𝘛𝘱𝘯 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤|| (Rayem...

By __pending__

2.2K 87 53

⚠️Disclaimer⚠️! Don't ship it, don't read it. This is a normal AU and both characters will be aged up, though... More

Chapter one.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five(end of chapter one official)
Authors note (not a chapter)
Chapter one (2)
Authors note! (Not a chapter)
Chapter two (2)
Chapter three (2)
Authors note (Not a chapter!)

Chapter four (2)

111 6 2
By __pending__

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. What could that mean?"
Emma thought to herself as she read a page from a book. "Hm, maybe I'll understand later on." She shrugged and flipped the page, continuing to read. It was around eleven o'clock in the morning and Ray was currently in town buying a couple of essentials from the store. The girl became bored and threw the book across the room onto Ray's bed since, after all, it wasn't hers in the first place. She borrowed, well more like taking it from Ray. Nothing bad was gonna happen to it so there was no reason to worry, he wouldn't know, though, he doesn't like when people touch his stuff without permission, but come on. She was his best friend. There's no way the male would be that upset with her, especially if he didn't know she was using it. After she threw the book the redhead sat up and looked around. It was the Fourth of July. She was super excited to see the fireworks. The girl finished all the assignments Ray asked her to do and Ray wasn't one to often break his promises so he had to go with her. It wouldn't be such a bad experience for the two of them. Emma began to think of things to do until then. The firework show didn't start until eight-thirty. Meaning there were still about nine hours until it started. "God I'm so bored! What should I do? Maybe I should go into town and meet up with Ray somewhere in town, hm, but we don't have phones so we can't text each other on where to meet so that's probably not a good idea. Well I know he went to the store so maybe if I hurry I'll meet him halfway. I mean it's the same path. Yeah, let's do that. I have to get ready first though." She got out of bed and looked under her bed. She grabbed her shoes and began to untie them since they were already tied and she couldn't slip them on as easily. It was pretty hard to untie it but finally, she got both shoes undone. The girl slipped on some white socks and sat on her bed. She reached down and grabbed one shoe. Once she got it on she pulled her leg closer to her face so that she could easily tie her shoe. She repeated the process with the other shoe, then after a couple of minutes both shoes were on and she was ready to go. Quickly, she grabbed a bit of money just in case he was still at the store and she wanted to buy something for herself. She set the money in her pocket and walked out the door. The keys weren't on the table which meant Ray took them so Emma locked the door from the inside. She walked for at least three minutes and still hadn't spotted Ray so she kept going. Her original plan was to head to the store but she saw many great things along the way. She ended spending a lot of her money before arriving at the store. She went to the clothes store and bought two Kimonos. One in orange for herself, and one in black for Ray. Once she paid for those she headed to the store. The girl looked around for Ray, running up and down every aisle trying to spot him but nothing. She shrugged and decided to buy a couple of things. She bought ingredients for candy apples to eat when they watched the fireworks, and then she bought a cake as well as frosting, sprinkles, whipped cream, and candles. Once they were paid for she left the store with both backs in her hand. She looked around at the scenery on her way back as it was very pretty at this time of day. It was now around eleven-thirty, Emma hadn't taken that long to buy everything she wanted. She got home pretty quickly, it was only ten minutes so the time was now about eleven forty. She was hoping the door was unlocked since after all the girl didn't have the keys. The moment she went to open the door of course it had to be locked. She sighed and shook her head. "I can't believe he locked me out! It's pretty obvious I wasn't home yet he still locked the door on me!" She knocked on the door. "Ray open the door these bags aren't light you know!" She yelled hoping to alert him. Ray heard the door but not her voice. Still, he got up and went to go answer it. He was pretty shocked to see Emma. "Thanks for locking me out! Didn't you see I was gone? Or were you just too busy to notice your own best friend wasn't there?" She walked in and shut the door behind her, making sure to lock it again. "Sorry, Emma. I didn't. I thought you were just hiding somewhere or something." He shrugged and sat down at the kitchen counter. "It's fine I forgive you, anyways while I was in town I bought a couple of things! First here's an outfit for you to wear while we see the fireworks." She took out the outfit she bought him and threw it towards him. "Uh, thank you, Emma?" He picked it up to examine it more. "Of course! Also, I want to make candy apples so come help me! Don't worry I got all of the right ingredients." She said excitedly and started to unload everything from the bags. "Let me get this straight." Ray began, "You went to the store, bought things to make candy apples, then you bought a cake, plus all these other sugary items? Are you trying to get sick?" He teased and set the black kimono to hang off the chair and got up. He walked to the other side of the counter to check out everything she bought. "Eh? I'm not trying to get sick! I thought you would appreciate this I spent my own money to buy this!" She crossed her arms and turned away from him. He chuckled a bit and ruffled her hair. "I'm joking, carrot top. I'll help you if you want me to." He went over to the sink and washed his hands. Emma rolled her eyes playfully and nodded. "Alright, good. I do need extra assistance." She began to open the apples. Ray flicked water at her before drying his hands off. "Wash your hands first, idiot." He laughed softly and walked over to her. "Ah! The water is cold! Fine, I'll wash my hands!" She ran over to the sink and washed her hands quickly, then she threw water at him the same way he did to her. "Payback!" She yelled and then proceeded to dry her hands off. Ray flinched slightly as he used a cloth to dry the water off him. "Idiot." He rolled his eyes and took out a strainer from one of the cabinets close to the ground. "Emma, just to be clear. You do know how to make candy apples, right? I mean I do so I would think you would know as well." He looked over at her for a quick second before turning back and putting the apples she bought into the strainer he previously took out. Emma slowly rubbed the back of her neck and laughed nervously. "Yeah, about that. I don't know exactly but I think I'm pretty good at the basics. I mean, I did ask for your help so I thought it would be kinda obvious that I didn't know how to make them exactly." She walked over to check out what he was doing. He sighed and shook his head. "It's fine. I'll tell you the steps along the way, it's pretty easy but first, you need to wash the apples." He handed her the strainer. "Alright, got it! This is going to be so much fun!" She ran to the sink and turned the water on, gently soaking the apples underneath. Once she finished washing them the girl looked over at him. "Alright, I washed them. What's next?" She asked and played a towel on the counter before setting the apples on top. "Get a rimmed baking sheet and grease it with cooking spray, then line it with parchment paper and grease that too with cooking spray." He explained, sitting down to relax at the counter. It took about an hour or two but finally, they finished. Now they just had to wait for the candy on the apples to cool down, that wasn't easy for Emma. She was constantly reaching for just one. "Don't touch, Emma." He said sternly and glared at her. He was peacefully trying to read a book while he waited for the apples to cool down, but he had to keep looking after Emma like a babysitter. "It's hot and not ready yet so leave it be." He sighed and set his book down. "Come on Ray! Please can I have just one? That's all I'm asking and then I'll leave the rest alone!" She begged and looked down. "No. Just wait five more minutes then you can have one." He went back to reading but made sure to keep an eye on her. She sat on the ground and waited a bit. "Hey Ray, do you wanna make the cake now?" She asked and looked up at him. "Hm, sure Emma. Why not." He got up and unloaded the ingredients. The redhead smiled and got up. She opened the cake and looked at it. "I got vanilla cake, red and blue frosting, sprinkles, and candles." She said and took out some scissors to cut the top bit off the frosting so they could use it. "Emma. I get the frosting, sprinkles, and everything but why the whipped cream?" He asked and started to open one of the frostings. Emma opened up the whipped cream and shook it before putting some on her hand and licked it off. "Because it's super sweet and I love it!" She giggled and put more on her hand to eat it. Ray shook his head and grabbed it from her. "That's enough, you'll get sick if your keep eating this sugar." He said sternly. Emma reached for it back but Ray made sure to keep it away, still, Emma was persistent. Ray finally gave in and grabbed her hand. He put a lot in her hands and then set the whipped cream back in the fridge. "That's enough for now." He watched her like it off her hand like a puppy. Once she was done the girl washed off her hand with soap and water. "Alright! Let's make the cake now!" She cut the top off the other frosting and then opened the sprinkles. "Ray! You have great handwriting. Can you please write happy Fourth of July on the cake in blue?" She asked and handed him the blue frosting. Ray nodded and wrote it in cursive. After he was done he turned it over to show Emma. "So how does it look?" He put the cap back on the frosting and look at her. "It looks great! Now we can decorate it!" She took the red frosting and added designs in the corners that looked like fireworks. After around ten minutes they were satisfied and began to put everything away. "Tonight we can put the candles on the cake and blow them out as soon as midnight hits!" She explained and put the cake into the fridge. Ray sat back down at the counter to read. "Alright, hey. If you wanted a candy apple then you can get one now. They are cooled off enough and ready to eat." He looked back down at his book and started to read again. Emma nodded and grabbed one of them. She tried one lick and smiled. "Mmh! I love it!" She laughed and sat down next to him at the counter. "We still have about eight hours until we see the fireworks so I recommend relaxing or maybe going back to sleep." He got up and headed back to the room. Emma set her candy apple in a plastic bag and also went to the room. She watched as he laid down on his bed and continued to read. He was always reading and never paid attention to Emma. The girl walked over to his bed and stared at him. "Do you need something, Emma?" Ray asked and looked up at her. "Oh me? No nothing! I just wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie or something?" She asked and sat down on his bed. "Uh, sure, Emma." He put his book down and got off the bed. "Great! Come on!" Emma got up as well and grabbed his hand, running out to the living room. They both sat down on the couch and put on a movie. Halfway throughout the film, Emma fell asleep and it wasn't long before Ray fell asleep as well. They weren't tired but it would bring about time go by faster for them.


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