
By VoodooBytesArchives

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Runaways - Miles Fairchild Imagines More

Love Letters
Sick Boy
Crosses 2
I love you
Seeing Double
Protective (variant)
Eskimo kisses
Fuck you too!
Valentines Day
Final Girl
Bed Sharing
How to get the girl 1
How to get the girl 2
Cuddly boy
The arranged marrige
How to get the girl 3

One more drink

135 2 0
By VoodooBytesArchives


I stirred at the sounds of loud noises coming from downstairs. "Miles, go tell Quint to quiet down..." I murmured to my boyfriend.

After nothing happened for a moment, I sat up and looked over at the place next to me. "Miles?" I looked over at the bathroom but no one was there. I threw my legs over the side of his bed and stood up.

I grabbed my robe off of the floor and slipped it on, covering my undergarments and bare skin. I walked down the hall slowly, my stomach twisted in the worst ways. A small hand grabbing my robe made me stop. "Flora, it's late..." She stared at me and sighed. "I can't sleep, Miles and Quint are being too loud." I nodded and rubbed her head. "I know they are, I'll go talk to them." She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks." I nodded and returned her hug.

I crossed my arms over my chest and continued downstairs. I could hear Miles and Quint's drunken giggles. I took a deep breath and walked into the room, a serious look on my face. Quint scares me, a lot. "Miles, come back to bed. It's late and you're keeping Flora up." He and Quint looked up at me. "Woah Miles, did you give her those marks?" Quint pointed at my neck and I pulled my robe up uncomfortably.

"Hell yeah, and look." He stumbled over and pulled my hand off the silky fabric, exposing my chest. My bra was lingerie so it didn't cover that much which meant Quint was seeing a lot. I grabbed the material and wrapped it across myself again. "What the fuck Miles?" I looked up a Quint who was biting his lip. My heart sped up. "Miles, now." I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs. "Byyyyyyeeeee Quintttt." Miles slurred, waving.

I shut the door and locked it, pushing Miles onto the bed. "Are we going to sleep?" I nodded and got under the covers with him, slipping my robe off again. He crawled under the covers and wrapped his arms around me. "Am I in trouble?" He mumbled. "Yes but we'll talk about it in the morning... Just protect me right now." He nodded and I wrapped my arms around his waist as tightly as I could. "Mmmmgh, you're squeezing me too tight... What if I want to jerk off? I can't move my arms!" I cuddled closer to him and took a few deep breaths. "Go to sleep Miles.." his hands fumbled with my hair. "What am I protecting you from?" I sighed loudly and opened my eyes. "Quint. Can we go to sleep now?" He nodded and I shut my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw Quint standing in the doorway. "M-miles.." I shook him but he rolled over, taking his arm off of me. "Stay away from me you fucking creep!" I shouted as he approached the bed. "I said stay away!" He grabbed my legs, caressing my calves softly. Tears dripped from my chin, falling onto the sheets. "Stay a-away.." I tried to pull my leg away but his grip was tight. "Let me go!" I sobbed, his touch unbearable. "If you weren't a slut I wouldn't touch you like this." I shook my head, "I'm not a slut!" He crawled onto the bed, pinning me down.

I can smell the scent of cigarettes and whiskey on his breath, honestly I'm disgusted. "Are you not? Look at yourself. Practically naked, begging to be fucked by me." I shook my head and tried to cover my body. "Don't touch me! I don't want you to touch me!" He leaned down and began to kiss my skin, groping my breasts. I sobbed loudly, looking over at Miles who was still sleeping through this. "Miles please help..." I whimpered, reaching out for him.

I sat up with a gasp, holding the covers to my chest. "Hey, hey, hey.. What's going on?" Miles sat up slowly and rubbed my arms. "Are you okay?" I shook my head. "No Miles! I just had the most horrid nightmare!" He grabbed my hand, caressing it. "What was that about darling?" I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my sweaty body against his soft skin.

"Miles, Quint raped me..." I clutched his neck, inhaling the alcohol and sweat still on him. I pulled away and saw him giving me a strange look. "What?" He sighed and cracked a small smile. "There's nothing to be scared of baby, Quint would never do something like that." My heart dropped into my stomach. "No, Miles he would. When you were drunk you showed him my boobs and-" I froze, rethinking my words. "I showed him— your boobs?" I nodded and put my head in my hands. "He looked at me like I was an object Miles." His arms wrapped around me, holding me close to him.

"It's okay now darling, no more nightmares." I could tell he didn't really believe me. He did sound kinda mad but probably because I'm his and he showed my boobs to someone else. "Lay down." He ordered, laying me down. I shut my eyes and let myself fall back asleep.

When I woke up again, Miles was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Dear, lay back down." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. "You said I needed to protect you from Quint..." I sat up and stared at his bare back. "Quint always said you were trying to take me from him." I crawled closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm not trying to come between the two of you," I mumbled into his neck. "I know Quint. He would never do anything like what you think he would." I slowly let go of him, leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest. "Yes, he would. Miles I know you want a friend but he isn't the best match for you. He's a fucking perv and you're a sweet guy." He shook his head, "No, you don't care about me. The whole reason you started dating me-" "Is because I fell for you. I fell for the Miles that likes to wake me up with kisses and play with Flora. Not the Miles who keeps Flora up while he's drunk and shows my body to some creepy old man-" "He's not creepy." I bit my lip and laid back down. "Okay Miles, you do and think what you want but I'm tired. Last chance, come cuddle me." He sighed but laid back in bed, wrapping his arms around me and placing my head under his. I was safe with him. I had nothing to worry about.

I woke up to Miles's quiet sleep mumbles. I can't have one good night of sleep. I sighed and rolled over to try to wake him. I froze, staring straight into the face of the one man I didn't want to see. I pulled my the sheets up to cover my body and swallowed the lump in my throat. "Quint, get out. You can talk to Miles in the morning." Quint chuckled, exhaling his foul breath in my face. I gagged and scooted away from him. "You're such a disgusting girl! You know that? Miles deserves waaaay better than you." I bit my tongue and looked at Miles who stirred for a moment.  "M-Miles-" Quint's glare made me shut my mouth. "Go back to sleep." Miles mumbled, rolling over. I tried to shake him awake but Quint placed his hand over my mouth, grabbing me.

I sobbed and struggled against his tight grip, reaching for Miles. Quint carried me out of the room and down the hall towards his room. I struggled some more, hitting him. I brought my leg down hard between his legs and he dropped me on the ground. Quint was standing between me and Miles's room so I turned and ran the other way, outside. I ran down the steps and through the grass, into the maze. I took turns until I was far enough in that I felt he couldn't find me. The sun would rise soon, it had to...

I sat down and tried to catch my breath, wiping my tears away. My cheeks had been cut by a loose branch when I was running and Quint's fingernails had dug into my skin. I took deep breaths to try and quiet down, I couldn't run anymore. My legs were exhausted and I was shaking. It was cold and I was barely wearing anything. I brought my legs up to my chest and tried to warm myself up.

Time skip

My body went numb a few hours ago but I'm still shaking. The sun had risen a little while ago, I was too scared to move. I heard the door to the house slam and faint footsteps that made my heart race. "Y/n!" Miles screamed. I started to cry again, screaming his name back to him. "Miles!" I heard more footsteps and he called my name again. "Miles!" I shouted back, crying uncontrollably. His footsteps got louder until he appeared from around the corner. I gathered the energy to try and stand up but a moment later Quint rounded the corner as well.

I let out a loud scream and backed away, running deeper into the maze. "Y/n! Wait!" Miles caught up with me, wrapping his arms around my body. "Fuck baby, you're freezing." Quint walked towards us and I sobbed louder. "What's wrong?" He asked, making me look at him. "Q-q-quint!" I whined, gasping for air. "No, no, no. He helped me find you, doll. He told me he saw you go into the maze. Why are you in here?" I felt my whole world start to close in as my legs gave out beneath me.

When I woke up, I was in warm water. Miles sat next to the tub, messing with my fingers. "Miles," his eyes darted up towards me. "Y/n.." he leaned forward and hugged me, getting his sweater wet. He looked at me and kissed my face. "Baby what happened?" He ran his fingers over the cuts on my cheek. I took a deep breath and grabbed his hands. "Miles please listen to me. Don't say anything until I'm finished." He nodded and I looked down.

"Last night you got drunk and showed my boobs to Quint. Later I had a nightmare but you told me to go back to sleep, assuring me it wasn't real. Then I woke up again and you were upset with me for thinking I needed you to protect me from Quint. We went back to sleep and I woke up for the last time... Miles, Quint was in our room. He- he grabbed me and was taking me to his room but I- I kicked him and he dropped me. He was between me and your room so I had to go outside. I was so fucking scared I just ran into the maze until I couldn't run anymore." Miles ran his fingers over the cuts on my face.

"Please believe me Miles..." I whispered, tears dripping into the water. He wrapped his arms around my neck again and hugged me. "I believe you darling... It's going to be okay..." I held him and sobbed into his sweater.

After Miles finished bathing me, he helped me out. Miles wrapped a heated towel around my body and sat me down on the toilet seat. He began to brush my hair, humming softly to me. I stared at the dirty bath water as it went down the drain.

Miles kissed my head and rubbed my arms before standing up. He went into his room and I listened as he dug through his drawers. He came back with a pair of his pajamas he rarely wore. He handed me them and left the bathroom, standing outside.

I pulled them on and walked out of the bathroom. Miles was staring at the floor with his hands in his pockets. "Miles..." I whispered, making him look up at me. He smiled a little and reached for my hand. "There's my pretty girl..." I smiled as he kissed my forehead. "Come on, let's go get breakfast." He started to pull me out of his room but I stopped him.

"Miles... What if we run into... him..." Miles rubbed my hand soothingly. "I promise I'll never let him lay a finger on you again. You're safe with me my darling." I nodded and he led me out of the room.

We walked down the hall together slowly. My eyes darted around while I gripped his hand. We finally made it into the kitchen and he looked around. "No need to worry doll, no one's in here." I nodded and he let go of my hand. I was quick to grab him again though, holding onto his wrist. Miles froze and looked back at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to let go." He grabbed my hand again and pulled me towards the counter he grabbed the bread and the cutting board, setting them down on the counter.

Next was the bread knife which he admired for a moment. "Bubba..." he glanced back at me and laughed for a moment. "Sorry, just a thought..."


I would kill that bastard. I wanted him to fucking pay for what his did to my Princess. I wanted Quint to die.

"Bubba..." I looked and and let out a nervous laugh, "Sorry, just a thought..." she smiled and I kissed her cheek. I went to cut the bread but realized that I wouldn't be able to with Y/n holding my hand. "Here.." I let go and placed her between myself and the counter. Since I was taller than her, I still got a perfect view of the bread. This might not be totally safe but hey, who gives a fuck?

I reached around her and started to cut off a few pieces. Y/n watched me silently. I would never let her touch any of the knives so she liked to watch me cut our food when I cooked. "You're so good at cutting Miles..." she mumbled as I handed her a small piece of bread. I laughed and shook my head. "Thank you precious."

I took the other pieces of bread and threw them into the toaster, popping the knob down. I walked back over to Y/n and placed my hands on the sides of the counter. "Hi..." she giggled and bit her lip before responding. "Hey," I leaned down and kissed her nose. She smiled and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my nose back. I hugged her and kissed the top of her head repeatedly. "You're so cute.." I whispered into her ear.

She laughed again and I smiled. I'm really glad she's laughing and smiling after something so horrible happened to her... The toast popped up and she jumped out of my arms, her back hitting the counter. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!" She whined, rubbing her back. "Are you okay?" I tried to refrain from laughing but I couldn't help but smile. "I'm fine..." she mumbled rubbing her back some more. I grabbed the toast and dropped it onto a plate.

"Miles!" I looked over at the door where Quint was standing he walked closer to us and I stood in front of Y/n. "What? I'm not gonna touch your girl Miles. I know you do that enough for the both of us." I was starting to see. "That's disgusting Quint." I mumbled, clenching my fist as he took a bite of
Y/n's toast.

I could feel her shaking behind me, causing me to grab her hand. "So, are we gonna go out to ride today?" Usually when we rode he would get me to talk about my sex with Y/n to 'give me advice' but now I'm not so sure... "I can't," I mumbled back. "What? Why not? And why the hell are you still standing like that, you two are freaking me out... And you're standing in front of the liquor cabinet."

"It's not even lunch time yet." I argued, pissing him off. "Damnit Miles, move out of the way!" I shook my head and stood still as he can closer to me. He leaned in close to my face and whispered, "Last chance Miles."


"Or what? What're you gonna do to me Quint?" Miles fired back. Quint put his hand over his mouth and turned around as if he was going to leave.

All of the sudden he turned back around and a loud slap echoed through the room. "Miles!" I cried, hugging his waist. He placed a hand over mine to assure me hewas okay. "Oh Miles... You chose the wrong fucking side. You're gonna pay for that mistake." Quint mumbled before walking away. We stood silently for a moment before I rushed to look at his face. "Oh baby..." Tears filled my eyes at the sight of the large handprint on his beautiful skin.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." He grabbed my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "Miles-" he shook his head and rubbed my back. "Don't say anything for a minute love..."

I nodded and we hugged silently. Miles kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. "Don't worry about me babe. I'm gonna make you some food now..." I nodded and reluctantly let him go.

Miles silently walked around the kitchen, making us food. I stared at the mark on his cheek, it was already beginning to bruise.

He finished making us breakfast and we sat down at the table. I silently ate my food, not daring to look at him. I knew if I did I would start to cry.

"This is very good, thank you Miles." I commented after I finished. Miles reached out and grabbed my hand, making me jump. "Look at me Y/n." I looked up at him but quickly glanced back down.

"Come on, look at me." I forced myself to look at him. He gave me a warm smile but I could see the pain in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Miles!" I cried, hanging my head down. His hands cupped my cheek, wiping my tears away.

"It's not your fault." I shook my head and pulled away from his touch, standing up. "I feel l-like all I- all I ever do is- is- is end up h-hurting you! I fucking hate it! I don't like s-seeing you get hurt! So I think- I think the only option is to cut me out so you don't have to suffer. I'm going to- to pack my bags." I ran out of the kitchen and into his room.

"Y/n wait!" He shouted, running after me. I reached his bedroom and grabbed a suitcase, probably his, and threw my stuff into it. I rushed around the room to pick everything up.

Miles came into the room and I heard him begging me to stop. When I couldn't fit anything else in the suitcase, I closed it. As I was going to leave Miles stood in front of the door.

"Move!" I shouted. Miles shook his head and didn't move. "You- you cant leave me! You fucking said you would never leave me!" He pushed my shoulders until I landed on his bed. Miles crawled into my lap and I started to shake. Instead of doing what I thought he would, he hugged me. "Please don't leave me! I- I love you! I love you so much!"

My eyes were wide as those words left his lips. "You... Love... Me?" He nodded and sat up, looking at me. He sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I love you more than anything, I thought you knew that." I subtly shook my head. "We've never said it-" "You don't have to say it back but... I wanted you to know that I love you... Please don't leave... You made me fall in love with you... So— you can't leave me."

I looked down at the suitcase. "Miles I can't stay here with him." He grabbed my face in his delicate hands. "I'll make sure he leaves soon." I hesitantly nodded and Miles let out a sigh of relief.

"Fuck, please never leave me..." He whispered, clutching me as tightly as he could.

Later that night I felt shifting in the bed but didn't think much of it.

A few hours later, Miles pulled me back into his arms and played with my hair.

I woke up to a loud scream, making me sit up quickly. Miles wasn't in bed so I rushed out of the room. Flora was standing in the hallway, rubbing her eyes. "Y/n?" I lightly touched her head, "Rest Flora.." She obeyed me and went back into her room.

I ran downstairs and a pair of arms grabbed my shoulders. "Wha-" "Don't go out there. It's a bloodbath." I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at Miles.

"What do you mean?" He kissed the top of my head and pulled me into a hug. "Quint won't ever hurt you again..."

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