Misclick (IHaveAJuiceBox x OC...

By Char1ieTV

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IHaveAJuiceBox (aka Auden) X Oc! First IHaveAJuiceBox fan fiction, maybe so! I have permission from her to wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70

Chapter 69

99 9 11
By Char1ieTV

Isla smiled to themself, wrapping there fingers in there headphone cords. Plastic pink creating a net in their fingers. Poet Solider King played through the earbuds, but the cover everyone claimed sounded like Wilbur. Jacob Cook or someone. Isla couldn't hear the Wilbur, but it was soothing.

The sidewalk was busy. People living there lives that Isla would probably never see again. And if they did, then they wouldn't recognize them. It only started to bring into perspective how many other lives they would never be able to see.

The stores they past where nothing special all pretty normal, drug stores to even a small candy store. Isla shuffled in their pocket to see how much money they had left from the milk run. Just enough.

The stores bell was lighter then a normal bell, more soothing. The door closed with a familiar thud, like a drum adding to the tune.

Candy lined the walls in jars. According to their mom, it was like English candy stores. And it had English candy as well. Lemon drops to sherbet. Isla could almost taste the trips to England in the air.

"Hello Mr. Peterson!" Isla smiled at the older man. Slightly balding, fluffy white hair, clean shaven. His classic pink and blue plaid suit hanging loosely from his thin frame, round glasses enlarging his emerald eyes. He was one of the kindest souls Isla had ever met.

"Afternoon Isla!" He pulled a bag out intuitively and pulled the sherbet lemons from behind him. Isla nodded lightly and grabbed the money from their pocket.

"How has school been?" Mr. Peterson's slim dark fingers scooped the drops into the bag with a metal scoop, and Isla couldn't help but notice how he filled it up more then he normally would have for another costumer.

"Schools over Sir," Isla reminded him gently. Mr. Peterson's eyes widened, and thought they couldn't see much past the mask, the gentle surprise showed on his face.

Isla handed the money over smoothly, Mr. Peterson flicked through the three one dollar bills and the three quarters in his palm clacked slightly. He nodded and passed over the bag.

"Have a nice rest of your day Mr. Peterson!" Isla put the back in her pocket and waved. Mr. Peterson returned the words and waved as they left.

Isla plugged back into the music, popping a lemon drop in their mouth. Strawberry Mentos was now playing. The sherbet lemons edges scraped the skin of their mouth slightly, and the fizzy powder began to seep through.

The plastic bag began to dig into their fingers, and the cold patch on their leg where the milk was hitting it was becoming numb. They where almost home. Then they could finally pit this down, go their room and text Auden, and their Mum could have tea in the morning.

Their yellow stained tongue formed around another sweet, holding it back from the sides of their mouth. They sucked on it gently, savoring the sweet coating before the sherbet broke though and began to fizz.

Isla stoped at a turn and patiently watched for it to turn to a white walk sign. Cars sped past, making Isla step back. Two other waited with them. A mother and her small son, no older then three. He held a dirty grey bunny, once fluffy, and sucked on its ear. His mum looked relieved, and Isla could tell why from the kids tera stained cheeks. They walked up to the pair slightly.

"Hello m'am!" Isla greeted. The mum smiled and returned the greeting. "Would you two like a sherbet lemon?" The kid began to nod happily, and the mum thought for a second.

"If your offering, I couldn't hurt. Thank you!" She smiled grateful. Isla took two out the bag, and first gave one to the mum. Then bending down, they held out the other to the small child. He let the bunnies ear fall out his mouth and grabbed the candy in his warm and slightly sticky fist. Isla stood up and watched him stick in his mouth. The mum delicately put hers in her mouth and smiled in surprised. Isla grabbed one for themselves so they weren't left out.

"I'm Evelyn, this is Jackson," The mum, Evelyn, introduced themself. Isla did the same and began to make small talk. Evelyn was kind, and a very interesting person. And Jackson was surprisingly smart, though they didn't get much out of him. Jackson was completely content with the candy.

When the light turned white, Isla let them go ahead first and handed Evelyn two more candies for them. They walked across peacefully. Bu the time Isla would have gone it had turned red again.

Isla put another candy in their mouth, telling themself it was the last one. Cars sped by, not taking notice of them. Isla shoved the small silver button with their elbow, a metallic clatter sounded. It of course, did nothing. They weren't sure why the button exists, probably false hope.

It flashed the white wall sign and Isla began. Their feet moved nearly in slow motion, taking long strides. Wind blew in their ear, wind that shouldn't have been there.

Pain. First in their legs, and quickly spreading. Their head smashed into the hard cemented, burning against their skin. The fast coming tires blurred in their vision, crumping both their legs. They could feel warmth leaking out their head.

"I don't want this anymore!" Isla chocked out, trying to scream. They couldn't. Nobody would ever hear these words.

Shock overwhelmed. Pure panic and pain. Mostly pain. It all happened in a split second. Their lungs strained for air like something was holding them back. Probably their ribs, broken and out of place. Adrenaline shot through them, making their heart beat out of control.

They couldn't think properly. Numbness was spreading quickly, unable to feel. Black began to spread in their vision. The milk had cracked behind them, and the sherbet lemons where crushed just in their eye view.

The black took over, and they passed out.

Isla lay there in the street. Cars screeching to a stop around them, causing atleast one crash. Blue and red lights flashed in the distance, speeding up. A stretcher was pulled out and what they could pull off the ground of Isla was. Everyone knew if the kid did survived they would be horribly disfigured. With one pulse check, the paramedics knew they couldn't make it that far.

And so silence fell in the crowd. Cars in the distance and general chatter from those unaware. And those who knew couldn't help but cry for this person, who they would never get to know.

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