Stay With Me (Black Butler Se...

By xXPookieXx10

25.9K 912 228

(Cover art is not mine! I'm not sure who's it is, but it's amazing! I found it Spiteful_Crow's Tumblr page, s... More



1K 34 14
By xXPookieXx10

After seeing who it was, they knocked me out.

When I woke up, I was in a dark room. I groaned and my head pounded. I was strapped to a chair. "H-Hello?" I called out. I then realized I didn't put my sunglasses on that morning. I shut my eyes and listened closely.

"So you're awake." The person's voice resonated throughout the room.

"You. What do you want?! Why am I here?!" I yelled.

"I thought you would have known that by now." They replied.

"Actually, no, I don't know. I can't read minds, okay? I'm not psychic." I retorted.

The person chuckled. "Well, I'm surprised you haven't called for help."

"I'm not helpless. I'd only call for help if I absolutely had to. So, why don't you try to give me a reason to?" I growled.

"Very strong-willed. It's a strong quality."

"Yeah? Well my fist is strong too. Why don;t you come over to see?" I snorted.

"Hmph. You say such nasty things. How could you be so pure?" Angela's voice grumbled in front of me.

"Because I'm not an uncaring person like you." I snarled.

"Uncaring? Why, I was just going to give you this strange contraption." I heard the clicking of my sunglasses, the ends clicking on the lens.

"You know what? You are a very caring person. I would very much appreciate those back." I said innocently. Then, I felt Angela put my sunglasses on my face.

Iopened my eyes. "Thank you. Now, I'm going to gladly spit in your face." And I did. She glared as she wiped the spit off her face.

"How rude." She scoffed.

"It's rude to know people out and keep them locked up in a room, tied to a chair." I replied.

"And you won't be leaving this room for a long time. I have some...plans." She chuckled darkly.

Oh god...

~Sebastian's P.O.V.~

Siren ran out of the room. I growled angrily and started to follow her. I followed her out into the hall. I saw her slide and her shoulder collide with the wall. But, she kept running. I picked up the pace, chuckling at her clumsy actions.

Then, as I turned the corner, I witnessed Angela hit Siren hard on the head and throw her over her shoulder. I growled but Angela was gone in an instant. I stopped myself from going after her.

I cannot leave the young master. I must speak with him before persuing. I thought to myself. I turned the other way and went to the young master.

"Young master." I put a hand to my heart and bowed.

"What is it Sebastian?" He grumbled.

"It seems that Siren has been taken." I answered.

"What?! Well, go get her already. You've wasted enough time as it is."

"Yes, my lord." I bowed and smirked. My eyes turned fuschia. I was gone and after Angela with the intention of rescuing Siren.

~Siren's P.O.V.~

"Plans...?" I whispered.

"I intend to make tou my student, my heir, lover." She whispered as she played with a strand of my hair. I flinched away from her touch. Okay, soon would be a good time for you to show up Sebastian. I thought.

"Sorry, but no thanks. I would perfer if you just let me go so I can be on my way." I tried scooting away from Angela in my chair.

That's when I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. My head moved from the force and my eyes widened. I turned my head back and saw she had b****-slapped me.

She growled and grabbed my chin. "Why not? An I not pleasing to your eye?" Then she morphed into Ash. Her voice got deeper. "Is this better?"

I growled back. "Get your filthy hands off me."

He morphed back into Angela. "Why won't you make this painless and be mine?"

"Never," I snapped. "Because I love someone else!!" I yelled loudly. She raised her hand and swung it down.

I didn't feel anything on my cheek. I just saw her hand freeze in the air. She looked back behind her in shock. That's when I saw his glowing, fuschia eyes.

I smiled brightly. "Sebastian!" I exclaimed quietly but happily.

His eyes closed and he smiled at me. "Are you alright, Siren?"

I nodded frantically. "Yes. Can you please get me out of here?"

"In a moment." He replied, turning his gaze back to Angela. He released her wrist. "I suggest you leave Siren alone. We shall not speak of this to anyone, making our lives easier." He glared.

Angela chuckled. "Of course. I shall take my leave. But, there is one thing I will not do," SHe turned to me. "I shall find you," She leaned towards my ear. "And I will make you mine." Then she kissed my ear. I flinched away from her touch again.

Sebastian growled but Angela had already gone. He turned back to me. "I apologize for my lateness, milady." I felt the ropes constricting me rip and fall to the floor. As I was about to stand, Sebastian picked me up in his arms, bridal-style.

"S-Sebastian! T-This isn't neccessary! I-I can walk just fine!" I stuttered, feeling my cheeks heat up. Then I sighed. "Why are you carrying me, Sebastian?"

"I enjoy it." He replied.

I felt my cheeks get hotter. "O-Oh."

"Do you not enjoy it?" He said smugly. I didn't answer. He chuckled. "I shall take that as a yes."

"...Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"We are on the other side of the manor. Don't worry, we shall be back soon enough." He gave me another closed-eye smile.

"O-Oh..." Was all I could say.

"Unless you wish to be alone with me a while longer?" He whispered seductively in my ear.

I laughed nervously. "N-No! I-I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Y-Yes, I'm sure."

"Hm...I do not believe you. How about I test?" Then he stopped walking and pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened but I relazed and closed my eyes during the kiss. I ran a hand through his hair.

When he pulled away, he smirked. "Your words say you are sure but your lips say otherwise."

I blushed. "D-Don't say things like that! I-It's weird!"

"I lady." He gabe one of his sly smiles.

I rolled my eyes. "C-Can we just get back now?"

"Yes, my lady." He was suddenly running at his demon speed. I yelped and clung to his chest. I heard him chuckle.

Then we slowed down once we were in the hallyway I "bumped" into Angela. Still carrying me, Sebastian went into the dining room. I crossed my arms and looked away from him. He chuckled again.

Ciel sat in one of the chairs, poking his food with a fork. "Master." Sebastian said.

"Good morning, master!" I smiled at him.

"Ah, so you've retrieved her. Well done Sebastian. Are you alright, Siren?" Ciel asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Yes, I'm fine. Excuse me for my abscence." I said, bowing my head.

"It's fine. You just have to make it up when we are back at my manor. You'll work extra with Sebastian." Ciel waved his hand.

"Eh?! S-Sebastian?!" I stuttered. Sebastian smirked down at me.

"Is there something wrong, Siren?" He asked.

"N-No. Actually,'re still carrying me." I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"My apologizes." He set me down.

"It's fine." I brushed myself off.

"You two are dismissed. Keep an eye on everything and anything suspicious." Ciel shooed us away.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian and I said in unison, bowing. We straightened up and left the room.

"I'll keep an eye on the servants. You should keep an eye on Lord Barrymore, Angela, and Ciel." I said.

He chuckled. "As you wish, milady." He put a hand on his heart and bowed to me. Then, he smirked and walked away. I rolled my eyes and went off to find the other servants.

-with other servants-

I groaned as they talked on and on. I sat in a chair, rubbing my temples as I watched and listened to their loud talking.

"It's so creepy here! Is this really going to become a resort?!" Mey-Rin exclaimed.

"I know! It would be amazing it it's pulled off!" Bark said loudly.

"Ho, ho, ho." Tanaka said next to me. He was the only one that was calm and not loud.

"Lady Angela is so beautiful and kind!" Finny was off in his own world. I was starting to get a headache. "Don't you think, Siren?!"

"She is very pretty but she may only be kind on the outsice. She could be a totally different person when she's alone or around dofferent people. So she's still a suspicious person to me. I don't know her well enough to call her a friend or an enemy." I lied slightly.

"Wow! Siren thinks through things very well!" Mey-Rin said brightly.

"Thank you, Mey-Rin." I gave her a smile.

"What do you think, Siren? Will this place make a good resort?" Bard asked.

I sighed. "well, I have a strong feeling that this place will become a resort. And it'll look really nice, I think. The only problem is this 'demonhound'. No one will agree to anything if they are afraid of this demonhound of punishing them for doing something different."

"Oh! She's so smart!" Mey-Rin whispered to herself.

"Yes she is. Now, will you all stop pestering her with questions? It's time for rest, for all of us." A silky voice said from the doorway. I looked over, still rubbing my temples. I saw Sebastian standing there.

"Y-Yes, Sebastian!" The other servants said in unison. They each said their "goodnight"s and scurried off to their rooms. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"You look tired, milady." Sebastian stepped in front of me.

"No, I just have a headache." I stopped rubbing my temples.

I was picked up bridal-style in strong arms. I yelped slightly. Sebastian pressed me closer to his chest. "Let us get to bed." Sebastian said.

"Y-Yeah..." I agreed.

He walked to his/our room. He sat me down on the bed. I still had a headache so I laid down, the back of my hand on my forehead.

"Let me help with your headache, milady." Sebastian said, loosening his tie.

I got worried when I saw him do that. "N-No, it's fine!" But, Sebastian was already on the bed, looming over me. His hands were on the bed by the sides of my head and he somewhat straddled me. He moved my hand from my forehead.

He gently kissed my foreahead. It actually made me relax. Sebastian smirked slightly. Then, he leaned down to my ear. "I just want to inform you that I know what you eye colors mean." Then, he went to take off my sunglasses.

"Wait, WHAT?!" I stopped him and rolled off the bed. I ran over to my bag. My diary was gone.

"Looking for this?" He asked behind me. I turned around sharply and saw my diary in his hand.

"Give that back!" I yelled. I ran up to him and reached for my diary. But, Sebastian held it farther away from me. I jumped for his and and felt my fingertips graze the edge of the book. Sebastian chuckled. I growled and practically pounced on him.

 We both fell to the ground. I grabbed my diary from him. "Aha!" I smiled triumphantly and threw my book so it landed on my bag. As I was about to get up, Sebastian put his hands on my hips and kept me in place.

I blinked. Where exactly did I land? I thought. I looked down. I was straddling Sebastian, looming over him. My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks flush with color.

"I didn't know you wanted me so much." Sebastian said smugly.

I blushed harder. "W-What? I-I just wanted my diary back!"

"I don't believe you." He smirked. Then, he sat up, still holding me in place.

"S-Sebastian-" I was interrupted when he pressed his lips to mine. I let out a very soft moan.

My hands went from my sides and trailed up his chest, the back of his neck, and to his hair, He let out a growl of pleasure. His hands traveled from my waist up to my back. His tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring it. I moaned a little louder. He smirked into the kiss, enjoying the sound. He pulled me closer, even more contact and warmth passing through us.

When we pulled away, I slowly opened my eyes. Sebastian smirked at me. "Is your headache gone?"

"Yeah, but now I'm all tense." I slyly smiled.

"I can help you with that." Sebastian flipped me around. My back was facing him. Then I felt his gloved hands strat rubbing my back. His rubs slowly turned into massaging. I let out a sigh of enjoyment.

He chuckled. "Is it working?" I nodded. Then he suddenly stopped. "Then I shall stop."

"No! Don't stop..." I whispered.

"If you keep whispering to me like that." He said in my ear.

"O-Okay..." I whispered again. He started massaging me again.

"Say something." Sebastian demanded.

"Like what?"

"Anything." He replied.

"Anything." I smirked.

"If you can't think of something soon, I am afraid I may have to stop." He started putting less pressure on my muscles.

"No! I'll think of something." I whispered desperately.

"Good." He kept massaging.

I thought of what to say. But, I was getting distracted by his massage and his breath on the back of my neck.

I-I...I think I love him. I know I do. I thought, a blush creeping up to my cheeks.

"What are you thinking about, milady?" Sebastian whispered in my ear. Then, he massaged a tender spot on my shoulder. I moaned. "Right there, please." He chuckled.

"...Sebastian?" I whispered as he massaged.

"Yes, milady?" He answered.

I turned around on his lap, facing him. I pressed my lips to his. I had pounced on him again so we were lying down. I was lying down on top of him. His hands trailed up and down my back while mine were on his cheeks and trailed to the back of his neck and hair. I nibbled on his lower lip.

When I pulled away, I took off my sunglasses, tossing them behind me in some random place. I put my hands on his cheeks. I felt mine heat up but I looked him right in the eyes. "So, I didn't want you to find out what my eyes would show because I wanted to tell you. So, I'm going to tell you now what this color means. Sebastian, I love you."

Sebastian's eyes were a little wide in surpise but he smiled. He gave me a peck on the lips. "I love you too, Siren." Then he kissed me passionately.

His hands trailed down to my lower back and on my sides. His tongue explored my mouth. My hands were on his chest.

When we pulled away, I blushed again. "S-Sebastian?"

"Yes, my love?" He replied. I blushed more. It went from "milady/my lady" to "my love". Of course, I liked that too.

"I-I...I think I'm ready." I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" He tilted his head. I simply nodded. He gently smiled at me again.

"Don't worry. I shall make sure it will be nothing but pleasure." He smirked.

"D-Don't stay it like that! I-It's embarrasing!" I blushed, looking away.

He grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger. He tilted my head back at him. He brought my lips down to his. After a sweet kiss we parted. "I love you, Siren."

"I love you too, Sebastian."

He was right, of course. It was just pure pleasure. And, it lasted almost all night.


A/N: Well! I'm sorry that I didn't update yesterday! I had the chapter ready and everything but I had to go to my dad's house and we don't have internet there. And sorry if there are some typos or grammatical errors and stuff like that. I was in a little bit of a rush. So, instead of doing a double update on Wednesday, I updated today so no one would kill me XD But, I will do a double update on Like Father Like Daught (if you are reading that) on Wednesday. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! Please comment! And I will see YOU, in the next chapter! Buh-bye!!


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