One Whisper at a Time


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Imagine being taken away from your family, and being able to do nothing about it. Imagine being a servant to... Еще

Chapter 1: Blood, War, and Death.
Chapter 2: Hairpins, Caleb, and Big Trees
Chapter 3: A Deal with a Vampire?
Chapter 4: Little Miss Prissy
Chapter 5: Andy, V-Cards, and My Blood
Chapter 6: My Drink Got Rigged
Chapter 7: What happened to you....
Chapter 8: The Change
Chapter 9: Your butt is hanging out
Chapter 10: Walking, walking, walking
Chapter 11: My Lord, when shall we attack?
Chapter 12: Capture the Beta
Chapter 13: Bitten
Chapter 14: The White Wolf
Chapter 15: Run Away Pup
Chapter 17: The Truth
Chapter 18: A Story to Remember
Chapter 19: It's now or never
Chapter 20: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 21: Gone, Forever

Chapter 16: Ethal

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*One Whisper at a Time*

*Chapter 16: Ethal*

The sun was warm on my skin as I stretched out. I opened my eyes, searching for where I was. It took me a sensible moment to realize I hadn't any clothes on. I covered myself thought I immediately noticed Madison and Hunter were still asleep. Taking advantage of the fact, I reached for Maddi's bag and pulled out some of my clothes. I was surprised that she'd thought to do so, but proud at the same times.

Everything seemed to come back to me. Caleb wasn't here, and wouldn't be ever again. He'd stay with the Pack, and I'd go home to momma and paw. Hunter would soon be mile and miles away from me, along with Maddi, too. To get away from my terrible life, I'd have to make sacrifices. My friends had to be one of them.

After I had slipped into my clothes, I made sure there was no light shining on Madison and Hunter, in case the vampire burned. Without so much as a sound, I made my way towards the human village. I'd heard it was close, but I couldn't be sure how close. I ran my fingers furtively through my brown locks before walking any farther.

I stuck to the edge of the forest. I wasn't thinking about food at all. My mind sang the name of my lover to me continuously.

I couldn't remember how far I'd walked for how long, because I wasn't really paying attention. I walked over a small hill, and houses showed all around. People walked from left to right with baskets full of numerous goods. The scent of sweet potato pie and apples roamed as I stepped into the village. Peoples seemed to stare, but I didn't know why until I stepped into the clothing store.

I gazed at myself in the mirror. Was that really me? On one side of my neck was the gash that had turned me into an animal. It was a deep red, for it had only healed a short time ago. The other side of my neck contained a small, full-moon.

"Looks like you had quite a doing there, sonny." I spun around to find an aged lady. Her voice was rough and warming. Her hair was pulled into a stocky bun, a piece caressing her wrinkled features.

"Yeah. Hard week," I mumbled, turning back. Before I could walk away, the old woman's fingers curled around my arm.

"Come with me, little girl, and you can tell me all about that big bad wolf that did that to you," she winked at me, letting out a small chuckle. "Pardon the pun, dear."

My heart pounded roughly against my chest. How did this woman know? "Come, deary. I'll give you all that you and your friends need. I hesitated, but followed the woman. My eyes darted from left to right as we walked deeper into the store. She opened a door which we stepped through cautiously.

Darkness took over before a light flickered. A torch was lit, illuminating everything around them. The walls around us were made of rough stone, and pictures of ancient figured people covered the walls.

It took them a while to get to a small room. When there, the old woman stopped. She pulled me in and closed the door behind me. She walked to the side of the room, placing the torch in its holder.

"Who are you?" I whispered as the woman pushed me into a stray chair.

"Ethal Jefferson, miss Neil." Ethal chuckled as she sat down across from me.

"How do you-"

"Nonsense. I'm a witch. I can read you like a book, Whisper. Such a pretty name. So, your best friend. With a Vamp, hmm?"

I blinked a few times, but I wasn't surprised I'd guessed that there were more then just werewolves and Vampires, but now I was sitting face to face with a witch.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I was kidding about the wolf. I've seen what happened. So, your master, eh? Does that upset you?"

Ethal ran her tongue over her lips, holding a hand out over the tables. "Your hand, please."

I placed my hand in hers, watching her green eyes close. "Oh my. You're in love. I can see it. Ah, and very handsome he is." I didn't take the time to ask. Ethal continued on, sighing. "You're even more beautiful as a wolf, my dear."

The woman pulled her hand away with a smile. "Why did you leave him, my dear Whisper? Such an in love wolf you are." It was only then when it dawned on me that I was no longer human. I was an out of control werewolf.

"I had to. It was for both of our goods." I didn't really know if I believed that, but I forced myself to do so. I had to find my family.

With a small sigh, Ethal reached behind her, pulling something into her hand. She turned the mysterious object between her fingers. "Take this, lad." She took my hand and placed something in it.

"What's this?" I asked, opening my hand. A cross was attached to a golden chain. The cross was tainted a deep gold, darker than the chain itself.

"It's charmed to protect anyone who wears it from harm." Ethal's hand patted mine, a smile lighting her lips.

My fingers caressed it slowly. "Why are you doing this? You don't even know me...."

Ethal ran her tongue over her chapped lips. "Because you need it. Now go back to your friends and take this." She placed a large basket before me. I didn't care to lock inside, for I had the feeling there was nothing threatening within the basket. With a quiet thank you, I left the place, remembering my way out.


It was getting darker when I made my way back from the witch's house. The forest was bland and damp as I stepped in. I looked around for Hunter and Madison, but stopped as I heard a gasp.

My ears were more sensitive than they were before. I cold sense the presence of someone, but I turned just to make sure. Though, sure enough, Hunter was staring at me, her eyes widening. I fingered the necklace that hung, but I knew that wasn't what Hunter was staring at. Would it be like this forever? Would people keep staring at me because of this hideous scar?

"Whisper? What's that...on your neck?" I managed to crack a smile.

"Didn't you know? I was attacked by a wolf, silly."

Hunter only rolled her eyes as she came towards me. "What's in the basket?"

"Food." I didn't tell her about Ethal, though I wanted to. I figured that Madison was out for a snack, so we dug in.

Inside of the basket was everything that both Hunter and I loved. Apple pie, mmm...And milk, and breaks, and so much more. By the time we were done, more food appeared. I was too full to eat more, but Hunter continued on, until she was moaning from a full stomach.

The day grew dreary, and soon the sun went down again. Madison came back, and Hunter and her laughed together. But me, I wasn't listening. All I could think about was what Ethal said. I was in love. Why had I left him?

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