Where Did They Go?

By spottedbluebug

4.1K 103 89

The boy opened his eyes, blinking back the drowsiness and confusion that sleep seemed to induce. However the... More

The Awakening
Havoc Confusion
Coincidental Mishap
Renewed Introductions
Domestic Villainy
'The Rescue'
The Reunion
Familial Priorities
The Parental Contest
Accidental Hijinks
Close Encounter
The Charade
Physical Alteration
Wicked Justice
Final Start
End Note

The Slip Up

133 6 0
By spottedbluebug

Izuku looked at the shocked faces around him.

"What?" He asked hesitantly, at the horrified stares boring into him.

Mirio only gazed back at the new recruit of Nighteye's agency. He couldn't believe what he just saw. He can't comprehend the vision before him.

The two had been patrolling their normal route when they came across a little girl with bandages and her supposed 'father'. Midoriya immediately noticed the wrongness of the situation and held on tight to the girl. One second the shady looking figure was gearing up to use his quirk, giving Mirio a slight panic attack, the next he was knocked out cold on the ground. They had gone back to the agency and Mirio explained to his boss what had happened.

Which left the room in the shocked stupor they were currently in.

"Midoriya, you did what?" Nighteye screeched, hoping he misheard.

"Well Sensei taught me that if I ever encountered a bad guy to: first evaluate the situation, second disarm, and third make sure they don't get back up. See? Simple." Izuku shrugged innocently.

"And by 'make sure they don't get back up' was your Sensei referring to killing them?" Mirio gulped, not wanting to hear the boy's answer.

"What of course not! Sensei said only certain situations involve killing, if the need arises." Izuku pointed out, which sounded reasonable enough, especially as many Heroes had more than once in their careers needed to take a life, however, the manner in which Midoriya was speaking sounded so much more sinister.

"And what situations are those?" Bubble girl hesitantly asked.

"Well, if someone is threatening you or your life, resorting to unnecessary violence, if no one is around to help you, in self defense." Izuku recited, counting off on his fingers

There was an audible sigh from everyone in the room as this Sensei person hadn't given the boy villainous advice.

"And if they betray you." Izuku smiled sweetly, leaving the room quiet again.

"Shit!" Nighteye growled under his breath, rubbing his face in exhaustion.

"Don't worry sir, we can just reteach Midoriya!" Mirio tried cheering his elder up.

"Reteach me? Why? Sensei's an amazing teacher! I take everything he says to heart." The boy stubbornly huffed.

"This is going to take awhile." Nighteye sighed, glancing back wistfully at his paperwork.

The villain- who they found out was named Chisaki Kai also known as Overhaul was brought in for interrogation later. He claimed his quirk was missing and after various DNA tests proved so the investigative team was left stumped on that part of the case. Though they decided to just move on with Kai's trial and sentence.

Little did they know that someone had accidentally used their quirk as it had awakened recently. That person was the same one that was now sitting on the couch with his friends laughing and joking. White hair sticking up at odd angles and green eyes piercing through the room.

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