Ease My Mind || SPN: Ketch x...

By muhlemule

1.3K 45 2

Secret relationship. Let's see how long the two can keep the secret. also some crowley x reader in here. More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 7

113 2 0
By muhlemule

-two months later-

No one could find anything. Crowley knew it all, and did his damnest to keep it from us. My brothers, and even Ketch, threated the demon to tell us. Nothing.

Bad news for us: Crowley got away. Guess it was a mistake to let him outside, which was his demand after being there for two weeks.

Whenever they had time, Sam and Dean would do some reading or try to get a lead on who or what cast the spell.

We informed Cas, and he took off to find some kind of cure. Everyday, waking up, the scars were still there. Sensitive.

On another note, Ketch and I are good. We were great. No one found hasn't out about us...yet. We haven't fought ever since the Crowley thing, we went on more hunts together, and we spent time together more.

Ketch and I were in bed. In my bed at the bunker where we were alone. By that, I mean Sam and Dean are up in Sioux Falls helping some good friends.

Laying shirtless with boxers, and me with just a bra on, neither one of us cared to put clothes back on. My head rested on his chest, cuddled up against him.

"Y/n, my dear, you are full of wonders."

"Oh, shut up." Both Ketch and I laughed. "This is the last time you drink wine before..."

Ketch chucked and before kissing the side of my head. "You are so beautiful." He complement. I couldn't stop smiling.

He rubbed my back with his hand, being careful of my scratches. He loved knowing I was feeling warm and safe with him. In his arms. Even if he was tipsy.

There was a small moment of quietness. Both of us staring in the distance, thinking about whatever is on our mind. Personally... I hate that we have to sneak around, but Ketch can't aford to lose his job.

"Arthur?" I ask, getting a little 'hm?' response from him. "Have you ever thought about running away? Like, from your job?"

After asking, it took a moment before Ketch answered. It was a long moment. "Well, not really. However, I only thought about running away from our school, Kendricks, once."

"How come?"

"I was a good student. Straight As and Bs in classes. However, I had a lot of stress put on me, knowing Dr Hess was watching my every move. I wanted to run."

"Why didn't you?" Ketch didn't say anything back. Only hearing a deep sigh. "I'm sorry, you don't need to answer."

"I'm heading to sleep, and I suggest you do the same, dear."

-one month later, wednesday morning-

Shivering, I had my hands in my jacket pocket as I walked up to a crossroad. Doing the drill of putting something in the ground and waiting for a demon to show.

No one knows I'm doing this. They don't need to know. It was my fault, and I'm going to save myself. No one could come up with anything.

"Winchester." I turned to see a demon standing right in front of me.

"I'm unarmed." I showed off my pockets and belt. The demon just nodded. "I want to speak to Crowley. He won't answer the phone."

"Fine. I'll see if I can find him." The demon said before disappearing.

I had no regrets about this. I'm done waiting for finding a cure. If Crowley wants dinner, then so be it. I'll make the deal.

Crowley isn't the one I'm scared about. It's my brothers and Ketch I'm terried about. They'll kill me if they found out about this thing.

Not long afterwards, Crowley appeared right in front of my eyes. "What's this? Y/n making a demon deal?"

"You want dinner with me? Fine. My scratches are irritating me, so tell me how to fix it and I'll have dinner with you, and you get my very own soul. Deal?"

"No deal. You'll die in 10 years."

"My life. My choice. Make the deal." I said before standing directly in his face.

He looked me up and down, which I knew he didn'r want to make the deal. He loves me enough that it'll pain him when I die. "You do realize that you'll be cheating on that Brit."

"Make. The. Deal." I said, getting close to his face. He really didn't want to.

However, Crowley placed a hand on the back of my neck. He leaned in and sealed the deal with a kiss. I knew he was making it longer than it should've, so I pushed him back.

"Text me the details. I'll see the hounds in 10 years." I glared at Crowley before walking away from the crossroads.

Great. Now, if Ketch knows I made a deal with a demon, he'll know I cheated. I didn't want to cheat, but I did it for my own good.

Start the clock. 10 years remaining.

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