Chapter 38

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Bio: p n e u m o n o u l t r a m i c r o s c o p i c s i l i c o v o l c a n o c o n i o s i s (they/them it's not that hard)

Stories by Isla: isla's random shit

(isla's random shit) Rant 6

Ok ok hear me out. What if we fuck gender. Instead of female or male or non-binary or genderfluid or demigirl/boy or anything else, we identify as aliens or crappy Christmas movies.

Like "Hi! I'm bread, I'm a toaster!" See! It's fucking sick, pisses off all the old people. Plus, if I was a crappy Christmas movie then my mom would have to love me! It's a win win!

But that's probably not enough to convince you people. So let me give you another example.

"Hi, I'm Squish and I identify as a duck!"

"Hi! I'm Kitty, and I identify as a juice box!" (Yes that is directed towards someone)

"Hello fine fellow earth residents, I am B, and I identify as a small caterpillar."


(isla's random shit) Question 13

What do you do if you have a crush on someone who most definitely doesn't like you back, but every time you listen to like half your favorite songs you think about them and they won't leave your head and they make your heart all funny?

Asking for a friend.


User7676: Oof

User6358: You ignore them!

User6987: Hell if I know

User9892: you dig your grave

User8253: tell your friend the internet has failed them

User6789: Wait....

Ihaveajuicebox: Isla?

I'm honored to be in you guy's IHaveAJuiceBox reading lists

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I'm honored to be in you guy's IHaveAJuiceBox reading lists. I read every comment and reading list be they make me laugh!

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