Trollstopia Season 2: Harmoni...

By Rally9933

25.1K 344 123

The Trolls embrace on their big adventure as they left their home to travel another land of magic, harmonious... More

Harmonious Land part 2
Harmonious Land part 1
Harmonious Land part 3
A Bird In The Family
Music Area
Equal Meeting
The Last Day
Normal Trolls In Town
The Secret Kindness of Aggie Galido
Fashion Show
Cakes On The Train
Out of Control
Valentine's Day part 1
Valentine's Day part 2
Party Protectors
Family Matters
Friends' Night
Melancholy Melody
Funk Drive
Job Hunt
You Didn't Say It Was Your Birthday
Uncle Dearest
Rocking a Friendship Beat
Family Values
Radio Heads
The Rodeo Roundup
Common Bond
Funk Wash
Mixed Romances and Responses
Potion Situation
So The Dramatic Prom Night
He's Got The Power
Call Queen
Mount Yodelerest
Beach Day
Pua Nani ฤ’
Embrace The Magic
Saving Psychic Aggie
Harvest Moon Festival
Escaping Expulsion
There Goes The Bride
Aggie's Birth Story
Leave It To Master
13th floor
The Answers
Cooper In Love
The Magic Staff
Lost In A Small Wolrd
Fight and Conduct
Hard To Say Anything
Is This A Goodbye?

Highly Amused

321 4 0
By Rally9933


Aggie: You can do it solo

Queen Poppy and King Branch: But then you'd be all by yourself

King Trollex: So it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else!

King Quincy and Queen Essence: Together we will soar across the sky and beyond!

Delta Dawn: So turn up your voice!

Queen Barb: Stand up and sing along!

All Normal Trolls and Magic Musical Trolls: All different voices, our melody's ringin'
We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're livin' in harmony!
Our song is much stronger with every Troll singin'

We're livin' in harmony!


When Aggie and her friends visited the Mondejar household for Aggie's training of earth magic. At the backyard, the Normal Trolls were watching Aggie training earth magic with her Aunt Anunciacion.

Aggie was now forcing a part of an earth column to break apart, splitting them into 2.

"Hmm, nahwt awful bad faw y'all's ferst try, Aggie," Anunciacion said, "But ay think y'all nee some improvement faw y'all's earth magik," she pulled out a red handkerchief, and wrapped it around Aggie's eyes.

"But how ken ay trayn with this here blindfold?" the rainbow-colored Magic Musical Troll asked.

"Ya can't perfawm earth magik by a-seein' things. Magik Country Trolls often done used earth as our weapon, power, ayn' defense. If we can't use earth in any way, then what's the use ov that there, right?"

"What does that there mean?" Holly questioned.

"It means y'all have ta feel the vibrashun av what were a-happenin' when someone aw something steps on earth," the Magic Country Troll explained, then told her niece, "Now, Aggie, try ta feel earth with our hoof... ayn' foot."

Aggie lightly rubbed her Funk foot first before rubbing her hoof on the ground to feel, but she felt nothing, "Ay don't feel anything."

"Try harduurr. Ayn' when y'all feel something, try ta emerge an earth column if y'all must," her aunt advised.

Aggie calmed herself, and breathed normally. When she rubbed her hoof, she began to pick up on vibrations that, at first, startled her, before she began to nestle into it, realizing it's part of the skill. Aggie focused on the vibrations flowing through her body as her mind began to allow her to see the vibrations in the ground. to everyone else, the ground was... just the ground, but to Aggie, she saw that every time she moved her hoof, white vibrations were sent into the ground, acting like a sonar ray, allowing her to sense what was around her, and see things without needing to use her eyes. she could sense what was standing or approaching her, the Trolls around her, and even something that was coming her way.

When she sensed two figures in front and behind her, Aggie stomped her hoof, emerging an earth column from the ground.

Surprisingly, with no one knowing where she emerged the column, it emerged under Synth, and launched him in the air, "Aaaaahhhh!" he screamed.

Hearing a scream, Aggie realized she launched someone with her earth power as she removed blind fold, and asked her friends, "Did I do it? Who did I hit?"

"Uuhhh..." the Normal Trolls were speechless to answer, until they just looked up.

When Aggie heard the scream was getting louder, and looked up like her friends do, Synth crashed on her, and they both groaned in pain.

"Nice work, Aggie... You hit me... great job!" Synth cheered while still groaning in pain.

"Sorry!" Aggie grunted.

Synth managed to stand up, and helped Aggie up.

"Right impressive, but try nahwt ta target y'all's friends," Anunciacion chuckled.

"Ay done tried, but because av a-feelin' on the ground, ay don't know who aw witch were that there," Aggie said

"Needs ayy lot mawe a-trainin'. Now, what if someone done might attak y'all running instead ov a-standin'?" The Magic Country Troll nodded, then turned to her niece's friends, "Who would volunteuurr ta walk around Aggie whahl she focuses huurr target?"

The Normal Trolls were too afraid to volunteer as some of them backed away while others kept their mouths close.

With no one to volunteer, Delta stepped forward, "I'll do it,"

"Are ya sure about that there, boss?" Buckaroo asked in concern.

"I've been in stunts befawe, I'm sure ay ken handle surprise earth magik," Delta rubbed her hands before saying to Aggie, "Okay, Aggie. I'm ready!"

Aggie nodded as she put on her blindfold again. Delta started to gallop around the backyard with Aggie trying to concentrate where she was now. Using the same technique earlier, Aggie rubbed her foot, and

When she felt where Delta was heading next, Aggie stomped her hoof, emerging a tall earth column under Delta, until it became 600 ft high. Delta stood still so she wouldn't fall when she rose from the ground.

"WOW!" the other Trolls exclaimed in amazement.

Aggie removed her blindfold to see it for herself, "Wow, I never thought I would make it tall!"

"Ayn' ay nevuurr done thought ay would stand on an earth column this here high!" Delta shouted from above. Her voice echoed all over Charmaasin.

"Should ay get y'all down now, Aunt Delta?" Aggie asked loudly.

"Yeah, I'm not into high places like Classical Trolls!"

"We're not that high right now, we're underground!" Dante reminded.

Aggie emerged more eat columns from taller to smaller, making stairs all the way down to the ground for Delta to gallop back on the ground. Aggie then submerged them all back in the ground.

Anunciacion applauded for her niece's performance, "Mighty good job, Agatha! Keep practicing, ayn' you'll keep a-learnin' earth magik"

"Like plants," Satin and Chenille said in unison.

"And air," Minuet added.

"Aggie!" Trollzart zoomed out from the backdoor as quickly as possible, "Aggie, child, I... Oh, sorry, am I interrupting your training?"

"No, not at all, Papa Trollzart. We're taking a break, anyway," Aggie dusted the dirt off her dress.

"Good. Aggie, I need your help... with her!" Trollzart pointed behind him with his thumb.

Encarnacion came out from the back door with a quilt and a sheet music, "Ah, Trollzart! There you are!" Trollzart just shuddered in fear as Encarnacion gasped, "Ah, that expression! That's it! That agitation! That fear! Revelation gushes from your very pores!"

"Uh, what's going on?" Poppy asked confusingly.

"She thinks I'm her muse," Trollzart replied.

"Maestro Trollzart? A muse? Instead of the other way around?" Dante repeated in shock.

Encarnacion answered while putting her quill and paper in her hair, "Yes, my muse! One who gives me inspiration I need to create great art! Allow me to explain, but first, to set the mood."

Encarnacion flew upwards with her four fellow Magic Classical Trolls joining her with their violins and a piano.

"It was last night. I, Encarnacion Mondejar, sat down and was ready to compose my next masterpiece for the Classical Fest tonight..." Encarnacion started to explain.

*Flashback; yesterday*

Sitting by her desk, Encarnacion had her sheet music outline paper set and held his quill high, prepared to write, "The first note shall be...!"

However, she thought long and hard, and even by nightfall, she was unable to come up with anything as she shouted in exasperation, "THE FIRST NOT SHALL BE!" She threw her face on the desk desperately.

"But it was all for naught," Encarnacion narrated during the flashback

The next morning, Encarnacion flew on the streets, feeling sad and depressed, sighing sadly that she couldn't seem to come up with anything, and she didn't have enough time left to write for the Classical Fest

"As I had contracted an undeniable case of composer's block..., until this morning."

Suddenly, she saw Trollzart in the garden, outside of the condo, conducting with Dante and Minuet playing their instruments. Encarnacion gasped in shock as her eyes widened in awe!

"I have never witnessed such intensity."

Feeling the adrenaline of inspiration flow through her, Encarnacion pulled out her sheet music and quill, and began to write something in it as she watched Trollzart twirled in the air while raising his baton.

"His passion stirred my soul."

"Play, play!" Trollzart chuckled while continuing to conduct, "Beautiful!"

Encarnacion smiled widely as she kept on writing on her sheet music.

"I found myself instantly inspired!"

*End of Flashback*

Once the Classical music ended, Encarnacion continued her explanation, "So, you see, everyone, Trollzart is my muse, and I must observe his every move until my masterpiece is complete."

Aggie cooed at this discovery between her adoptive grandfather and her aunt, "Aaww, that would be good. You guys can even be friends."

But Trollzart didn't think it was a good idea about Encarnacion following him around as he said, "Listen, Aggie, I feel bad your aunt was struggling for the Classical Fest, but she can't just follow me around because... she creeps me out."

"It won't be that bad, Trollzart," Aggie reassured him, then told her aunt, "Aunt Encarnacion, my friend would love to be your muse."

"Excellent!" The elderly Magic Classical Troll exclaimed happily, then turned to the Classical leader, "And worry not, Trollzart. Once I've written this piece, I'll be out of your hair!"

Trollzart nodded as he flew off with Encarnacion following him.

"Would you look at that? Two different Trolls with the same taste of Classical music were brought together!" Aggie was happy that his friend and aunt were forming a friendship together.


Trollzart and Encarnacion were at the park of Cabatwand for the conductor wanted to take a little time off from his conducting with Encarnacion following him as her muse.

"Encarnacion, if you're going to observe me as your muse, can you please just do it quietly?" Trollzart pleaded.

"Of course! I am but a ghost!" Encarnacion answered as she flew backwards from him, like she was not around.

Trollzart sighed in relief as he took out his own quill and sheet music to write a symphony of his own for his next conducting practice.

"Interesting!" Encarnacion piped in, startling the conductor.

Next, Trollzart bought some street food with the money he saved from honey selling, and he had a small plate of fish balls. Trollzart never tasted street food like fish balls before, but it's his first time eating this kind of food. He used a toothpick as his utensil to get the fish ball, and was about to eat it.

"Amazing!" Encarnacion exclaimed, once again, startling conducting, and causing him to drop his snack.


Later, Trollzart went to the mall in Smile-O Smile-O as he got an interest on a new conducting black coat. When he was deciding which one he would buy, he turned and saw Encarnacion in front of his face, startling him again.

"Aah!" Trollzart stumbled over the black coats, and fell all over him, making a pile on him.

Encarnacion wrote a little more on her sheet music, and stopped, "There, Trollzart! That did it!"

Trollzart then became elated as he asked, "Wait, really? You're finished?"

"Yes...," Encarnacion answered "With the first of 30 movements," she unrolled more parts of her sheet music down to the floor, causing Trollzart to groan in exhaustion.


When Trollzart finally had some privacy after Encarnacion decided to take a break, he headed back to the condo, and rushed to his room where he felt safe.

"Ugh! That Troll is everywhere! She terrified me!" Trollzart shuddered in fear. He doesn't know how he would take it longer.

Suddenly Trollzart felt something as he widened his eyes.

He saw a small clip of Encarnacion, who seemed to give a copy of her symphony to her boss and fellow Magic Musical Trolls, and they were playing such a beautiful song.

When Trollzart came back to his senses, he smiled, and said, "Wow, Encarnacion's music is... beautiful. Pleasant Classical music to my ears!" He snapped out of that topic as he realized something, "Wait, was that a vision? How did I even get that?" But he shook his head as he decided to focus on the solution, "Oh, nevermind that. I just need to help Encarnacion finish that greatest piece quickly. She still gives me the creeps!" He thought for a short while for a solution, until he figured out someone who can help him.


Trollzart flew down the hall, and knocked on Poppy and Branch's room, where the door opened and entered.

"Branch, you used to be.... 'boring' amongst Pop Trolls, do you have ideas how to make a Troll fall asleep?" Trollzart asked the Pop King.

"I have a lot of things. Why do you ask?" Branch asked.

"I need Encarnacion out of my hair! She creeps me out," the Classical leader shuddered.

Branch rolled his eyes, "If she gives you the creeps, Dante annoys me when he thinks I'm his muse. But, don't worry, I know how you've been feeling, and I know how to do that.

When Trollzart managed to get Encarnacion to the condo, he led her to Poppy and Branch's room where Branch prepared a desk with jars of beans.

"Get that quill ready, Encarnacion! Because nothing brings out the inspiration than helping a friend count beans!" Trollzart giggled.

"The old Branch intensity like ration inventory," Branch added.

Encarnacion oohed in excitement as she was ready to write.

As Branch took out a bean from a jar, Trollzart did the counting, "One... Two..."

"This doesn't seem to be conjuring up anything. But I'm sure it will come," Encarnacion said.

"Three... Four..." Trollzart continued counting.


After a few hours, Branch and Trollzart went to the last jar of the beans as Trollzart counted, "Twelve thousand eight hundred three."

The two leaders saw Encarnacion fall asleep while holding her sheet music.

Trollzart sighed, "Thank you, King Branch. I'm going to ask others to write this symphony!" He took the music sheet from Encarnacion, and was ready to head out.

But Branch held him back while tugging the conductor's coat, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Trollzart, I know you want this whole thing to be over, but I did the same with Dante, and it was a mistake. You need to do something else than that..." Branch started to think of something before having an idea, "Why don't you make the symphony?"

Trollzart gasped, "What? Me?"

"Yeah, I mean, you're the leader of the Classical Trolls. You're the conductor. I bet you can write a symphony."

"Hmmm, good idea, King Brach!" Trollzart took out a quill from his hair, and flew a little far from Branch to focus on writing the symphony, "Now my vision will certainly be coming true," he whispered to himself.

"What?" Branch almost heard him

"Nothing!" Trollzart grinned nervously as he wasn't ready to tell anyone that he had a vision all of a sudden. Then, he continued writing.


It only took half-an-hour to finish the symphony as Trollzart placed the sheet music back on the sleeping Encarnacion's hand.

"Afternoon!" the conductor shouted, making the elderly Magic Classical Troll to wake up in startle.

"Someone had a productive nap," Branch chuckled.

Encarnacion noticed her sheet music with lots of musical notes as she took a good look at it, "My symphony? I-It's complete? The evidence suggests I wrote it in my nap, but that's impossible!"

Trollzart and Branch cringed nervously as they thought Encarnacion might have suspected them.

"Which just proves that you, O muse, are a miracle worker!" Encarnacion giggled happily.

"So, you don't need me anymore? You're done?" Trollzart asked.

"Yes! I can't wait to share it with all of Harmonious Land!" Encarnacion rushed out of the room to spread the news about her new symphony.

Trollzart sighed in relief as now, it was a mission accomplished to him that he helped a new friend. Now, he can finally have the privacy he needs.


Later, at the garden, Trollzart went back to conducting practice with Dante, playing the violin, Minuet, playing the clarinet, and Aggie, playing the piano.

Trollzart tapped his baton on the stand, "Okay, you three. Let's take it from the top! One... two...,"

"Wow!" the Magic Jazz Troll popped out of nowhere, startling the conductor, and fell on the ground.

"Ms. Sarah?" Trollzart recognized her.

"Oh, hey, Trollzart. Don't mind me. I've just been experimenting with a new cupcake recipe for Matthew Lucas' birthday, and hoping you can be my muse. Blah, blah, blah, as you were," Sarah explained while holding her paper and a pen

"What are you talking about? I'm not a muse," Trollzart clarified

"But Aunt Encarnacion told us she wrote an entire symphony in a dream. Blah, blah, blah, as you were. I am but a ghost," Sarah started writing while walking towards Trollzart.

The Classical leader backed away a little, until Julie and Maricris were behind him

"Trollzart! We're struggling to make a dance moves for our choreography! Inspiration, go!" Julie exclaimed.

"But, I'm not a muse! It's all a big—" Trollzart tried to explain, but Maricris cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Save the modesty. We'll just stalk you until something clicks, okay? She said as she and her sister started writing while walking towards the Classical Troll.

"No!" In fear, Trollzart decided to fly off as the 3 Mondejar cousins followed him. He flew as fast as he can away from the girls, until, ahead of him on the streets, a crowd of different Magic Musical Trolls blocked his way, and had their papers and pens with them

"Inspire us!"

"Inspire us!"

"Inspire us!"

"Inspire us!"

"Inspire us!"

Trollzart stared in terrified as a lot of Trolls wanted to follow him for inspiration, and if this keeps up, he won't have the privacy he needed.

"STOOOOOOOP!" Trollzart shouted, making the Magic Musical Trolls halt, "I'm not a muse, alright? Encarnacion didn't compose anything in her dream!"

Encarnacion flew from behind the crowd as she heard what he was saying, "I... I didn't?"

"No, I just made it look like you did. I wrote the symphony!" replied Trollzart.

Encarnacion looked down at her symphony as her hands chook while holding it, and frowned, "So, my triumph over block, the sudden burst of originality, was all a ruse?"

Trollzart looked down in guilt as he didn't mean to hurt Encarnacion's feelings, "Look, Encarnacion, I...,"

But Encarnacion held a hand on him, "No apologies, Trollzart. I'm glad I finally see what a fool I've been, and while that may sound like something a Troll would say just to salvage his dignity, I'm great..." she laughed it our before starting to cry as she flew away.

Trollzart watched Encarnacion flying in sadness while Aggie flew beside him, "Wow, I... I ruined her, did I?"

"Yeah. I thought you like helping other Trolls, and this isn't who you are,'' Aggie said as Trollzart sighed in guilt, "But it's not too late to make things right for a new friend," she smiled.

Trollzart stared at her as he tried to think of something to make things right for Encarnacion.


Encarnacion kept flying sadly until she wasn't in a mood to fly anymore as she buried herself on the ground. This was where Trollzart flew towards her.

"Trollzart? What are you doing here?" Encarnacion asked.

"I want to apologize, Encarnacion," Trollzart confessed, "You came to me for help, but all I could think of was how this inconvenienced me. I'm sorry," he held his hand to Encarnacion, which she took it, and he helped her lift up form the ground, and Encarnacion flew again, "and I may not be a muse, but I bet we can find plenty of things to inspire you, things you may have overlooked because you were so focused on me," Trollzart showed the things around them with flowers blooming, kittens running on the streets, and 6 different Magic Musical Trolls performed their different magic together, "Like flowers blossoming, kittens playing together, and Troll doing magic together."

Encarnacion looked at everything Trollzart pointed as her eyes glimmered brightly, "They're... remarkable. I think I might be getting something," she pulled out her quill and sheet music from her hair as she wrote something down

"Oh, just you wait!" Trollzart as he took Encarnacion's hand, and guided her in one place to another to find inspiration for her symphony

Trollzart: Just look around you, and I know you'll find!
There's something magical before your very eyes.
Might not be obvious with just a gaze
But take a deeper look; you might just be amazed!

There's beauty in things to be realized!
Just follow your heart and open your eyes!
To all of the simple magic of life!
And you'll become inspired!

With the world as your muse!
Feel the spark, feel the fire!
With the world as your muse
Feel your heart flying higher!

With the world as your mu-ooh-ooh-ooh-use!
With the world as your mu-ooh-ooh-ooh-use!


Before the Classical Fest started, Encarnacion quickly headed to Classical Heaven with Trollzart in tow, and gave a piece of her symphony to her conductor. He gave a little bit of reading on the notes, and he beamed. He held a hand to Encarnacion as the two shook, gesturing that the conductor loved her piece.

Encarnacion had a chance to photocopy her symphony, and gave them to her fellow Magic Classical Trolls as their guide for the fest. She even joined the orchestra as a flute player while reading her own piece.

Everyone in the Classical Fest was impressed as they all applauded. Encarnacion noticed Trollzart in the crowd with Aggie as the Magic Classical Troll bowed, thanking him for his help.

Trollzart bowed to her in return.

"Well, Encarnacion got her masterpiece. Way to be a new friend, Papa Trollzart. I'm proud of you," Aggie told her adoptive grandfather

"Yes, it feels like all of the loose ends of this adventure have finally been tied together," Trollzart nodded.


So, I never made my own spin of Highly Amused in season 1, because I decided to make it in season 2. I also decided to type as quickly as possible because it was requested for a long time and several times by Princessb237, and she never stopped asking me about this chapter, so here it is!

The World As Your Muse song doesn't belong to me

Trollzart saw Encarnacion sharing her beautiful symphony with her fellow Magic Classical Trolls

With Quincy, Essence, Delta, Poppy, Barb, and Trollzart having new visions, there's only one leader left who doesn't have his visions yet (Branch will have his with Poppy soon).

I hope you like this chapter! 

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