Marriage Without Benefits||Ta...

By Jinified92

270K 21.5K 10.6K

Not your usual arranged marriage AU where one hates the other. Both Taehyung and Seokjin step on the alter fo... More

Shameless Promotion


3.8K 349 116
By Jinified92

Hope you all are well!

Are you ready?
*Cue evil smile*


Jin stretched as he came out of his room. Today was the day he went to decide the menu for the new hotel. It was going to be a quite some work but for Jin it was the most exciting one.

He went intO the kitchen like everyday and he almost screamed when he saw Taehyung there, sitting on the chair sipping what looked like a smoothie while going through his phone.

He kept a hand on his chest and took a deep breath "You scared me!"

Taehyung looked up in surprise and smiled sheepishly "Woke up early and couldn't sleep again"

"How many times have we gotten scared of seeing each other again?" Jin said as he went to make some coffee for himself.

Taehyung chuckled "Too many times. I was scared yesterday when I came. Then you got scared when I called your name and so many times before that"

Jin laughed "True, we should seriously get used to seeing each other in the house without almost having an heart attack."

"Yeah" Taehyung said. Jin poured his coffee into his cup and sat next to Taehyung on the chair.

"What are you doing?" He asked taking a sip of the coffee.

Taehyung kept his phone down "Just e-mails"

Jin nodded "Do you need breakfast today?"

Taehyung looked at Jin "Why?"

Jin shrugged "Today we will be deciding the menu for the new hotel. There will lots and lots of tasting and eating. I'll probably just have a piece of toast. So I asked if you wanted anything"

Taehyung shook his head "It's fine, go on ahead. I will have breakfast with Jungkook. It's been a long time anyway"

Jin nodded "Alright, but are you really going to your office?"

Taehyung frowned "Why?"

"I mean, with Namjoon out there...."

Taehyung sighed "I know. But like I said, the officer has assigned three people to us. One will stay here, two will follow me"

Jin nodded getting up and getting a slice of bread and putting it in the toaster. Before he pulled the leaver down and turned look at Taehyung.

"Shall I make you one piece too? Since breakfast with Jungkook might become a bit late?"

"Sure, thanks"

"How are Namjoon's parents?" Jin asked as he waited for the bread to toast.

Taehyung shook his head "Haven't talked to them yet, I will call them later"

The slices of bread popped and Jin turned. He took it out and spread some strawberry jam on both the slices.

He passed one to Taehyung before quickly eating his slice.

He washed his hands "Alright, I'll go change and get going"

Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung was on the dining table when Jin came out from his room, ready to leave.

"I'll get going. Bye Taehyung"

Saying so Jin turned to leave, but he felt a hand wrap around his wrist and stop.

He looked around in surprise at Taehyung who was still sitting.


"Umm... Be careful"

Jin paused for a moment before he laughed lightly "Shouldn't I be telling you that?"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

Jin hummed lightly "Aren't you tried of hearing it from everyone?"

Taehyung nodded "I am actually"

Jin smiled "Be careful."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face betrayed him "You too"

Jin tilted his head "Why me?"

"Just.... nevermind. You should get going"

"umm..." Jin hesitated before he slightly shook the hand that Taehyung was still holding tightly "My hand"

Taehyung let go immediately clearing his throat "Right, sorry, bye"

Jin nodded and left, calling Ms Seo on the way to confirm if all the arrangements that had been made.


Taehyung groaned closing his file. It was about 6pm and the whole day he couldn't concentrate on anything.

His mind had gone haywire, thinking about Namjoon, his parents, the police, and then.. Jin.

He couldn't shake of uncomfortable feeling that something was about go very wrong.

He ran a hand through his hair, looking around his office. He needed to do something to take his mind of things. Or else he was pretty sure he would go insane.

He closed the files and pushed them aside, turning to his computer. A small round of game wouldn't hurt.

He switched on his computer and was about to open the game when his eyes caught an unopened email.

He frowned. It was his personal email. Not many people knew his personal email.

The subject was empty. Then he frowned at the thought that just hit him.

Namjoon had known his personal email.

Taehyung gulped and took a deep breath before opening the email.

'Kim Taehyung, you are a complete bastard'

Nothing else. Just that.

'Namjoon don't do this. We can sit and talk. You will only get yourself I to trouble'

Taehyung sent it before he can think twice.

It took five minutes for a reply to come, but Taehyung's eyes never moved from the screen.

Again there was no subject, but this time a audio recording was attached. He downloaded and played the audio.

"I passed on your little message to your cousin. He found it quite amusing"

Taehyung clenched his teeth. It was not Namjoon's voice.

"I hate it when people think they can oversmart me. You should have just given your company when he asked kiddo. Now you have only gotten yourself into more trouble."

Taehyung's coiled his fist.

"By including the police, you just made it personal. And I don't like it. And when it becomes personal I will not spare the person. No one has lived to tell my tale, neither will you. And like always, I have decided to have some fun"

Taehyung's heart hammered against his chest. Fun?

"I must say, you have got a nice husband there, Walking around your house, with that pale blue shirt of his."

Taehyung's eyes widened. Jin was wearing a pale blue shirt that morning before leaving to decide the menu.

"How horrible it would be if it got stained with red. A bullet to the heart? That seems perfect."

The recording ended.

"No!" Taehyung said as he clicked on it again. It was same thing all over again.

Fear clouded his senses as he tried of thinking something.

Why would Jin be at home? He said it takes a lot of time to decide the menu.

'Yes, he is not at home. He is at work. They are lying. They are trying to mess with us' Taehyung said to himself.


He refreshed his email page and another new email popped up.

He opened the attached video. It was Jin, entering their building. Taehyung gulped.

He took his phone and dialled Jin. It rang but he did not pick it. Taehyung cursed and called again. No response.

He stood up and ran outside not even waiting to wear his coat. He went into Jungkook's cabin.

"Do you have Jin's secretary number?"

Jungkook frowned "No... Should I ask Yoongi?"

"Yes! Her name is Ms Seo. Get it fast" Taehyung said hurriedly.

"What happened, you don't look so good......"

"Jungkook the number!" Taehyung growled.

Jungkook scrambled for his phone and quickly dialled Yoongi.

Taehyung tapped his foot impatiently, the ticking of the clock in Jungkook's cabin was roaring in his ears.

"Hello? Yoongi? Yes, Can I get Jin' secretary's number. Yes her name..."

He looked at Taehyung.

"Ms Seo" Taehyung repeated.

"Ms Seo. Yes her. Can you send it urgently? Yes, thanks you. I'll talk to you today evening? Okay? Your house? Okay I'll....."

"Jungkook! Not now!" Taehyung warned.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with wide eyes "Alright Yoongi, I'll talk to you later"

Jungkook showed the number Yoongi had sent to him. Taehyung quickly typed into his phone and dialled the number.

And in a second he was out of Jungkook's office, he ran down the stairs not wanting to wait for the lift.

when he was about halfway down, his call was answered.


"Yes! Is this Ms Seo?"

"Yes who is speaking?"

"Is Jin there? At the office or hotel?"

"Sir who is this?"

"It's his husband! Kim Taehyung. Is he there!" Taehyung said frustrated at the question.

"No sir, once finished with the menu he said he will go home for the day. He left about half an hour ago."

Taehyung cut the call.

"Shit! Shit shit. Why is he not picking the call!?" Taehyung cursed out loud as he ran through the lobby to the the parking lot.


It was the officers who were appointed to him by the police. But he had no time to deal with them.

"Sir where are you going!? It is not safe"

Taehyung ignored everything as he climbed down the front stairs, his phone clutched in his hand. He unlocked his car and got in.

He turned on the car and drove out of the parking lot.

He kept on calling Jin, his eyes on the road. He was breaking all the speed limits.

A speeding fine was the least of his worries right now.

The 15 mins drive felt like a whole eternity. When he reached, he did not care park the car. He gave his key to the watchman and the officer who was assigned to guard the house looked at him in surprise.

"Sir! Why are you here?"

Taehyung did not bother answering as he ran inside. He saw the open elevator and rushed in pressing the number to his floor.

He held on to the side of the elevator, as he panted and looke at the increasing number.

When the door opened, he rushed outside and went to the door. He punched in the password with shaking fingers and opened the door. The hallway was empty. He did not remove his shoes and went inside.

The living room was empty.

Even the kitchen was empty.

"No, no, no" Taehyung chanted to himself as the adrenaline in his veins turned to fear. He was still panting looking around as he came back into the living room.

He stood there, just looking at the empty living room, as his mind turned blank. He could not think of anything.

A door opened.

Taehyung turned towards the sound. It was as if time itself had slowed down.

Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion.

It was Jin. It was Jin who came out of the room. In his right hand he held a towel wiping his hair. In his left hand he held a phone, scrolling through it while his face held a frown.

Taehyung froze. It looked like he had just come out of the shower.

Finally Jin looked at him. Jin's eyes widened slowly.


Taehyung just stared back still not registering what was happening.

"Why did you call so many times? I was in the shower and couldn't pick it..... And.... why are you panting so much? Did you run all the way here?"

Taehyung took long and fast strides towards Jin and in one second he engulfed the latter in a hug. He put his arms around Jin's waist and pulled him close, putting his head on his shoulders.

"Tae..... Taehyung?"

Taehyung tightened his hold pressing Jin to himself, his head still on his shoulders. He closed his eye just staying like that.

"What? Wh- what happened? Taehyung?" Jin stuttered.

Taehyung took a shuddering breath, his whole body shivering a bit.

Suddenly he felt arms around his shoulders. A hand patted his back and the other rested on his back, with a reassuring weight.

Taehyung gulped and lifted his head a bit only to bury it in Jin's naked neck. He breathed in what smelled like strawberry body wash.

Taehyung spoke into Jin's neck.

"Just... Just stay like this"



Ready for Permission to dance?

Hope you liked the chapter.

Thanks a lot for everything.

Love ya💜~

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