Ease My Mind || SPN: Ketch x...

By muhlemule

1.6K 67 3

Secret relationship. Let's see how long the two can keep the secret. also some crowley x reader in here. More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 9

103 4 0
By muhlemule

-saturday, evening-

I told San and Dean I was going out for the night. They trusted me enough for that. I turned off my GPS on my phone so that they wouldn't know where I'd be. Ketch too.

No one needs to know about the deal I made with him. I've got it controlled. Crowley sent me a dress, told me that I should wear it.

Whatever. It's only for a few hours. After I got all dressed up and nice, a demon appeared into my room, waiting for me.

Can't believe it's already that time. I told him I was ready and he touched my shoulder to teleport us to Massachusetts.

Appearing in the same old abandoned building I know, the demon guided me inside the main room. It was clear, execpt for a long table.

Cloth covering the table, a few candles in the center, a bottle of wine near the candles, and Crowley taking up one of the two seats. He stood and invited me in.

After ordering the demon to shoo, Crowley had all his attention on me. I hate every second of this. However, a deal is a deal.

"So, how is my dear Y/n today?" Crowley asked, pouring both of us a glass of wine.

Rolling my eyes in response, I picked up the glass, feeling myself burn. Dropping it out of my hands, I was confused at first. "Ouch."

"Something the matter, love?" He asked.

The wine spilled all over the table, which I never cared for. Then I remembered, silver are wolves weakness. "Yeah, douchebag. You gave me the wrong information and I turned into a werewolf thanks to you."

"Werewolf?" Crowley repeated. "Not possible. I gave you the correct-" He stopped and let out a deep sigh.


"That bitch." Crowley mummered to himself before taking another look at me. "Dear mother has a hate crime towards you. For what? I don't know. I asked her to give me the spell so you could fix your little scar problem."

Getting the tensed feeling rushed over me in seconds. I was angry. Pissed. Could probably hurt him. Doubt I could kill him. This is a stupid deal, and I should've never done this.

"Look, I made a deal for dinner. So, I would like to have food and talk less with you, jackass."

"So be it." Crowley snapped his fingers.

Two demons came walking in, holding plates of food to set it in front of us. After both demons left, Crowley picked up his knife and fork and started to eat.

The food was steak. It smelled great. Crowley looked up to me, confused as to why I haven't ate yet. "What? Do you need dog food?" He joked.

"Silver, asshole. I can't pick up the silverware or the plate without getting burned."

-saturday, night-

After eating dinner with douche demon, I stood up and demanded to go back. Crowley did such the thing, respecting the deal.

However, he did keep his end of the deal. He made me worse than I was before. That, I should reward a punch to the face. Or make him my own personal chew toy.

"See you next time, darling." Crowley winked before snapping me back to the bunker.

It wss late at night. After changing into comfortable clothes, I checked my phone as I laid in bed. Multiple missed texts and a few miss calls from Ketch.

I'll just tell him that my phone was charging and I wan't in my room. While texting him back and replying, it made me think about everything.

I don't want to get in more of a mess with Rowena, so maybe I should accept my fate as a wolf. Tell my brothers and Ketch about the deal I made, and to say goodbye in 10 years.

However, I know the outcome. Scream and yell at me, then Dean will try to save me, Ketch will try to track and kill Crowley, and Sam would probably tell me how stupid I am.

Getting a ding from my phone, I look down and had a smile on my face as I read the message that Ketch sent me.

Not playing fetch, then? What a shame.

Of course I knew he was joking, but the thought of telling him about it, couldn't stop shaking. The thought is always there.

Replying back to him, I made a dumb comment from his. We joked like this for a couple minutes until he got serious.

Y/n, people at the compound knows about us. I don't know how, I never said a single word. They know you're my weakness.

Shocked by the news, I asked him if they knew about me being a wolf, and his reply was 'not yet', which made me worried.

Considering that he didn't tell me, I'm assuning that Ketch still has his job. Dr Hess knew about him and Toni Bevell back in Kendricks.

Everything is always so stressful, but I'm hoping to go through with talking to the boys tomorrow about all of this.

I know, for sure, there will be a lot of yelling and disapproval. Fun times.

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