 147 214
By StardustMaster

I crouched down to cat Miyamura, Sengoku, and Y/n. In my hand was a bar of chocolate. "Here, breaks it evenly. You hear me."

"Hmph." Y/n said and crossed his arms, the nerve of this car.

"Everyone gets equal pieces. You're all about equal rights, equal fights right? This shouldn't be too hard." I told him as he nodded. The three broke the chocolate as Sengoku noticed Miyamura had a smaller piece.

"You can have the rest of this part." Sengoku said as Miyamura leaped on his back.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted as Y/n seemed to be bored and sat in the corner. I had the same dream the next day, and they were older... "They're bigger... was it the chocolate?"

Miyamura looked at me. "Ah! Ishikawa, Ishikawa! I want a PlayStation! And a cheese burger!" "Selfish brat!"

Sengoku looked in despair. "Seriously, you only have manga...?" "You can read?!"

I was suddenly punched in the stomach and saw Y/n looking at me with a smirk. "Come on, you're stronger than that, right?"

Miyamura hopped on my shoulders as I started to choke. "What?! What do you want?!"

"I guess I can't ride on your shoulders anymore." Miyamura came to a non shocking conclusion.

"Ishikawa, do you have any books on the theory of evolution?" He asked as I was shocked.

"Evo...Wha? No..." Miyamura then hopped on my back again.

"I'm hungry! I'm hungry!" He shouted while latched to my back.

"Ugh...all that's left is potato chips." I told them but not a second later...

"STOP HOGGING THEM ALL, YOU NERDS!!" Y/n shouted at the two.


"QUIT FIGHTING OVER IT!!" I shouted and sat down on the couch with a pillow exhausted. Miyamura leaped on my chest, covering my mouth and nose with the pillow. I quickly pushed him off and glared at him. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!"

"Yes." Y/n said something concerning.

"Calm form, Ishikawa. He was just trying to play." Sengoku said.

"Don't be mad. I won't do it again." "WELL, I AM MAD!!" I shouted and wouldn't you know it, the next day... "we're the same age now. We're totally the same age now, aren't we?"

"Ah, don't worry, I won't jump on you anymore." "Well, obviously." I say to Miyamura.

"Sorry for causing trouble, I won't do it again..." "Why is Y/n the most well behaved now?!" I asked myself.

"I mean, really... think about how we feel, forces you have cat ears at age..." "I'M NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE!!" I shouted at him and started to tear up. "People don't just give other people cat ears because they want to..."

"Don't get so worked up about it." Miyamura opened a can. "We're just da us after all..." "Yeah, because there are plenty of cats walking around who can open canned food on their own!!"

"And why'd it have to be you guys?! Shouldn't it be girls with cat ears? The whole point of cat ears is how cute they look on girls. L-Like Hori..." I said as they looked at me with disgust.

"Wow, I'm embarrassed for you..." Sengoku said disappointed.

"You're still on that train, I take back what I did about trouble..." Y/n said next.

"Sounds like a crappy eroge..." "I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!!" I shouted at them as Sengoku smiled.

"But Hori would probably be some sort of cat monster, not a cat girl."

"Oh yeah, I could see that."

"Ah, cat monster..ahahaha...."

You were having a wonderful dream... in the middle of class. Eh, that wasn't new. But you were woken up when your heard. "WHY ARE YOU STILL SAYING THAT?!"


Sensei through a chalk at your head and hit Kyoko with rolled up instructions. "OW!"

"You gotta stop making me laugh, Hori!" Yuki said laughing as you snuck a bit of melon bread without her seeing. "Hm...?"

"Well, I was just sleeping... and they were talking about hair." Kyoko said as Yuki nodded.

"Yeah, class was pretty boring today. I wanted to take a nap myself." Yuki said as you snuck another bit.

You failed to realize that she was letting you as Kyoko sighed with a smile. "You guys are still the same."

You threw saw Ishikawa leave and you looked at them. "He's been busy recently, wonder what the deal was."

"Hehehehe!" Yuki started smiling as you and Kyoko were confused. But then Yuki explained what happened.

"So, after that run in with Sakura, he's been getting cookies?" You asked Yuki as she smiled.

"Yeah, she gets all flustered! It's adorable!" Yuki said as you smiled.

"Man, I'm always doing the cooking." You stared at the window. "I wish I got daily cookies."

Soon, Miyamura came in.

"Ah, Yoshikawa. Ishikawa was looking for you, he's in the hallway," Miyamura said as Yuki got up and went to the hall. Kyoko looked at you with a stare.

"What?" You asked her.

"You aren't gonna say anything to keep her close to you?" Kyoko said as you smiled.

"Nah, I don't think I get that jealous. After all, we aren't dating. What right do I have?" "That's a bunch of bullshit. That didn't stop you before." Kyoko thought as soon class ended.

You grabbed your bag and looked at Yuki. "Alright, you ready to go?"

Yuki actually shook her head and looked to the side. "Actually...I gotta do something. You can head home before me."

"Oh... okay." You said a little sad before you smiled. "Well, I hope you get whatever taken care of."

You walked out of the school as Yuki went to Miyamura, but he was shocked. "Huh? A cake?"

"Yeah... I've never made one before..." Yuki said as she put her hands behind her back. "But I guess people who are super good at it can make stuff that, um... people will really like..."

"Yoshikawa, it's not like I was born knowing how to bake a cake. And I can guarantee that Y/n didn't know how to cook that well from birth either. Everyone starts from zero." Miyamura said to Yuki with a smile. "Just they it. If you mess up, figure out why, and try again."

Yuki got determined and she nodded. "Okay! Hmm, what should I go with...?"

"Well?" Yuki asked as Kyoko and Miyamura started to sweat as they looked at Yuki's black cupcakes.

"So after an entire week, this is your progress..." Kyoko said as Yuki looked away.

Miyamura shook. "These are cup.,.cakes right?"

Yuki looked at him worried. "You couldn't tell...?"

"Sorry." Miyamura apologized.

Miyamura looked at the cupcakes. They were burnt, completely black. "I think your having trouble figuring out how long to cook it..."

"I feel like this more than just that." Kyoko said as she analyzed it. "If you follow the recipe to the letter, it shouldn't come out burnt. I'm just wondering, but why wouldn't you want Y/n to see these? You've been on this streak of being really blunt and manly these past few days, this is where you draw the line?"

"B-Because he'll make fun of me!!" Yuki shouted as Miyamura shook his head

"No he...won't.." Miyamura started to remember your sadist nature. "Yeah, he definitely won't. You are making them for him after all..."

"This not like I'm just making them for him." Yuki tried to fight back.

"Ah, finally found you guys." You said as you looked at the three. "You guys having a secret girls meeting?"

"I'm right here man.." Miyamura sighed as Yuki panicked.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHEAGHHH!!! DON'T COME OVER HERE!!!" Yuki shouted as you saw a cupcake as Yuki started looking for her bag.

You picked it up and looked at it. "This... is a cupcake... but how the hell does-?"

"AH! GIVE IT BACK!!!" Yuki shouted at you as you saw her bandages on her fingers and quickly at the cupcake.

"Wow, I ate it... I didn't think it'd be this bad though." "HEY!!!" Yuki grabbed your tie.

You looked at her with full honesty. "Like, it's really bad. I wouldn't even feed this to Iura."

"I KNOW THAT!!" Yuki shouted with anger as you looked at her. You ruffled her hair, "Hey! Stop it!"

"You started at zero, so now all you gotta do is work your way up!" You said as she started to blush. You smiled at her. "I have high hopes for next time!"

"Yep!" Kyoko also smiled as did Miyamura.

"Me too!"

"..." Yuki then smiled as patted your chest. "Leave it to me!!"

"You know, you might have a future in burning things. These are ash!" You joked around looking at her. She put her hand on her hips with a smile.

"It's not that bad!" She said but the next day...

"Y/n and Miyamura are absent today due to stomach pain." It seems Miyamura was a victim as well. The two girls started to sweat.
"..." You looked at Kyoko as she sat down on the couch.

"What? What's with that look? You're starting to scare me..." Kyoko said as you didn't look at her.

"You're serious about him...?" You asked as Kyoko was confused.

"Huh?" She asked as you looked right in her eyes again.

"I'm guessing that last Friday was your doing." You said as Kyoko started to understand. You looked at her with seriousness. Instead of seeing the you now, she was the little you from when both of you were kids. "Last time, it didn't work out so well. Are you sure it's not a fling or something?"

"Y/n..." She hugged you and you were taken back, but didn't react much. "I'm not gonna turn out like Hinata. I'm gonna be okay."

"You don't get it." You said as your mind started to flash to the past.  "I've seen you grow into the person you've become. I know many struggles you've faced because I was there with your struggling alone. I don't even know where my biological sister is..."

"How do you know...?" You asked her. "Can you say that for sure?"

"Maybe it's because..." She smiled at you. "I had a brother to steer me in the right direction."

You smiled and shook your head. "Unfortunately, that quote won't earn you any brownie points with me. But I don't have the right to say anything anyway."

You started to walk out of the living room when Kyoko looked at you. "Y/N!"

You stopped. "I've seen what your mindset has become, and I'm happy for you. But, I don't want you to become your father either...!"

You gripped the handle. "No worries, I'm never gonna be like any of them."

You left and ruffled Miyamura's hair on the way out. "She's all yours, Ikkun. I'm headed to Yu's place. I'm not a serious guy."

"Y/n, I'll take care of her." He said as you kept walking away.

"That's why I didn't ask you. Things are really changing so fast. It's like I can't keep up..." You said as you put the key in and opened the door. Miki was sitting in a chair. "Hey, Miki."

"What's up, kid?" She asked you as you put your bags down. "If you're looking for Yuki, she went out to grab some groceries. She should be back soon."

"What's up? Nothing much." You said as Miki took a sip of her drink. "I heard my sister and her boyfriend having sex last Friday though." "PFFT-!?? COUGH, COUGH!"

Miki spat out part of her drink as she started coughing. "How the hell can he just say that?! Who starts a conversation like that?!"

"I...uh... sorry to hear that?" Miki was unable to follow up.

"Yeah, I know he'll treat her well. I had to be the bad cop since Mom and Dad won't say anything about it." "Did the whole family hear it?" Miki started to question it.

"Oh, did you know Yuki made some cupcakes?" You asked Miki as she froze.

"Ah, so that's what those cones were..." "Cones?" You were confused as Miki got depressed.

"So I'm guessing you've fallen victim too?" You asked her as she smiled disheartened.

"Victim? I was the Guinea pig..." "You poor woman..." you said as Miki slammed the table and you jumped.

"Why didn't you teach her how to cook!? You come here all the time!" Miki said as you glared at her.

"Hey! Don't point the finger at me! You're her older sister! That's like the number one rule!" You shouted as Yuki came home.

"Sis! I'm home-C/N?!" Yuki shouted as she saw you and Miki arguing on the couch.


"NOW WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WEAR A SEATBELT?!" You shouted as Yuki held the groceries.

"I'm happy that their getting along, but also... what are you two going on about?" She wondered.
"Wow!" Yuki shouted as Miyamura had his hair tied up. Luckily you got your hair back to how it was. "His hair's getting so long now."

"You used to be able to braid it!" Kyoko said as Tooru sighed.

"And so he just sits there and takes it..." Tooru said as you nodded.

"Yeah, I can't imagine what Kyoko would do to my hair." You said as everyone flinched. "Another reason why I had my hair back to normal."

A hand grabbed your shoulder. "What ever do you mean by that, dear brother?"

You held the hand on your shoulder with a smile. "Oh? Is your brain so stupid that you can't comprehend what that means?" "Oh no, Y/n used a big word!"

"Wow, Miyamura! You look so cute!" the girls at started to crowd him.

"Hey! You should keep your hair like this all the time!"  another said as you crossed your arms next to Yuki.

"So the fact still stands. People start to want something more when it's out of their reach." You said as she nodded. The bell rang and the girls went away, but Kyoko tried to slap Miyamura but you held her arm. "You gotta work on your temper, at this point if I wasn't here, you'd be sued for abuse."

"You should just go home like that." Tooru said as Miyamura shook his head.

"No way." Miyamura said as you walked past. "Ah, Y/n. You gonna be..."

"Hm?" You looked at him but he didn't want to reveal that he went to Kyoko's, "Ah, Nah. I'll come over later, if you're still there."

"Tooru, Y/n, come on! Let's go." Yuki said as you waved bye.

Tooru looked out her window. "Ah, look like it's gonna rain."

"See ya guys later." Yuki waved goodbye as you all. You, Tooru, and Yuki walked down the street as Tooru walked fast. "Tooru calm down."

"I can't! I didn't bring my umbrella!" He said as you waved your hand.

"It's fine, the weather only said it would be cloudy, nothing to-*BOOM* be afraid of." You said as Tooru started sweating like crazy and made a dash for it.

"See you guys later!" Tooru rushed as you looked over to Yuki.

"You have an-...?" You looked at her to see Yuki tearing up about not having one. "It's fine, let's just stop ay the-!"


You and Yuki looked up as the rain immediately poured. "AH! SO SUDDEN!!"

"COME ON! IT SHOULDN'T BE FAR FROM HERE!" You shouted as you and Yuki ran to the corner store. You looked at your soaked clothes before looking at Yuki's.

"AH! DON'T LOOK OVER HERE!" Yuki pushed your face away and you got a chilling sensation.

"AH! YOU'RE COLD! THE WATER!!" You shouted as Yuki noticed and regrouped her arms.

"Ah! Sorry..." Yuki said as you looked through your wallet.

"I'll buy us both an umbrella, be back soon." You said and walked in the store. You looked through the options and unfortunately, they didn't have any left.

You walked out the store. "I'm waiting on a friend."

"Don't be like that... You don't have an umbrella right? You can use mine with me." You saw a man talking to Yuki as he leaned over her. He seemed like a normal punk so you grabbed his shoulder.

"Oi, watch it." You said as he turned around and you couldn't believe who you saw.

"No, it can't be you...!" Shigi. The man himself. He seemed worried about you while you were kinda dead inside. "What? You gonna beat the shit out of me?! I've changed okay! Leave me alone! Get out of my head!"

Shigi started to walk away with fear, you noticed his many scars and looked at him. "Hey, Shigi. While I don't regret what I did back then, I still want to apologize that you couldn't get the mental help you needed back then."

He stopped moving. "What the hell is that supposed to do?... and why the hell are you apologizing...I was just a Jackass of a kid, a rich pathetic bully. What right do I have to want things? Even if something was in my reach, I'll never take it again..."

He kept walking away, as you noticed Yuki was behind you, holding your hand tight. "So, even Shigi's changes. That doesn't make up for all those years ago, I can tell he's changed for better... but another change in my life...You can let go now."

"A-Ah... right..." Yuki said as you smiled.

"Unfortunately, they didn't have any umbrellas." "Eh?! So what do we do?!" Yuki shouted in panic, worry was clearly written on her face.

You took of your uniform jacket and put it over your head. "We can make a run for it. You in?"

Yuki looked at you with a tiny blush before smiling. She got under it and held one side of it. "Yeah! Let's go!"
"What? You didn't know?" Shin asked as you, Miyamura, and Sengoku looked in worry.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!" You all shouted.

Shin sighed as you all looked at him in his office. "Sure, swimming is an elective, but on the last day all boys have to participate. They started doing that this year."

"N-No one told us about that!" Sengoku shouted as Shin gave a paper.

"Yeah right. You should gotten the print out. Sasaki-Sensei probably mentioned it too." He said as you held up the paper.

"Damn it! He's right!" You shouted as he gave you a dead stare.

"Unless you have a good reason for skipping, I don't wanna hear it."

Miyamura immediately stood up. "WHAT ABOUT A BONE FRACTURE!?" "DONT BE RASH, Miyamura!!"

After Sengkoku spoke, you sighed in your hand. "This is gender based! Why don't the girls have to do the same!? What happened to equality!?"

Shin clenched his fist and began nodding with a smile. "I KNOW RIGHT!? I THINK SO, TOO!" "YOUR REASONS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN OURS!!"

After you spoke, Miyamura sat back down. "I've wondered this for a long time, but how did you even manage to become a teacher?"

"It's because I'm smart. I also like high school girls." Shin said as you smiled at him.

"I hope they catch you, Shin." "Hey now." Shin said and sat forward. "Is that what you say to the guy who extended the deadline on yours and Miyamura's English Assignments?"

"Thank you so much, Sensei! Here, Officer, this is the guy." "What did I ever do to you?" Shin asked himself as he leaned back again. "Anyway, would it really be so terrible to just suck it up and go into the pool for 20 some minutes?"

"Can I keep my clothes on?" "I would also like to keep my clothes on." "I don't want to do what they tell me." "Do you want to drown? So you don't want to take your clothes off?" Shin asked.

"To me, clothes are a part of my body. They're my skin, skin." Sengoku spoke. "Are you saying you want to rip off my skin and throw me into a pool filled with disinfectant chemicals under the hot sun? That's terrible." "Calm down, Sengoku."

"Objection! What this event is, is just an appeal to one mindset. Girls can work just as hard as guys, and they have proved that they can be even stronger than them." You said with a Phoenix Wright costume. "Are you saying that women can't do what men can? Honestly, I never pegged you for that kinda guy." "You're taking this the wrong way."

"This just in! School rips off students' skin and downcast women's strength-unthinkable!" "Not you too! And don't make a headline of it!" Shin said and scratched is neck. "Sorry, but there's nothing we can do. I know you guys hate the pool, but..."

Sengoku held his hair. "There's only four days left... it can't the end of the world come sooner?"

"Ah! Sensei, I'll have to sit out that day." Miyamura said.

Shin looked at in confused. "Sit out? What? Why?"

Miyamura looked at him dead in the eyes. "It's on a 28-day cycle, so it will happen exactly on the day we have to swim." "What are you talking about?"

"When a student says that have to sit out, shouldn't a male teacher know not to ask what the reason is?!!" Miyamura cried.

"What does a boy like you have to worry about every 28 days!? Kids these days are terrifying!" Shin said as you stood up.

"Sensei! I won't be there too!" "WHY?!" Shin asked as you held your arm in despair.

"I'll eat Yuki's cooking." "What the hell is so scary about that?" Shin asked and stood up. "ALRIGHT! STOP!! NO MATTER HOW HARD YOY FIGHT IT, GUYS CAN'T SIT OUT WHENEVER THEY WANT TO!! ON THAT NOTE, YOU GUYS ARE FIGHTING WAY TOO HARD!"

"Oh, I just remembered! Too bad... I don't have a swimsuit." "Don't worry about that. The school started renting out swimsuits to fix that problem." "IT'S CLEAR TO SEE WHAT THE SCHOOL INVESTS THEIR MONEY IN!!" You shouted as Shin clicked his teeth.

"Honestly, why isn't there a swimming class for girls..." "Because there are people like you." Sengoku said as Miyamura sighed.

"Sensei.... I know that this is a long shot, but... could you think of me as a girl from-"No, I can't. That was definitely a long shot." Shin said sternly.

"AAAAHHH! I shouldn't have gone to Katagari.... Kashikou specially has the pool an elective!" Miyamura shouted as Shin looked at him.

"But if you haven't gone here, you wouldn't have met Hori." Shin said as Miyamura shook his head.

"Please. I would've met her somehow. Don't underestimate the power of fate." "I'm gonna have you expelled." Shin said as Sengoku started to panic.

"Oh god please, hear my prayer... blow off my right arm in four days." "OH GOD! SENSEI, HE'S LOSING IT!! HE DIDN'T EVEN RESORT TO A COLD!!" You shouted as Sengoku nodded.

"That's fine as well... god, please give me a cold that will blow off my right arm..." "What kinda colds are you catching?" Miyamura asked him.

Sengoku looked at him. "Well, at least you came wear a swimsuit.,. What are you hiding under there anyway?"

Shin smirked. "Ooh? Does wearing a swimsuit make you embarrassed, Miyamura."

Miyamura looked at Shin with dead serious eyes. "Wearing a swimsuit... going to English class naked... is there really a difference?" "Don't use my class as an example, damn it."

Sengoku hid his face with his hands. "If rather have my head chopped off with a guillotine than wear a swimsuit..." "Why has it only been life and death with you?"

You pulled out your phone. "The school is already bad already, now they're denying women's rights. Gotta tell the news about this one." "WAIT A MINUTE!"

"Okay... I now fully understand how much you hate the pool. This is tiring me out... I'll let Sasaki-Sensei know..." Shin said as you all paused.

You all then leapt out of your seats. "REALLY?! CAN I HUG YOU??!!" "Is that really something you should say to your teacher?! What's wrong with you?"

"Thanks, Shin!" "THAT'S WORSE!" He shouted at you as Miyamura looked at him.

"SO YOU'LL TELL HIM!? PLEASE TELL ME YOU WILL!!" he shouted as Shin nodded.

"Sure I'll tell him, but don't expect too much. I can't handle that guy." Shin admitted.

Sengoku raised his fist. "Is it not your job as a teacher to listen to a student's troubles and guide them to a solution?!" "IT MAKES ME UNSURE OF MYSELF WHEN YOU SAY IT LIKE THAT!!"

"WE'LL NEVER TAKE OUR CLOTHES OFF!" "Oh, so now you're being all forward about it." Shin said and leaned back. "But I still need a legitimate excuse..."

"Miyamura's in his period, Sengoku is the victim of a planned terrorist bombing, and I am currently being robbed of my Success Cookies from Yuki." "Why haven't I heard of this bombing? And again, what's with Yoshikawa's food?!"


"Of course not." Miyamura said.

"It's the result of us compromising on our promise." Sengoku said as you nodded.

"Indeed, we are loyal to our words after all." "You're the least trustworthy one here." You said as Shin gave his thoughts.

Miyamura smiled. "Ah, thank goodness that's over with. I was starting to get worried for a moment there. I wanna go to the beach." "What? So the beach is fine?"

"THE POOL!! WHOOPEEE!!!" Iura leaped into the pool.

"Don't just jump in like that!" Tooth scolded him.

Sengoku looked at Miyamura, who still had his jacket off. "Aren't you hot in that? Are you even alive?"

"Yes, I am!" Miyamura said with a smile as you started to spin your broom.

"You could fool anyone, I can feel your heat by just looking at you." You said as the teacher looked.

"YOU BETTER BE CLEANING OVER THERE, YOU LAZY BASTARDS!!!" "Okay~" The three said as Sengoku walked.

"My feet are burning!!" He said as you looked at him.

"Where're your sandals?" You asked him.

He sighed. "Remi took them..."

Tooru looked at the edge. "Why don't you just jump in then?"

Sengoku shrugged. "Maybe if no one else was here."

Iura splashed him and the teacher came behind you all and slammed his fist into your head. You held your head. "Gah-! We were only goofing off a little..."

"NO GOOFING AROUND!!" he shouted as he walked away.

"You three weaklings working hard?" Kyoko said as you three looked down the gate.

"Woah, Kyo-Chan." "What do you mean, 'woah?'" She asked and you were pretty sure it was quite obvious.

"Going home?" Miyamura asked as Yuki and Remi trailed behind her.

"We girls have the afternoon too off. See you later~" Kyoko said as she walked away.

You gripped with anger. "So unfair...! So unfair!"

Yuki smiled at you, brightly. "Don't worry, Y/n! I'll make some cookies for you after!"

You looked away with dread and a small smile, as your eyes looked like death. You held your arm as well. "Is that so...heh... heh... is that the river and bridge?" "YOU JERK!!"

"AH, REMI!! COULD YOU GIVE ME BACK MY SANDALS!?" Sengoku asked Remi twirled around.

"Nope! Don't wanna~" She said as some of the boys came over talking about how Remi wasn't wearing socks. You didn't really understand what's so adorable about feet, but as expected, Sengoku raged and started throwing things at them.

The gym teacher looked at you three. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO CLEAN?! DO YOU WANT ME TO STRIP YOU?!"

"Sorry~" you all said as you swept.

"How are we supposed to clean when there's nothing here?" You asked as Shin showed up.

"Hey, how's it goin'?" He asked as you three looked at him.

"The messiah has come." "Don't do that. It's weird." he instructed. "Aren't you hot, Miyamura?"

Said boy started to smile and nodded fast. "Yes, I am hot."

Shin looked at him. "What? Do you get asked that a lot?"

Sengoku put his hands on the broom. "What are you doing here?"

Shin looked up to the sky tired. "All the girls went home so now I'm bored." "You're so predictable."


"Yep. I am pretty stupid." "Didn't you say you were smart four days ago?" You asked him as he was dragged away.

The gym teacher came back. "Eh? Wasn't Yasuda just here?"

"He was taken away." Sengoku explained.

Tooru swam over. "Oh wow, I never noticed how skinny your legs are."

"I'm not this way by choice."

Tooru asked. "How wide are your hips? Aren't your organs really squished in there?" "No idea."

"Do you guys even know how to swim?"

"Of course I do. I'm like a shark beneath the waves." Sengoku said. "Being underwater is like a second home to me. In fact, I belong there." "What are you doing on dry land?"

Miyamura smiled. "I also like swimming. Though I'm not very good at it." "That's rich, coming from someone who refuses to swim."

You looked at Tooru with a blank stare. "I just didn't want to swim today." "APOLOGIZE TO OUR GYM TEACHER!"

"AAABUBUBU! MY FOOT ASHGH!! MY FOOT'S... ISHIKAWA!!!" Iura started to drown as Tooru saved him.

"Seriously... it's your fault for trying to pull off that one scene form the inugamis." Tooru sat outside with Shuu.

"You're not right, but you're not wrong either." Shuu said as Tooru shook his head.

"Which is it?" He asked but Iura looked over.

"...By the way, why are Sengoku, Y/n, and Miyamura sitting out? They look fine..." Iura asked as Tooru bluntly said...

"I heard Sengoku's arm blew off, Miyamura's on his period, and Y/n is currently being robbed of cookies." "Oh....huh?" Iura looked at Tooru confused.

"Well... it's summer and all."

They somehow managed to get past mandatory pool day.

"Ugh, it's freezing." Tooru said as he sat down. "Is it just me or is today really cold? It feels like fall. I don't get it... What happens to my summer?"

You, Yuki, and Miyamura looked at him. Yuki nodded. "He's not wearing a necktie."

Miyamura looked at her surprised. "You guys noticed that too?"

You crossed your arms. "Yeah, it's like his only safety blanket."

"Ah... I can feel the wind blowing through my bones.... I don't understand..." "Someone get him a necktie." Tooru started to shake.

"Morning!" Kyoko said as Yuki looked at her.

"Oh? You seem to be in a good mood today." she said as Kyoko chuckled.

"You noticed! Hehehe. Well, you see... I finally found this one movie I've been wanting to watch!" Kyoko said as Miyamura looked at her.

"Oh, nice!" "Yeah, for some reason, it was hidden waaaaaay in the back of the story! Weird, huh?" Kyoko laughed as you grew with dread.

"Ah." You said as Kyoko looked at him. "This poor soul. Have fun with that one..."

"You should come over to my house today and watch it with me!!" Kyoko said as Yuki smiled.

"Aw... must be nice. I'm jealous~" Yuki said as you looked at her.

"You wouldn't be thinking that if you were in his place." You said as Yuki looked at you.

"Oh yeah, you're a wimp when it comes to horror right?" Yuki said as you clenched your chest.

"Gah-! I'm not weak!" You shouted as Kyoko looked at you and Miyamura.

"Then you can join us today! It's called 'True Sorry: Mysterious Ghost of a Woman wanders an Abandoned Hospital~one deal after another~'" Kyoko said as Yuki looked at you sweating like crazy.

"He's... he's shaking!" She said and looked at Kyoko. "Um, Hori? Do you ever watch anything else? Like, romance or something else?9

"O-Of course I do! Well I've seen 'Ring'?" Kyoko said as you glared at her.

"That's not a romance movie!!" You shouted as she seemed confused.

"Eh?! Um... oh! I've seen 'The Grudge' too!" "That isn't either!!" You shouted as you are seen at Yuki's house on the couch.

"Why am I here?" You asked Yuki as she smiled next to you.

"Oh come on! You'll be fine! I'm here after all!" Yuki said as the scary movie started to play. There was a jumpscare during the credits, and Yuki jumped. "Ahh! That was pretty scary huh...He's already sleep!!"

"Did he think if he fell asleep then he wouldn't have to witness it?" Yuki asked as she gave you a lap pillow and played with your hair. "Sigh, always finding a different way."

She pulled on your cheek. "You know how hard it is to sleep instantly. You have too many random talents, Y/n."

The movie soon was over and you immediately sprang up. "NOT THE SHARK SUIT AGAIN!!"

Your head collided with hers as you both felt the same pain you would slamming your toe in the corner of the house, immeasurable pain. Miki walked in the door. "I'm home~"

She looked at the chaos in the room. "...You guys are just a mess, ain't ya? It's something new everyday."
"Hmph!" Kyoko pouted.

Yuki looked at you and Tooru. "Look, Hori's pouting! They must have had a fight. How adorable."

Tooru nodded. "Well..."

"That's pretty easy to see..." You and Tooru said as you saw Miyamura with a bandage on his face.

He sighed. "I'm so confused... I don't even remember why we started fighting anymore..."

Sengoku agreed. "I know how you feel... she has a way of making you think it was all your fault."

You heard about what happened on the rooftop with Miyamura. "Don't you dare apologize, Izumi."

"Why?" Miyamura asked you.

"It's Kyoko's fault. She needs to learn to control her temper or it might cost her something important." You spoke and leaned on the gate. You then pointed at him. "Plus, if you apologize first, you'll be avoiding the problem instead of addressing it. It'll started to build up and it'll be on your permanent record that you're a pushover."

"So what should I do instead?" "Just act like you're really pissed off. I'll visit you in the hospital if you make it that far." "HUH?!" Miyamura shouted at you.

Soon you all were leaving school. Kyoko looked at Yuki. "Hey, Yuki... Let's walk home together."

Yuki wrapped her arm around yours as you started to blush a little. "No! I'm borrowing Y/n again~ See you later~"
"Y/n? Guess what?! I didn't say sorry!!" "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" You shouted at him.
You sighed in class. "Well, nothing too interesting's happening. Oh, Morning Miyamura."

"Yo~ 'Sup, Y/n, what's got you ladies so excited?" Miyamura said awkwardly as the whole class looked at him.

"Uh, yeah.... Hey..." You said as Miyamura walked over to Iura.

"What the hell? Why are you still listening to this? Guess I don't blame you though. It is pretty sweet." Miyamura said and then passed by a classmate.

"Good morning, Miyamura-kun," "What's shaking, Watabe?" Watabe was confused.

Watabe immediately grabbed you with rage and confusion, and slight tears. "W-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU'VE TURNED MIYAMURA-KUN INTO A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON!!!" "CALM DOWN!! AND WHY DO YOU JUST ASSUME IT'S MY FAULT!?"


At that moment, Sengoku walked in. "Ah, Miyamura. Sorry to ask, but could I borrow your math textbook?"

"What? You forgot it? C'mon, Prez. Get your act together. Fined I guess you can have it." Miyamura said as Sengoku charged at you.


Iura approached the poor soul. "What's wrong, Miyamura?"

"Please kill me..." "What? Lighten up a little. What's the problem?" Iura kept asking.

"I bet the Ice Queen ordered him to act like this." Tooru said and Miyamura nodded, wiping some tears.

"Oh; that's what that was? I'd you don't want to do something, you should tell her so-"Morning!" "Y/N, C'MON MAN! YOU GOTTA GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!"

The poor boyfriend couldn't handle it, soon life went on as normal...

Well, tomorrow would definitely mark something that would change your life forever.

"S-So what you're saying is..."

"He confessed?"

"Yeah, about four days ago." Yuki said and nodded.

Miyamura looked at her confused. "FOUR DAYS!?"

Kyoko shook her head. "That's way too long."

"B-But I mean, I'll just have you turn him down anyway..." Yuki said as Miyamura looked at her.

"I kinda figured as much, but why are you turning him down?" Miyamura asked as Yuki looked at him in shock.

"Isn't it obvious!? I don't even know him." Yuki said as Kyoko looked at her.

"Have you talked to Bro about it?" Kyoko smiled as Yuki looked down.

"...I haven't. But to be honest...." she started to panic. "There's too many outcomes..."

"Oh... really....That's great for you...! This is probably the best you're gonna get."

"Why do you think I care? I don't! I'm honest!"

"Where do I hide the body? In the ocean?"

"I get the feeling he'd say something along those lines, so as long as I can, I'd rather not." Yuki said as the other two had to agree that would be something you would say. "And when he confessed... he was really serious about it, you know? I just don't like the idea of turning him down for no reason."

"How about you get someone to pretend to be your boyfriend?" Miyamura suggested.

"Y/n!" Kyoko also suggested.

"There's no way he'll go for it... right?" "He'd probably be first in line." Kyoko said as Miyamura took out his phone. "I don't think he'd mind as long as you explain, Y/n does care although he doesn't like to show it all the time."

"Well I know that, it's just..." Yuki held her skirt a little. "I want to tell him when I'm ready. And I'm almost there. I just don't want something getting in the way of that genuine experience."

Kyoko understood, "How about Iura then." "......No."

"So, that's the gist of it. Oh? You're on your way?" Miyamura spoke louder as the two girls looked at him. "Great, we'll explain it more when you get here."

Miyamura hung up the phone and put it away. "Y/n said he'd do it and would be arriving any second now."

Kyoko was confused, "Eh? If he's all the way at home, then it's gonna take him at least 10 minutes-!" "WHO??"

You stood in the door dram tired. The girls shook as your hair slicked back due to the sweat. "Who do I gotta beat up... hah...?" "HOW DID YOU GET HERE SO FAST?!"

The next morning, you stood around. "Alright, this should be easy enough."

Kyoko smiled. "How about you nibble Yuki's ear and tell him she's yours?" "Not only is that degrading, it's cruel. You're heartless."

You looked at Yuki. "Do we even know the guy's name? What's the class?"

"I'm... it's Yanagi from Class 6." Yuki said as Miyamura looked at everyone.

"Wanna go over there during lunch break?" Miyamura suggested.

"Hahahahah, aren't we moving a little too quickly?! I'm not ready yet!!" Yuki panicked as Kyoko just smiled.

"But all you're doing is turning him down." Kyoko said.

Miyamura sweatdropped. "Well, how about after school?"

You looked at her with your normal stare. "By the way... are you sure you wanna do this with me? I don't have a problem with it, but wouldn't you want someone better?"

Yuki gave you an unamused stare. "Would've you allowed that?" "I would not have." "Then what was the point in asking?"

"You're a cooler then him anyway, you're fine!" Yuki said as you nodded.

"Alright then." You said as you started to plan out what you're gonna do.

"Cleaning duty! Sure, I don't mind." a woman said as Kyoko thanked her.

"YOU'RE COMING TOO?!" Yuki asked as Kyoko smiled.

"Of course! I'm worried about my best friend..." it was quite obvious the girl just wanted to watch.

"I see... thanks, Hori..." Yuki also saw this.

"Come on, we're going," Tooru said as Yuki looked at him.

"Ah, hold on a s-!" Yuki was interrupted by you putting your hand out to her.

"Is it too much to ask to hold your hand?" You asked as she grabbed it and squeezed.

"No, it's okay..." Yuki said as you sighed and gave a Devil smile when Yuki couldn't see you.

"So let's get this over with, class 6, right? It's not that fair actually." You said as you and Yuki stood behind the P.E Storage Room, when Yuki looked at you.

"Hey, C/n? You can let me do the talking." Yuki said as you were a little shocked.

"You don't have to, that's the whole reason I'm here, right?" You asked as she nodded.

"Yeah, but this is still something I have to do. I'm glad your with me but I'm sorry for dragging you into this weird mess." Yuki said as you smiled at her.

"It's fine, you have your moments where you're so prideful, or brave where you totally break character." You laughed as Yuki blushed. "You've changed some how, and it feels like... everyone's leaving me behind...But you have trouble with this."

"S-SHUT UP, C/N!" She shouted at you as you blocked her attacks.

"What about if I say 'She's mine, sorry' would that work or would it be something else?" You asked as she looked at you.

"Huh? What? But you only have to pretend!" She said as you nodded.

"Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do. At the moment, you're doing everything." Yuki said before she turned away with a blush.

"...Fine. If that's what you want." "Hey, Yoshikawa-San. Sorry I'm late..." You looked to see Akane coming at you, looking STUNNING!! "My teacher needed to talk to me..."

"HE'S UNBELIEVABLY ATTRACTIVE!" You, Miyamura, Kyoko, and Tooru all thought at once.

You looked at him and tried to man up. "Come on! You gotta hate him! Hate him! So, uh... what's you're name? DAMN IT!!"

"Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Yanagi Akane from class 6." Akane said as you nodded.

"I'm Y/n Hori. I'm sorry to say this, but..." You pulled Yuki closer to you. "She's mine."

"So... you have a boyfriend...." Akane said as Yuki nodded.

"Yeah... sorry..." Yuki said as you started to sweat.

"God I feel terrible! What the hell man! How can I hate someone like this! No do it!" You had an inner panic as you tried to stay mad.

"..Hori-kun?" Akane asked and he smiled. "... Well not much we can do about it. You're much cooler than me anyway..."

"Come on!! We both know that ain't true!!" You thought as Akane turned to walk away.

"Well, I'll be going now..." Akane walked away as Kyoko approached her.

"YUKI?! WHY?! HOW COULD YOU TURN HIM DOWN!? HE'S SO COOL!!" She shouted as Yuki was shaking, literally, Kyoko kept shaking her.

"Huh?! Well yeah but... he's so cool that it kinda makes me sick... and to be honest, besides Y/n's food, I don't really like high end cooking." "Ah, she's into normal people..." the rest thought as you smiled with a nod.

"Yea I agree, it's like Mitsurgi. He can be cool but it can be so cool to the point where it's sick." "YOU'RE SAYING IT FOR AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REASON!!" Tooru shouted at you.

"Still he's the same year as us, right?" Kyoko asked. "I didn't know we had someone like that at our school."

After school, you walked with Kyoko and Miyamura. Kyoko bumped you with a smirk. "So you're in a relationship now? How's it feel?"

"...Miyamura. I feel like Miyamura." "What does that mean?" He asked you as you all came across Yuki.

"Ah~! Yuki!" Kyoko said as Yuki looked at you all with worry.

"Hori, Y/n." She said as you looked at Akane with a gentle stare.

"Are we interrupting something?" You asked as Akane seemed to recognize the name.

"Hori-San. We were just talking about you and how Yoshikawa-San has a beautiful friend." a tick mark grew on your head as he then squinted his eyes at Miyamura. "Ah, hey, I'm Miyamura."

Akane then turned to Kyoko. "Oh, I see! It was nice to hear you again, Hori-kun." "I'm Kyoko Hori."

He then turned to Tooru. "WAIT! THEN WHO'S-!" "Yo, I'm Ishikawa."

He held is head and looked at the only one else. "Are you-?!"

"I'm Y/n Hori, you can call me Y/n, and we met yesterday." You said as he bowed.

"Sorry...um...Miyamura-kun." Akane said to a statue.

"His eyesights a little bad." "A little?" You and Kyoko questioned Yuki.

"That's right! You see, um... I only met Yoshikawa-San by coincidence, so I wasn't trying to...huh?" Akane looked around. "Uh, Hori-San... where did Y/n go?"

You stared at him with a bored and tired aura. "Still here, Yanagi."

"Wow, interesting..." The others thought.
One day after school... "I can't believe it's sold out."

You looked at Sengoku as you, him, Tooru and Miyamura sat together. "It's a limited time burger. You thought it was just gonna rain down from sky? If you wanted it, you should've come earlier."

Sengoku sighed. "At least Ishikawa feels my pain, you have no idea because you didn't know about the burger. But what time should I come then?" "Eariler." "THAT MEANS NOTHING!"

Tooru raised an eyebrow. "In the morning?"

Sengoku shook his head. "Hamburgers aren't exactly a breakfast food."

Tooru saw Akane walk in. "YANAGI-SAN!"

"Oh, Ishikawa-Kun, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Akane said to the wrong table.

"No, over here!" You shouted as Akane sat next to you. You let off a murderous aura but Yanagi didn't see it, literally. "You're not here to meet someone?"

"No, I just figured I'd stop by since we don't have any afternoon classes." Akane said as Tooru looked at Sengoku.

"Quit staring, Sengoku." Tooru said as he talked to Miyamura and Akane.

You took out a piece of paper and wrote on it, before sliding on it to Sengoku. 'Me and Yuki are in a pretend relationship.'

Sengoku took out a marker and wrote as well. 'Does she hate him?'

'I don't think so. I think it's more of she doesn't want to date him.' You wrote back.

'Are you happy that Yoshikawa-San isn't taken? You do like her, right?' Sengoku wrote a question.

'I do, if we're being honest. And.., I'm scared. She might hate me or push me away, the whole thing with Akane just made he realize that I don't want her out of my life after high school.' You replied.

Sengoku looked at it for a while. 'I understand your concerns, but the way I see it, is you've always given up or carried the burden for someone else. I think it's okay to be a little selfish and for you to finally win. Besides from my perspective, it doesn't seem like Yoshikawa-San would date anyone other than you.'

You started to blush when Sengoku whispered. "Oh, sorry. I forgot to write something."

He added a smily face. You gripped the paper. "WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT!?"

"Whoa, you scared me." Miyamura said as you five left the restaurant.

Yuki, Remi, and Kyoko are seen just a few booths over. "Did they leave?"

"Yup." Kyoko said and sat back down. "They didn't notice us at all..."

"Well, they weren't exactly paying much attention," Remi said with a smile. "Yanagi-kun was with them too."

"What?" Yuki asked as Remi looked at her.

"Well, it's a good thing you and Y/n are dating now." Remi smirked.

Kyoko nodded. "It's amazing how quickly Yanagi became friends with Y/n and those guys."

Remi put her hand on her face. "I seriously don't get boys."

Yuki started to sweat. "That's because... Yanagi-kun is a nice person."

"You defended him." "NO I DIDN'T!" Yuki shouted as Kyoko sighed.

"But there's no trouble anyways, you like Y/n, and the only person Y/n would really date is Yuki." Kyoko said and pointed at Yuki. "So when the opportunity arrives! Take it!"

"R-Right!" Yuki said and took a sip of her drink. "But can I really do it...? No, soon. I will..."
An exhausted Kyoko and Miyamura sat down in their seats. Yuki was poking Kyoko's head with no response. Tooru looked at you, who was smirking to yourself. Yuki noticed this and approached him with a deadly aura.

"Y/n...what did you do this time?" she asked as you flinched in your seat.

"Wait! Why is it always my fault?!" "Because it is!" Kyoko and Miyamura snapped out of their trance. You just smiled back.

"What's happened to you two?" Remi said as she sat down. Kyoko was shaking in her uniform and Miyamura was smiling sadly.

"I lost something...." Miyamura said as they all waited for him to finish, but it never came. Yuki grabbed your necktie with a look of worry on her face.

"What did you do?! I didn't think I'd have to worry about your relationship with him!" she said with panic as Kyoko sighed.

"Nothing like that. My brother is known in our family as 'the ruler of the supernatural'." Kyoko said as everyone looked confused.

"So, he investigates the supernatural?" Tooru asked but Kyoko shook her head.

"Nah, he somehow lets the supernatural happen around him." the whole group looked at you, who looked away. Then, Kyoko grabbed you by your hair. "He's got a winning streak of 100."

"...you're kidding, right?" Yuki said as you shook your head.

"It's all true. I'm the king of games!" he said with a cocky smile. "Kyoko even cheated one round and I still won!"

"I'm having a hard time believing this. 100? I mean, come on." Tooru said. You just looked at Miyamura.

"The only one who serves a real challenge is Miyamura. He totally gets competitive sometimes." The group looked at Miyamura after your comment. Remi then took out a piece of paper and handed it to you. "What's this?"

"It's a different type of game. Let's see if you really are the king of games!" Remi said dramatically pointing at you

"What are the rules, peasant?" he asked with a cocky smile which Remi returned. Miyamura swore he heard dramatic music playing and a pyramid necklace on you. Everyone was intrigued on how this would end. Remi explained the rules.

"The 'I like you' game! Whoever blushes first loses when the other person says 'I like you'! After this we'll play the American Card Game, Uno! Since I've never opened these card, and their from a different country, I have no clue how to win or lose!" Remi said as you laughed. Little did she know that you've been to America for a visit with your grandfather. "Sound like a deal?"

"I should have expected such a childish game. Fine, let's make it more fun though..." you said to the group.

"Oh? What's up?" Yuki said as you laughed cockily.

"If I lose any of these games, I'll give everyone one wish. They can ask me to do anything and I can't refuse. How does that sound?" Yuki saw this as a chance. Remi and Kyoko saw this and nodded. "Alright then! Let's get this started!"

They set up a table and two people sat across from each other.

Round 1: Yuki Vs. Kyoko

"Alright, no more chores forever here I come!" Kyoko looked at Yuki with a straight face! "I like you, Yuki."

Yuki laughed at her attempt and smiled! What does she have up her sleeve?! "Please, I know that. Now it's my turn."

Yuki cleared her throat and put her hand on Kyoko's hand. "I love you, Kyoko Hori."

Kyoko blushed and covered her mouth! A K.O!!! "This is so unfair! Damn it, Yuki! I wanted to win!"

"Hahaha! I win!" Yuki celebrated with victory!

"She might be an obstacle after all." You thought as you planned your next move! "Did they forget that only one person has to win to get everyone votes?"

Round 2: Y/n Vs. Tooru.

You had a smug smirk on, seemingly with a plan! You looked at Tooru who had a downcast look on his face! He wanted to say that to Sakura and it would be a safe call, but now that's impossible... because said girl wasn't even at school until the afternoon!

"Tooru, I like-" "Stop." Tooru refused! You kept smirking at him though!

"But I really lik-"


"Then you start. Say you like-"

"Impossible." Tooru kept refusing as You put your hand on the table!

"C'mon, I know you like m-" "WILL YOU-" Tooru shot up from his seat, blushing! "I can't say I love you when it's not true!"

You pointed at him. "You lost."

Tooru was in shock but everyone sighed. Hori held her head. "That was easy. Tooru! Try harder!!"

"I don't think someone who lost should say that.." he said to her as you looked away to see the next round.

Round 5: Remi Vs. Yuki

Yuki was getting more competitive as was Miyamura! He lost in a round, but came back due to him beating Tooru and Hori in the loser bracket. Yuki was getting impatient and wanted to get to the end! Remi looked at her and started the round!

"I love you, YU-YU!" Remi said as Yuki looked at her in confusion!


"I said I love you, YU-YU!" Remi was playing a very smart game as Yuki was getting annoyed!!

"Stop that." "Oh yeah, you're gonna quit, aren't you?" Remi teased as Yuki looked at her and smiled at her brightly!

"I love you, Remi Ayasaki!" Yuki said in her face as you felt your heart skip a beat! You shook it off and watched Remi blush!

"Alright you win! Now stop!" She shouted as you started to laugh!

"This will be an easy game!" You shouted as a hand was put on your shoulder.

"Are you sure about that?" Tooru said as he gave you the match up...

Round 6: Y/n Vs. Miyamura

Tooru and Yuki both looked at Kyoko, who was shaking. Tooru whispered to her. "Hori, who do you think will win?"

"Well, as my brother said. Miyamura has a surprisingly competitive tone when playing games. But my brother is good as well." Kyoko said as she bumped Yuki with her elbow. "We all know who you are voting for."

"Shut up, Hori." Yuki whispered as Miyamura started the game!

"Man, I like you." he said with a straight face!

You had the same face on as well! "Actually, I love you."

"I'm so fucking in love with you too." Miyamura said as everyone was watching in curiosity! But Yuki and Kyoko were terrified!

"I love your eyes." You fought back!!

"I would kiss you right now." Miyamura countered!!

"Did I say you have a nice ass?" You went for a strange fact! The goal is to make him blush, but Miyamura quickly saved himself!

"Your abs are so hot." Miyamura went along with it as you both started to get angry at each other!!

"Dude, just marry me already." You said as everyone was confused!

"Of course, can we skip the wedding and go on the honeymoon?" Miyamura stated with anger, as the group all looked in confusion on how the game went like this. Miyamura and you both gained tick marks on your heads, stood up, and stared each other down!!

"Sure, I'll show you something you'll never forget." You said as Miyamura gained another mark!!!

"You. Me. Bed. Now."

"You won't resist, Izumi."

"I'm sure I will, Y/n."

"Then I'm going to-" "OKAY STOP! WHAT THE HELL, YOU TWO?!" Kyoko yelled out and snapped the two of you out of your rage...'conversation'...

"Ah!" You took this time to attack! "Sorry Izumi, I think I'm....in love with you." You said as Miyamura blushed with anger!! The weirdest match yet was over!' Kyoko and Yuki had a downcast on their face as you cheered in victory. "Yes, no one can stop me!"

Final Round: Y/n Vs. Yuki

"Well, god damn it." You said with your head down.

"This reminds you of your bad boy phase, yet?" Kyoko shouted as everyone looked at her.

"Bad boy phase?" Tooru asked as Kyoko gained a cocky look.

"Oh yeah, when Y/n wanted to fit in, he wanted to become a bad boy. So he was a real flirt for a short time." Kyoko said as Tooru seemed impressed.

"Oh really?" he held up his phone. "Do you mind saying that again. I want to record it in case it's lost in time." "YOU ASSHOLE! STOP!"

Yuki stood up, so she and you were standing face to face. Well, you were 5'8 and Yuki was 5'4 so.... Kinda.

"Y/n, I've always loved you." Yuki had begun the round with a confession!! You flinched but didn't blush!!!

"Is that so? Well, I've loved you since we first met." You replied back as smooth as butter! The Group was cheering for Yuki, they wanted those wishes.

"Don't give in, Yuki!" Hori shouted words of encouragement!

"You can win this!" Miyamura shouted as he looked that her!

You approached Yuki and lifted her chin! You put your other arm around her waist and pulled her in!! Yuki put her hand on Y/n's cheek, trying with all her willpower not to blush, but she was breaking!!! "Let's make this official, shall we?"

They both got closer, you could feel each other's hot breath!! The group was blushing at the scene!! As they were about to brush their lips, you grabbed the hand that was on your cheek!!

"Caught you!" You said as you twisted something out of Yuki's hand. Tooru picked it up and looked at it.

"A hand warmer?" he alert as Yuki blushed from embarrassment. You stood on his desk in victory as Tooru looked at Yuki with disbelief! "You used this to heat us up to make us blush!?"

"Hell yeah! I'm the winner!" He said as Kyoko kicked him off his desk. Remi then held up the Uno cards.
You gave them a fair game. They could work together and if one person wins, they all do. Unfortunately, Yuki was on her last two cards and you only had one.

"Ahhahahaha! You know what, Yuki if you beat me, I'll give you two more wishes!" he shouted as Yuki looked at him.

"But if we win you already have to get a wish from each member of our group. You are getting cocky, C/n..." Yuki said as you shrugged your shoulders. Yuki had a reverse and a draw four. Kyoko looked at the group and nodded. She put a reverse card so it wouldn't go to you, Then Miyamura, Remi, and Tooru placed a color card. Yuki did a reverse card. Tooru then did the same. You started to look worried. Yuki then looked at you with a smug smile. "You don't get to punish any of us for our wishes, correct?"

"Y-Yes. But it's n-not like you-" "Draw four." Yuki had won the game as the group was crying after ten games of uno. You looked like you were going to cry as everyone started getting closer to you.

Day 1-Monday- Tooru's Wish

Tooru was smirking to himself as Miyamura and Kyoko were looking at your empty seat.

"Tooru, have you seen Y/n?" Miyamura asked as the boy just smiled.

"Nope. Not at all! I don't think he's coming today." he said as Hori gave him a scary look.

"If you made my brother go back into hiding, I will kill you." Hori said. Meanwhile, a girl approached the school entrance and started walking in.

"Wow, you're so pretty!" Yuki said as she saw her. A tick mark appeared on the girl's face although she tried to hide it.

"Thank you. I will see you later." The girl sounded like Hori. Yuki was a little freaked out about this and subconsciously followed the girl. They arrived in front of Yuki's classroom.

"Do you need someone from there?" Yuki asked as the girl started blushing and waving her hands.

"No...nothing like that, anyway, let's go." she said as they walked into Kyoko strangling Tooru. The three looked at Yuki and the girl.

"Oh, morning Yuki. Who's your friend?" Kyoko asked as the girl just sighed.

The whole class was looking at the beautiful woman walking across the class.

She then sat down......

In your seat.

The whole class went silent.


Tooru and Kyoko started busting up laughing. You clenched your fist on the desk and was very dead inside. Tooru was rolling on the floor. "I know that was my wish, but I didn't think you'd do it!"

"I may be one thing, but I'm not a lier." You said in a girl voice, that sounded like Kyoko. "Besides this was Tooru's wish. I am a man of my word."

"More like a woman..." Tooru said as they started cracking up again.

You just blushed in your seat. "Damn it, how embarrassing."

Day 2-Tuesday-Sengoku and Kyoko's Wish.

You sat at your desk, half awake, half dead mentally. Sengoku didn't even play and he got a wish, just think about that. HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK?! You had piles and piles of books and your sister's homework, which you were flying through. Tooru picked up some of the papers.

"All of these are correct?! How?!" Tooru said as you were unable to answer. You wrapped up Kyoko's homework and moved onto the student council papers. "You should take a break, man."

"Really, Hori. You asked him to do your work?" Yuki said as Kyoko smiled.

"Yep, but it seems you still have all three of your wishes. Why don't you use one?" Kyoko said, smirking. Yuki didn't blush, but smiled at you.

"I'm saving it." Yuki said as Kyoko was surprised at her mature face. She then smiled at Yuki and put her hand on Yuki's shoulder.

"Just...take care of my little brother for me. Alright?" Kyoko asked with a smile and a mature face. Yuki was shook but then gave a smile of gratitude for Kyoko's blessing.

"I promise." Yuki said as she looked at you, who had just finished all of the work.

"Finally!" You said as Sengoku walked in the door with papers.

"Thanks so much for taking care of this Y/n!" he said as Remi and Sakura brought more papers and dropped them off.

"Sorry, Hori-kun!" Sakura said as she left the class with Sengoku. Remi walked off skipping with a smile. Your face has a dark shadow covering your eyes.


Day 3-Wednesday-Remi's Wish

"This is painful to watch." Tooru commented laughing as the boys of the group, plus Remi(?) was laughing at the scene.

"One more time! One more time!" the boys from the class, plus Remi, shouted as the girls were banned from going inside the class. Kyoko and Yuki were walking to class when they saw all the girls standing outside.

"What's going on here?" Kyoko asked as all the girls flinched. They all just pointed to the door with a small smile and much fear. Yuki opened the door and all the girl's saw.....Another Kyoko but with Green eyes. She wore a pink and white maid outfit. And most importantly, she had boobs. And bigger than Kyoko's flat chest. The girl started dancing and put her hands in a heart shape.

"My name is Kyouko Hori! A U before the K and I'm 17 years old! I drink lots of milk to make my breasts grow bigger! But at last, most of the boys have a bigger chest than me! I gave up, so now? I'm here to spread love!" she said in Kyoko's voice as the boys started laughing, until Miyamura saw Kyoko and started to panic. A demon awakened in Oni Kyoko as she took more steps towards the other Hori, knowing full well who it was.

"Good job, Y/n!" Remi shouted as almost all the men including you until they saw Kyoko.

"Ah shit." You said in Hori's voice as you saw a dashing Hori coming at him. You did what any man would do. The window crashed through as you held on the edge and tried to slide down the building. Unfortunately, you weren't fast enough and was grabbed by the arm. "Hey sis! Let's talk about this!!"

"What was her wish?" Kyoko asked with a 'innocent' smile.

"What?" "You heard me, dumbass. What was her wish?" Hori said as Remi came and killed your last chance of survival.

"Oh that, I told him to put on a maid outfit. He decided to make a show out of it." "Remi!!" "Is that so?!" Kyoko said as she pulled you up.


Day 4-Thursday- Miyamura's Wish.

You were beaten up, but came out in an apron and a plain t-shirt that showed your abs. You came out with multiple plates of delicious food.

"Here we are. Are you satisfied?" You asked as everyone was looking at the dishes with water mouths.

"Holy shit! You weren't kidding when you said Y/n could cook!" Tooru said as they all began to dig in. You went up to Yuki and put your head on her shoulder.

"You know I wouldn't miss cooking for you." You said as Yuki gave you a look.

"And I would mind eating your cooking for the rest of my life." She said with bluntness and innocence as you blushed and walked away.

The group looked at you. "Tsundere." "I am not!"

You suddenly get a call from your cellphone and answer. "H-Hello?... What did you just say...?"

Yuki looked at you. "Eh? What is it, Y/n?"

Friday- Yuki's wishes.

You find yourself sitting in front of a booth, with two soldiers behind you. The door in front of you opens and you see your father walk in to the booth with his guards. "Hello, Y/n."

"..." You crossed your arms and looked at him. "Your sentence has been extended even further, all because you broke out again."

"What can I say...?" "You can't. There's nothing you can say that'll make this better." You glared at him as he stared at you.

"Y/n, I'm not going back." he said calmly as you looked at him confused. "When I get out, there's nothing for me left."

"Do you hear yourself right now? You sound ridiculous." You told him as you glared at him.

"They say home is where the heart is... and this is my home. Whether I like it, or not." Fuji stated as you got up. "Y/n, don't turn out like me."

"I won't. I'll be better than you." You left and are seen walking in the school hall. "Focus on my future, I'll never turn out like him. Never. Push it all away. Focus on yourself."

"Y/n!" "Ah... Izumi." You saw Miyamura approached you.

"So, how did it go?" He asked you and sighed.

"He's not getting out anytime soon. I'm done trying." You told him as you both walked to the school rooftop. You could tell Miyamura was trying to change the subject.

"So, when are you gonna tell Yuki your true feelings?" Miyamura asked as you sighed. You clenched the school rooftop gate.

"To be honest, Izumi... I'm not sure if I am." You said as he looked at you in shock. "Recently, change has been happening way too fast for me. I'm fine with keeping the status quo, at least for now."

"But you could get in the relationship and then go your own pace." Miyamura said as you sighed and ruffled your hair.

"She's just being nice to me. We're childhood friends after all. I should just keep my head down and focus on succeeding in life. I'll keep doing this act, nothing else, nothing more." You gained a shadow over your eyes as Miyamura looked at you. "Push everything else out, that's how you look out for yourself."

"He's... going back to how he was...!" Miyamura clenched his fist. "His run in with his father must have effected him more then he's letting on...After all the work he's done to relax, not not worry about it!"

"Y/n." "Hm-GAH-!" Miyamura headbutt you as you fell to the ground. "Gah-! What the hell, Dude?!"

"Get mad! Come on, let's see it!" Miyamura said as you glared at him.

"Why?!" You shouted at him as your head was burning.

"If that's what it takes to snap you out of it! I'll help you the only way you understand!" Miyamura rushed to you and tackled you to the ground. Your head slammed on the ground as you looked at him and tried pushing him off. You noticed he wasn't trying to hurt you. "You've been there for me, through thick and thin! I'll be damned if you go back! You're just like me!"

"GET OFF!!" You shoved him off and kicked him away. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

"I won't let you..." Miyamura got up again, holding his side. "I won't let you go back...to being that man. I won't let you beat yourself down...thinking you aren't worth it."

He clenched his fist and dashed at you. You quickly dashed at him as well. "What's wrong with wanting to succeed in life?! Not everyone gets a happy ending, Izumi! This isn't some fairy tale, this is real life! And in real life, you have to put yourself before others! I learned that, it's being selfish, and I've always been selfless!"

"Different excuse, same outcome!" Miyamura said as your froze for a second and he slammed his fist across your cheek. You went black before you glared at him.

"What would you call it?! I don't wanna hear that from the kid who pierced his ears to hurt himself!" You clenched your fist and your nails sunk deep. "I'm not living for Kyoko! I'm not living for Yuki! I'm not living for anyone but myself! What's wrong with that?!"

"You're such a hypocrite!!! You want to be around people just as much as I do! You're scared of change, but encourage others to do that very thing!" Miyamura raised his fist again as you slammed yours across his chin. He went to grab you again but you pushed him back. "You say you hate your biological parents and yet you tried to get help for your dad and see your mom in rehab!" You tried to fight back but he held you back. "You love Yuki! You're afraid to show your feelings! You tell yourself to just watch, and that crossing the line might be too risky! Fear that she might push you away! The only reason you want to keep the status quo is because you're worried if she's waiting for you to take that risk! STOP LYING TO YOUR FRIENDS!"

"Shut UP!!" Miyamura kneed you back before he went to punch you again. "My father owed money and lied, stabbed people in the back because he always reached out for others! He never did a damn thing himself, and left society with broken promises!"

"You're wrong! He never depended on anyone, that's why he never was going to fulfill those promises! You think you've run away from their shadow but you haven't! Your father went though the same thing growing up! And now he's taking it out on you by trying to ruin your life! Making you become him." You and Miyamura dashed at each other as you started fuming.  "I WON'T LET YOU TURN OUT LIKE YOUR FATHER!"

That single line...

That single sentence...

Made you freeze...

You dropped your fist as did Miyamura. You fell on your back and looked at the sky. Miyamura did the same as you started laughing. "...heh...heheh....Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Y/n..." Miyamura said as you sighed and let out a single tear.

"You're right. Change... it's so frightening. It begins at the end of our comfort zones, a person can change their future just by merely changing their attitude, and nothing is permanent... except change." You said as you sat up with your injures. "It's funny how deep my father's own childhood is rooted into my own. No matter how hard I try, I can never escape my parents."

"Then just strive to be like your real parents. Kyosuke and Yuriko are the ones who raised you after all." Miyamura said as he put his back behind the school rooftop gate. "Maybe not fully like Kyosuke but... um..."

"There he is. Good old Ikkun's back to normal." You said as you smiled. "Man, you got a few good hits in. You hit like a metal pole when your serious. I know what Shindo feels now..."

"Y/n... what's your plan now?" He asked as you stood up and smirked. You seemed to be different, back to your casual side, but it seemed like a mix between your old personality and your new one.

"Hmm, that is a good question. I doubt we'd get off without any questions if we went back to class. I say we just stay up here and skip." You said and sat back down.

He smiled and sighed. "I meant to your path."

"Oh? That? I don't know, but I don't care really." You said and nodded. "It's all thanks to you, BFF! I'm gonna do whatever I want, because I want to. If I want to succeed, it's for myself. But, it's no fun standing at the top alone. I guess I can keep you guys around, it's not like I'll be that lonely without you guys."

"Tsundere." "I am not!" You said as you stated to close your eyes. You found yourself in a black void.

"So, you're moving on?" Your father appeared as you looked at him.

Your mother also appeared. "Are you sure?"

You smiled at them. "Yeah, we will never have a healthy relationship. I have to cut you two out of my lives... for good this time. All this fear I get, stems from the both of you. The fear to end up like you two, the fear of not living up to expectations, the fear of change. Confucius once said that only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. But I'll say this. Life... is a series of natural and sudden changes. I can't resist them, it only creates sorrow and a path that has a dead end. I must let reality be reality, letting things go naturally forward in anyway they so desire."

You started to turn around and walk away. They didn't reach for you, they didn't want to impact any of your choices. You continued. "The fear of change is painful, but nothing is more painful then staying somewhere you don't belong. And I know for a fact I don't belong here, I belong with them. Out there. Farewell, Mom, Dad. I'll take my life from here."

You woke up on someone's shoulder. You looked at the sky to see it getting darker. "Ugh, I must've slept through the last period. Miyamura, let's head some."

"Miyamura? Was he here? Is that why you have all these injures!?" "HUH?! YUKI?!" You started to blush as she got up and looked at you.

"I didn't know you guys fought this bad! He just told me that you were injured and needed rest!" Yuki got a dangerous aura. "He didn't tell me that you fought. He tricked me!"

"Girls are scary." You thought as you smiled at her. "It's okay, he helped me out. It's okay really."

"Maybe I'll make him snuff cakes up his nose..." "SHE'S NOT LETTING IT GO!?" You held you mouth before:

"HAHAHAAHAHA!" You started to burst out laughing. Yuki looked at you with a smile.

"What are you laughing for? Do you want to do the honors? You can't! I have to!" she said and for some reason, you just couldn't stop laughing.

"It's...hahaha, so stupid!! Ahahaha!" You said as Yuki smiled at you.


"Did you say something?" You acted dumb, thinking that she wouldn't say it again.

But she poked your nose... "Cute."

You started blushing and looked away. "Uwa... you always catch me off guard with your bluntness."

Yuki grabbed your hand with a smile and started pulling you away. "It's my job to do so, plus I just love making you smile."

"Yeah... another reason why I really do love you..." you whispered to yourself as Yuki stopped moving with her back facing you. She had a massive smile on her face and she turned around and walked back to you, as you started to freak out with a massive blush. "Your personality! I meant your personality!"

"C/n, today is my day right?" Yuki said with a serious tone and look as you were intimidated a bit. You moved back and back as she walked towards you as you reached the school gate. Your back slid down the wall as Yuki still came closer.

"Yep! Yes it is!" You said trying to cover up the sudden confession. Yuki smiled and sat down in front of you.

"Alright, I'd like to use one of my wishes. Close your eyes." Yuki said as you looked at her totally confused. Yuki just laughed with a smug smile. "Hehehe! Don't worry, just do it."

You hesitantly nodded and closed your eyes as Yuki crawled up to you. The sudden touch on your face caused your eyes to shoot open. You looked and blushed more than you ever have. "Yuki?! What are you, mnmmph-?!"

Yuki kissed you as your lips connected. A strange but lovely feeling ran though your bodies, a sudden jolt of energy ran through their entire body emanating from your lips. Her lips were smooth and soft, but you could see her face. It was blushing redder than you. You couldn't even imagine the guts she had in order to do this, let alone act in charge. Soon, the two of you separated and she smiled at you.

"I love you too, my cute tsundere." Yuki said as you looked and smiled at her. You sighed letting go of all the worry, and fear you had.

"Shut up, about that. You're never going to let that go, huh?" You asked as Yuki playfully shook her head. You then put your hand on her cheek as Yuki flinched in surprise and a blush before she started to close her eyes with you. "I'm going... to use a wish...too."

"You...didn't win...yet you're using a wish...you didn't earn..." Yuki said as she put her hands around your neck. You put one hand around her waist. "That's kind...of selfish...either way....I thought about this...for a..long time.."

"Yeah...me too...I'm just following your advice..." you said as they put their foreheads together, looking at each other as you smiled. Well, let's be honest here, they both were smiling massively. Nothing in the world could probably stop the two of you, it almost seemed like the two of you were the only things that existed, "I'm just...being selfish."

"Hey...I still have...two more wishes...right?" Yuki leaned forward more as your lips drew close and you nodded. "Good..."

Your lips collided once more as you both shut your eyes. Both smiling in the kiss with massive blushes. You did wonder how bright you were blushing, but later you'd understand that hopefully the airplanes didn't mistake it for a light in a runway. Meanwhile.... Kyoko, Miyamura, and Tooru were all wondering what Yuki made you do. Tooru sighed and held his waist "Maybe she asked him to take her next test."

Miyamura thought about it before snapping his fingers, "Maybe she asked him to cook for her."

Kyoko shook her head and looked at the two. "Well I think...oh! Hey, Yuki."

Yuki walked in with the biggest smile she's had in her life. She walked and grabbed her bag. Tooru and Miyamura looked at Yuki with curiosity. "What!? Yuki! What did you make him do?!"

Tooru and Miyamura looked at her. She looked smug with a small blush on her face.

"Well, how do I word this? He's recovering himself from my wish!" If you were standing behind her, you would've asked her to phrase it in a way that is wholesome. Unlike the meaning it is giving, Tooru and Miyamura gained scared looks.

"What did she do to him?!" Miyamura and Tooru both thought. Yuki giggled and Kyoko smiled at her best friend's wish. Yuki then ran out the room with her bag. Not a minute later, you came in with Yuki and a white scarf around his neck.

"Yo." You said nervously. You looked a little flustered as you went to grab your bag, but Tooru and Miyamura both grabbed you and your bag. "Hey, what's going on?!"

"I'm sorry I made you do all that!" Tooru said. "We'll make you do something fun!"

"Boys night out!" They both said as you looked around.

"Eh?! Wait no I'm-"SAY NO MORE! YOUR SOUL IS ALREADY DAMAGED ENOUGH!" Tooru said as you looked at the two idiots and reaching out towards the girls...but at last dragged away. Yuki and Kyoko both giggled as Kyoko noticed Yuki's smile.

"I was expecting you to kiss him, but meeting our family is probably gonna be a nightmare." Kyoko said as Yuki began to blush and smiled. "But you guys didn't..."

"Oh no! Nonono!" Yuki shouted as her blush grew. Kyoko nodded and wrapped her arm around Yuki's shoulder.

"Well, girls night out! Let's go!" Kyoko shouted as they started to walk out the classroom.

"Eh?! Does that mean you're finally going to karaoke?!" "Sure! If that's what you want." Kyoko said with a smile. You and Yuki looked behind yourselves, as if you were seeing each other. Yuki smiled back with a massive smile and a blush at him. You eventually returned it with the same as you both turned around to your parties.

"Boys night out! LET'S HIT THE TOWN!" You shouted as soon you arrived at Sengoku and the other's classes. They joined you and shouted as well, rather lively.

"We're gonna party all night!" Yuki said as the girls in the group joined the two and shouted as well.

"All to being selfish!" You and Yuki say at the same time.

"What?" The group was confused as you both got embarrassed.

"Ah right, they don't know about that..."

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