Never Get Caught

By heyhannah92

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In 2000, Carter discovered that she was different. Everything that she knew is about to change. Now it's 20... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

750 25 14
By heyhannah92

Hey guys, I'm trying something new with this chapter- a new point of view.  Tell me if you like it or not, I hope you do!  And I've been getting a lot more readers, but not a lot of comments.  I really do appreciate what you have to say, and since this is my first story, I love hearing from you!  So please remember to comment, fan, and vote!!  



Caden’s POV


If it hadn’t been for that reliable fortune teller, Carter Stevens wouldn’t even be on my radar.  It was about 4 years ago when I was “power searching”, but I won’t go into the gruesome details of that.  I remember the vision vividly.


*I looked into the dying psychic’s eyes and my head began to get fuzzy.  It was that feeling you have when you stand up too quickly.  I felt my consciousness slip as I blacked out.  It was like a dream, only I knew better.  It was my first vision from that old wretch.  All I saw was the most beautiful girl standing outside of a school building.  The power seemed to radiate out of her body.  It was dark out, and nobody was around.  She was in workout clothes, probably going to run around the school track.  She started out slow, jogging around the track slowly, and quickly gained speed.  I could barely see her, she was running so fast.  She must be a super like me.  All of a sudden something went wrong and she stumbled.  If she had been running at a normal speed, she would have been fine, but her speed amplified everything.  Her body twisted in unhealthy angles as she fell to the ground and skidded about 100 meters.  Nobody could have survived that kind of fall.  She laid there, pathetically.  The power I saw radiate off of her was a joke, especially compared to me.  I was about to turn away as I saw her stir.  She stretched her neck and realigned it.  Next, her limbs straightened as they healed simultaneously.  Her cuts sealed and left no indications that they were ever there.  “This can’t be happening,” I thought.  Nobody. I mean NOBODY, besides me of course, has ever had more than one power.  I was furious.  I was the most powerful super EVER, not even this girl could threaten that.  I wouldn’t let it.*

Ever since that day, I’ve been picking up every scrap of information I could find about this girl, well Carter to be exact.  With my powers, it made it easy to follow her.  I memorized her schedules, her friends, and even her powers.  The one place I couldn’t get to was inside of Power Corp- the one place I wanted to go.  

The more and more I learned about Carter, the more I saw the similarities between us.  Besides the obvious power, we were both hiding in plain sight.  We were both raised by an absent father.  Mine, an ignorant, drunk had left me to fend for myself.  Hers tried to be there for her, but it was obvious that he wasn’t everything that she  needed.  “You could be there for her,”  I said to myself.  I shook my head at the thought.  I didn’t care for anyone.  We could work together though.  All I knew was that I needed to get close to her.  

And that’s what brought me to her school on Friday morning.  I followed her to gym, english, and math without revealing that I was there.  She was gorgeous.  “Stop it” I growled to myself.  “This is NOT you.”  But I couldn’t help notice how smart and confident she was.  The bell rang and she was off to Biology.  As she walked past, I almost lost control of my invisibility.  She smelled like the fall: green apples and spice.  It was almost intoxicating.  “Get a hold of yourself! You sound like a stalker,” I yelled truthfully at myself.  But it was true, I was turning into a stalker.  This was getting ridiculous, I had to reveal myself to her.  I had it planned for two weeks.  I spent every waking hour perfecting it.  I even dreamed about it.  My life was consumed with Carter Stevens.  

I wanted to test her; to see how truly powerful she was.  I was going to teleport into the biology lab using my invisibility powers simultaneously so only she could see me.  Of course I knew where she sat and who she was, so I was going to watch her response.  What she did, or didn’t do, was going to seal the deal.  

Taking a deep breath, I did the one thing that I’ve been obsessing over for two weeks.  “I know you’re in this classroom, I can sense your power.  But you must be masking your identity somehow.  Come on, show me who you are,” I declared.  Carter stopped breathing, she knew who I was.  Very deductive.  Time to mess with her head.  I walked around the room, “looking” for her.  All the while, I observed Carter.  If I hadn’t known who she was, from her performance so far I wouldn’t be able to pick her out of a crowd.  She calmly answered questions from her teacher and continued to take notes, but I saw her glance over at me every so often.  I could almost feel her heart beat race.  It was sexy.  But I was getting bored.  It seemed like she could keep up this facade for the rest of class.  She would probably skip the rest of her classes and go straight to Power Corps.  This was my only chance to get her attention.  “Okay, I’m getting bored” I complained.  I needed to up the stakes.  From what I observed from Carter over the past years, I learned that she would do anything to remain hidden while still protecting her classmates.  To make her think that I was threatening the girls in the class, I was going around and whispering random things into their ears.  I knew only she would be able to hear me when I got to her side of the room.  Though, this stopped me from being able to observe her.  I doubt she would do anything with her powers, she doesn’t want to expose herself.  After a minute or so, I finally reached her desk.  “I really hope that you are the one with powers, you’re extremely sexy.  I promise that I won’t hurt you.  Come on, I know you want me,” I flirted in her ear, teasing her.  Her response didn’t surprise me, but what did was the truth in that statement.  She really was sexy, and I really didn’t want to hurt her.  I was getting impatient, this was taking longer than I thought.  I only had half an hour left to get her to reveal herself to me.

All of a sudden, I felt a surge of power coming my way.  Abruptly, I had no control of my own body.  I blinked in surprise, and when I opened my eyes, I was standing outside.  “The bitch!” I thought!  This made me furious!  She was ruining my plans.  I’ve never been outsmarted.  But I assume she didn’t think about the fact that I could teleport right back into the room.  Maybe she had a trap?  I doubt it, and even if she did have a trap, it wouldn’t be strong enough to hurt me.  I knew I had to seem more violent that I was actually willing to be to force her to act.  I was willing to do anything for her to respond.  I can’t believe a girl had some sort of power over my emotions.  Nothing like this has ever happened to me, it was getting ridiculous. 

“THAT’S IT, WHO THE FU*K ARE YOU?!  I KNOW YOU’RE IN HERE!  IF YOU DON’T RAISE YOUR HAND AND ASK TO GO TO THE BATHROOM IN THE NEXT MINUTE, I’M GOING TO HAVE TO DO SOMETHING DRASTIC!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as I teleported back into the room.  She jumped, a small slip up in her acting.  I heard her swear under her breath.  “I’ve got you where I want you,” I thought with rising excitement.  

Suddenly, a thought invaded my mind.  “So you are Caden I presume,” it said.  I jumped in surprise! She was more powerful than I thought.  I didn’t know about that power.  An overwhelming sense of pride filled my body.  I didn’t know why I felt this, but all I could think was “she’s mine”.  I looked around.  The whole room was frozen in time.  I didn’t know about that power either.  I guess there is a lot more about this girl that I didn’t know.  She continued to hide in plain sight, hanging onto a hope that I’ll leave.  Yeah right.  Like I could now.  

“Hmm, interesting powers.  We do have a lot more in common than I originally thought.  You’re powerful.”  

“Yeah, and you don’t want to get on my bad side.  So I suggest that you leave, and never come back,” she said, but I could tell that they were empty threats.  She was scared.  As she should be, finally an appropriate response.  

“Well, you see you’re display of powers has made me even more curious.  I want, no I HAVE to know you.  You and I are the same person, we are meant to work together.”  I could tell that this surprised her.  But it was true.  We were meant to work together.  About a year after my first premonition about Carter, I had another one of the future.  It was a paired vision: one was of her killing me, and another was us being unstoppable.  Either way, our futures were going to be intertwined.  It was inevitable.  Our powers were so similar, we were almost magnetic.

“I thought you wanted to kill me to get my power,” she sent to me.  I was surprised; plus if I wanted her dead, she would have died years ago.  I have no use for her power, we pretty much share the same one.

“Oh no, no, no....  My dear Carter” I whispered into her ear.  Finally, I showed her that I knew more than I was letting on.  I figured this would stop her acting and finally put my plan back in motion.  “Yes you can stop pretending to be frozen,” I said, putting the last nail in her coffin.  Figuratively of course.  I wasn’t going to killer her unless I had to.

She slowly looked at me through her eyelashes.  It was one of the single most sexy things I have ever seen a girl do. “How did you know?”  she whispered, realizing that her mask was falling to pieces.  I knew I had her where I wanted her.  My heart swelled with pride and excitement.  I finally would be able to get close to her.  She is the single person I have ever felt close to in my entire life, and I barely know her.  I have always been a loner, but that could all change.  It just depends on how willing she would be with me.  But I wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I did my homework on you.  You don’t think that I would come in here unprepared?  I knew it was you the whole time.  I just wanted to see what you’re response to seeing me would be.  You have passed my test.  I didn’t expect you to be so crafty.... or attractive.  Well I did hope...” I whispered as seductively as I could while stoking her cheek with my hand.  I ran my thumb slowly along her cheek and rested if on her lips.  From afar, I had always wanted to feel how soft her face and lips were.  I could barely contain myself.  As I expected, she slapped my hand away.  I exaggerated how hurt I felt.  Though I expected her to react violently, I always hoped she would just accept that she would eventually help me.  After my scene, I quickly sat down in the empty seat behind her.  I could smell the scent of ripe apples and cinnamon wafting off of her in waves.  I had never been this close to her before.  “You can unfreeze the room anytime now,” I murmured as I rested my chin on her shoulder.  I tried to be flirty and playful, building some sort of foundation for the “relationship” we would be having in the future.  Though I couldn’t get too attached- I knew that I would have to terminate her if things didn’t work out. 

“I’ll unfreeze the room when you leave.”  She said trying to rebuild her flaking mask of confidence and power.  She shrugged her shoulder to get my chin off of her.

“But you see, you’ll never be able to get rid of me now that I know who you are baby.  You can grow to like me, maybe even love me”.  She groaned.  This was not the response I wanted, but it was reasonable.  Her opinion of me could always change.  There is a fine line separating love and hate, or so I’ve heard.  I quickly snaked my arm around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to me.  I breathed in her intoxicating perfume.  I felt a magnetic pull between us.  Our powers were connecting.  It was then I knew that we were meant to do great things together.  She tried to wiggle her way out of my grasp, but my super strength kept her as close to me as possible.  See, while I knew most of her powers, she knew none of mine.  I would always have power over her, and the element of surprise.  Let’s just say I had a lot of tricks up my sleeve.  

“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere,” I said with as much force as I could muster.  It was true- I was not going to let her escape.

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