Misaka x Male Reader Railgun...

By Razor_Fang_

6.2K 90 41

Y/N a middle schooler was playing a sport. During it, he almost loses. However, just before he could lose... More

Meet Kuroko
A Fateful Encounter
'Misaka's cyborg'
The Demon


2K 21 14
By Razor_Fang_

This is my first fanfic so please don't expect it to be too good

No one's POV

A girl with short brown hair was in a hospital next to a few doctors. This girl was no other than Misaka but as a 5 year old.

She was watching a man through a glass window. The man was using two canes for walking. He then collapsed, but he got up and tried to continue walking. However, each time he got up he just kept on falling down and he was sweating.

The girl- "Why is he falling down?"

The doctor- "That man, he has a virus that he was born with. The virus makes his body weaker as he grows older the virus becomes worse."

The girl looked back at the man with an empathetic face.

The doctor- "If you allow me to borrow your DNA sample then we may be able to heal him."

The girl- "Sure!" and she smiled.



Years passed as one day at a middle school, I opened a door and I was now in a gym for PE I, Y/N was looking at a schedule that said, 'Today's lesson is a game of dodgeball.' I smiled. My teacher noticed I had just entered and pointed at the back of the gym that had mostly boys.

My teacher- "Y/N, you're in this team,"

I looked at the other team which had a ton of girls and a few boys who were mostly slackers when it came to sports. I smirked.

Y/N- "Well this'll be easy," I smiled.

Suddenly, my teacher took out her phone and she answered a call.

Teacher- "Hello?"

Phone person- "Can you put Y/N on the other team?"

Teacher- "Sure, but why?"

Phone person- We're detecting some strange waves within his body. It's something that can be found in espers and this something allows them to use esper powers, but to think we can find it in humans is pretty hmm interesting. We have a theory that he may have a special power and we need to make sure that he actually does since if he happens to have one then we'll need to transfer him to academy city. You know what that is don't you?"

teacher- "Alright."

My teacher hung up and she looked at me. "You're on the other team." Academy city is the city full of espers.

I sighed and ran to the other team. I was on the team with less good players and I didn't want to play that much since I was tired and bored because most of these guys are pretty easy.

A boy named Harbert asked me- "Isn't she sexist like putting most girls here and most boys on the other team? Also, Gojo and a few overpowered students are on the other team. How does she expect us to win?"

Gojo was my rival who I mentioned earlier


(Basically the one from Jujutsu Kaiden)

I smiled and said, "That's fine because now that I'm on your team I'll make sure to defeat them all. I'll do it by myself if I have to."

The teacher took out a bag, opened it, and tossed balls from the bag onto the center of the floor. She then blew a whistle as all the students quickly ran to the center. I was the first one to pick up a ball as I threw it at a boy. However, the boy dodged, but I smirked. I took out a ball that I was hiding being me and hit him. The boy was now eliminated. Three students tried to throw a ball at me. However, I just dodged all of them. I then noticed a ball above me out of nowhere. I glared at the ball and tried to jump to dodge. However, before I could dodge, Harbet got in front of me and blocked it with a ball from his hand.

Harbert- "Be on guard."

Y/N- "Thanks."

I then looked at my surroundings. Everyone was out apart from me and Harbert and almost the rest of the entire other team except for a few people. I smiled.

Y/N- "This is fun."

I threw the ball into the air and hit it as fast as an ace serve in volleyball. It was on the national level. The attack hit the opponent.

"There it is, one of Y/N's specialties. Using a sport skill in a completely different sport, but this is all already to be expected," Gojo stated.

Me and Harbert got everyone out as Gojo smiled. He threw the ball at Harbert at immense speed. The ball could be said to be as fast as light, but in reality it's a lot slower. Both Gojo and I glared at each other.

Y/N- "Gojo, no hard feelings if I defeat you."

Gojo- "No hard feelings from me either."

We smiled. We each threw two balls at each other. One from Gojo and one from me touched each other's sides as the balls then passed each other. However, when it reached us, both of us dodged. The other two balls just hit each other and then fell down. We both smiled. Gojo and I are BFF's and would always play sports with each other after school but in a duo against strangers. We were known as the undefeated boys. However, because we were so undefeated there has been a rumor that we have never won against each other before in a one on one. Each time we fought, we tied. Me and Gojo were now having an intense staring contest as we waited for the other's next move. The people who were already out and even the teacher were watching us and observing us closely.

A girl- ""Y/N, he's pretty athletic."

It was my current crush, Chitoge. Hearing this I blushed and rethought her words stored inside my memory.

Chitoge- "Y/N is pretty athletic."


(Basically the one from Nisekoi)

Gojo threw the ball as fast as he could at me. Yet, I caught it.

Y/N- "Did you really think you could hit me when I'm off guard?"

Immediately I noticed a ball falling from above me. I caught it and waited for Gojo. Gojo then threw more and more balls as I smiled. It was all part of my plan to keep on dodging and dodging all these balls until they run out on Gojo's side.

Y/N- "You know, if I keep on dodging and if you keep on throwing then you'll eventually run out of balls right?"

Gojo ignored me and threw three balls at me, but I dodged by jumping.

Random spectator student- "Who do you guys think will win?"

Teacher- "Y/N and Gojo's winning rate are about 100 percent. This is our first time seeing them going up against each other, They're both beyond anything I've ever seen, if anything. They're too obsessed with sports. They won't even let down their guard even if it's someone who's at least one percent as good as them... Although today's been the first time either of them had been distracted and the one who was distracting him was a girl."

The teacher looked at Chitoge. Gojo and I were both celebrities at our school. We were both known to be the top of our classes and sports. We have almost watched no anime. To us, playing sports is own version of watching anime.

Me and Gojo threw the ball at each other again and again. At one point I threw one at him. I then looked intensely at him.

Y/N thoughts- if I was Gojo would I dodge Left or right? Where would I dodge?

I then smiled. I threw the ball to Gojo's left and he went exactly there. I won and I smiled. However, I was wrong. Gojo tried to catch my ball.

Y/N thoughts: how could I forget who I'm fighting against! I'm so stupid I let my guard down for one second and now he's going to catch it!

At that moment I felt different; it was as if everything around me disappeared.

Y/N: "Defeat? Against you? I will never allow that to happen!"

I unleashed hot wind. Suddenly my phone in my pocket buzzed, and I ignored it. I punched the air instinctively. Hot wind unleashed from my fist as the wind hit the ball and just before Gojo could catch it. The ball got faster and hit him.

My phone ranged again. I looked at the phone number it had rung two times just now.

Y/N thoughts: what's this strange random phone number? A spam phone scam?

Suddenly, the teacher came to him.

Teacher- "Call that phone number, it's an important scholarship and they want you in immediately."

Everyone in the room- "A scholarship!"

I widened my eyes and smiled.

Y/N- "why me? Why not Gojo?"

Yet on the inside I felt so happy.

A kid- "Y/N's so lucky!"

Y/N- "I don't think I'll take this offer."

However, the teacher whispered to him- "Act natural and join that school if you want to know what that hot wind was earlier."

Y/N whisper- "Yes sir."

Y/N normal voice- "I'm just a middle schooler, why would they give me one?"

Teacher- "You've gotten the highest scores possible on all your SAT's."

Random student- "Y/N's a genius, 10,000 IQ."

Y/N- "I don't think I'll accept it."

Teacher- It's a one time chance only and it's an all girls school."

Hearing this I smiled a ton. At that moment I felt so much power within me. However, everyone looked at me with a disgusted look.

Random girl- "Pervert."

I hugged my stomach as if I was in pain.

Chitoge- "Woman disgrace."

Suddenly, I fell down as if I was dead. Hearing my crush call me that made my heart broken so I couldn't breath. But thats just a literally term so I managed to get back up don't worry about me.

Random boy- "Why does he act so much like an anime character? It's weird," a boy judged.

Y/N- "Why would they allow me to join a girls school?"

Gojo- "Who cares about why? Y/N, you're lucky, but if we're being serious they should've been giving me the scholarship instead. You're a simp, you won't be able to talk to girls."

The teacher smiled, "that's why they're bringing Y/N, he's a simp, and there's no boys there. They need him to do a secret experiment that we cannot tell you guys except for him the details of."

Gojo asked, "Doesn't this seem like a lie? If they wanted an experiment then why wouldn't they just use someone else?"

Teacher- "It's top secret information from the government... all I'll tell you is I work for the FBI." He joked.

Random Boy- "Do you do that FBI open up meme?"

He showed a meme on his phone having a few people wearing black uniforms yelling and knocking at a door and there was a guy inside the house shaking in fear.

The teacher sighed his joke failed because it was taken way too seriously.

Teacher- "We do bigger things but yes I guess we do that sometimes, but only once a week."

Y/N- "Guess I'll leave now... Gojo? Can you say hi to the rest of my friends for me? Thank you... Anyways bye,"

I quickly bolted out of the gym. I took out my phone and dialed the number.

Y/N- "Hello? Is this Tokiwadai Middle School?"

Woman- "Yes it is,"

The woman sat on a chair behind a desk and was printing out a transfer sheet for Y/N by using a computer. She was the principal of her school.

Y/N- "So why do you want me to transfer?"

Woman- "Because it's the first time in history an esper was born outside of academy city. You may be wondering what an esper is, but it's really just another breed of humans. An esper is born from an experiment. In other words an artificial human, but they're not robots exactly, they're made from babies that are put into tubes. By the way you can probably do sexy things and the females can get pregnant and we want you to join this city."

I blushed.

Woman- "Aww are you blushing?"

Y/N- "No I am not! You're just imagining it."

Woman- "You totally are... Anyhow, unlike robots, espers have feelings. Anyways don't tell any of your non espers about the existence of espers because they're an endangered species."

Y/N- "Don't worry I won't tell anyone besides right now I want to assume that I'm at least human and not an esper?"

Woman- "Yes, spot on," the woman responded.

Y/N- "How did you know that I used powers?"

Woman- "Us principles always keep an esper tracker Incase some power is being used where it isn't allowed. When I first read your power it showed up as an unidentifiable person on my tracker. We track students to record all their battles. Once they reach a certain amount we give them tests to see how much their powers have increased."

While that was happening Misaka threw a cannon ball covered in lightning at a field. Next, she took out her phone. It said, 1000 pounds 70 meters level 5.

The teacher continued- "So in order to find out who it was I had to hack your phone to find all your personal information and your phone number which is how I'm contacting you right now."

Y/N- "Uh huh."

Woman- "I also found some pictures of girls, especially of a certain blonde one..."

Y/N- "Wait what? Erase that from your memory right now!"

I commanded while blushing.

Woman- "No can do..."

Y/N- "Anyways, why am I transferring to your school and not a different one?"

Woman- "We're going to see if humans can survive with espers since humans are typically weaker than them and because of this we are transferring you to the strongest esper school."

Y/N- "Anyways, how do I use my powers and how do I increase them?"

Woman- "Espers has levels. To increase it, you'll need more knowledge about your powers and training. By the way... we live in a separate city compared to humans known as the academy city located in Japan."

I raised my voice- "What the hell! I'm supposed to go to Japanese school? How am I supposed to make friends? How am I supposed to read and learn?"

Woman- "uhh I don't know that's for you to find out but don't worry I'll use my esper ability to help make you learn Japanese automatically."

Y/N- "Nah it's fine I kind of want to learn from scratch since it might be fun that way. Even if you want me to transfer, how am I supposed to get there? I don't want to waste money to buy an airplane ticket. And besides I don't think my powers can be used for transporting."

Suddenly, a girl appeared out of nowhere. It was kuroko. She teleported me into a city out of nowhere as I passed out. "I'm a bit surprised to think there's a human who can handle teleporting... usually if it was a normal human his body would've exploded by now, but instead he passed out. That's a bit impressive."

Academy city, the city full of 2.3 million espers. It was a city high tech enough to make clones and artificial humans with superpowers. It was so high tech that a college in the US would be equivalent to a high school in academy city. But my new middle school was as hard as a college. It was located in Japan and it would prove to be quite a challenge. Not only that, but I'd had to train and learn how to wield my powers which I had instinctively used while playing dodgeball earlier.

A few hours ago, Kuroko was talking to the teacher in person. She was standing in front of the teacher's desk. She was standing next to a woman with long brown hair and glasses. It was the form master.

Kuroko- Why should I have to have this new kid who's a boy in my onee-same and my room? Why can't we just have a girl?"

Dorm master- "Because, you work with judgement don't you? And this is your duty besides the other dorms are full. The only room that isn't full in all of the dorms is yours. Besides you'll both probably be good friends for him.

Kuroko- "But what if he does pervert things to onee-sama?" the girl questioned.

Teacher- "I've already gotten the dorm master's approval."

The dorm master nodded.

"Also, if he does anything then we'll kick him out."

Kuroko smirked evilly. She was hoping to put one of Misaka's panties under his bed and accuse him of it and then immediately report it to someone so that they can kick him out. The teacher smiled evilly as well.

Teacher- "Same thing goes with you if you accuse him of anything then you'll be kicked out. It'd have to come from Misaka herself."

Kuroko nodded- "HOW IS THAT FAIR? Can't I decline?"

Teacher- "No, Misaka already said yes, we're just letting you know."

Kuroko- "Onee-sama? How could she!"

She teleported back inside her room that had three beds and two desks. She laid on one of the beds which had a teddy bear that belonged to Misaka and exclaimed, "Onee-sama!" She snuggled the bear tightly and moaned while smiling. She then sniffed it. She was indeed lesbian. "I swear if that boy tries to do anything with my Onee-sama then he'll be dead meat."

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