Narnia's Shadow // Peter Peve...

By TrutherReal

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She was a girl from inside the wardrobe. He was a boy from outside the wardrobe. ~~~~ "You're joking?" I scof... More

Our Last Hope
Never Be One of Them
Anger and Frustration
Wish Granted
My Prophecy
Between Life and Death
Kissed By An Angel
What is Love?
Love Is... Choosing You

A Blush

144 5 0
By TrutherReal

Susan's and Lucy's cries were muffled as I struggled against Maugrim. My dagger was out of reach when he tackled me from behind. My hands pushed his face as far as they could go before the strong wolf pushed back, getting closer to biting my face off.

I grunted and I kicked his stomach causing him to yelp. With the little distraction, I scrambled to my dagger that was only an inch from my fingertips but I cried out in pain as I felt a pair of teeth on my calf.

Trying to ignore the searing pain, I strained out to reach the knife. Tears prickle in the corners of my eyes as I clenched my teeth together in pain as my blood fell out of the open wound. 


With the cool feeling of the dagger's handle in my hand, I quickly turn around and stab it into the side of Maugrim who squealed in pain. He whimpered, letting go of my leg. I winced in pain as hurried footsteps came rushing towards us. Peter's gaze settled on my tense form as I clutched onto my injured leg. His face scrunched up in anger, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at the wolf who was once clutching my leg in its mouth. My dagger still pinned into his side.

I saw Lucy about to jump down the tree with her cordial in hand but I immediately stopped her, not wanting her to get hurt. 

"Get back!" Peter warned at Maugrim. He made his way towards me, making sure to put some distance between me and Maugrim.

"Peter!" Susan and Lucy screamed as the second wolf jumped at them again. We all watched as Maugrim taunted Peter who stood with shaking hands but determination and bravery in his eyes.

"Come on. We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you."

I grabbed another dagger and aimed it at the second wolf. I cursed at myself for leaving myself unarmed of my bow.

"Peter!" Susan shouted. "Watch out!"

I heard more footsteps coming out from the tree line. I didn't turn to see who it was, not wanting to be stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. 

I heard a squeal, finally twisting — as much as I could — to see who it was. I saw Aslan pinning the wolf to the ground with his heavy paw. Orieus took a step forward with his weapon drawn to help but Aslan stopped him.

"No! Stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle." Even though He said this, I can see the dilemma in his large, calming eyes how much he wanted to rush over to me and take me away... like how he did so many years ago.

"You may think you're a king, but you're going to die..." Maugrim taunts before growling, "... like a dog!" 

"PETER!" I screamed, my hand stretched out in front of me as Maugrim leaped straight at him. They both tumbled to the ground.

My heart clenched, my stomach dropped at the possibility of Peter being dead. That Maugrim had killed the High King and Narnia had lost a Prophecy. 

"Oh, please, on Aslan's mane..." I prayed. "Let Peter be alive. Don't let me lose another friend."

A tear fell, a tear that I didn't know had fallen until I felt water splatter on my hand. And I didn't bother to push it away. The pain in my calf was dull compared to the ache in my heart but they both flowed with blood either way.

"Peter!" His sisters call jumping from the tree. Running towards the fallen pair in front of me. Together, they push the wolf away before releasing a breath of relief when they saw Peter slowly sitting up with a shaken up expression. I sighed in relief quietly, a small smile appeared on my face. All of my worries and fears slip away.

The three siblings hug at seeing that they were all alright. I snapped my head over to Aslan and the wolf still underneath his paw. He lifted it up and the wolf ran without hesitation, not caring about his companion dying as long as it wasn't him. 

Aslan motioned to Oreius with his head, "After him. He'll lead you to Edmund." Oreius nods and with a small army behind him they followed. I grunted, trying to get up by leaning against the tree. The others snap their heads to me. Immediately, Peter jumped up and rushed to my side.

"What are you doing?" He scolded at me. "You are hurt! You shouldn't be moving."

I shook my head motioning to where Orieus and the rest had gone.

"I need to go help and retrieve King Edmund." I grunt, pushing away from Peter's grasp to try and walk on my own. But I didn't get very far before I collapse to the ground with a yelp. Peter was by my side again.

"You have done you duty, Little One," Aslan said. "Orieus will retrieve the Son of Adam and return him safely. But for now..." He turned to look at Peter before I could argue, "... Peter. Clean your sword."

Peter hesitated, stealing a quick glance at me but obeyed the wise Lion in front of us. Peter washed his sword clean of the dead wolf's blood in the river. Once he finished, he placed his sword on the grass and Aslan tapped each shoulder with his paw.

"Rise, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, Knight of Narnia." 

Peter snapped his head up with wide eyes in shock. He looked at us, a smile starting to spread across his face. Susan and Lucy grin and clap for their older brother. I didn't want to smile but I allowed them to quirk up in the corner of my mouth to which only Peter had seen.


Lucy gave me a small drop from her cordial. We had an argument about her using it on me. I told her that she should save it for battle and not use it on a person like me that could heal over something; like a bite in my case. But the stubborn little girl used her wide eyes and innocence to guilt me into agreeing to taking a drop.

I was sour about it afterwards which evaporated when she smiled at me showing her crooked teeth.

I sat down beside Susan who was eating supper just outside her and Lucys tent. She gave me a kind smile, taking a bite out of her bread. I return it, greeting Lucy who was distracted in the meat that she was gobbling down her throat. I chuckled in amusement, watching as Susan lightly scolded her for not using any manners. Lucy smiled sheepishly.

"Peter," She called to his attention, "tell Lucy how she needs to... use ... her manners." She made a disappointed face when we both saw him doing the exact same thing except he was chewing on the potatoes. Peter stopped mid-way when he saw our expressions. I raised an eyebrow in amusement to which he blushed under my gaze. Susan sighed deeply with her head in her hands as Lucy giggled.

Peter cleared his throat.

"I agree, Susan. Lucy use your manners for you are to be Queen soon." Lucy giggled harder as Peter tried to scold her with a serious face.

A smile began to tug on my face as I couldn't look away from the left over piece of potato at the corner of his mouth. It was like it was waving to me to save it from the dangers of the future Kings mouth.

"Uh, Your Majesty," I called his attention. Peter looked at me. "You have something..." I trail off pointing around my own mouth to where the piece was hanging on for dear life.

The poor boy was wiping everywhere around his face except the specific spot that I told him. Susan sighed again in embarrassment at her older brother while Lucy continued to chew on her meat watching him, giggling every now and then. I groaned, impatient as he yet again missed the spot. I got up from my place beside Susan moving to plop myself next to the confused boy who froze at the close proximity. 

"No," I said wiping the potato from the corner of his mouth before dusting it off on my dress not caring whether it was impolite or not. I was not the one who was royalty. "It was right there." I look back up. I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion when Peter's face was suddenly red. The sun was already going down but it wasn't dark enough to light the torches. "Are you alright, My King? You appear to look a bit red around the cheeks." I spoke up before touching his cheeks gently. Somehow, his face was beginning to burn up even more.

"Is he ill?" I ask myself, worry that he had caught a cold or something worse. He can't be ill before battle or else that makes him a liability in the field which gets him killed.

I threw looks over at Susan and Lucy who were giggling and pointing at Peter's red face. I was worried that he was going to faint while his sisters were laughing at his misfortune. That is rude.

"How are you laughing? Clearly, your brother isn't feeling very well and you two are laughing." I scolded them. I got up pulling Peter with me by his arm. "Come, My King, you need to rest." As I lead him to his tent that was between Aslan's and his sisters. I roll my eyes in annoyance and disbelief that their giggling started to turn into laughter.

"Please, Natasha, I—" I cut Peter off as I pull his tent flap back.

"Nonsense, Your Majesty." I assure him. "Knight or not, you need to rest so you can handle your own on the battle field." 

Peter slumped in defeat as he laid on his bed. I grab a bowl that was on a small table in the corner and the rag next to the bowl. I dunk the rag in the water as I sat on his bed where he now laid on. Wringing the water out, I gently dabbed it on his forehead.

I try to ignore his strange stares. There was a glint in his eyes every time I checked. I don't know what it could mean but it caused my stomach to flip in a motion that I had never felt before. It was quiet the entire time. 

"I thought I told you to call me Peter." He teased. I gave a look before dabbing his cheeks which were already cooling down from the cold water. Good, he is feeling better.

"Yes, you did," I nod in agreement. I stop my dabbing to look him in the eye. "But it was my choice to deny your request."

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm not sick, Natasha." He told me, again. "I was just embarrassed." Peter added quietly. My movements halted completely at his words.

"Why were you embarrassed?" I ask him in confusion, watching him sit up. "It was only a piece of food."

He shook his head causing his hair to shake, too, with how long it is.

"It wasn't about the food... it was the fact that it was you that wiped it away."

Again, confusion washed over me. Me? He was embarrassed that I was the one who called it out. Slight guilt came over me that I had caused such humiliation towards the King. Maybe, I shouldn't had said anything at all.

"I apologize, My King." I said, my gaze lowered the ground as I put the rag back into the water, leaving it there.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because, I had brought you humiliation." 

I nearly pushed his hands away, tensing as I felt his hand on my cheek to bring me to look up at him. He was closer than he was before. My heart started to pound in my chest.

"You didn't humiliate me, Natasha. You only made my heart beat faster." He whispered, honestly. "Especially," He added, bringing me closer to him, "when you called me your King."

Heat started to rush to my cheeks. Is this what he meant? He felt strange all because of an action? Peter seemed to have noticed the redness on my face, smirking at it.

"Are you ill, Natasha?" He teased. "You appear to be a little red around the cheeks." Peter said, repeating the same words I told him earlier.

I narrow my eyes at him in warning. I didn't say anything, it seems that all of my bluntness evaporated, my confidence went down. I wasn't sure if it was the way his blue eyes shined under the sun, or his blonde hair went everywhere in the breeze, or sometimes he would hold my hand or just listen to me ramble about anything.

"No," I finally answer him in a whisper. "I just like the way you take charge. When you sound like a leader." Peter's cheeks turned red again. "What do you call this?" I ask, poking at his right cheek.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow. "A blush?" 

I tilt my head to the side deep in thought. Is that what its called? When your cheeks turn red, it is called a... blush? Strange — what a strange word to call a strange action from a strange emotion.

It was silent for a couple of seconds before Peter said something that was so idiotic that a fish was smarter than that.

"So... since I'm a knight now, do I still have to take orders from you?"

"Of course, you do! You always take orders from Shadow."

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