One Dance for One Night [kido...

By xuankoiiiii

2.2K 105 153

pianist!kidou x dancer!fudou Yeah that's it enough said. I wrote this because theres not many fanfics of them... More

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞
𝟏 | 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 (𝟐)
𝟖 | 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫


161 9 19
By xuankoiiiii

3rd Person's POV

As the days went by it was Kidou's competition day so he had to leave the city and not go to school for 4 days.

Fudou didn't knew that Kidou had a competition that day so when he didn't come to school he became slightly worried. Not that he didn't care about him obiviously.

'He didn't come to school today,' he wondered, 'and I haven't text him maybe this is my chance to text him,'

After class, he went to the café and met up with Sakuma and Genda so he then approached them and asked.

"Where's Kidou? He didn't come to class today," Fudou asked.

"He went to another city to do his competition. Why?" Sakuma replied.

"Oh, nothing,"

"Alright then, want some?" He offered some biscuits to the dancer.

"No thanks, I'll be on the libary,"

"Your meeting Shinobu today?"

"She's busy with her math class right now,"

"Ah, makes sense, she ain't the best at math,"

"I know right, I'll go now,"

Sakuma send him a wave and Fudou waved back but then adds a middle finger. You can hear Sakuma cussing at him from a mile away.

He started walking to the libary and started looking for books to read. The brunette stumbled upon an interesting book. It was about two male boys who are in love with each other but was too naive about it.

So he began to read through the pages. Fudou was never interested in love stories but this one particular one caught his eye so he kept reading till the bell rang.

He asked the libarian if he could borrow this book for a week. Fudou grabs the book then leaves to class.

As class begun, Fudou's mind has been wondering around on how to contact Kidou and not just that he was also thinking about the story he just recently read. Like what happens next, how will the ending look like.

So he reads some chapters of the book in class and since Kudou-sensei knows that Fudou wouldn't give a damn about him even though he noticed he didn't bother.

The dancer was reading through the pages with such focus. He kept reading and reading till the class ended. The book was a short novel and since there was one chapter left he decided he'll read it when he finish his dance.

Which was pretty quick, he finished dancing very quickly with no distractions.

The female dancer, Shinobu that day had to go home early due to her dad. Her dad needed help in his café since her mother was sick so she had to leave early.

After he finished drying himself up because he was sweating like hell. He then grabbed the book and read everything.

It was written,

The blue night sky is as bright as ever
But your eyes still shine beautifully as the moon
Ocean eyes glimmering with passion
As we danced under the moonlight

Soft and detailed movements as we look at each other
Stars falling down as the joy of the two boys dance
Ended with a memorable kiss with burning hearts
They seperated with the biggest smiles on their faces

Fudou was in an awe after reading such beautiful chapter but something bothers him. When he was reading, he imagined himself with Kidou.

Dear lord, his brain must have been broken after listening to Emiko-sensei's rambles of dances.

"Everyone, class ended!" Emiko-sensei exclaims as everyone packed their bags.

The male dancer was packing all his needs till he saw the phone ringing.

Its the pianist, Kidou.

'Oh god, he's calling me? Now? Out of all the other times he could have,' Fudou thought and sighed.

He grabbed the phone and accepted the call.

"Hey," the dreadlocks greeted at the other side of the phone,

"Hi, may I ask, why your calling me?"

"Just wanted to start the conversation since you never did," you can hear his little chuckle behind.

"O-oh, I was just-" he was turning embarrassed.

"Its alright, your probably less social aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am, I think you can tell,"

"Obiviosly I could. Anyways how was practice?"

"Good, and I kinda finished reading a book called Moonlight,"

"Seems interesting what is it about?"

"You can search up it yourself, idiot,"

"Fine, I will, you lazy ass,"

"Oi! But anyways how's your competition?" Fudou asked as he remembers he had a competition.

"It will start tommorrow, for now I'm just getting ready,"

"Well then, hope you do great,"

"Haha, thank you, Akio," he laughs gently like its the most softest laugh he had heard from the pianist.

'A-Akio?' He thought shocked with the sudden change.

"Um hello? Did I say something wrong?" Kidou asked with a tone a bit corcerned.

"N-no you didn't, I was just taken back,"

"Of me calling your first name? Haha, you can call me Yuuto too, you know?"

"Really? I mean alright then, Yuuto,"

"Kidou! Get back to practice and stop calling your boyfriend!" Haruna says through the phone although the audio wasn't clear Fudou could still hear it.

The brunette flushed red like the food he dislikes, tomatos.

"Ah, I'm really sorry about her, thats my sister, Haruna, she can be a bit annoying at times," Kidou said although Fudou can't see him but he knows he's quite shy after what Haruna said.

"I-its fine, anyways you better be going or else you'll be in trouble,"

"Oh right, talk to you soon,"

"Yeah, see you,"

Fudou sighs, he didn't realised he was already in front of his house. He walked into his room as he greeted his mom and grandmother. The dancer puts his bag and take out his clothes and took a bath.

After that he then goes to bed looking at the ceiling and starts questioning everything.

'Am I.. gay?' He wondered, 'and what was Haruna calling me his boyfriend,'

'Does he.. No it can't be it! Maybe Haruna was just joking,' he then slapped himself because of such stupid thoughts.

'Urgh, why are feelings so confusing?'

"Akio, Dear?" His mom says while knocking at his door.

"Yes mom?" He opens the door to let his mother in.

"Whats wrong? You don't seem alright?"

Of couse she would find out. After all Fudou's mom reads him like a book.

"Nothing just.."

"Just what, dear?"

The brunette sighs and explains everything about his feelings to his mother.

"He keeps on making me feel things,"

"That isn't normal,"

"Of course it isn't! I don't even know what's happening to me! Am I sick? But I checked my temperature and It was fine,"

"No, Akio, you are not sick,"

"Then what's going on?"

"Well maybe you just like him,"

"I- um- I- Mom- I- What?"

She chuckled and Fudou was down embarrassed. Ears turning a bit red.

"You know a crush,"

"Mom, I know what a crush is,"

"I know that but I mean have you thought about you crushing on him?"

"Well um.. not really,"

"Then maybe you are but your too naive,"

The brunette glares at his mom as she smirks to her son.

He sighs, "I guess.. your right, I suppose,"

"You told me you felt weird around him like there's butterflies in your stomach doesn't it? don't you think its a crush?"

"I-I don't know.." he said unsure, "I've never liked someone,"

His mom giggles, "oh dear, this would be hard for you but.. well.. you are in love with him, I can definitely tell that,"

"He barely knows me nor do I know him,"

"Then maybe you can signal him some clues, drop hints or maybe just talk to him more,"

"Thats hard, mom,"

"I know it is sweetie but you can do it," she smiles.

"Yeah, fine, I'll try talking to him more,"

"That's the spirit also I've heard that you have a party in a month," as she walks to the door,

"Yeah I do, why?"

"Ask him out, anyways I'll be making tea now have a good night, Akio,"

"W-wait," he said gesturing to stop his mom but she had left.

'Ask him out.. ask him..?' He thought. 'What..? How do I do such thing..?'

That night Fudou couldn't sleep because of his mind thinking about all the possibilities of Kidou rejecting him.

'What if he says no?' He thought, 'he doesn't care about me,'

'What if he leaves me? Like how dad left me and my mom with my grandmother,'

Fudou's dad left him ever since he was 7 due to him cheating with another women. Even if their relationship wasn't that well.

Mom and dad would always argue and Fudou would always have a hard time sleeping. As he grew older Fudou have a habit of pulling an all nighter as he gazes at the stars.

And so he does what he does back in his old days, gazes at the stars tonight.

'The night sky is beautiful today,' he wondered, 'it always calms me down,' he smiles remembering the oldern times. Though that smile he had was a sad smile.

A saddening one of what happened with his past.

The brunette plays calm music as he does his school work for the next day since he couldn't sleep and is bored.

Next day at school.

School starts as usual though it feels more empty without Kidou well Fudou thought. He stares at the drealock's seat, hoping he'd appear magically from dust.

'Mom was right, I am in love with him,'

The brunette had always been staring onto the pianist without knowing. He always wondered how pretty the male in dreadlocks were.

Fudou was sure whipped for the male.

As time went on, Everything went by as usual, class, lunch, class then practice. Shinobu finally came to practice as usual again. Finally Fudou was tired of being so damn lonely in dance club.

Not that he was lonely in class but it just felt empty without Shinobu or anyone when dancing at times.

On the way home, he received a text from the one and only Kidou.

'Eh? He texted me,' he wondered why Kidou would text him.


Hi, how are you?
Apologies if I'm bothering you and if its so sudden.


Its alright, I just finished school so lowkey kinda tired right now, you?


I feel a bit anxious because of the results of my competition


I'm sure you did fine, I mean look at your grades
Anyways, why'd you text me?


Just feel like it and also asking for notes from classes I missed


Ah but,
As you know me, I didn't write them
Also is your family there with you?


Kinda expected that but wanted to make sure anyways
Only my dad is here while my sister and mom is buying food


Ohh, I thought they'll be there supporting you
I mean they'd missed the peformance you fucking did


They don't really care honestly well except my sister but mom forced her to join her instead
Also my dad recorded me doing my peformance so it wouldn't be much of a problem


Makes a lot more sense now
Sorry, I kinda got confused as hell


Its fine, its not a big problem after all


I guess so
When will you be back?


This Saturday around evening, at least at 4/5pm
I suppose


Oh then I'll get some notes from classes for tommorrow's lesson
I only took one for geography class today


Its ok and thanks by the way
Also I got some souvenirs for you, Sakuma, Genda and Shinobu


Wow, uh thanks, you dont need to, though
Yeah, no problem I guess


Its fine, I haven't bought you a gift and also its a thanks for you giving me that bento and my phone back


How'd you found out that it was me?


Your hard writting gave it away


Makes sense


Well I gotta go, the reward announcement is here


Wish you the best of luck


Thanks, Fudou, talk to you soon


See you

Seen by Kidou at 14:09

Fudou didn't expect Kidou to text him neither to know that he was the one who gave the bento.

But maybe it was because he was anxious and needed someone to talk to. He has his family espicially his sister or maybe she wasn't there. Who knows?

As time went on the two started texting and calling each other more often. They have gotten closer till Saturday arrived when Kidou was on the way back to Tokyo.

During that Sakuma texted both Kidou and Fudou.

Note: Hi everyone, yes, today is my birthday ehe so I made it quite longer than usual. I was hoping you'd like this chapter! Thank you for reading <3

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