
By mafiawhore

387K 5.6K 1.6K

Promising student and avid reader, Zahra Calimeris, attends a book club where she meets Romero Vitale; A jud... More

Character Aesthetics
00 | English Erudition
01 | Doting Erudition
02 | Bookish Erudition
03 | Stalking Erudition
05 | Lonely Erudition
06 | Fortelling Erudition
07 | Sweet Erudition
08 | Anxious Erudition
09 | Consoling Erudition
10 | Bittersweet Erudition
11 | Fostering Erudition
12 | Franken Erudition
13 | Ambrosial Erudition

04 | Playful Erudition

31K 399 47
By mafiawhore

"THIS PARTICULAR LANGUAGE stems from organised crime and methods of corrupt coinage."

One. Didn't even talk about books.


"This will be an individual assignment."

I was distracted, but not enough to miss the word assignment and the silence that accompanied it.

I forced my eyes to concentrate on Professor Miller rather than the list of pros and cons I was constructing. That list being a single person debate discussing the reasons I should never return to Romero Vitale's house.

"I want an essay with a minimum word count of two thousand." A hand from somewhere among the front row shot up. "I have already individually emailed you all a unique title. It is vague and up to your own interpretation." The raised hand slowly lowered. "It goes without saying these will be course-related."

"This assignment will require each of you to present me with an authentic and creative piece of work that will not only hold the most weight towards your final grade, but it will aid in my decision of selecting three suitable candidates for the program to study abroad during your next academic year."

The shrill ringing of the bell signalled the lecture was over and Professor Miller returned to his desk as everyone began moving and packing up.

I packed my folder away slowly, giving myself extra time for a small confidence boost before approaching Professor Miller, who was currently slumped over his desk and rubbing his eyes.

As I neared him, his eyes raised to me and I noticed the unusual unkempt state of his hair and the dark pigment colouring his under-eyes.

"Zahra," he acknowledges me with a soft voice and half-smile.

"I can't go back to the book club," I blurted out, shifting my weight between both feet.

It was a habit of mine to blurt stuff out when my head was flooded with my stressing and overthinking. A habit I really needed to work on getting rid of.

"Why not?" A frown painted his tired face and I could hear the genuine disappointment tied in his voice.

A lump had lodged itself in my throat. I really hated disappointing people.

I fought the urge to start playing with my bracelet and swallowed hard. "I just don't think it's a good time. You know with the assignment and everything."

I could see he wasn't convinced by reasoning, but he still graced me with a kind smile. "I'll call up and cancel it for you."

❀ ❀ ❀

My pleated skirt bounced against my thighs as I strolled down the desolate street of prewar brownstones. The sun had already begun its descent from the sky and the chill of nightfall raised small goosebumps on my exposed legs.

"No shift tonight?" A warm voice hit my ears as soon as I opened the door to the last building on the cobbled street.

"Not tonight," I smiled over at Eden as I passed through the waiting area. "I'll only be five minutes."

Eden was the sweet woman who owned the building. It was a gift from her late husband, but ever since he passed, she's had to run the building herself. She attempts to find purpose in her life without him by utilizing the area. As much as she tries her best, the situation of the building is in dire circumstances.

The hairs on my arms stood on end as I entered a darkened hallway. The temperature had dropped and the pitiful light hanging from the ceiling just about allowed me to make out the two rows of metal attached to both walls.

"Theo?" I called out.

The immediate clanging of metal filled me with an instant warmth that made me break out in a huge grin.

I stepped closer to the silver cage, which now had two little paws trying to reach through, and bent down to open it.

As soon as there was an inch of space available, a ball of fur launched itself into my face, momentarily blinding me. My hands darted out to catch Theo in my arms before she could reach the hard ground.

"Theo" I squeaked out, purposely stretching my voice a few octaves higher, loving the way it made her tail wag frantically.

Shifting into a more comfortable position, I rested Theo on my lap and looked into her cage at Atlas, who was still sound asleep, curled into his grey blanket. I reached into my bag and pulled out a small paper pack of dog treats.

I placed a few close to Atlas for him to wake up to and then waved one in front of Theo's tiny face. Her sky-blue eyes brightened and she swiftly took it from my hands to devour. She stared at me expectantly as she licked away some brown crumbs that had fallen and clung to the white splotch of fur on her snout.

After giving her a couple more treats, I placed a light kiss on her rough nose and settled her back inside her cage.

I watched as she trotted up to Atlas and plopped down next to him, snuggling into his body with hers. Atlas had deep black fur that looked like a black pool of ink when the light hit it just right and Theo's the colour of sand with a distinct white splotch that travelled from her face to neck. They were a perfect paradox next to each other. Strangers in appearance, yet familiar in soul.

I tried to visit them as often as I could, but it was hard making time with my current schedule.

My eyes stayed glued to their sleeping forms for a couple of minutes before I willed myself to move and gather my bag and empty treat wrapper from the floor.

I scrunched the wrapper in my left hand and placed it in the reception bin on the way out of the shelter.

❀ ❀ ❀

'How Ancient Greek literature has influenced literature through the years.'

I was seated for a matter of moments before a single knock diverted my attention from the assignment title to my apartment door.

A feeling of unease followed me with each step I took towards my door, already knowing the only person who loved to bless my door with only one knock.

"Hi, Mandy." I smiled politely at my neighbour who lodged in the apartment above mine.

"You shacking it up with some hotshot now?"

Her mouth has wrinkled with age, but the cigarette lying there took my mind back to two days prior. Back when it was between the smooth, plump lips of a certain man who exhibited a smirk that evoked a reaction I'd only had when reading a good book.

"Pardon?" I didn't get long to fantasize about the man as my brain registered her words.

"Was asked to hand you this." She passed over a white envelope. My eyes quickly went to the envelope, discreetly checking out the seal. The last time she was tasked with passing on mail, her fingers accidentally slipped and broke the seal. "Some guy in a black shiny car."

I didn't even have to look up at her to know she would be rolling her eyes.

"See that's the problem with you young people," she exclaimed, waving her index finger a bit. She began to ramble like she did every time I had the inconvenience of seeing her. I had to escape her before she found another unnecessary tangent to go off on.

The last time she did this, I ended up stuck in a one-sided conversation on how the government is contaminating the water supplies of citizens with chemicals that mentally enslave us. Being too afraid to displease her, I listened to every word she said until her new boyfriend decided to show. I gave her no implications of my thoughts as I didn't care much about the matter—not that she'd have agreed, and that is how she ended up with a giant, probably faulty, water dispensing system in her apartment that she fills with only bottled water.

"So sorry, mandy." I started to slowly close my door. "Thanks for the mail, but"—I frantically pointed into my apartment—"I just heard my oven timer going off."

I leaned back against the closed door and released a heavy sigh. I could almost cry from the feeling of relief that overwhelmed me.

I could still hear her muttering to herself as I opened the letter in my hands and let my eyes scan the contents of the small piece of paper inside.


It wasn't a word I used often.

But if there was one word that I could use to describe Romero Vitale as I stared down at the white piece of paper, it was that one.

I don't know how I feel about this chap tbh its more of a filler - anyways so sorry updates are slow while I'm studying

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