Uncommon Circumstances (Inter...

By NicoleMckoy

226K 4.3K 861

Alyssa and Jake once dated when she was sixteen and he was twenty-one. She is now eighteen and he is twenty-t... More

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 8

7.5K 177 34
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

I was fast asleep until Chad started kissing me. He had his hands on my waist and was kissing my bare stomach. I twist and turned trying to get him to stop but he held me in place and moved his tongue inside my bellybutton. 

“Wake up baby,” Chad said against my skin. 

“No Chad. Let me sleep. You had me up all night,” I whined. 

I wasn’t lying after school yesterday and after our fight Chad brought me back to his house to make up. His parents were out of town so we had the place to ourselves. Chad ordered in dinner and we watched a movie. We had a make out session, which led to make up sex. Then after that he ran a bath for us and that led to another round of make up sex. But now it was early in the morning before school and he wanted my body again. 

“I did not,” Chad argued. 

“You did to. Now get off.” I kicked Chad lightly and he just moved up my body and kissed my lips. 

“Baby I won’t be any trouble just wake up please, I wanted to cook you breakfast was all,” Chad said. 

I opened my eyes a little and could see he was being honest. I was kind of hungry now that I was awake. 

“You go cook and I’ll sleep. Just call me when it’s ready,” I said. 

“No come on I want you to come downstairs with me,” Chad said. 

“Must I be with you all the time? Chad let me sleep.” I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. 

“Baby get up,” Chad said. He started kissing my neck all while moving his hands down to my thighs. I was only wearing one of his t-shirts with nothing else on underneath. 

I didn’t move I tried to ignore Chad. Chad moved my legs apart and got in between them. He had on his boxers so I knew nothing was about to happen. 

“Sexy, beautiful, hot, girlfriend please humor me and get up,” Chad begged again. 

I knew I wasn’t getting back to sleep so I opened my eyes fully awake now and pushed Chad off me.  

“You sex a girl all night long then get her up early not giving her a minute of rest. You suck Weston,” I said trying to sound angry. I used his last name to make it seem like I was really mad. 

Chad just chuckled and got up out of bed throwing me over his shoulder so we could go down stairs.  

“Babe have I ever told you for a guy you’ve got a great ass,” I teased. 

“No but I know you know I think you’ve got an amazing ass,” Chad teased smacking my bottom. 

“Babe!” I exclaimed.

Chad chuckled as we got to the kitchen. When he put me down I saw that he had already cooked breakfast and had a nice set up for us at his kitchen table.

“Babe this is so nice,” I said. I jumped in Chad’s arms hugging him. 

“Call it a make up breakfast to go along with yesterday’s make ups,” Chad said. 

I gave Chad a kiss and we both sat down so we could eat. Chad had made pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. He also had orange juice poured in two glasses for us. It wasn’t a fancy breakfast selection but it was sweet nonetheless.

“I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world,” I said. 

“Don’t you forget it,” Chad said. 

After breakfast Chad and I took a shower together so we could get dressed for school. We had no time to fool around because we had taken a while to eat our breakfast. 

When Chad and I got to school we walked to my locker as usual and I got a text message. 

It read, “Have good make up sex last night? Glad I got new footage for the second sex tape. This time the school students aren’t the audience I’m thinking worldwide. Click the link cause this thing has gone viral.” 

I stupidly clicked the link and saw Chad and I. This couldn’t have been happening again! Who was doing this? This had to be Jake who else would be doing this shit to me. But if it was Jake how did he film Chad and I at Chad’s place.

“You’ve got a great ass Alyssa,” a boy said walking past me. He slapped my ass and didn’t make it another step before Chad pinned him against the row of lockers. 

“What the hell did you just say to my girlfriend!” Chad shouted. 

“I just said what you said in this video!” The guy shouted back, handing Chad his phone. 

Chad loosened his grip on the guy and began watching what I had been watching on my phone. 

“Where in the hell did this come from? How’d you get this?” Chad asked. 

“It was sent out in a mass text to everyone. There’s a website hosting the video for everyone in the world to see. Alyssa is now one of those sex tape whores,” the guy said laughing. 

“If you ever touch my girlfriend or call her a whore again I won’t hesitate to kick your ass! GOT IT!” Chad shouted. He threw the guy his phone and the guy ran down the hallway. 

“Why is this happening again Chad! We were at your house! How could this happen again! The whole world is watching me with you! I look like the biggest slut!” 

I began crying and Chad embraced me in a hug. “I’m sorry this bad stuff just keeps happening. Don’t worry about this video it’ll blow over like the last one did.  But on the bright side at least we look good naked,” Chad said trying to lighten the mood. 

“Not the time Chad! Don’t quote television show lines to me when I’m freaking out!” 


“Hey Chad you’re the man. You got this chick on tape twice. Real freak aren’t you Alyssa,” some guys said walking past us. 

“Ignore them Alyssa,” Chad said. 

“I can’t deal with this all day. Just take me home!” I said. 

“Alyssa I can’t skip school you know how it is with basketball and all. I have to be at school,” Chad said. 

“Chad I need you to take me home. I’m embarrassed and I want to leave,” I said. 

“Alyssa I’ll shut who ever bothers you up,” Chad said.

“So you’d rather bully people instead of taking me home,” I said. 

“Alyssa come on this will be ok.” 

“Easy for you to say you’re the man and I’m the slut. And to think I forgave you and we made up. That was stupid to do. Chad you know what stay here and have fun getting high fives and thumbs up, while I go off and cry.” 

I slammed my locker and walked out of the school. I was going home whether Chad took me home or not. 

“Alyssa wait up. Baby here if you’re leaving at least take a taxi,” Chad said running after me.

Chad handed me some money and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

“I don’t want your fucking money! I want you to take me home like a good boyfriend would!” I yelled. 

I threw his money at him and stormed off heading to the bus stop. I didn’t need Chad if he wasn’t going to be here for me. How did our perfect relationship take such a turn so quick? Oh I remember Jake showed up and all hell broke loose. 

I eventually got home and locked my doors and went to my bedroom. I laid on my bed and my cell phone rang. I looked at my caller id and it read Chad’s name. I ignored the call and rolled over and buried my head in my pillows. 

“I hate my life!” I shouted into my pillows. 

“Chad not so perfect after all, huh,” I heard a male voice say. 

I shot up and looked up to see Jake standing in my bedroom. How in the hell did he get in my house? Better yet how did I not hear him come in? 

“I will call the cops get out!” I shouted.

“Alyssa no need to be dramatic. I just came to apologize. You know I’d never force you into anything so I’m sorry for coming on so strong. But baby girl you need to get that window lock changed. Its still so easy to break into,” Jake said with a smirk.

“Jake leave right now!” 

“Alyssa I said sorry what else do you want, a fruit basket. I could call up edible arrangements if you’d like.” 

“Leave now you rapist!” 

“Now, now Lyssa I never raped you so don’t go running around telling that lie. I might have been forceful but as I said before I’m sorry.” 

“Forceful my ass I’m calling the cops.”

I reached for my phone but Jake grabbed it before I could get it. 

“Jake give me my phone! You’re seriously crazy you know that! One minute you’re calm and nice! Then the next minute you’re a freakin psycho!” I yelled.

“Alyssa I know I’ve made some mistakes that hurt you in the past but could you please just listen to me!” Jake shouted. 

“No! Give me my phone and get out of my house!”

“Why aren’t you in school?” 

“Seriously Jake! Really!” 

“Yes Alyssa! Why aren’t you in school?” 

“Because the whole school is watching yet another sex tape staring Chad and I. But this time it’s all over the Internet. But I’m guessing you already knew that because you did it!” 

“I said this before and I’ll say it again. I’d never expose you like that! You need to stop thinking I’m doing all this bad stuff to you and look to Chad!” 

“Chad hasn’t done anything! Also your tape failed at working. Chad didn’t cheat on me!” 

“I never said he did!” 

“But you sent me that tape of a guy admitting to having an STD!” 

“No I didn’t!” 

“Jake stop playing mind games I know you’re behind everything going on!” 

“What have I done besides ask for you to be with me again. I love you and that’s all Alyssa. I’ve done nothing to harm you!" 

“Except blow up my boyfriend’s car, send out two sex tapes of Chad and I, break into my house, send me that stupid tape full of lies, and oh yeah lets not forget you tried to FUCKING RAPE ME!!!!” 

“The whole rape thing I’ll give you but as for everything else Alyssa I never did any of that stuff. I told you before I’m willing to fight fair to get you back. I might have been extreme before but Lyssa I’ve changed and I’m working towards being a better man for you.” 

Jake came over and sat on my bed. I could see honesty in his eyes and I felt like I was talking to the Jake I met a long time ago that I fell head of heels in love with. 

“Lyssa I never meant to hurt you. I still want everything we dreamed of. Remember the dreams we had about being together. We’d have kids, get married, and live far away from everyone. All we needed was each other. Have you given up on that.” 

Jake caressed my cheek looking deep into my eyes. How was it he was scaring me one minute and making me fall for him all over again the next? 

“I know you still love me Alyssa. Just give in to me,” Jake whispered. He grazed my lips with his and just as we were about to kiss my doorbell rang. 

I got up quickly after realizing what I almost let happen. Why was I about to trust Jake and kiss him? I should have been running form him but for some reason he had made me calm and not afraid.

I got to my front door and looked through the peephole to see Chad. Shit! Why was Chad even at my house after making a big deal about staying at school? 

“Alyssa please open the door,” Chad said knocking on the door. “Baby I’m sorry about earlier I should have just brought you home.” 

“Don’t open the door Alyssa,” Jake said. 

I turned around to see Jake staying in the hallway. If I let Chad in how was I going to explain Jake and if I let Chad just stay outside while Jake stayed inside was I choosing Jake over Chad. 

“Baby please let me in,” Chad begged on the other side of the door.

“He’s my boyfriend Jake. I love him even if you hate him. You had your chance and blew it. You’ve hurt me too many time to count,” I said. 

“I know and I want to make it up to you but pretty rich boy needs to be out of the picture,” Jake said.

“Alyssa don’t do this to me baby let me in. I was stupid before I should have listened to you baby, please,” Chad kept begging. 

I didn’t know what to do. A week ago or even days ago, no scratch all of that, a year ago I would have easily shown Jake the door and let Chad in. Hell a year ago I would have ran away from Jake. Right now Jake was showing me a softer side to him a loving side. He wasn’t being demanding and possessive he was being caring and loyal. But still in the end Chad had never once hurt me and Jake had broken my heart and stomped on it. This was a no brainier decision from an outsider looking in prospective. But for me I was living in this moment and I was more confused than ever. 

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