HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reade...

By SadLittleApricot

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(Y/n) was raised inside Wammy's Orphanage in Winchester along with Mello, Matt and Near. Years had passed and... More

Prologue: Beginning A New Life
Chapter 1: Troublemakers
Chapter 2: Friends?
Chapter 3: The First Snowday
Chapter 4: Autumn's Promise
Chapter 5: I Won't Say Goodbye
Chapter 6: An Investigator In London
Chapter 7: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter 8: Arriving In New York
Chapter 9: The Truth
Chapter 10: Small Talk
Chapter 11: Midnight Whispers
Chapter 12: The Flight To L.A
Chapter 13: Surveillance
Chapter 14: Contemplation
Chapter 15: A Feeling Of Comfort Pt 1
Chapter 16: A Feeling Of Comfort Pt 2
Chapter 17: Stained Glass
Chapter 18: The Thirteenth
Chapter 19: What Lies In The Past Pt 1
Chapter 20: What Lies In The Past Pt 2
Chapter 21: What Lies In The Past Pt 3
Chapter 22: Anticipated Words
Chapter 23: Drowning Sorrows
Chapter 25: Quiet Streets
Chapter 26: His Decision
Chapter 27: Earl Grey
Chapter 28: Origin
Chapter 29: A Walk In Shinagawa
Chapter 30: Preparations
Chapter 31: The Start Of A New Year
Chapter 32: Mello And I
Chapter 33: What Matters
Chapter 34: Inanis Ecclesia
Chapter 35: A Message
Chapter 36: Uncertainty
Chapter 37: Just One Night
Chapter 38: Old Wounds [Pt 1]
Chapter 39: Old Wounds [Pt 2]
Chapter 40: Old Wounds [Pt 3]
Chapter 41: Late Nights
Chapter 42: Heating Up
Chapter 43: Desires
Chaptet 44: Alone With You [Pt 1]
Chapter 45: Alone With You [Pt 2]
Chapter 46: Unexpected Revelation
Chapter 47: Paying A Visit
Chapter 48: Set-Up In Koganei
Chapter 49: The Cost Of Love
Chapter 50: Rising Tensions
Chapter 51: My Friend, Matt [Pt 1]
Chapter 52: My Friend, Matt [Pt 2]
Chapter 53: My Friend, Matt [Pt 3]
Chapter 54: Reconcile
Chapter 55: The Last Night [Pt 1]
Chapter 56: The Last Night [Pt 2]
Chapter 57: End Of The Line [Pt 1]
Chapter 58: End Of The Line [Pt 2]
Chapter 59: End Of The Line [Pt 3]
Chapter 60: End Of The Line [Pt 4]
Chapter 61: End Of The Line [Pt 5]
Chapter 62: The Escape
Chapter 63: Memories Of The Past
Chapter 64: Beginning Of The End
A/N: Explaining The Endings
A/N: About The Endings
Epilogue: Good Ending
Epilogue: Original Ending
A/N: Thank You For Reading!

Chapter 24: Night's Life

824 47 62
By SadLittleApricot

Warning: sexual harassment/assault, violence.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I haven't been out for that long, looking at the top of my phone's screen to read the time, it says 5:09pm. I take a moment to breath out slowly before I begin typing out a response to Mello, I squint my eyes to focus my on my screen to check over the spelling, feeling satisfied that everything in the text box is spelt right, I hit send.


Hey, where are you?

At a nightclub, i'm just having drinks.


I put my phone back into my handbag and begin to drink from my glass again, the ice rests against my upper lip as I begin to drink down from my now third glass of (Fav. Al Drink) before resting it back down on the bar table.

The memories of yesterday still linger in the back of my mind, however, the drinking seems to have helped. I don't feel the same shame and humiliation I had felt. I'm not sure if I feel 'better' however.

In the beginning I felt fine, better actually. However... The more drinks I order and skull down, the more emotional I am feeling. Maybe... Coming here was a mistake...

*bzzzz* *bzzzz*

I turn my attention back to my handbag when I fish out my phone again, I type in my password slowly as I am trying to keep my vision straight, it was wrong the first time, second time was right, thankfully. It automatically opens to my message app and the following read:


Hey, where are you?

At a nightclub, i'm just having drinks.

Can we talk?
In person? I'll come to you.


Reading the message sent through to me, my finger hovered over the keyboard, my mind completely blank.

I don't want him to see how much of a mess I am, right now. But... I can't keep running from this, running from the past, running from my confession...

I have to face it, I have to own up to it, like an adult.

I breath in deeply, exhaling as I clear my head, slowly typing in a response, reading it over at least three time before I finally send it through.


Hey, where are you?

At a nightclub, i'm just having drinks.

Can we talk?
In person? I'll come to you.

Yeah. Okay.


I couldn't quite recall the address of the street corner the nightclub is on, so I just sent him the name of the building that was listed out the front. He'll be able to find the address online.

He didn't send me a reply, even after 5 minutes had passed, so I assume he just left the apartment without sending me anything. Agreeing to talk this out with him however, made me feel a little more nervous. If he wants to talk about yesterday... What is there to talk about... Really?

I don't expect him to have an answer to my confession yet, it's only been a day.

I finished up the last of (Fav. Al Drink) from my glass before a waiter takes it away, when he asks if I would like another, I decided instead on a glass of water.

I should sober up a little.

It wasn't long before the waiter returns to the bar to place down the glass of water in front of me, a slice of lime atop of the floating ice cubes.

Lifting it up, I slowly begin to sip at the water with a hint of citrus as I try to keep my mind clear of any thoughts, or scenarios with less than pleasant outcomes.

I'll just wait, maybe I'm worried for nothing.

10 Minutes Later

The time ticking by is agonisingly slow, every minute that passes feels like five. The party behind me hasn't eased up in the slightest, the night has barely begun for these people.

As I rest my chin on my palm, I stare off at the signs behind the bar and the many labels of vodka, whiskey, rums, beer and many other types of alcohols and liqueurs that decorated the shelves. Being able to read many of the labels and no longer feeling woozy, I'm thinking the water and lime is working, if a bit slowly.

As I finish up my first glass of water, a man rudely pushed his way through the people crowded around the bar, his elbow knocking over my glass and spilling the ice and lime onto the bar.

"Hey, move your glass you-" the man stops himself mid-sentence when he turns to see it was my glass he had knocked over. "Oh, sorry babe" his voice going from angry to almost flirty and it made me want to laugh, this man is not subtle at all.

"Real cute" I tell him in the most sarcastic tone I can manage with a roll of my eyes as further reassurance.

"Don't be like that, I'll buy you another, how about that?" He asks me, sitting down on the bar stool right beside me. His closeness sends all kinds of alarm bells in my head, his tallness makes it seem like he is hovering over me, leaving me no room to wiggle out of or escape.

"I've finished drinking for the night, but thank you" I tell him somewhat politely. His eyes shift over to the drink I previously held in my hand.

"You think I'm an idiot? You were holding a drink ten seconds ago" He points out, thinking he's so smart. I lift the mostly empty glass in my hand and give it a gentle shake, the ice cubes clinking on the sides of the glass.

"Water" I tell him before placing the glass back down. Despite the fact that I'm leaning away from him, refusing a drink, showing no interest in the slightest. He will not give up.

"The night is still young babe, why are you being such a prude, huh?" He leans down closer to my face as the smell of alcohol on his breath permeate my sense of smell.

"Hey, bartender! A beer for me, and a lemon sour for the English lady here" he said to one of the waiters behind the counter.

"I just said-" I tried to protest the man again, but he cut me off, "You need to learn to relax, seriously" he laughed. "You'll never get a man if you keep acting all defensive and uptight" He smirked, irking me more than I already am.

I want nothing more than to clock this asshole in the jaw, I'm no martial artist, but I know how to pack a punch. However... The man is easily 6 feet tall and heavier than me. If I try something like that, I don't want to think about what he would do in retaliation.

"Listen... I'm not interested, move on" I hold my ground, remaining tall and firm. I can't show him I'm afraid, I can't show him I'm about to lose my cool. Just... Get lost, leave me alone...

The beer and lemon sour are placed in front of us as he takes his beer and swallows down, more and more... Until there is only two thirds of the beverage left.

"You're playing sooo hard to get" he groaned before drinking more of his beer, not slowing down in the slightest. If he's been drinking all night like this, I'm surprised he doesn't have alcohol poisoning yet.

As time went on, he drinks his beer as I stare down at the lemon sour in front of me, having no desire to drink it. Praying by some kind of miracle that he grows bored and leaves me be. But he persists, for god knows what reason.

"I'm getting bored with you ignoring me, y'know" he complains, noticing my absence from what he calls this 'conversation'.

My hopes begin to rise at the idea of this guy finally leaving me alone, getting out of my hair so I can just wait for Mello in peace.

Until... I felt him put his hand on the small of my back. "Let's skip the drinks and go back to my place" He whispered in my ear. My eyes wide and my breathing becomes erratic as the anxiety creeps up, he does not stop, his hand does not retract. His hand only goes lower, his fingers gripping a handful of my ass not-so-gently.

"I bought you a drink, you have to compensate for it babe, that's how this works." his tone shifted into that of a terrifying one, it chilled me right down to the bone. "I'm not taking a drink or a 'no' for an answer".

I panic as he goes to grab ahold of my wrist to pull me, my mind goes crazy at what could happen if he pulls me out of this club, what if he hurts me? What if he...

My fight or flight response triggers in that moment as I leap up from my seat faster than I ever had before. Lemon Sour in hand as I throw the drink at his face.

"G-Get lost, you creep!" I shout at him as my hands and legs shake, terrified. My jaw begins to tremble and my eyes become blurry from the tears threatening to spill, the final thread had snapped in my mind, I can't keep my cool anymore, not after that.

"You whor-"! The man raided his arm at me, however he was cut short when someone from behind the man grabbed hold of his wrist and twisted it, hard. A scream followed a sickening *crack* as it was left in an unnatural position, someone had broken his wrist. Badly.

I turn to see who had caused the man's injury. Chin length blond hair, sky blue eyes, serious face with a scar.

"Mello!" I had never breathed out a bigger sigh of relief to see it was him, he was not focusing on me however. His eyes were filled to the brim with blinding rage, and he isn't finished.

Grabbing a fist-full of the man's hair, Mello slammed his head into the bar, hard. I didn't hear anything crack this time, but a muffled groan could be heard before he pulled the man's head back, blood begins to drip from his lip.

"You bastard!" Mello shouted, his teeth gritted together in pure rage. As he goes to grab the man again, I take hold of Mello's wrist as my other hand presses against his chest, rising and falling rapidly. I create a distance by moving myself in between the two men. It may not have been the smartest move, but I had to stop Mello from completely loosing it on the creep.

"This asshole isn't worth it, let's just get out of here before the bouncer grabs us" I tell him shakily. Looking around to see that a few people have noticed the commotion, mostly at the bar but a few from the dance floor too. "I don't wanna get us both into trouble over this".

Mello's eyes finally turned to me, his expression softened as he let go of the man, his breath finally slows down while looking around to see the mortified patrons around him before he finally takes hold of my arm gently before the two of us quickly get out of here.

This isn't how I thought things would go.

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