Undeniable Chemistry

By Thingimajiga

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I suddenly crashed to the floor, my papers flying everywhere "Watch where you're going, Jesus!" The middle on... More

Chapter 1 | Hey asshole!
Chapter 2 | Might as well move
Chapter 3 | Office...now!
Chapter 4 | Detention
Chapter 5 | *cough* Tyler *cough*
Chapter 6 | Oh it's on like Donkey Kong
Chapter 7 | Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner
Chapter 8 | Amusement park
Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)
Chapter 10 | Panic! At the cafeteria (2/2)
Chapter 11 | Lovers
Chapter 12 | Seven Minutes In Hell
Chapter 13 | What a day
Chapter 14 | Lilah
Chapter 15 | Warrior
Chapter 16 | Uncharted Territory
Chapter 17 | I won't Rosalie, I promise
Chapter 18 | I'd melt the entire building with these looks.
Chapter 19 | 20 Questions
Chapter 20 | November 25
Chapter 21 | Froyo & Friends
Chapter 22 | Always? Always.
Chapter 24 | That's What I'm Trying To Figure Out
Chapter 25 | Chemistry
Author's Note (please read)
Chapter 26 | The Sleepover Part 1
Chapter 27 | The Sleepover Part 2
⚠️ Important Message ⚠️
Chapter 28 | The Sleepover Part 3
Chapter 29 | The Sleepover Part 4
Information Session
Chapter 30 | Superhero
⚠️ Attention ⚠️
Chapter 31 | Rollercoaster
Chapter 32 | A Sky Full of Stars
Chapter 33 | Karaoke
Chapter 34 | No Answer
Chapter 35 | I get it now
Chapter 36 | My Story
Chapter 37 | Football and Mishaps
Chapter 38 | Someone You Loved
Chapter 39 | The Truth Revealed
Chapter 40 | I'll never forgive you
Chapter 41 | Just Watch Me
Chapter 42 | I Guess I'm In Love
Chapter 43 | The Beginning of The End

Chapter 23 | Boyfriend

1.9K 53 22
By Thingimajiga

Picture of Daniel above!

Chapter 23 | Boyfriend

After the hug, Tyler took my hand and led me back into the building. We passed the classroom where Carl was seated in front of the administrative staff. I felt Tyler's hand clench mine and his whole body became rigid. "Son of a bitch" Tyler mumbled under his breath and in an attempt to calm him back down I put my other hand over his which seemed to work. We got to the infirmary and I sat on the bed and watched as Tyler grabbed the bandages and wipes from the cabinets.

I looked around and froze. "Uh, Tyler?" He turned to me with concern etched on his face "are you okay what hap-" he froze when he looked in the direction I was looking. "No way Mrs. Garcia! You're back oh my God!" The woman stood up and hugged Tyler and he grinned like a kid on Christmas "Tyler! ¿Cómo es mi chico favorito?" How is my favourite boy?

"I'm great! God, it's so great to have you back! Wait...you said favourite boy, does that mean?" She smiled "It's a girl! We named her Catalina Maria Garcia" the woman spoke with joy and I looked back and forth between them.

"When did you get back? You should've told them to call me down!" "Relájate (Relax) Tyler, I knew you were going to come here eventually. Tell me you're not still fighting are you?" "Not unless I have to." He looked at me and Mrs. Garcia trailed his gaze then looked at him with shock then squealed "¡Dios mío, Finalmente lo has hecho, tienes novia!" Oh my God, you've finally done it, you got a girlfriend!

"Let me look at you!" She took my face in her hands and examined it including my hands then clapped with joy "my heart has been filled with joy! ¡Ella es Hermosa!" She's beautiful. "What is your name?!" I tried to talk but nothing came out. What in the world was happening right now.

"Her name is Bella and you've got it wrong Mrs. Garcia, Ella no es mi novia, es una amiga mía cercana!" She's not my girlfriend, she's a close friend of mine! Tyler protested and Mrs. Garcia stepped back and huffed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier, you got me worked up for nothing!" She hit his chest and studied me. "Close friend eh?"

"Okay I'm sorry but" I begin finally finding my voice "who are you? How do you know Tyler? And since when do you speak Spanish?!" I yell the last part out. "I'm Mrs. Garcia, I'm the school nurse, I left a year ago on maternity leave since I had a baby, unfortunately, the school was unable to find a replacement for me so I left guides on what to do if you get injured." She motioned to the big blue binder on the table. "Naturally, we locked up the drugs since some people would most likely abuse their access to them. Tyler here was my most frequent visitor. He got into so many fights he ended up becoming my favourite student since I talked to him so much. As for the Spanish, I taught him."

I sat there for a second before saying "ohhhhhh that makes sense." Mrs. Garcia looked at me, "we're going to have you cleaned up and you too Tyler, don't think I didn't notice your knuckles. Tell me, this doesn't have to do with the assault that happened 20 minutes ago does it?" Tyler's hand clenched again and in a low voice he let out a "yes."

"Niños en estos días, tan estúpidos. ¿Cómo puedes hacerle daño a un ángel dulce como esta chica?" Kids these days, so stupid. How can you harm a sweet angel like this girl?

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say Tyler beat him up?" She didn't bother to turn back as she gathered the rest of the supplies needed." "Lo habría hecho peor si no me hubieran detenido, estúpido bastardo." I would've done worse if I hadn't been stopped, stupid bastard.

Mrs. Garcia turned around. "¿Estás seguro de que no están saliendo? Pareces muy protector con ella." Are you sure you two aren't dating? You seem awfully protective of her.

"Sí, estoy seguro, sabría si estuviera saliendo con una chica, ¿no es así?" Yes, I'm sure, I'd know if I was dating a girl wouldn't I? She looked at me then back at him and his bloody knuckles

"Ella te gusta. Puedo decir." You like her. I can tell.

"Ella tiene novio" She has a boyfriend.

"No le pregunté si tenía novio. Ella te gusta. Tu no?" I didn't ask if she had a boyfriend. You like her. Don't you?

"Que me guste o no no es importante. Ella tiene novio. Eso es todo lo que importa." Whether I like her or not isn't important. She has a boyfriend. That's all that matters.

"¿Le has dicho lo que sientes por ella?" Have you told her how you feel about her? His beautiful blue eyes met my brown ones. He stared at me for a few minutes and I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. They were heavily guarded but once in a while, I'd catch a glimpse, a sliver of emotion.

"Lo que siento no es importante. Lo único que me importa es asegurarme de que esté bien, así que por favor, déjalo." What I feel isn't important. Making sure she 's okay is all I care about so please, drop it.

Whatever Tyler said was enough to shut her up. I could make out only a few words since I'd only taken Spanish once and I knew they mentioned the word boyfriend so I could only assume they were talking about me. Once she finished, she gave me Tylenol to help with my headache and permitted me to leave school early.

Kinda wish she didn't.

For them not to suspect anything, I left and thanked Tyler before driving off. In case you're wondering, I ended up working an extra shift at the diner.



I had just finished my shift at the diner and was currently walking hand in hand with Daniel to his car. We were going to Seatopia which was supposed to be one of the best places in California. He opened the door for me and I sat in before he jogged around to his side. "Okay!" He clapped his hands together excitedly "you ready for Seatopia?" he grinned "Yup! Take me to the land of the sea animals!"

After a half an hour ride with us talking about a wide range of topics, we arrived. The parking lot was full and the screaming of kids was noticeable. We got out and walked to the gate area which had a huge sign that read 'Welcome to Seatopia!' "First things first, we need a picture so we can put it there." Daniel yanked me along and I had no choice but to follow him. We got to a part of the wall and it was covered in ivy. There, people had stuck pictures of different types. We took a selfie and Daniel rushed over to get it printed out so we could place it on the 'Mural of Memories.' There were tons of pictures and I walked along the wall to find a place to place ours when one caught my attention. It was an old picture but oh my God.

I ran my hand over it and saw it clear as day. In the picture stood a mini Tyler with what seemed to be his parents. They were smiling and Tyler sat upon his father's neck/shoulders. His eyes were vibrant, nothing compared to what they looked like now. He was happy.

So what the hell happened?

"Hey," a voice spoke behind me. "Got our pic, did you find a place to put it?" "Uh, yea over there." We walked to the area I had selected and he placed our picture there. "Perfect! C'mon, let's still go there so much to see!" He pulled me along and handed our passes to a bored-looking guy before pulling me in. "Okay, judging by what happened last time, I think we should ride then eat. There's a dolphin show at 6 pm, we can go if you want." "Yea let's!" His excitement was rubbing off on me.

After an hour of going on rides, we were famished. We had gotten a lot done since he got VIP tickets. "Anything you want?" He asked me while we munched on our cotton candy. "We still have time to kill before the show." He stated. "We can eat then go to the aqua petting place and the aquarium. We haven't gone there yet." "Sure! What d'you want?" I looked around before seeing a stand that had brochures. "One sec!" I jogged over and pulled it out then jogged back and sat. "Okay, there's...wow they have a seafood place in a place where they train sea animals, huh, go figure." We chuckled at the irony before settling on a chipotle place.

While in the queue arguing about who should pay, something more like someone caught my eye."Hey, one sec." I walked to the person and tapped their shoulder. "Hey." She looked at me as if I grew an extra head. "uh hi?" she replied and stepped back slightly. "Oh relax Rachel I'm not gonna fight you or anything, I keep that reserved for your cult leader. I do, however, have a question." "Oh okay uh, ask away." "Remember that day in the halls, before Dylan's Halloween party you warned me not to go? Did you know Bianca was gonna pull that stunt?"

She looked at me guiltily. "Yea, I did, that's why I tried to warn you, Bella." "Why? Don't you hate me?" She shook her head" no, I don't, I think you're actually really cool, I just have to pretend to hate you because of Bianca." "Why? What did I do to her?" "Nothing! You Did Nothing It's Just, she may be bitch but she's not kidding when she says she likes Tyler. She really likes Tyler. He was her first. That's why he's so important to her. I'll admit at first I didn't like you, neither did Ash but we realized that we didn't stand a chance. But because Tyler was her first, she's hung upon him. He has that effect on girls. You should know."

"Wait, why are you telling me this, she's your best friend." "She might be but what she's doing is wrong. She's the one that sent Carl after you yesterday as well. Look, all I'm gonna say is be careful, Bianca has blackmail on everyone. Don't think just because you're new you're safe 'cause you're not. Everyone is fair game. Remember, she has blackmail on everyone. You stupid bitch you'll never amount to anything!" She sneered at me and I shot her a 'What the fuck?' look.

Is she psycho?

"Well well well look what the cat dragged in." "Hi, Bitchcanca. I'd love to chat to you and your fellow idiotic friends but see I was just minding my business when thing two over here decided to start insulting me so, for the sake of your well-being, I suggest that you advise your goons to stop following me around. See you Monday." I flipped her off and glanced at Rachel who looked slightly relieved at my change in attitude. I met up with Daniel who was walking towards me before we headed to a place to eat.

"Hey, Daniel? Who's Lilah?" He visibly tensed and cleared his throat."How'd you-?" "I overheard Kins and Logan talking about her." "Oh, she's my ex. Correction my crazy ex. I broke up with her because she got too jealous and controlling. Kinda happy you don't go to my school because she'd kill you if she saw us together."

"Wow...but it's fine I'd take her down with me." I shrug nonchalantly and he smiles before leaving across the table and kissing me. "What's that for?'' I ask with a smile on my lips. "Nothing."

We killed the rest of the time then went to the amazing dolphin show.

After he dropped me off at the diner, I decided against driving my car back and left it and took a walk back home. The events of today replayed in my head constantly, specifically, Rachel.

He was her first

I felt pity deep within despite all the things she did. She did all this because she genuinely liked him. But what I don't understand is why she's adamant about making my life hell because of some unrequited love between her and Tyler. He and I are friends and nothing more. Besides, I have a boyfriend.

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and my heart sank. The only noise that could be heard was the sound of crickets chirping.

Besides, I have a boyfriend. Why is it that every time something Tyler-related comes up I hide behind that? Could I really...? No. I can't. Love DOES NOT exist! Snap out of it Bella, before you get hurt more than you already have. I keep people out for a reason. Keep it that way.

As if by magic I felt the walls build up again. No more of this. He'll only hurt me. But why does part of me still want to believe that maybe, just maybe, he won't? What am I even saying? He doesn't even like me like that. And besides...I have a boyfriend.

Author's Note

Hello, wonderful people of the earth! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm almost at 10k!! Thank you so so so so so so SO FREAKING MUCH!! You are all amazing people and I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Teenager Post #015: Laughter is the best medicine, but if you're laughing without any reason, you need medicine.

So what I'm hearing is...I need medicine...noted lol

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

See ya next time!!

-Thingimajiga ❤️❤️

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