
By brooklyn_parks

17.7K 476 53

Brandy Diamond is wrapped around her boss's finger, the CEO, working as his personal assistant. Intrigued by... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Nine

611 20 1
By brooklyn_parks

Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself and didn't even recognize myself. Walking out of Poppy's bedroom, I walked over to her, where she immediately jumps up from the couch. "Brandy! You Look So Hot!" Poppy shrieks. "All we have to do is pull down this top a little more and you are ready for this date." She says tugging at my shirt.

Trying to stop her Poppy just pushes away my hand. "Poppy I think the shirt was low enough before. Pulling it down more too much. Marcus could get the wrong idea." I say pulling back up my shirt. I frowned a little as I turned to look in the mirror by the door. "Plus this is not a date. We are just going to dinner as friends."

Poppy laughs crossing her arms together. "Yeah. Dinner first then back to his place so he can fuck your brains out."

I rolled my eyes. "I think I'm going to change into something simpler." I tell her as I quickly rush back into her bedroom. "Maybe a cute dress with a light sweater?" I say loudly.

I could hear Poppy groan as loud as she could. She comes trudging into the room just to through herself onto the bed. "Brandy please don't be so naive. He thinks that you have a nice body and only wants you to take you to bed."

Ignoring Poppy's outrageous comment, I threw on a simple red dress with a grey cardigan. "Heels?" I asked slipping my feet into my simple black ones.

Poppy sits up and smiles at me. "No matter what you wear Brandy you'll always look beautiful." She reassures me.

After Poppy walks me down to the lobby of her condo, she waits with me for a bit until Marcus makes a grand appearance with a huge bouquet of flowers. "For the lovely lady." Marcus had said handing me the flowers. Before I could even thank him for it, Poppy grabs the flowers from my hands and gently pushes me into his arms.

"Have Fun You Crazy Kids!" She teased before running off into the elevator.

I chuckled lightly taking a step back. "Uh, sorry about her. She-she gets a little too excited sometimes."

Marcus shakes his head keeping his hand on my lower back. "Our ride awaits us." He smiled.

Marcus went all out. From the pretty flowers to the extravagant limo to the extremely fancy restaurant. "I don't think I dressed appropriately for this type of established." I whispered gently closing my menu. "And the prices are..." I gulped. "...insanely high."

"Brandy don't worry about it. I got it." Marcus says. He reaches across the table placing his hand over mine. "Just order whatever you want. You'll pay me back in another way." He winks.

I frowned. Pay him back in another way? My stomach churned. Could Poppy be right? Does Marcus actually think this is a date and expects me to sleep with him?

"So Brandy. How do you like being Denim's assistant?" Marcus asks me. He slightly leans back into his chair not taking his eyes off me.

I cleared my throat. "Denim. Right." I say softly under my breath. "It's nice. Definitely better than my last position." I mean he's a little bipolar. One minute he's really nice and other times he acts like he hates me.

"He treats you properly?" Marcus questions slightly tilting his head. "I mean he's not making you break down again in your office again, is he?"

This is some sort of interrogation? I shake my head. "No, no. Everything's fine. I think I may have been a little overwhelmed that day." I tell him with a short smile. Marcus does seem really concerned about my well-being. I guess he doesn't want this to happen to me again.

"That's good to hear. But if you ever get too overwhelmed again, I would love to have you as my assistant. I've seen the work you do, it's incredible. Plus I would throw in a big raise." Marcus explains to me. Taking a sip from his glass, he winks at me again.

I smiled. I think I actually blushed a little. "Thank you Marcus. That means a lot to me." I grin.

The dinner went way better than I thought. Marcus and I actually shared a few good laughs with each other. I don't think we actually finished our meal, not that I cared. A big plate with a small tiny pieces of food.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Marcus says taking his card back from the waiter. Getting out of his seat, he walks over to me to help me out of my chair. He kept his hand on my waist while I picked up my bag.

"Sure. Where are we going to now?" I ask him as we stand outside waiting for the limo to pull up to the front.

Marcus leans in closer towards me. About to take step back, to create some space between us, he places his hand a little lower holding me close. "I was thinking we head back to my place for some dessert." Marcus tells me. He simply caresses the side of face. "What do you say? Sounds like fun?"

I couldn't move. I don't know if I am making a good decision or bad bad decision. "Yeah. Sounds like fun."


As soon as the limo pulled up from around the corner, Marcus helps me inside before getting in next to me. I soon felt his arm go around my shoulder.

I stayed silent.

My palms started to sweat a little and my heart raced a bit faster. "You know Brandy ever since I've laid my eyes on you for the very first time, you took my breath away." Marcus whispers slowly. He takes his index finger and thumb and turns my head to face him. He moves in closer only leaving an inch of space between us.

"...oh. I-I guess-"

"-and your eyes are incredibly blue. Beautiful." He whispers leaning in closer.

I smiled shortly. "Thank you."

Suddenly his lips intertwine with mine. Holding the side of my face, he kept me still. "...Marcus...wait, I..." I say between kisses.

Ignoring my sad little attempt to stop him, Marcus pushes me back onto the seat and leans over me. Looking up at him, I kept my hands on his chest. "We're friends Marcus." I tell him slightly shaking underneath him. "I don't think this is a good idea."

He laughs as he runs his hand slowly up my inner leg. "It's alright Sweetheart. We're just having some fun. Right?" He says softly. Marcus moves his lips down to my neck inching his hand up further. "Friends can have fun too."

Before I could say another word, his lips reached mine again. I jumped a little feeling his hand move up far enough to tug at my underwear. "What Are You Doing?" I exclaim trying to push his hand away. "Please. I don't-"

"-trust me. You won't need them." Marcus smiles. "Just relax."

I could feel my eyes start to water. "I don't like this. Marcus-"

He scoffs. "Brandy! Remember that we are friends now and sometimes friends want to take things to the next level. So Stop Whining And Take Your Damn Panties Off!" Marcus scolds me.

"No. I'm sorry. Just please get off me?" I ask him.

Marcus quickly grabs onto my wrist holding onto me as tight as he could. I winced out in pain. "You-you're hurting m-me." I sob. He doesn't loosen his grip. Instead he pulls me up from the seat.

"I'm not asking you anymore Brandy. Take them off. Now!"

A single tear rolled down the side of my cheek. "But."

Forcing himself back on top of me, Marcus shoves his hand up my dress aggressively pulling down my underwear. "This is happening whether or not you like it." He growls. Pinning down my wrists with one hand, Marcus uses his other hand to lift up my dress.

No matter how much I tried to push him off me, he always found away to hold me back. I feel so useless. "Marcus! Stop It! I Don't Want To!" I cry. "Please Stop It!"

"Brandy Quit Being A Little Tease!" He shouts. Marcus shoves my head back, so I would hit against the head rest.

"N-no. I am not!"

Marcus rolls his eyes. "Fine. Have it your way."

Finally giving up, Marcus moves himself away. Although my hands are shaking dramatically, I still managed to pull myself together. I can't even lift my head up. I fear that Marcus would take another look at me and say something horrible or do something horrible again.

Instead we sat just in silence for a while Marcus stayed focus on his phone. "Yeah. Just meet me at my place. I just have to take care of some unwanted business first."

Poppy was right. I should have listened to her. If I did then I would be at home trying to figure out how I am going to pay my rent.

"If you don't mind Brandy, I think it's in your best interest and get out here." Marcus tells me putting his phone back into his pocket.

I frowned. "Here?" I question biting my lip. "B-but I...I don't know th-this area."

He shrugs. "I have no problem taking you home." Marcus tilts his head with a smile. "Obviously you are going to have to cooperate with me."

I breathed out heavily. "Here is fine." I say gently.

"I hope you enjoy being the little tease that you are. All you wear around the is skimpy clothes. Did you actually think that I just wanted to be friends with you?" Marcus laughs his head off as he gets back into the limo.

I stood there like an helpless child on the sidewalk. Barely looking around me, I didn't see one building that I recognize. I frowned shortly.

As I walked for a few blocks, I attempted to call Poppy, but her phone just rang until I got her voicemail. There's no use. She's not going to answer. Eventually, I sat at an empty bus stop just praying a bus would come by soon.


"It's late Denim. Come to bed." Madison groans lightly. Her hands run up my back trying to get me back to bed.

I shrugged her off. "In a minute. I have to make a quick phone call." I tell her getting off the bed. Grabbing my shirt, I walk out of the bedroom shutting the door behind me.

She's been on mind all day. Going on a date with that prick? Knowing Marcus he already has her stuck in his giant web of lies. He just needs to tell her that she's beautiful enough times, which she is. She's just breathtaking.

"Lockwood. Why the hell are you calling me this late?" Marcus questions slyly. "I'm kinda busy." I could hear the female giggle in the background.

My hand balled up into a fist. "Where Is She?" I exclaimed.

He stays silent for a minute. "Where Is She You Fucking Asshole? Did You Hurt Her?" I shout.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I dropped her off somewhere-"

"-In The Middle Of The Night? What If Something Bad Happens To Her?"

I quickly threw on my shirt and tossed on my shoes. Getting halfway out of the door, I stopped myself. She's my assistant. Am I crossing a professional line here? "Denim do yourself a favor and quit worrying about that girl. She's just a little tease-"

"Tell Me Where She Is Before You Don't Have A Job In The Morning!"

Marcus chuckles over the phone. "I dropped her off at the side of King Street South."

Hanging up the phone, I grabbed my keys and practically ran out the front door. All I could hear was Madison calling out after me. "Denim! Where Are You Going?"

I don't care what she's saying right now. Ms. Diamond is alone somewhere at night. She's probably scared. I knew I should have lied about some work bullshit to keep her at the office late with me. But I don't know what I was thinking.

I drove for at least an hour looking for her. Maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't be worrying about her like this. Why am I worrying about her like this? She probably hates me.

After driving around a little longer, I see a girl sitting under a terribly lit bus stop. She keeps her head low...just staring at nothing. Making a sharp u-turn, I pull up a little closer. It's her!

Immediately, I feel a giant weight has been lifted off my chest. I smiled shortly before jumping out of the car. "Ms.Diamond!" I exclaim rushing over to her.

She stands up as soon as she sees me. She looks surprised. Shocked even. "Mr. Lockwood. Wh-what are-"

"-get in the car. I'm taking you home."

She doesn't move a muscle. "Oh. I-I can wait h-here. I don't mind."

I shook my head. "It's late. That's not happening. Just get in the car please."

Which she did. She sat quietly next to me, in the passenger seat, staring out the window. I kept glancing over at her hoping she look back at me. For the rest of the ride, until I dropped her home, she didn't say a word except thank you for when she got out of the car.

I leaned my head back against the head rest and breathed out in relief. "She's okay now."

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