PlayBoys 2: The Killjoys Of LA

By thesharpestgerard

339 48 9

#502 mychem sequel to Playboys More

Chapter 1: In The Dark I see You
Chapter 2: Killjoys
Chapter 3: What Are You So Afraid Of Gerard?
Chapter 4: Most Wanted
Chapter 6: Look Alive Sunshine
Chapter 7: May Death Never Stop You
Chapter 8: Dreaming
Chapter 9: Do You Wanna Hold My Hand?
Chapter 10: I Hate Dreaming
Chapter 11: I'm Not Afraid Anymore
Chapter 12: You Never Listen To Me
Chapter 13: Friends Forever
Chapter 14: Hide or Die
Chapter 15: Learning
Chapter 16: Learning (Part 2)
Chapter 17: Faith
Chapter 18: Hello Again
Chapter 19: Dead Inside
Chapter 20: Mistakes Happen, Right?
Chapter 21: All The Good Time's Give You Cancer
Chapter 22: Frank's Remembrance
Chapter 23: Mrs. Way
Chapter 24: You're A Dad, Gerard
Chapter 25: Beverly Hills
Chapter 26: Bandit Lee Way
Chapter 27: Give It Up, Jake
Chapter 28: Christmas
Chapter 29: Happy New Year
Chapter 30: Dear Frank

Chapter 5: Fuck You Man

15 3 0
By thesharpestgerard

Once they arrived to where Jake and his gang would mostly be from Gerard's memory, Gerard and Lindsey got out of the car and looked around. "This place looks so fucking gross.." Lindsey said as she looked around. "Baby we gotta be quiet." Gerard whispered to Lindsey. "Oh yeah..sorry." Lindsey whispered as she covered her mouth. Gerard giggled quietly as he ran quickly to the back of Jake's house with Lindsey following.

When Ray and the others arrived, they all grabbed their weapons and made a run for it towards Jake's house. Gerard seen a ladder somewhere behind Jake's house so he grabbed it. "Gerard what are you doing?!" Lindsey whisper yelled.

"Your gonna climb up this ladder and towards that window and your gonna climb inside." Gerard said as he put the ladder towards the high window. "What! No!" Lindsey said as she thought Gerard was crazy. "Lindsey..your the most bravest and strongest woman I know..please?" Gerard begged.

"No Gerard!" Lindsey said as she backed up. "Fine then, I'll do it." Gerard said as he started to climb the ladder at the first step. "NO!" Lindsey said but this time yelling as she grabbed his, leg trying to stop him from climbing the ladder.

"Let go of me Lindsey!" Gerard whisper yelled as he was annoyed now. Lindsey let go of his leg like he said. She was very worried at this point. Gerard continued to climb the ladder until he reached the window. He opened the unlocked window and stepped inside, closing the window back. Gerard then went to walk but fell during the process. "Fuck!" Gerard whisper yelled. He then noticed a poster or drawing that said "Jake" so this was probably Jake's room. Well shit.

"Oh shit.." Gerard said as he tried to get up but he felt like he broke his foot. "Hang on guys.." Jake said as he stood up and walked upstairs towards his room to see what fell. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Gerard whispered as he tried his best to crawl under the bed as fast as he could. This was a fucking nightmare.

Jake then walked in his room and looked around, trying to find the thing that fell. He noticed that everything looked the same, and nothing fell. Jake started to remember Gerard and his friends from years ago when they first moved to LA and from High School, so now he think's that one of them are in his room. "I know there's someone in here.." Jake said as he walked around, creepily around his room trying to search for the person. Gerard covered his mouth with both of his hands as he wanted to die.

Jake didn't search under the bed as he searched everything else so he walked over towards his bed and bent over and looked under it to see scared Gerard. "Gotcha." Jake said smirking as he grabbed Gerard by his hands and pulled him the best he could out from under the bed.

When he got him out, he held Gerard to the point where he couldn't get away. "LET ME GO YOU DICKHEAD!" Gerard yelled as Jake's gang ran upstairs to help him. "Take him down boys." Jake said as 2 of his gang members got Gerard, beat him half to death till he passed out, and took him downstairs to their basement.

As Mikey was setting up traps outside of Jakes house, hoping not to get caught. Ray approached Lindsey to speak with her. "Where's Gerard?" Ray asked as he looked at Lindsey. "Inside the house.." Lindsey said as she looked down. Her stomach started to hurt from worry.

"W-WHAT?!" Ray exclaimed as he noticed the ladder. Robin ran over towards them, concerned. "What happened?" Robin asked. "GERARD IS IN JAKES HOUSE!" Ray yelled as he paced. "Oh shit!" Robin said as he also noticed the ladder. "We gotta go help him!" Robin said as he ran over towards the ladder. "STOP!" Lindsey yelled, which startled them all, even Mikey. "Nobody is going in that fucking house! If Gerard doesn't come out at all we go in. If he does come out then we don't go in. Got it?!" Lindsey yelled. They all shook their heads, still startled.

Gerard woke up an hour later tied up in Jake's basement. He was alone. Gerard tried to get a loose but he couldn't "Help! HELP!" Gerard yelled as loud as he could. "Well well well someone's awake." Jake said as he approached Gerard slighty. Gerard looked at Jake but then looked away as he wanted to cry. Jake suddenly put his hand on Gerard's chin, making him look at Jake. "So tell me, why are you sneaking around in my house? Especially in my room." Jake said as he put his hand in Gerard's hair, stroking it gently. "Y-YOU KILLED FRANK YOU BITCH!" Gerard exclaimed as he spat on Jake.

Jake became angry so he slapped Gerard harshly on the cheek, making him groan. "So that's all this is about huh? Getting revenge on me killing your best friend. Aww how cute." Jake said chuckling.

"You'll never get away with this.." Gerard said as he continued to face the direction his head made where Jake slapped him. "Oh Gerard, your such a coward. You think you can kill me but think again. You're going against 13 people young man. You only have 4 little p*ssy's with you." Jake said as he laughed.

Gerard started to become extremely angry with Jake at this point. Jake then made Gerard face him again as he stroked his hair again. "You are such a weird weird person Gerard...thinking you can beat me." Jake whispered in his ear which left chills down his spine.

"You'll never get rid of me, Gerard." Jake once again whispered in his ear as Gerard closed his eyes tightly, letting a tear fall down his cheek. "I-I hate you.." Gerard said as he continued to shed more tears. "Well guess what, I hate you even more." Jake said as he sat down in the chair he placed near Gerard so he could keep an eye on Gerard, making sure he doesn't escape or even find a way to get a loose and then escape.

"Your a fucking bitch...did you ever know that?" Gerard said as he looked at Jake, giving him a death stare. "Don't we all know that Gee bear." Jake said as he sharpened his knife. "Don't call me that.." Gerard said as he wanted to get up and punch Jake but of course he couldn't as he was tied up.

"I knew you would come along, Gee Gee. Since when did you remember me? Hm?" Jake said as he continued to sharpen his knife. The knife scared Gerard a lot as it was really big and the end point of it looked very sharp. "The police..." Gerard said as he closed his eyes, trying to forget everything that's happening.

"I'm famous then." Jake said as he finished sharpening his knife as he stood up and walked around. "You get on my last fucking nerve did you know that as well? You have been down here with me for 2 fucking hours and wasting my fucking time on kicking your ass!" Gerard yelled as he opened his eyes and looked at Jake angrily.

"Cry about it." Jake said as he chuckled. "CRY?!" Gerard yelled even louder, which made Ray and the others hear it. "We gotta help him." Ray said as he ran to the ladder.

Jake walked over to Gerard and placed the end point on the back of his chin. "Listen here Gerard, keep your fucking mouth shut or I'll shut it for you. Got it?" Jake said as he wanted to push the knife deeper, and Gerard nodded quickly as he shed a tear.

Ray climbed up the ladder with the others following behind him. When he reached the bedroom he noticed Jake's gang in his room. "Ah shit.." Ray said as he looked at them all.

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