Blood Moon (Paul Lahote)

By lilab1517

100K 2K 175

Cailyn Peters is the long lost daughter of Charlie Swan. She's trying to focus on Basketball at Forks High Sc... More

One: Charles Peter Swan
Two: The Test
Three: The Results
Four: First Day
Five: Damn Good
Six: Rez Ball
Seven: Thief
Eight: Homecoming
Nine: The Beach
Ten: Bikes?
Eleven: No Embry
Twelve: You weren't there.
Thirteen: Wolves
Fourteen: Frybread
Fifteen: Alice
Sixteen: Bella left
Seventeen: Green?
Eighteen: Nothing
Nineteen: Never Again
Twenty: So...
Twenty One: The Punch
Twenty Two: I'm Fine
Twenty Three: Leeches
Twenty Four: Animal Attack
Twenty Six: Birthday

Twenty Five: Treaty

1.8K 40 5
By lilab1517

Jake's car was dead silent on the ride back to La Push. School is cancelled for the day but I asked Dad if I could go back to Emily's house and spend time with the boys, which he agreed to. I sat in the front with Sam as we drive to Emily's.

"We're going to have to update the treaty." Sam tells the two in the back as he used one hand to steer the rabbit. "In order to protect our people in Forks, we need access in our wolf forms. The Eastman's, the Black's, the Payne's, the LaRue's, the Swan's, they all live in Forks."

"What if the Cullens don't cooperate?" Ateara asks.

"Then Cailyn has to move to La Push." Sam says and shrugs his shoulders. "And I'll figure something out for the rest of our relatives. We might have to start doubling patrol. Which means Seth won't have as much time at school until we've caught her and whoever this new friend of hers is."

"So, I won't have to move to Emily's?" I ask and Sam nods his head.

"Paul told me about how you want to stay with your dad and Bella." Sam says. "That's if they cooperate."

"Hopefully they do." I say as we pull into Emily's driveway. Surprisingly Paul and Jake are already here, sitting on the porch. I eagerly get out to check on Em. "Where is he?" I ask as I rush onto the patio.

"He's still out there." Paul sighs and gets up. "So is Leah, so we're letting them patrol right now so we can eat. Emily says breakfast is ready." Seth and Ateara quickly race each other inside, playfully fighting up the patio. Just before they get to the door Ateara quickly shoves Seth with one hand and he knocks into the wooden bench on the patio while Ateara laughs and rushes inside.

"Ouch! You little-" Seth says before following Ateara inside. I laugh as I follow Sam and Paul into the house. Just as I get to the door Jake stops me.

"Hey, Cail?" Jake asks and I turn around.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can we talk?" He asks and nods to the beach.

"Of course." I answer and nod my head. He leads me down to the beach and we sit down in the sand. We watch the waves roll in as I wait for him to say something.

"Sorry I've been such a dick lately." He apologizes. "It's just- seeing what Emily and Sam have. And now what you and Paul have. I don't know. I wish I could look at someone else, anyone else. The way I look at her." He looks away from me and stares at the waves washing into the shore. I could hear the hurt in his voice. "I was finally getting somewhere with her and then her bloodsucker comes back into town. Now I can't see her, or talk to her. And I doubt he'll let her come see me. She just left me, that easily. How can someone do that?"

"I don't know, Jake." I say. I lean on his massive arm as we continue to watch the ocean. "I know that my dad is pissed though. So am I. I don't like him. I don't understand why she does the things that she does. But she's stupid for leaving you. And she doesn't need to be around if she's going to treat you like an option. You'll get over her. She's gonna realize that you're the better option, someday."

"I hope so." Jake sighs and looks down at me. "Ya know, you kind of look like her."

"I do not!" I shout and hit him on his massive shoulder so hard that my hand stung, I'm pretty sure it did more damage to me than him.

"Yeah, you do." He smiles. "It's your eyes, they're the same. You, Seth, and Leah all have the same cheekbones too."

"C'mon, let's go eat." I say as I get up and start walking towards the house.

"Ugh. You're so slow." Jake says, from behind me. "It'll be much faster if I just-"

"JACOB! PUT ME DOWN! YOU'RE TOO TALL!" I yell as I hit his back as he runs, full speed, up the hill with my stomach bouncing up and down on his shoulder. "I'M GONNA THROW UP! JAKE!"

"Fine, we're here anyways." Jake says as he puts me back on the ground.

"You're too big for that now!" I laugh as I playfully shove him and realize the tone in the room now that Leah has returned. She looked like she was growing in muscle and height just as much as the boys. She must've been 6'2 or 6'3, and her arms and legs are huge. Her muscle made her chest look smaller and she wasn't wearing a bra, which I respected. Still, none of the muscle took away from her beauty. I wish I was that built. I looked around for Embry since she was back. "Where's-"

"He said he wanted to be alone right now." Leah explains. I nod my head and walk to the kitchen with Jake to make a plate. Jake's plate was massive and I now realize why Emily cooks so much for the boys. There's almost nothing left when Jake is done making his plate and I glare at him.

"Well, Em isn't getting any breakfast!" He defends.

"No wonder you're bigger every time I see you." I laugh as we head to the table.

"And that's why you're so tiny." Jake says, pointing at my plate as we sit down.

"I am not tiny! I'm 5'-"

"Tiny." Jake interrupts.

"5'10 is tall for a normal person." I correct. "And I could still beat your ass if I wanted to."

"She probably could." Paul laughs from beside me as he takes a bite.

"Thank you." I say.

"Whatever, you couldn't even beat me in 21 before I started growing." Jake brags.

"Yeah, and you probably still can't guard without fouling." I say and the rest of the table starts laughing.


"Every time!"

"Say something else." I threaten Jake and he just smiles.

"Listen up!" Sam says and stands up. "Leah, get in here!" Leah grabs her plate and takes a seat next to Seth and Ateara. "We have to update the treaty. After what happened today, we're expanding our borders to Forks. We're not taking any chances with the Quileutes that live in that area. Which means we'll have to meet with the Cullens." Paul let's out a low growl and Jake huffs. "I personally, think it would be a good idea if Cailyn came with us."

"No." Paul growls and sits up straighter, his face turning into a scowl. Paul already had a resting bitch face, so he looked absolutely fierce when he furrowed his brows and flared his nostrils.

"Let me finish, Paul." Sam snaps in his low alpha voice. "Cailyn lives in town, she's Bella's sister, she's human and she needs protecting. They'll be more likely to listen to her than any of us."

"They have a mind reader, we don't need her to speak for us." Paul argued.

"Yes. I understand how you feel Paul. But we need the treaty changed, and this is the most effective way to do it." Sam explains. "It's whatever you want to do, Cailyn."

"You'll be with me," I say, looking at Paul. "the whole time. That's the safest place I can be." Seth, whose sitting on the other side of Paul, makes a gagging noise.

"Ugh. She's getting like Emily." Ateara complains. Leah makes a slight scowl at her plate as she continues to eat.

"Oh, shut it." I tell Ateara. I feel my back pocket buzzing and take it out. It was my dad's number. "It's my dad." I inform as I stand up and walk out of the door to take the call outside.

"Hey, Dad." I say as I sit on the bench that's on Emily's porch.

"Hey, sis. I'm pulling in right now." He says and I see the white and black cruiser peak through the trees by the road. He pulls behind Jake's car and I walk over to the passenger side. "Let's go for a ride." He says through the rolled down window.

"Okay." I say suspiciously as I get into the car. He pulls out of the driveway just in time for Leah to see us as she's coming out of the house. He drives into La Push before parking near the basketball courts. "I'm not sure if you've heard, but school is cancelled for the next couple of days."

"I figured." I say and look out of the window.

"Cails." He says and I look at him. "The auto repair shop called me. I wanted to tell you in person."

"Which means..."

"It's totaled, sis." He breaths and in totally silent. I stare down at the floor for a second before a single tear falls down my face. "Since Bella's grounded—probably till graduation—you can use her truck to drive from Forks to La Push, kay?"

"Yeah." I say, wiping my face.

"C'mere." He says and pulls me into a hug. "These next couple days are going to be hard, for you and your friends." He whispers into my ear as he rubs my back. "You can even stay at Emily's place if you want."

"Yeah, I think that's what I was planning on asking." I say as I let go of our hug.

"So, who all lives there?" He asks as he puts the car in reverse.

"Emily, Sam, and Paul." I answer. "I think Em and Ateara might stay there sometimes though."

"Ya know, Cay." Dad says as we drive back to Emily's place. "I like that Paul kid. I see the way he looks at you."

"Oh god." I whisper to myself.

"I'm not that old." He says and a smile forms on his face. "I know love when I see it."

"You don't need to worry about me and Paul." I assure him. "I think I really like him."

"Well that's good." He says. "But if he ever hurts you. Just know I'll take care of it."

"Okay, Dad." I laugh and roll my eyes as we pull into Emily's place.

"Oh, you think I'm kidding." He smiles.

"Please, I wanna see you sprint." I say and now he's the one laughing. "Right now."

"Okay, okay." He says, throwing his hands up. "You got me." I lean over and hug him.

"See you later." I say in the middle of our hug.

"See you later, sis." He says and gives me a kiss on the cheek before I let go of our hug and get out of the car. I wave him bye as he drives off.

"So what was that about?" Paul asks as he walks out of the house.

"My car's totaled." I say as I walk towards the porch.

"Are you sure?" He says as we walk into the house. "I swear you did not hit the deer that hard." The boys are watching basketball in the living room and Emily and Sam are doing dishes. They're all loud because Miami Heat just scored against the Hornets.

"How'd you know I hit a deer?" I ask because I don't remember Paul being there until I started smoking. As soon as I had asked that question the boys went dead silent. I looked at Paul and his face was beet red.

"Paul was doing some major stalking!" Jake sings and all the boys started laughing.

"I knew it!" I say to Paul, who's face is still red. "I knew you were listening for me."

"Oh, he wasn't just listening!" Ateara says from the couch and all the boys started laughing again.

"Quil! Shut it!" Paul orders.

"You're not the Alpha!" Ateara laughs. "Paul, remember when-"

"Quil!" Sam says and Ateara shuts up.

"He just likes getting bossed around by Sam." Jared assured me.

"BECAUSE IT'S SO COOL!" Ateara beams and everyone starts laughing.

"Alright guys." Sam says. "It's time to start heading out."


I hopped out of the car, taking a final breath of the air conditioning before Paul was right at my side again, adjusting the scarf he'd put on me.

"Paul. This is suffocating." I breathed as he pulled my hair in front of my face. "It's like 80 degrees out here and the sun is out."

"I'm just being cautious." He defends as he pulls Emily's brown leather jacket sleeve down so it covers my wrist.

"Oh god, I'm sweating like a pig." I say and wipe my forehead with the purple scarf.

"Good." He says while adjusting the scarf so it sticks to my neck sweat. "Maybe it'll smell bad to them."

"These are going to be so uncomfortable to walk in." I complain, pointing at Emily's brown leather boots that are two sized too small on me.

"Fine. I'll just carry you." He says and shrugs his shoulders.

"Please do." I say and hold my arms up. He gently lifts me off the ground and carries me like a bride though the thick forest. The sun is peaking out of the trees, turning them from a dull green to a bright emerald. I'm sweating harshly from all of the protection gear Paul has placed on me. Even though I already told him that Bella's boyfriend said I smelled like a dog. My hair was sticking to my face from all the sweat and the scarf on my neck seemed to be glued by stickiness. Paul seemed to know where he was going and we didn't walk too far until he suddenly came to a stop and gently placed me on the ground.

"Don't move, the pack is already here." He says and I see a russet brown wolf peeking out of the edge of my eyesight. He quickly sprinted back to the direction of the car and was out of my view in seconds. The other wolves started gathering as soon as Paul took off. I haven't seen any of them phased since Paul and Jacob's fight a couple weeks ago. I forgot how breathtaking they are, and huge. The smallest one, whom I assume is Seth, is pouncing around and racing around the other wolves, who look annoyed. He jumps in the air and knocks into the Jake, who quickly snaps at him. I laugh as I watch Seth quickly pounce away with his ears down and wine. Seth is tan brown color that has some bronze and black patches in his coat.

"You're so mean." I say to Jake and he looked as if he was shrugging at me. He looked me up and down and I could hear all of the wolves make a strange sound. I then realized they were all laughing at me. "The getup is all Paul's fault." I blame and they all stop laughing. I had forgotten about their connected minds. A huge grey wolf suddenly appeared beside me, making me jump. "God, Paul. You scared me." I say and suddenly all of their ears perk up. Paul pushes me behind him as all of the wolves form a wall in front of me. Paul and Jake were both in front of me, blocking my view. The largest black wolf, most likely Sam, was on the other side of Paul. Then there was a blackish Greg wolf on the other side of Sam and a white and black wolf beside that one. On the other side of Jake was Seth and a bigger whitish grey wolf, Leah. Paul was a color in between Leah and Jared, a perfect grey color.

"I'm glad decided to meet with us today." The doctor's calming voice said. "I understand that you all want to update the treaty."  The leader says.

"When was it last updated?" I ask and nudge my way in between Paul and Jake. Bella's boyfriend seems shocked to see me there. Paul let's out a low growl, showing his disapproval. There were 3 others that I haven't seen before. One of them was huge, he looked like one of those body builders that you should only see in protein shake ads. He had dark, curly hair. He was standing closely to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I had to remember to blink so I could look away from her. Her hair was a perfect golden shade, they matched her gleaming golden eyes. I recognized Alice on the other side of Edward. Beside her was a boy with honey blonde hair. He was taller than the other boy, but not as bulky. Still, he was more muscular than Edward. They both made Bella's boyfriend look like a stick. The honey blonde boy was staring at me with curiosity. He was looking from me to Edward, who still looked shocked.

"We established the treaty with Ephraim Black's pack in 1936." He says.

"1936." I breath, then I remember one conversation that I had with Aunt Tommy. "That's when we still weren't able to leave the reservation, right?" I look over to Sam and he gives me a head nod. "So, you didn't take into account when Quileutes are able to live other places besides La Push. There's a large population of Quileutes in Forks and the surrounding area."

"They want to expand their borders to Forks." Bella's boyfriend informs the others. All of them are shocked and start talking amongst each other. Their lips moves so fast I couldn't head a word. I took a step towards the group.

"I know this isn't ideal. But-" I say. "I lost one of my friends today." I look at the pack and figure out which one is Embry, he is on the other side of Jared, his black and white hair is standing up scraggly on his head and his ears are perked back. "I don't have many friends. And I don't want to lose any more."

"We've come to a decision." The leader says. "We will allow you all to expand your borders to Forks, if you allow us to add another member to our family." A deep growl erupted from Jacob's chest and suddenly I knew who they were talking about.

"Bella?" I practically yelled and they all started whispering to each other again. The doctor simple nodded. "No! Hell no! Absolutely not!" I looked over to Sam, hoping I said the right thing and he nodded at me. "That part of the treaty will remain the same."

"Of course, we understand completely." He says. "But we will still allow the treaty to be changed for your relatives in Forks. You'll be allowed to roam in your wolf forms around Forks and the surrounding area when our clan is in Forks, but it will remain neutral territory." I looked around and the wolves seemed to be talking amongst each other without words. Their heads moving around and looking at each other. Paul and Sam looked like they were arguing with each other.

"Look." I say, taking another two more steps towards the clan. Paul followed me with each step. "If this doesn't happen, then I'll have to move onto the reservation. I've just met my family in Forks. I don't want to leave my dad, or my sister."

"I'm sorry child, but I'm sure you understand that my son can't be away from his mate." The leader says and looks at Paul and I, then to Edward. As if Bella's unhealthy obsession could even compare to what Paul and I have. I looked at Edward, and he started at my face in slight frustration. I let myself get angry, which I can do easily, and allowed him to read my thoughts. I thought of the first time I saw Bella, crumpled up on the couch. Her face a ghostly pale and her skinny arms wrapped around her chest, as if she was trying to keep herself from falling apart. Dark circles were under her eyes and her hair was thin and oily. You did that. And now you're making me leave her. I watched his face crumple in pain and I almost felt bad if I wasn't so angry. 

"Stop it!" Alice yelled and Paul snapped at her. He kept growling and then he quickly stopped. At the same time I felt relaxed and calm, I wasn't angry anymore, I just wanted to leave.

"It was nice meeting with you all today." Carlisle says. "I'm sorry we couldn't fulfill your wishes." Then they all disappeared before I could even blink.

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