My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey:...

By Charizard_100

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2022: This needs to be rewritten, and I am currently rewriting it on my AO3. Check my profile for a link to m... More

✿ Pokémon Parties ✿
Author's Note - My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey
Chapter One - ✿ Getting Discovered ✿
Chapter Two - ✿ Illusions Are Made... ✿
Chapter Three - ✿ The Nightmares Begin ✿
Chapter Four - ✿ ...And Illusions Falter ✿
Chapter Five - ✿ Coming Full Circle ✿
Chapter Six - ✿ Friend or Foe? ✿
Chapter Seven - ✿ Sending in the Decoy ✿
Chapter Eight - ✿ Simulation and Teleportation ✿
Chapter Nine - ✿ What Just Happened? ✿
Chapter Ten - ✿ We Are One And The Same ✿
Chapter Twelve - ∞ When You Corner A Rattata... ∞ [Book One Final]
Epilogue - Last Minute Note

Chapter Eleven - ✿ Win Or Lose ✿

69 2 2
By Charizard_100

Pokémon Hunter J stepped in front of me. "I am your opponent," she said.

With a brief glance at Giovanni, and seeing his smirk, I replied with a snort of fire. "So be it."

"Salamance," J said calmly. "Hyper Beam."

The Hyper Beam came at me fast, and I had no time to dodge. The force of the impact hit me straight on. Charizard was about to swoop down from above to help, but I called him off. "Thanks, buddy, but this is my fight. I plan to fight fair even if J doesn't." Well, maybe that's a lie.

Two beams of light flashed from behind the Pokémon huntress. Ariados and Drapion stood on either side of J.

"Drapion, Cross Poison. Ariados, String Shot."

I shot a powerful blast of Flamethrower at Drapiadon, which also burned the String Shot Ariados shot at me. "You will not find this an easy victory, J, even with your three verses one tactic. I refuse to lose."

"That may be true, Crystal." J's voice was like venom. "But what happens if we did... this." Her arm came up suddenly, and, instinctively, I ducked down. Her arm laser never even came close to me, yet it hit her target. Or should I say, targets. Charizard and Lucario were turned to stone, and Kevin's Charizard tried grabbing them. He slowly lowered them down to the ground and guarded them. The Rockets, however, took this chance. They surrounded Kevin, and I heard mumbled curse words.

"J! This is between you and me!" I roared in outrage. No one messes with my brother. "If you want this battle, it is you and me."

"Ha! Did I hear you say anything about distractions being against your rules?" she called back with a sneer. I growled and got into a stance that made me look threatening and in no way, shape, or form the harmless female trainer I used to be.

"So be it, J. But this will not end well for your Pokémon." I launched myself high into the air, and when I figured my height was good, I dived down towards Salamance. A blue energy started to surround me as I braced for the recoil damage of using Brave Bird.

Salamance waited for J's command, not moving on its own. "Salamance, Dragon Pulse."
I have to hit it before it attacks! I thought frantically, beating my wings as fast and as hard as I could. Salamance charged up the Dragon Pulse unflinchingly. It must be of high experience if J wouldn't command it to dodge my attack. Just a little more time, please, I thought, right as I collided with Salamance. A roar erupted from us both, for the Dragon Pulse was also let loose the second I landed my hit. The impact of both powerful moves caused a mini explosion, making us slide back from the center, which now was a dust cloud. The talons on my feet dug into the soil and onto some of Celadon's main pathway, creating cracks. I glared in Salamance's direction. There was a very faint murmur, and I shot into the sky. J was telling Drapion something, I was sure, but I could be wrong and the command could be for Salamance or Ariados. Not that a String Shot would do much good against me, but that was the only move I ever had known from Ariados.

I waited a few heartbeats and, when nothing stirred, I made the first move. Fire gathered in the back of my throat. "Time to fall, J," I breathed, with a small flame flicker. Swooping down into the dust storm, I closed my eyes and used my ears. I only glided, not flapping my wings, so I made virtually no sound to alert my foes of my whereabouts. This time, I heard J's call.

"Ariados, Stun Spore (A/N: just to be clear, if you were to look up J's Pokémon on Bulbapidia or the Pokémon wiki, Ariados only has one known move, Salamance has three, and Drapion has three. Any others I completely make up) and Salamance, Hyper Beam the center." Stun Spore? I need to get higher! So I flew upwards. However, the Stun Spore caught my tail. I lost my balance in the air and had to make an immediate half crash, half glided landing. The Hyper Beam went straight over my head, but the dust began to clear, and my paralyzed tail was a beacon. J's gaze darted to me, and I saw a smirk on her face.

✦ ✦ ❦ ✦ ✦

In the center of the Rockets, Kevin watched helplessly. He knew how much Crystal's Pokémon meant to her, and she had refused her own Charizard's help. No Pokémon of hers was as valued nor trusted as him, yet she tuned down the fiery Pokémon's help. Kevin could never leave him and Lucario, for it would cause Crystal pain to lose them when there was a manhunt for her already.

Nevertheless, it was agony for him to watch his sister fight the noble, if futile, fight. He watched as the Hyper Beam landed a direct and powerful hit, and as her tail was paralyzed by Ariados. Kevin himself could send in his own Charizard, but, like Crystal, he favored the fire type, and he couldn't keep the Rockets away from Charizard and Lucario while his Charizard tried helping Crystal. A grunt from Charizard returned his focus to the three-on-one-battle. J's calls couldn't travel this far, her being on the other side of the 'battlefield', but she didn't have to be loud anyway. She just had to get her Pokémon to do what she wanted.

The Pokémon huntress seemed to call out a move to Salamance, though it didn't move. Ariados did. More yellow spores came from the spider Pokémon, and hit Crystal practically in the face. "NOO!!!" Kevin yelled, about to jump off his Charizard and out onto the field. Rocket grunts and scientists moved closer on that side, but Kevin didn't care. His Charizard grabbed his leg, pulling him back down, with a mournful sigh. "Charizard, I have to go. She's my sister!"

    Still, he watched the battle. Crystal was obviously struggling to move as Ariados advanced, along with Salamance. Drapion stood where it was. This time, when J called out, Kevin heard it. "Ariados, String Shot!"

    At this, Kevin vaulted himself over his Charizard's head and burst through the stunned Rockets. He ran to Crystal, and then stood by her side. "Kevin," she grunted. "Go...back to the others..." She went down and took a knee.

"Not in a million years, Crystal." He turned to face J. "If you want a real battle, fight me!"

J shook her head. "You aren't nearly as valuable as her. Ariados, String Shot the imbecile."

Suddenly, Crystal was in Kevin's head again. Please, Kevin, retreat. I have to do this!
No, Kevin thought sternly, you don't. You're going to get caught again. Salamance and Ariados advanced, Drapion not too far behind. Just then, Ariados shot its attack at Kevin.

She hit Lucario and Charizard, Kevin. I'm fighting for more than my own freedom now. Crystal cut the connection and blew a small breath of flame on Ariados' String Shot. A growl that sounded as if it came from a feral Pokémon came from Kevin's sister as she threw herself at Salamance, her wings turning silver. A look of murder was on her face. J watched calmly and nodded to Ariados. Ariados used Stun Spore, then it used String Shot--hitting Crystal where her tail flame was out of reach--and then she was turned to concrete.

Sorry for the short chapter guys! Next chapter will be the last, before a possible epilogue. Would you guys want Crystal to go to other regions?

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