Beauty and the Bookworm

By thelittleblackghost

300K 9.7K 4.2K

Male Belle x Female Reader (Y/n) = Your Name (H/l) = Hair Length (H/c) = Hair Color (E/c) = Eye Color (S/c)... More

Chapter 1: The Curse
Chapter 2: Provincial Life
Chapter 3: Hopes and Dreams
Chapter 4: A Wrong Turn
Chapter 5: Prisoners
Chapter 7: Be Our Guest
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: Something There
Chapter 10: Paris
Chapter 11: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 12: Evermore
Chapter 13: Kill the Beast!
Chapter 14: The Last Petal
Chapter 15: The Broken Spell

Chapter 6: Gaston

19.8K 636 395
By thelittleblackghost


Back in the village, most of the villagers were gathered in a local pub, talking, laughing, and drinking. Meanwhile Gaston is sitting in a large armchair, sulking, while twirling his dagger.

"Picture it LeFou. A rustic cabin, my latest kill roasting on the fire, adorable children running around as my love rubs my tired feet." He describes happily. But then his mood turned sour. "But what does (Y/n) say? 'I will never marry you Gaston'. And it's all because of that Beau character."

"You know, there are other girls." LeFou suggests, gesturing over to the three girls who are in love with him, in hopes of cheering his friend up.

"A great hunter doesn't waste his time on rabbits." Gaston said defeated.

🎵LeFou: "Gosh it disturbs some to see you Gaston. Looking so down in the dumps." 🎵

Gaston threw the dagger he was holding across the room, and it landed in the middle of a deer that was painted on the wall.

🎵LeFou: "Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston, even when taking your lumps."🎵

LeFou told him while massaging Gastons arm, then shoulder, then standing behind him and massaging both his shoulders.

🎵LeFou: "There's no man in town as admired as you. You're everyone's favorite guy."🎵

LeFou had moved on to massaging his ears, before making another man do it.

🎵LeFou: "Everyone's awed and inspired by you, and it's not very hard to see why."🎵

Gaston noticed a stranger massaging him and jerked away, while LeFou sat on the counter and payed a lady to start playing music.

🎵LeFou: "No one's slick as Gaston, no ones quick like Gaston. No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston."🎵

LeFou layer across the table.

🎵LeFou: "For there's no one in town half as manly."🎵

The three ladies stood up and joined in on the praising.

🎵Girls: "Perfect, a pure paragon."🎵

Gaston's ego was now rising at all this praise.

🎵LeFou: "You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley, and they'll tell you who's team they prefer to be on."🎵

He said sitting on another counter and crossing his ankles and gestured to the three men.

🎵LeFou: "Who plays..."🎵

LeFou made a dart throwing motion to get them to join in, eventually they got the hint.

🎵Villagers: "Darts like Gaston?"🎵

🎵LeFou: "Who breaks..."🎵

🎵Villagers: "Hearts like Gaston?"🎵

🎵LeFou: "Who's much more than the sum of his parts like Gaston?"🎵

🎵Gaston: "As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating."🎵

Gaston bragged, resting his hands behind his head.

🎵Villager: "My what a guy, that Gaston."🎵

🎵Gaston: "I needed encouragement, thank you LeFou"🎵

Gaston said, approaching him.

🎵LeFou: "Well there's no one as easy to bolster as you."🎵

LeFou said, wrapping Gaston's arms around himself.

🎵LeFou: "Too much?"🎵

🎵Gaston: "...Yep..."🎵

🎵Villagers: "No one fights like Gaston, douses lights like Gaston."🎵

🎵LeFou: "In a wrestling match, nobody bites like Gaston."🎵

LeFou lifted his shirt to show a bite mark on his stomach.

🎵Gaston: "When I hunt I sneak up with my quiver."🎵

🎵LeFou: "Oooohhh"🎵

🎵Gaston: "And the beasts of the field say a prayer."🎵

LeFou tried to get up on the counter where Gaston was, but he needed a boost.

🎵Gaston: "Then I carefully aim for the liver, then I shoot from behind!"🎵

🎵LeFou: "Is that fair?"🎵

🎵Gaston: "I don't care."🎵

Gaston fired the gun at the ceiling, making some debris fly down.

🎵Villagers: "No one hits like Gaston, matches wits like Gaston."🎵

🎵LeFou: "In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston."🎵

🎵Gaston: "I'm especially good at expectorating."🎵

Gaston, spit into the air, and it landed in the pot.

🎵Villagers: "Ten points for Gaston!"🎵

🎵Gaston: "Thank you, thank you. When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs. Every morning to help me get large."🎵

He lifted a woman onto his shoulder.

🎵Gaston: "But now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge!"🎵

Gaston bent down and lifted LeFou onto his shoulders as well as everyone cheered. The they started to clap rhythmically.

🎵Villagers: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"🎵

🎵Villagers: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"🎵

Gaston and some of the villagers stood on one of the long tables and started dancing. Gaston and three other men were each handed swords, and they started sword fighting. It was one against three, and Gaston beat them all and everyone cheered for him, only boosting his already inflated ego.

🎵LeFou: "Who has brains..."🎵

🎵Villagers: "Like Gaston!🎵

🎵LeFou: "Entertains..."🎵

🎵Villager: "Like Gaston!"🎵

🎵Gaston: "Who can make up these endless refrains like Gaston? I use antlers in all of my decorating!"🎵

🎵LeFou: "Say it again!"🎵

🎵Villagers: "Who's a man among men?"🎵

🎵Villagers: "Who's a super success?"🎵

🎵Villagers: "Don't you know? Can you guess?"🎵

🎵Villagers: "Ask his fans and his five hangers-on!"🎵

🎵Villagers: "There's just one guy in town. Who's got all of it down!"🎵

🎵LeFou: "And his name's, G-A-S-T...I believe there's another 'T' just occurred to me, that I'm illiterate, and I've never actually had to spell it out loud before..."🎵

🎵Villagers: "Gaston!"🎵


Gaston and LeFou sat back down in the same chair Gaston was in at the beginning.

"Oh, LeFou, you're the best." Gaston complimented. "How is it no girl has snatched you up yet?" He asked.

"I've been told I'm clingy, but I really don't get it." LeFou answered.

Just then, Maurice came stumbling down the stairs begging for help.

"Please. Please. Someone, someone. Help..." he stuttered and stumbled into a mans arms.

"Whoa, whoa..." the man said trying to calm him down.

"You must help me." Maurice begged. "It's Beau and (Y/n). He's got...he's got Beau and (Y/n). They're locked in a dungeon."

"Who's got them?" A bartender asked.

"A beast! A huge, horrid, monstrous beast!" He exclaimed.

The villagers all laughed, thinking he was crazy.

"Beau and (Y/n)'s lives are in danger. Why do you laugh? It's not a joke." He pleaded. "His castle is hidden in the woods. It's already winter there." He explained.

"Winter in June?" Farmer John asked, not believing him.

They all laughed at him again. Someone even called him 'Crazy Old Maurice'.

"Listen to me!" He screamed. "The beast is real. Do you understand? Will no one help me?" He begged.

"I'll help, Maurice." Gaston volunteered.

"What? You will?" Maurice asked in shock.

"Everybody...stop making fun of this man at once." He demanded

"Captain, thank you." Maurice said grasping Gaston by the shoulders.

"Don't thank me, Maurice. Lead us to the beast." Gaston said, gesturing in front of him.

"Come." Maurice beckoned, exiting the tavern, Gaston and LeFou following behind him.


Back at the castle, Chip the teacup was sliding along a shelf on a plate excitedly.

"Mama! There's a girl and a boy in the castle! And everyone thinks the girl is the lost princess!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, Chip, we know!" His mother replied.

"What kind of tea do they like?" Chip wondered. "Herbal, oolong, chamomile, I'm too excited!" Chip exclaimed voicing across the furniture.

"Slow down before you break your handle." His mother scolded.

"Heads up, Mrs. Potts." The stove said as he poured tea into her.

The dining room doors opened and the beast entered for dinner. He sat down in his chair and looked across at the other two place settings. Becoming angry, he swiped his dishes off the table.

"Lumière!" He bellowed.

Lumière and Cogsworth were in the kitchen when they heard him yell.

"Oh..." Cogsworth said nervously.

"Be calm. Let me do the talking."

The beast stormed into the kitchen.

"You're making them dinner?!" He demanded with a scowl.

"Well, we thought you might appreciate the company." Lumière explained.

"Master, I just want to assure you, that I had no part in this hopeless plan. Preparing a dinner, designing a gown for the girl, giving them the princess's old room..." Cogsworth defended.

"You gave them her bedroom?!" The beast asked, furious.

"No, no, no. He gave them her bedroom." Cogsworth said, pointing to Lumière.

"This is true. But if the girl really is the princess, maybe she can break the spell. And maybe the boy can help you two build a relationship. You can start by using dinner to charm them. Good thinking Cogsworth." Lumière said

"What?" Cogsworth asked, confused.

"That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. Charm the prisoners." The beast scoffed. "And I don't want anything to do with my sister. She forgot all about me. Why do you think she never came back?"

"The enchantress erased her memories. She doesn't remember you, or us, or this castle." Lumière.

"What makes you think this girl is even her?" The beast asked.

"Master, they look exactly alike. They even have the same name! The boy even said she couldn't remember anything from before the age of twelve, and that's the age the princess was when she disappeared!" Lumière argued. "It cannot just be a coincidence. Please try master. With every passing day, we become less human."

"He's the son of a common thief, and she's a peasant girl." The beast argued back.

"Oh, you can't judge people by who their father is now can you?" Mrs. Potts told him.
The beast scowled before giving in.


The beast knocked on Beau and (Y/n)'s door.

"You'll join me for dinner." He demanded, "That's not a request."

"Gently Master. The poor things lost their freedom today." Mrs. Potts reminded him.

"Yes, their probably in there scared to death." Lumière agreed.

"Exactly." Mrs. Potts said.

In actuality, Beau and (Y/n) were making a rope so that they could climb out of the window.

The beast knocked again.

"Just a minute!" (Y/n) called out.

"You see, there she is. Now, remember, be gentle." Lumière reminded him.

"Kind!" Mrs. Potts said.

"Charming!" Plumette said

"Sweet!" Cogsworth chimed in.

"And when they open the door, give them a dashing debonair smile." Lumière suggested.
"Come, come. Show me the smile."

The beast smiled, revealing his sharp and pointy teeth, causing them to cringe.

"Will you join me for dinner?" The beast asked, a little more politely.


"You've taken us as your prisoners and now you want to have dinner with us? Are you insane?" (Y/n) asked him incredulously.


"Well, she certainly sounds like the princess..." Lumière said.

The beast started to get angry.

"Uh-oh..." Plumette said.

"Oh dear!" Cogsworth was backing away.

The beast was now banging on the door.

"I told you to join me for dinner." He bellowed


"And she told you no!" Beau said firmly, wrapping an arm around (Y/n), and pulling her away from the door.

The noise they were making woke up there wardrobe.

"What time is it? What's happening?" She asked confused.

"I'd starve before I ever ate with you!" (Y/n) told him bitterly.


"Well, be my guest. Go ahead and starve." The beast yelled.

"If they don't eat with me, the they don't eat at all." He commanded. "Idiots." He muttered

"You can't talk to us like that. I forbid it." Cogsworth told him pulling, out a tiny sword only to see that the beast had already left. "Uh...oh. Am I too late? Shame, I was really going to tell him off this time."

"Oh, master. You've returned." Lumière lied, causing Cogsworth to shriek in surprise. Lumière laughed at him


The beast stormed into his wing knocking over a candle as he walked. He headed out onto the balcony where the enchanted rose was kept. A magic mirror was also on the table with the rose, and the beast picked it up.

"Show me the girl" he commanded. An image of (Y/n) and Beau appeared in the mirror.      They were sitting against the wall. (Y/n) was wrapped up in Beau's arms, and her head was on his chest. She really did look a lot like his sister. Could it really be her?

"Are you alright?" Beau asked her.

"I suppose...I'm just, really confused." (Y/n) told him. "Everyone seems to think I'm some long lost princess."

"Do you think you might be?" He questioned.

"I don't know...I can't remember anything before your father found me in the woods 10 years ago." She told him. "If I am, that would mean that the man who imprisoned us is my brother."

"I told you, I'm not going to let anything or anyone here hurt you. And royalty or not, I'll always think of you as my princess." Beau reassured her.

(Y/n) looked up at him and smiled.

"There's that beautiful smile." Beau said.

With out a word, she leaned up and pecked his cheek, before snuggling back into his chest. A blush spread across Beau's face and he was thankful that (Y/n) couldn't see it. He placed a kiss on her forehead and rested his chin on top of her head.

The image stopped and the beast started to feel guilty. He had seen how happy that boy had made her. He noticed how she smiled at him. He couldn't remember the last time his sister had given him a smile like that. Hell, he couldn't even remember the last time he had seen her happy! He must not have been a very good brother to her.

Even though he never said it out loud, he did miss his sister over all those years. She was like the life of the castle. And ever since she disappeared, it was like all the warmth and happiness had disappeared with her.

He looked back at the enchanted rose and saw that another petal had fallen. When it reached the bottom of the jar, it crumpled and decayed. Soon after, the castle started to rumble, and pieces of it started to fall off.


Down by the fire place, the servants noticed the rumbling.

"Another petal fell." Lumière announced.

"Lumière, I grew three more feathers. And I just plucked yesterday." Plumette told him.

"I know darling. I am getting more metallic everyday." Lumière said bending his knee, causing it to squeak.

"Oh, no. It's happening again." Clogsworth chimed. "Pardon me."

"We still have time." Mrs. Potts told them, trying to stay optimistic.

"Mama, am I ever going to be a boy again?" Chip asked.

"Oh, yes, Chip. You'll have your days in the sun again. You just leave it to me." Mrs. Potts promised.


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