LEILA {ongoing}

Av KarsynJLaw

77.5K 1.1K 703

Aussie girl, Leila, moves to America. Repeating her senior year brings much more drama than she bargained for... Mer

Character Aesthetic & Authors Note
Leila Playlist - avail on spotify
31. H O M E
32. Surprise Kisses
33. Highschool cuties
34. Temper Temper
35. Go For It
36. Finally
37. Better than dessert
38. My Choice
39. His Choice
40. His Question
41. Her Answer
Thank you for your patience


1.7K 26 33
Av KarsynJLaw

Elijah takes us to a local steak house that he swears is the best in Austin without the jacked up price.

The outside reminds me of a farm house with its dark timber and barn style entry doors. Inside feels much the same. Warm moody lighting, red table clothes and dark leather seating at the booths. Random rusted old school farm tools are scattered around the walls as a kind of feature.

The nice waitress seats us in a booth next to a window overlooking the a park that's next to the restaurant. There are still families picnicking and kids playing on the equipment. You can faintly hear their high pitched squeals through the glass.

"This ok?" Elijah pulls my attention away from outside.

"Oh, yea. This way we can watch the sunset." I smile at him. The golden hue of the sun hitting the side of his face making his green eyes glow.

Ordering drinks and our meals the conversation veers into the topics of past relationships. More specifically his past relationships.

I naturally thought he'd be the type to have a lot of girlfriends but apparently he's only had two. Both of them when he was in junior year. Since than he's been playing the field as they say.

I'm sure this isn't the topic he was hoping to be discussing but I'm genuinely interested. 

"What so you don't cuddle...ever?"

We've jumped from the relationship part of dating to his bedroom antics.

He shakes his head, looking slightly ashamed and very uncomfortable."Why would I, she'd just get the wrong idea."

"So what do u do then?"

He shrugs. "Leave."

"Oh my goodness... You're an actual fuckboi, like proper. Geez. So you've never given a girl any sort of aftercare."

He's scowling when he looks up at me. "I'm not a fuckboi just because I don't cuddle. Plus, like I said she'd just get the wrong idea." He aimlessly plays with the salt shaker.

I'm shocked. "What, that you maybe aren't a tosser. That you're a nice guy who treats girls with respect after you have sex instead of skipping out.  I did not expect that. Just seems unlike you. I mean when we first met, definitely, but now...what about your girlfriends?"

Ruffling his hair. "The girls I went out with, I ah, I didn't sleep with my first girlfriend and my second girlfriend cheated on me before we got to that part."

"Bitch." I gasp.

"Can we not talk about this anymore." He leans back, letting his head fall against the cushioned booth. "How did we even got onto this topic! I don't really want to be talking about sleeping with other girls when I'm out with you." He pleads with hopeful eyes.

"... You know..." I continue. Eli just rolls his eyes at me. I know he's not too annoyed, I can see his mouth twitching.

"You could just say to them," I clear my throat and lower my voice. "'Hey gorgeous, that was great. I'll give you two options before I head off. Cuddle or snacks?'" I finish speaking in my impersonation of a dude.

"Honestly, she'd probably choose snacks..." He's laughing at me now, good. "Also, aftercare is literally like foreplay, or maybe 'after play'? anyway, its a fucking turn on that's what it is." I'm just staring off into space at this point watching the sun lower.

"So what aftercare treatment have you received?"

Smirking, I peer over at Elijah from the corner of my eye. "Oh no no, no. A lady never tells." 

Coz I have nothing to tell.'

Elijah gives me a big cheeky grin. "I bet your last boyfriend stroked your hair, told you how beautiful you were and made you feel like a princess. Is that why you're so shocked not every guy is like that."

'If only that was the case.'

My smile has dropped and I turn back to face the window. "... yea... something like that."

Silence passes by as we watch the sun dip past the trees, taking it's heat with it. Goosebumps instantly swarm over my skin and I wish I had brought my coat in with me.

"Hey," Elijah grabs my attention. Facing him again with a small smile. "You wanna go have a bit of fun after we eat."

"Watcha got in mind?"

An hour and a half later I'm cursing Elijah out as he howls in laughter. "I can't believe I've finally found something you're not good at!! Wait till I tell Lucy that she's better at putt putt than you!"

"UGH! I don't get it! I can easily throw a ball or kick it in the direction I need it to go but when I hit a tiny ball with a stick I botch it up every bloody time!"

"Awww, pretty girl, don't worry. We all have to be crap at something."

"Don't you pretty girl me, big boy." I huff as I pick up the ball and walk over to the next course.

"Hey, that's cheating."

"I don't care." Replying smugly as I take my shot, missing again.

I didn't expect to be playing putt putt at a Peter Pan themed course with Elijah today, but here we are.

Watching as he takes a well practiced swing, I cross my arms over my chest. Attempting to keep the warmth in I thank my past self for bringing my warm fury coat with me today.

"What are you humming? You've been doing that since we started playing."

"Oh, ah. Sorry if that's been annoying."

"No, not annoying. It's annoying not knowing what you're singing to yourself. Share." He smiles at me, leaning on his club.

Apparently, Mica and Elijah are both really into Golf. I've tried to picture them in there polo shirts, caps and trousers but I can't seem to get it to stick.

Especially when Elijah is looking like a sexy bad boy in his black on black outfit today.

Clearing my throat I start singing softly. "I am a Lost Boy from Neverland, Usually hanging out with Peter Pan, And when we're bored we play in the Woods, Always on the run from Captain Hook." Gently smiling at him. "It's called Lost Boy, it's kinda been the theme song in my head since we rocked up here." I chuckle at myself.

"You've got a theme song for our date."

Deadpanning. "Again, this ain't a date, and of course I do. Don't you have a playlist running in the background of your mind for day to day happenings?"

Scrunching his face, he considers. "I can't say I do."

"Hmmm, so you don't have a 'pump up' song to get you going for a game that stays stuck in there for those couple of hours? Or at the gym?.. Or while having sex?"

He chokes a little on his air, coughing. "Ahhh, no. I do have a 'pump up' mix for games and shit but most of what I listen to is heavy anyway, so I don't really have to think about it."

"Yea, fair enough. I think I have a playlist for every mood imaginable."

"What type of music you into?"

"All the types... Except for maybe SUPER country. I just can't relate to any farm life scenario. I do like the banjo though." Grinning at him.

"You're so weird."

Smiling brightly. "Thank you!"

To me this is a legitimate compliment. I love weird, it usually comes with an interesting back story and a mind that is off the well travelled path. My minds been off the path, down the cliff, under the mountain and tucked away with creatures of the dark and back.

"You're welcome?" His brows pinch but he's smiling.

Making our way onto a new course I'm met with a massive clown head statue. The way the lighting hits it from underneath, makes it look psychotic.

"You know, I'm not usually creeped out easy, but..." Twirling my finger in the air, referring to our surroundings, "these statues look mega sus at night. Seriously, I think that statue's head is turning."

He laughs oddly, running his hand over his beanie he put on before we started playing. "Na, they're not scary at all. C'mon, let's keep going."

"...O-Okay." Allowing him to walk in front of me, I quickly hop off the course and duck behind one of the clown statues.

"By the way, Lucy was asking about you the other day, pretty gi-... Leila?... Leila? C'mon, you're not going to scare me. Come on out, pretty girl...." I hear his footsteps slowly making their way past me, so I very quietly move myself around the massive clown head so he doesn't see me.

"Shit Leila. Stop it. I know you're hiding ... LEILA!"


The most ear piercing high pitched scream I've ever heard reverberates through my head.

The best part, it's coming out of Elijah's mouth.

I'm buckled over laughing, holding my gut. My eye's start watering as I peer up at a very annoyed Elijah. I know he's not angry though because his lips keep tugging up and the corners of his eye's crinkle.

"That. Was Not. Funny." He huffs out, fists clenching and unclenching.

I had simply snuck up behind him as he yelled my name, softly poking either side of his waist when he screamed like Lucy does when I chase her around the back yard.

"Fuck yes, it was." I bellow. "Your face." Still laughing as I point at him.

"Pretty girl,..."

Snapping my head up from his tone, I see his intent. I bolt.

"I'm going to get you! No way can you outrun me." He yells at me.

I can't even respond I'm still laughing too hard, dodging statues and jumping over bushes. Squealing as I feel his hands wrap around my waist, "Gotcha."

He slams me back into him, wrapping his arms around me. I feel his laughter deep in his chest as his hold tightens. "Watcha going to do now, pretty girl? No getting out of this one." Looking up at him, the glint in his eyes is pure smug and mischief.

"Oh, yea?" Not liking the feeling of being held this way.

"Yea. Maybe if you give me a kis-"

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I didn't think I hit you that hard." I grimace, watching him.

Elijah's hunched over clutching the side of his stomach. Wheezing slightly, "You fucking elbowed me." I feel bad, until he lifts his head and his roguish expression meets my apologetic one.

Holding my palms up in surrender. "Sorry, it was half reflexes."

He stands to his full height holding the spot I hit him. "And the other half?"

"Um.." I bit my lower lip, shrugging. "Kinda, thought it would be funny." I mumble.

He gives me a lop-sided grin as he laughs. "I'm actually impressed, although..." He takes a step closer to me. "that was totally cheating."

I shrug at him. "Who said there were rules?" I smile.

Shaking his head at me, he's grinning. "Want to keep going or call it."

Sighing, attempting to bring my breath back under control. "Well we all know you're going to win and I suck so bad at this sooo, yea happy to end here and call it even."

"As if! I beat your ass!...You're parents are probably wondering where you are, anyway." He offers as we make our way to the booth, handing our golf balls and clubs in and walking out towards his car.

"Na, they're both out on a date tonight. They like to do that sometimes." Giving him a bit more context when he looks at me slightly confused.

"How long have they been married?"

"Uhhh, 23 years last April."

"And they still go out on dates and shit?"

"Oh God yea. They're like newlyweds. It's equally gross and adorable." Sighing. "They're my role models for relationships. When they fight, they talk it through. When one of them is stressed, the other dotes on them. It's fucking adorable."

I must be smiling like a silly girl because I catch Elijah's amused expression as he listens to me. "Sorry, I love what they have. I babble about it too much sometimes."

He opens the passenger door to his Raptor for me. "No, by all means, babble away. It's nice hearing you speak about your parents like that."

I want to ask him about his parents but hold myself back from saying anything.

A short time later, Elijah is pulling into my empty driveway.

"So it's only 9:30, did you want to come in for some dessert."

"What's on offer?"

"Ice cream with a bunch of topping options or ther-"

"So you're not on the menu." He smirks.

I nearly choke on my own saliva. "ELI!" I slap his arm. "Friends do not offer themselves as dessert to their friends!"

"Friends with benefits do." He playfully shrugs.

I deadpan, ignoring the butterflies. "This friend does not do benefits. Capiche."

Chuckling at me. "I'd love to come in for dessert." He replies huskily, leaning on the console. "Hold up, your parents won't mind, with them not being home and all?"

"Na, They won't mind you being over. We can watch a movie if you like. "

"They don't care about you having a boy over...alone."

"Nope. They trust me." Tilting my head. "and I trust you." He likes that, his smile growing tells me so.

Unlocking the front door I head straight to the kitchen, grabbing the toppings from the pantry and the two containers of Ice cream.

"So your options are Vanilla or Double Choc Chip. Choose your poison." Grinning at him with spoons in my hands.

Looking sheepish Elijah takes his beanie off, ruffling his hair. "Would you hate me if I said I didn't like Ice Cream?"

"What really!? Umm, I think we have chocolate or ahhhh..." My eye's are sweeping across the shelves trying to scan for whatever I can offer this boy.

"No, don't worry about it. You just get what you want and we can watch a move."

"Do you like popcorn?"

"Uh, Duh!"

"Ok, I'll pop a bag in the microwave." Now I don't feel like a bad hostess.

He watches with a smirk as I load my bowl with 4 scoops of chocolate ice cream, chocolate topping and sprinkles.

"That looks decadent."

"It's the best!'' I moan. ''I usually end the night with a sore tooth but it's 100% worth it." Giggling as I grab the bag of popcorn out of the microwave.

Putting everything away in the fridge and pantry, Elijah and I make our way to the couch.

Choosing a comedy we get comfy and start up 'Stuber.'

About an hour later, I'm sitting there rubbing my food baby over the blanket I've draped over the both of us. Elijah's eye's are hooded, looking like he's about to go to sleep but he still chuckles along to the funny bits.

Hearing keys unlocking the front door I quickly dart my eyes over to Elijah.

This should be good.

"Leila, we're home."

"In here mum." Calling out to my parents with a sinister grin on my face.

A deep voice growls out as my parents appear in our line of sight. "What are you doing here Bennett?"

Jumping off the couch, blanket going flying off the both of us. Elijah starts stuttering. "Oh fu-Coach Hale, Hi." He looks like he got caught with his dick out. "I, ugh, I mean. Um, We... I didn't know this was your place... Hang on, wait. Why are you here?"

"This is my house, son. What are you doing here?"

My dad's putting his best 'What the fuck' face on and it's killing me not being able to burst out laughing. Elijah looks pained and I can't help but feel slightly bad for him, but it's just too good not to watch.

"I, ugh, I'm here with Leila." All three of them turn to look at me. I send them the most innocent smile I can offer.

"So you're in my house. With my daughter. Alone?"

"No, sir... I'm not with your daugh-... wait, what?" Elijah goes from frantic to flat out confused in less than a millisecond.

Dads lips start tugging upward while Mum looks exasperated rolling her eyes. "Give the poor boy a break, Robbie." She slaps his chest.

"My, daughter Bennett." He nods in my direction. "Why are you with my daughter?" He's smiling at Elijah now, knowing full well we were hanging out today.

Elijah looks at me and than back at my dad a few times. "Leila's your daughter?" Sounding wary.

Dad gives him a broad grin and smacks him on the shoulder, a little too firmly. "That she is. Remember what I said in the carpark a few weeks back. You better be treating her like a Queen. Have a good night kids. Don't stay up too late my girl, night." Than he just walks upstairs following my mother.

"E, there's this thing called oxygen. You might want to take a breath." Teasing my frozen friend.

He makes his way back over to the couch like he's a robot. Blinking continually, trying to comprehend what he's just learnt. I have my lips pulled in between my teeth, silently chuckling at poor Elijah.

Finally he turns towards me. "Coach Hale is your dad."

I nod and give him more. "I don't know if you recognised her or not, but my mum is Coach Stevenson." His eyes bug out.

Whispering, "I didn't even notice her... I was too shocked that Coach Hale walked through your front door."

Patting him comfortingly on the shoulder. "It was worth the wait telling you to see that reaction. Best thing to happen today." I sigh happily.

This gets me a proper scowl. "I've taken you all over Austin, we've had a great day and this is what's made your day." He deadpans.

"Well as a whole, it's just the icing." Smiling at him. "Anyway, want to keep watching or did you want to go home?"

"I think I need a minute to digest before I get behind the wheel."

Both of us lean back into the couch, pressing play on the remote.

"I can't believe your dad's Coach Hale..." He says again after a few moments. "Oh, fuck!" Flicking my eyes over to him, he seems horrified. "He heard Mica and I talking about you... shit."

Giggling at him. "Oh I know all about that. I got home one afternoon and he was bitching about how Mica wouldn't shut up. It was pretty funny."

"Seriously? And he wasn't angry?"

I shake my head. "More frustrated than anything." I go back to watching the screen. "He was more annoyed that he had to send Mica on more laps around the oval."

"I knew he was a chill guy, but this has taken on a whole new meaning. If I heard guys talking about my daughter that way I'd..." Shaking his head. "Anyway, you're dad's pretty cool."

Smiling wide. "Yea, I know. Both of my parents are wonderful... Oh, by the way. I don't want people knowing. So, no telling Mica or anyone, K."

"What? So no one knows both Coaches are your parents?"

I shake my head. "Dani does, oh and Tara, but nope. No one else."

He's quiet for a moment. "So that rumor about them hooking up at school, cheating on their partners..?"

I chuckle remembering talking to Melody and Paris last night. "Well considering they were sucking each others faces, yea, totally ok." I wink at him as he crinkles his nose.

Elijah's face starts beaming with an enormous amount of mischief. "Oh. My. God. Mica's going to scream when he finds out."

"As loudly as you did tonight." Another scowl gets thrown my way along with a cushion that hits me in the face.

Once the movie ends, Elijah announces he should probably go. I walk him to his car, stopping on the sidewalk. He swivels so he's facing me. "I had a really good time today." Looking down at his shoes than back up.

I didn't grab my coat so I cross my arms over my chest. Smiling at him. "I did too. Sorry I ate half your chips at dinner."

Chuckling he takes a step toward me. "That's ok, I like a girl that can eat... we should do this again, soon." He takes a step forward watching me.

"Yea sure. It was fun hanging out with you."

Another step forward. "Mmm. It was fun." His hand brushes my hip. "I enjoy spending time with you." Both hands are resting on my hips now.

He's looking at me like nobody ever has and it's making me feel uncertain. "Yea?" I lamely reply.

He brings his face closer to mine. "Yea." He breathes out. He's so close I can taste his breath.

Wrapping my arms around him I bring him into a tight hug before letting go quickly and step back, taking a big breath in.

"Safe drive home E." Smiling at him I take another step back.

His eyes are darting between my own. Tight lipped, he gives me a curt nod and turns to open his car door.

Biting my lip, I look at the dark grass and cross my arms back over my chest again.

Hearing the engine come alive, I take a peek through my lashes seeing Elijah with his window down with a veiled expression. "See you Monday." Then he speeds off.

I'm on auto pilot as I fold the blankets on the couch, putting them away. Making my way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face.

Staring at my reflection grief haunts my features. "What the fuck was that." Whispering to myself. "You let him hold you, touch you. Yesterday and today. Fuck. You don't let people do that!"

Gripping the basin I think over the day. Our conversation, our openness. That was all great but the rest. Who the hell went on this date because it sure as hell wasn't me.

'Hold up, it wasn't a date! "No, I told him it wasn't a date... So why the hell was a giggling like a fucking Disney Princess, running away while he chased me." Groaning at my idiocy. "It's ok. You kept it cool... mostly. I mean you asked him about past girls and aftercare for fucks sake..."

'But he just tried to kiss you.'

"No, no. He didn't, it was just a hug. Friends hug, all the time..." Perfect, now I'm debating with myself.

"That's it." Pointing at my reflection. "Stop reading into something that isn't there. You like hanging out with him, that's all. Just like you like hanging out with Mica and Dani, just friends.

'So why did you want him to kiss you.'

Slamming my palm to my face. "You didn't and you don't."

Taking myself to bed, I attempt to get comfy but know that tonight's going to be one of those nights where sleep eludes me and my brain won't give me a fucking rest.


It didn't.

Around 3am, I feel hands on me stroking my face and hear soothing tones gliding through my mind.

Pleading voices stir me awake. "Baby girl, wake up. Sweetheart, please wake up."


"Hunny, you're just having a nightmare. We're here. Your dad and I are here. We have you. You're safe." She's cradling me to her chest, stroking my wet hair.

'Why am I wet?'

"My girl, are you ok? You're pulse is racing so badly. Do you need anything? Are you in pain?" Dad questions.

I start shaking my head, no, but as I do, pain rushes up my spine and I cry out.


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How we finding E and L's relationship?? Chemistry there or na? I'm actually super interested in the answers you have... First time writing and all :)

Really don't want an Alina and Mal situation... (please don't come at me haha)


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