A Marriage To Treasure (Mpreg)

By DarkFlower065

54.6K 3K 817

What will happen when two people marry each other after having met two weeks ago? With rules and boundaries s... More

The Marriage
The first meeting
The Unexpected
The Awkward Situation
Nightmare and Guilt
Their Past
Cooking in kitchen??
Being together
A talk with friend
The last day of honeymoon
Returning home
The meeting
I miss you
Sweet Surprise
The intruder
Our home
My naughty husband
Conversation pit
Testing The Trust
What really happened?
Someone from past
New information
Little time together
The Mall
Angry Perth
The baby

My husband

1.4K 74 16
By DarkFlower065

🔞 Mature Content

Saint woke up at the tingling feeling on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to find himself naked and two arms pulling him close to his husband's chest who was peppering kisses on his shoulder.

"Good morning Pin" Saint said with a sweet voice. "Good morning my love" Perth said sniffing Saint's hair. His member getting aroused with the sight of Saint. The red bruises clearly visible on his exposed upper body while their lower parts were covered with duvet.

Saint tried to move but he whined after he felt the pain in his bottom. Last night's love making had left him drained and sore.

Perth got concerned hearing Saint whine and asked in worry, "Babe, what happened? Are you alright?"

"I had a fight with beast last night." Saint muttered. Perth chuckled at the response but decided to play along. "And who won the fight?" he asked. "The beast" Saint replied with a pout.

Perth was enjoying himself looking at his husband's cute reactions. "What did the beast do then?" He asked playfully. "He devoured me." Saint said trying to hide his face in pillows.

"Babe, beast is hungry again." Perth said as he pulled him against his chest and started kissing his neck and shoulder hungrily. He slowly lifted Saint's leg. Saint realised what Perth was doing and was about to protest but Perth already pushed his member inside the sweet hole. Saint moaned as he was filled again.

Perth started stroking Saint's member with one hand while his other hand was playing with his nipples. Lips trailing kisses wherever possible.

Perth kept thursting inside him at a slow pace enjoying the warmth of Saint's wall around his member. Saint's hands were thrashing around to find something to hold on. He grabbed pillow in one hand while his other hand reached to grab Perth's nape.

"Aaaaaahhhhh.... Perthhhhhhh... There.... Yes... Again.... So gooooood..." Saint kept moaning as Perth kept hitting his prostrate.

"You take me so well babe." Perth whispered in Saint's ears and groaned when he found Saint's wall clenching his member.

After sometime they both came. "Shit!", Perth exclaimed as he realised that he was not wearing condom. "Babe, I didn't wear a condom." Perth admitted. "It's okay... I don't mind... I liked it." Saint said shying away. Perth held him close.

They stayed in bed enjoying the afterglow of their orgasm. After a while, Perth got up and lifted Saint in his arms, carrying him to bathroom. He filled the bathtub with warm water and they both enjoyed the bath.

Perth controlled his naughty hands knowing that Saint was sore. After getting fresh, they both went to kitchen to cook something to eat.

After their breakfast, Perth and Saint were cuddling on the couch. Perth pulled Saint on his lap and started kissing him gently. Saint giggled and started squirming in Perth's arms.

"Pin, why do you love me so much?" Saint asked innocently. "I don't know myself. The only thing I know is that if something happens to you, I'll cease to exists. You are like my oxygen. Back then, I just thought about myself. You can say I was self-centred. That day when I saw you hug Mean, my blood started boiling, thinking you already have someone in your life. Also, it was my own fault since I never made effort to meet my friends and family. Plan tried to invite me for dinner many a times but I denied. Wish I had accepted it long back, things would have been different."

"I was angry seeing you hug Mean. That day, I decided of breaking the boundaries because I felt hurt. The next day when Plan and Mean came to check on you was the first time I met Mean. I apologised to him later for everything. Plan told me that his father was hospitalized during our wedding so he was not able to attend the wedding."

"When you told me about Trump, I was devastated knowing the pain you had to endure. I wanted to take that pain away. I wanted to make you happy, to see you smile, to give you everything that you want, to make you realise that you are a beautiful."

"It's not just your appearance that draw me towards you, you have a pure soul. You try to make everyone happy. You try to be strong. Others think that you are fragile but you are strong in your own way." Perth spoke as he recalled everything.

Saint's eyes were filled with tears hearing those words. All those dreams that he have been longing for were coming true. He never thought he would meet someone like Perth.

Perth wiped the tears that were staining Saint's cheeks and he spoke, "You are very precious to me my love and I want to treasure you my whole life. Till my last breathe..."

Perth started rubbing Saint's back to comfort him. "Babe, you wanna go out? We can go and enjoy ourselves. We'll have a nice dinner outside and return." Perth tried to change the mood.

And it did work. Saint looked up and nodded. They both got dressed up and left to explore the city. They strolled around checking various stuff. They bought few gifts for their friends and families.

Then Perth saw a stall selling hats and sunglasses. He thought of buying a hat for Saint since he looked red after walking in Sun. Saint looked around and saw ice-cream stall. He asked Perth if he could go and buy ice cream. Perth checked that the shop was nearby and let go off Saint keeping an eye on him.

Saint was like an excited child when he went to buy ice-cream. He asked for his favourite flavour - Chocolate. He waited for a while till his order was ready when he saw one man looking at him. He turned his back to him, to avoid his gaze.

As soon as he got the ice-cream, Saint paid and hurried back to Perth. He was stopped in the middle of his track by the person who came running behind him. Saint was scared. He moved aside trying to get the man out of his way.

The man was not ready to let Saint go. Saint panicked looking at the man who was now walking towards him. "Hey sweetheart, why are you running? I mean no harm. I just wanted to talk to you." he said moving closer to Saint blocking his way.

Saint took step back seeing the person approaching, he was about to shout to gain Perth's attention when the man took long strides and stood in front of him. Saint felt trapped. We wanted to run and scream. He kept moving back as the man kept approaching him.

"I just want to be friends with you" the man said extending his hand to touch Saint. And before he could do anything there stood another person between them. Saint felt relieved seeing Perth. He circled his hand around Perth's arm for comfort.

"Who are you?" The man asked. "That should be my question." Perth shot back. "Look Mister, I am talking to my friend. It's best if you leave."

Perth's fists clenched as he tried to control his anger. He spoke with gritted teeth, "First, he is not your friend. And second, stay away from my husband." Perth looked at Saint and pulled him by the waist preparing to leave.

"You think you can get away with that?" The man said and launched towards Perth. Perth landed a strong punch on his face and he stumbled back few feet - his eyes bruised and blood coming out from corners of his lips. "Don't mess with me." Perth warned and turned around to walk away when he heard, "Perth Tanapon?"

The couple looked back to find a thin man with fair complexion grinning at them. "Man!! It's been so long that I have seen you." the fair guy spoke as he walked towards them. "Yacht!" Perth exclaimed as he saw the person.

Yacht then looked at the men who had just got on Perth's nerve. "What happened to you Phil?" Yacht asked that man. "He got punched by me for approaching my husband." Perth glared at Phil.

"Man!!! You tried to flirt with your boss's sweetheart?" Yacht questioned Phil. "He is fired." Perth said in a cold tone.

"Okay okay. Calm down. You need to introduce me to your husband." Yacht said trying to ease the situation. Perth pulled Saint by his waist, "Yacht, meet Saint, my husband and babe, meet Yacht, my college friend. He is incharge of our branch we have here." Perth introduced them to each other. Yacht gestured Phil to leave knowing that Perth will explode if he stay there another minute.

"Now that you are here, come and meet Sammy and our little princess." Yacht said. They both agreed. Yacht then took them to his house.

As soon as the car was parked, a voice was heard from inside the house, "Yacht!! I told you to come early but you are late as usual. Have you be-" The woman stopped talking as soon as get eyes landed on the familiar face. "Oh my God!! Is it you Perth? I can't believe my eyes.." She came and hugged Perth.

"Hi Sammy, how are you?" Perth greeted her. "I am good. By the way, Congratulations.. Sorry, we were not able to attend your wedding." Sammy said stepping back.

"Yeah, I am know. It all happened in a short time. Well, meet my husband - Saint." Perth said as he held Saint's hand. Saint smiled at the lady.

"Hello Saint, I am Sammy. Perth's College friend." Sammy said greeting Saint. "And my wife" Yacht added.

"Okay, let's go inside. Come and meet our princess" Sammy said as she motioned everyone to follow.

They entered the house and Sammy guided them to their daughter's room. There lay a beautiful baby in crib. Saint asked for permission to lift the little girl and Sammy approved.

Saint picked up the little girl very carefully and held her in his arms. She yawned in her sleep making a cute 'o'. Then she opened her eyes and looked at Saint. She smiled cutely and her tiny hands came up trying to reach Saint's face. Saint bent his head to allow the little girl to touch his face.

The girl slightly touched him and then started giggling as if that little touch gave her happiness. Saint was happy looking at the little bundle in his hands. He cooed to her and the little girl was smiling and giggling. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Perth was looking at Saint with awe. "Your husband is truly amazing. That little girl never ever let's anyone beside me and Yacht to hold her. She keeps crying till the other person give her back to us. Nobody will say that they have just met." Sammy said admiring Saint holding her daughter.

"Yeah.... He's amazing..... " Perth said, his eyes glued on Saint. Sammy looked at him and found him looking at Saint with admiration. "You are head over heels for him." Sammy said snapping Perth back from his thoughts.

"Who wouldn't be? He is such a pure soul. Sometimes I fear because he is too fragile, very delicate. I never felt more happy then I am with him." Perth replied.

"Does he know about you and......" Sammy trailed at end of the sentence. "Yes, I have told him everything. I felt he need to know. He was the one who brought me back to life, saved me from that darkness that kept surrounding me these past years. I realise it now that I never felt the same about him that I feel for Saint. With Saint, it's different... It's natural... He doesn't demand anything. All this time, he took whatever I gave him. He is sometimes too shy to speak, he stutter when he gets nervous. But he is still cute for me. I don't know what others think. I just know that I find myself in him." Perth spoke. Sammy was attentively listening to him. It was the first time he has spoken like this after long time.

"I am happy you are back Perth." Sammy said. Yacht returned after getting fresh and changing clothes. He saw Saint holding his daughter. "Aww.. Sammy did you see that?" Yacht asked his wife. "Even I can't believe it." Sammy said. Saint turned around to look at them and the little girl was clapping her tiny hands. The couple was awestruck with the view. Saint smiled at her.

Perth, Yacht and Sammy got busy talking while Saint played with the little bundle in his arms. He was more than happy holding her.

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