Eskimo kisses

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Miles Fairchild wasn't oblivious to affection. No, not in the slightest. He just wasn't used to receiving it like this. Sure, Flora and Ms Grose adored him and would shower him in love whenever they could but Flora was his baby sister and Ms Grose was old. Then Miles met Y/n, she was picking some of the wildflowers that grew just outside the gates of the Bly estate.


I tried to keep my steps as quiet as I could as to not scare the girl. I made it to the fence and watched as she bent down. Her dress went up and exposed her creamy thighs and cute underwear. She mumbled something to herself and brushed the dress back down. "What are you doing?" I ask finally, biting down on my lip. She stood up and faced me very quickly. "You scared me..." she whispered, making me grin. "You're so cute, come closer." I held my hands out to her, through the bars of the gates. "N-no..." I scrunched my face up and opened and closed my hands impatiently. "Why not?" She sighed, "You're a boy and I'm a girl." I shrugged, not understanding. "You don't want to rape me?" I shook my head and let my hands fall, hitting the fence. "Oh god no. I want to hold your hands darling." She stepped closer, slowly. "Come on... I don't think either of us have all day. I can't hurt you, not that I would, I'm on this side of the fence and you're on the other." She stepped forward again and I reached my hands out. She stepped closer once again so that I was almost touching her stomach. She lifted her hands and lightly touched my finger tips. It gave me butterflies, a feeling I've only felt once or twice. But never with a girl. She finally touched my hand, holding it gently. I smiled and pulled her closer to the fence. We sat down, our hands not leaving each other's.

Miles                                                                     Y/n

"Why are you here?"

"I was exploring."

"Are you new here?"


"Where do you live?"

"Creepy. I live in the next estate over, about 15 miles away."

"What's your name?"

"Y/n, what's yours?"


"How come you got so far out?"

"I took my horse."

"Aren't your parents worried?"

"I wouldn't count on it."
"Aren't your parents worried, boy?"

"No in the slightest. They died right next to you  where you're sitting."

"I'm very sorry..."

"Don't worry about it Princess."

—Time skip—

"Well, it's getting dark so I should probably go."

"Do you have a horse?"

"Yeah, he's how I got here, remember?"

"Yeah, sorry baby..."

"I'll come back if it's okay with you."

"Yes, of course. When you get here, you can open the gate yourself, do that and walk until you see the house. Don't let anyone see you. I'll keep my window open, it's the fourth one on the second floor. Throw rocks in."


"Now you must be going. Do come back whenever Princess."

My soft lips pressed against her hand lightly. I really really like her. I knew I was good looking but what if she didn't think so? I really wanted her to.

"Miles before I go, can I tell you a secret?"

I nodded and turned my head, placing it against the fence. I waited until her lips pressed down on my cheek. I held my breath and hoped it would never end. She was so innocent and pure. She finally pulled away and I turned back to look at her.

"Thank you..."

She only giggle and kissed my knuckles.

"Goodbye for now, Darling.."


Miles and Y/n met several times before they started dating. Somehow Flora figured out Miles was meeting someone and out of excitement, ratted him out. He wasn't mad at Flora though, he couldn't be. They all liked Y/n and said she was welcome whenever. Miles was actually very pleased with this reaction. Today it was raining and Y/n was spending the night. It was sometime around three am and Miles and Y/n were doing their normal thing.


Miles hands rested awkwardly around my waist. "Miles." I broke the long kiss. "What? Did I do something wrong my love?" I shook my head, "No no no... You could never kiss me wrong but your hands. You're too awkward with your hands baby. You know how I move my hands? Like- look."

I pulled Miles back in for a kiss and let my hands roam his smooth skin. I broke the kiss and raised my eyebrows. "Got it?" He nodded. "Great!" I leaned back in and Miles moved his hands. They stopped on my boobs making me laugh.

Our foreheads were still pressed together and I was quietly laughing so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Miles was smiling but I don't think he was smiling because of where his hands were. "Miles you're actually really cute." He squinted his eyes at me. "What are you talking about?" I pecked his lips and continued. "I'm just saying that you smiling when you make me laugh is adorable. You're not all hot and mysterious all the time babe."

He shrugged and slowly pushed me down onto his bed. He put his legs next to my hips and his hands by my head. He leaned down and kissed me again, different from our last kisses. He used his hand to slowly caress my body. He lightly bit my lower lip, and as if he'd brainwashed me, I opened my mouth for him almost immediately.

He stood up on his knees right after. "What?" I said confused. "I am hot." I rolled my eyes but nodded. "Yes Miles, you're very hot. Now, can you please not sit like that so your dick isn't in my face?" He nodded and got off of me. He went to turn his lights off and crawled back into bed with me.

We laid next to each other for a moment before Miles kissed my nose. I giggle and Miles groaned. "What?" I thought the gesture was cute. "Help me find your lips, it's too dark." I smiled and scooted closer to him. Our noses pressed together reminding me of something. Miles put his hand on my hip and the other under my cheek. He leaned in and licked his lips so his tongue would touch my lips as well.
We could hear each other's breathing.

"Y/n?" I nodded and hummed. "Why aren't you kissing me?" I brought a hand up to his cheek. "Sorry if I offended you lovely. I remembered this cute thing..." he hummed, showing me he was interested. "It's called an Eskimo kiss. You do it like this." I shook my head so that our noses rubbed together. "No what? I'm not doing anything!" Miles whispered. "No! Miles that's how you do it!" He sighed and I pecked his lips as a reward. "Okay so we just rub noses?" I nodded and Miles did it again. He giggled. Not chuckled or laughed. Giggled. "Fuck that's so cute!" I smashed my lips onto his and one thing led to another but the whole night was history.

—Time skip—

The next morning, I woke up without Miles in bed. I groaned but got up and walked the soreness off as best as I could. I walked down to the parlor and found Miles eating a poptart by himself.

I walked over and put my hands on his shoulders, kissing his neck. He leaned his head onto mine and I moved around the couch to his lap. Miles and I grinned shyly at each other. We never knew what to say after we would do anything sexual. I leaned in and we rested our foreheads together. Miles shook his head and let his nose touch mine. He did it for a minute before stopping and giving me a big smile.

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