
By CocoKhaos

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Evelyn had lost everything the day Hydra took her. Her friends, her family, and her freedom. She had given u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Thank You!

Chapter 34

390 8 8
By CocoKhaos

The next morning Evelyn was organizing the boxes on the island and smiled at all the work she accomplished.

"Morning Evelyn," Steve said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning Steve!" Evelyn said, smiling at him.

"Is Sam coming to help you with these boxes?" Steve asked, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"I don't think so. I told him I would meet him at the VA and he said he'd send a Uber to pick me up - whatever that is," Evelyn laughed.

"I have to go into the city today anyway - how about I drive you?" Steve asked, smiling at the relief on her face.

"That would be amazing! But only as long as it is on the way to where you're off to," Evelyn said, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's on the way, but even if it wasn't it wouldn't be an inconvenience to help out," Steve said, grabbing some of the boxes.

They both got on the elevator loaded up with the goodies and headed to the parking garage. Steve looked over at Evelyn and noticed she seemed tense.

"You okay Evelyn? You didn't party too hard with Nat and Wanda did you?" Steve teased

Evelyn laughed and looked at him, "No, we had a mellow night out. We ate dinner and then did some shopping. I was probably up a little later than I should've been with them though. I think I'm just tired."

"Bucky said he finally manned up and asked you out," Steve said as they arrived in the parking garage.

A blush took over Evelyn's face as she stepped off the elevator, "Yeah."

Steve led them to a truck and opened the back door and started to put the boxes and bags in the back. "Are you excited?"

Evelyn bit her lip and nodded. "Very - but I'm pretty nervous."

"What's there to be nervous about?" Steve asked closing the door to look at Evelyn.

"I - uh - well," Evelyn said looking at her hands

"I'm sorry if I overstepped. I just care about both of you." Steve said, opening Evelyn's door for her.

Evelyn was taken aback by Steve saying he cared for her. She sat silent when Steve walked around the truck and got into his seat.

"You didn't overstep Steve," Evelyn started as Steve turned on the engine, "it's just hard to explain."

Steve nodded his head and put the truck into reverse. As they pulled out of the parking garage into the street Evelyn sighed.

"I'm scared he will realize I'm not worth it," Evelyn said, staring out the passenger window.

"Worth it? Evelyn what do you mean?" Steve asked, furrowing his brows. He didn't expect the nerves to be because of her - he had expected her to be nervous about Bucky's past.

"I remember the news stories when you rescued him. He's been through so much. He deserves easy - with me he's going to have to keep dealing with all of this," Evelyn said leaning her head on the headrest and turned towards Steve. "But I feel something with him and I'm selfish to not want to let him go."

"You guys are made for eachother," Steve said, smiling at her. "You're both worried about how your pasts will affect the other person. You both don't see what the team has seen."

Evelyn blushed at his words. Her nerves calmed slightly knowing Bucky wasn't concerned about her baggage. "And what has the team seen?"

"The glow each of you have around each other, how you have brought part of the old Bucky back, and how effortlessly you are together," Steve said, listing the items easily.

Evelyn looked at him in shock. Her heart started racing - she knew she had strong feelings for him but didn't expect he would have them as well. She especially didn't think that others noticed the pull she felt.

"Thank you for saying those things. It's helped my nerves - some." Evelyn gave him a reassuring smile. "May I ask what you are planning on doing after you drop me off?"

"Truthfully, I don't have any plans today. I just knew Bucky would've been mad at me if I let you take an Uber. He wouldn't let my girl get in the car with a stranger and I won't let his," Steve said, winking at her.

"His girl huh?" Evelyn asked, smiling at him.

"Well - I mean," Steve said, noticing he overspoke.

"It's okay Steve. I'm not the kind of girl who dates multiple guys at a time. I hope our date this week goes well and we can cross the bridge of titles soon," Evelyn said smiling.

"Good, he'd kill me for mentioning you being his girl if you were against the idea," Steve said, relieved.

"I like the idea of being his girl," Evelyn blushed, "you know you can hang out with me at the VA today. It would help my nerves to have you there. And after you can buy me lunch for losing the bet."

Steve noticed that Evelyn had no clue about her date with Bucky after her visit to the VA. He smiled - hopefully Evelyn was the kind of girl that likes surprises. "Sounds like a great day."

Evelyn smiled widely at him as they pulled up in front of the VA and parked. "Steve, thank you for being a great friend to me."

Steve smiled at her, "Of course - now let's get these treats in here and cheer up some Vets."


As Evelyn and Steve walked into the building they made their way to the front desk.

"Good Morning, how can I help you?" the receptionist asked the pair.

"Good Morning, we are here by invitation of Roy White and Sam Wilson," Steve said, taking control of the conversation making Evelyn smile.

"I will page Mr. White. May I please have your names?" the receptionist said, picking up the phone,

"Captain Steve Rogers and Miss Evelyn Bennet," Steve said to the woman.

The pair stood to the side while Roy was paged. "You know Steve, that's the first time I've heard you introduce yourself as Captain," Evelyn said, putting her boxes on the counter while they waited.

"I don't do it often. I figured this would probably be a good place to use the title," Steve said looking around.

"Why don't you do it often?" Evelyn asked genuinely curious.

"I still see myself as the kid from Brooklyn that wanted to enlist in the Army and got lucky to be picked for the Super Soldier program," Steve said, shrugging.

"You are still the kid from Brooklyn - but you'd be hard pressed to convince me that you were chosen by luck. You were born to be Captain America, Steve," Evelyn said, smiling at him.

Before Steve could respond the Receptionist hung up the phone. "They are sending someone down to get you. I need you to sign in though."

After signing in the elevator dinged and a smiling Ken Wells stepped out. "Evelyn you made it!"

"Of course I did, Ken! And I brought a friend," Evelyn said, gesturing towards Steve.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again Corporal," Steve said, shaking the man's hand.

"You as well Sir," Ken said smiling, "follow me - we have a full group today."

"That's good because I baked enough for a small army," Evelyn said laughing following him.

"Get in any fist fights lately Evelyn?" Ken joked once they were in the elevator.

"Well - I have been doing some sparring," Evelyn said laughing at Ken's face

"She's pretty good too - I think the guy at the party was lucky she was in formal wear," Steve smiled proudly.

"I don't doubt she's good. That guy was flat on his ass with one punch," Ken laughed.

"It took a lot more punches with Steve and Bucky," Evelyn blushed slightly at the praise.

"YOU SPARRED WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE WINTER SOLDIER?" Ken said, shocked as they arrived on the floor.

"Hey Rocky!" Sam yelled from the Welcome Desk saving Evelyn from explaining her training

"Hey Sam! I brought a plus one since apparently Ubers aren't the safest forms of transportation," Evelyn said as the three of them walked to the desk.

"Ubers are safe - your roommates are just stuck in the 40s," Sam said laughing and giving Evelyn a hug.

"I am happy to tag along to be safe," Steve said, shaking Sam's hand.

"I'll go get Roy - he hasn't stopped talking about you visiting since the party," Ken said leaving the three of them.

"Damn Rock - you weren't kidding about baking a bunch of desserts," Sam said, taking her boxes and walking towards a table that had been set up.

"I have to do something proactive with my time," Evelyn said smiling.

"Evelyn!" Roy said, coming around the corner.

Evelyn smiled widely at the man and walked over and gave him a hug. "Roy, it's wonderful to see you again."

"You too sweetheart. I see you kept your promise and even brought another visitor," Roy said nodding to Steve and the treats. "Welcome Captain."

"Thank you Roy," Steve said, nodding back.

"Let's go grab a seat in the visitor area while Ken rounds up everyone to come up and get some goodies," Roy said gesturing towards the couches.

"Me and Steve will go help him," Sam said heading down the hall with Steve.

Roy offered Evelyn his arm and the pair walked to take a seat on the couch. Evelyn helped him take a seat and put his walker next to the couch out of his feets way and sat down next to him.

"So - how are you feeling?" Roy asked "and no sugar coating it."

Evelyn smiled at the man, "I'm a little overwhelmed but the team has made me feel safe and are helping me come to terms with everything."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'd hate to have to give the Avengers a piece of my mind," Roy said, squeezing her hand.

"Roy, can I ask you a question?" Evelyn asked, looking at their hands.

"Of course dear. I may not be an Avenger but I still know what's what," Roy said, squeezing her hand again.

"Do - do the nightmares ever go away?" Evelyn asked looking up.

"Oh Evelyn," Roy said, taking her hand in both of his, "I wish I could say a definitive yes but sadly even with a lot of work the memories are still there. You have to work through the trauma and then the memories won't be able to hurt you anymore."

"I understand," Evelyn said, trying to look optimistic for the man.

"Have you talked about your experiences when you were a prisoner?" Roy asked her.

"I've talked some - but when I talk about them the nightmares happen. They have been giving me a sedative to help but I don't want to rely on a pill to have a good night's sleep," Evelyn explained.

"I understand. Maybe talking to someone who has had similar experiences to you will help. That way you know you aren't alone," Roy said "opening up is never easy but you have to think you may help them by telling your story as well."

"I suppose that makes sense," Evelyn said, giving him a smile.

"I told you I know what's what," Roy said smiling back, "I hear some people heading this way."

The pair stood up to see people coming down the hall. Evelyn noticed the group seemed to be in good spirits. She saw Ken with a group of men who were clearly teasing him as they were heading towards her.

"You mean she's a real chick? You weren't making her up?" one of the men said

"Parker you know damn well she's real," Sam said rolling his eyes

The group all rounded the corner and Sam started to corral the group towards the table while Steve headed towards Evelyn and Roy.

"Fair warning, you are about to be bombarded," Steve whispered to Evelyn and stood on her opposite side.

Evelyn gave him a quick look and felt her heart start to race. "Oh no."

Ken turned and nodded towards Evelyn and the two guys with him gave each other looks and started walking towards her. "Shit," she said under her breath.

"Ma'am" the man who Sam called Stephens said.

"Evelyn, this is Corporal Parker and Corporal Davis," Roy said, introducing the men "Boys, this is Miss Evelyn Bennet and Captain Steve Rogers."

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am," Davis said, nodding his head to her.

"You two as well," Evelyn smiled at the two men.

"We heard you were beautiful but I dare to say the description didn't do any justice," Parker said, winking at her.

"Corporal, Miss Bennet did not come out here to be hit on," Roy said exasperated.

"Well ma'am where do you normally go?" Parker asked, nudging Davis who looked embarrassed.

Steve opened his mouth but before he could say anything Ken was walking up with Sam and chimed in. "Parker I would give up while you're ahead - Evelyn spars with the Avengers." Ken said, patting him on the shoulder.

"She'd squash you like a bug," Sam said laughing. "Trust me - she wiped the floor with me."

Everyone laughed and Evelyn shook her head, "You forgot to mention we have a rematch for when you don't have a hangover."

"I know Rock - but it's mostly for my precious ego. I want to give you a run for your money like Steve and Bucky did," Sam said grinning.

"I'd love to see that ma'am. Kenny told us you clocked a guy at the last Stark party," Davis said smiling.

"He deserved more than a broken nose," Steve said looking at Evelyn who smiled at him.

"Mr. Stark was gracious enough to invite more of our group this time. You'll have more young bucks at this party," Roy said laughing.

"We are very excited for our first Stark party," Parker said grinning and nudging Davis and Ken, "Kenny had all the fun last time."

"He had some of Stark's topshelf too," Sam said smiling at Ken

"I'm sure you all will have a great time. Especially since it's not as formal as the last one," Evelyn said laughing at the boys.

"Evelyn dear, let's walk over and introduce you to some of the group," Roy said, offering her his arm.

As the pair walked away Sam walked over to Steve, "So have you heard from Bucky? Is he picking her up from here or the Tower?"

"I think here but he didn't give me a timeframe," Steve said looking at the group of Veterans talking to Evelyn.

"Does she know?" Sam asked, taking a bite of the brownie he grabbed earlier.

"No, but she's nervous," Steve said turning to Sam

"Why is she nervous? The guy is head over heels for her," Sam said, shaking his head.

"I know. I tried to put her at ease but she's better for him than we thought. She's worried that she's not worth the work and that he deserves easy." Steve said grinning when Sam's mouth hung open.

"I hope the two of them stay out of their own ways and see how great they are for each other," Sam said looking over at Evelyn.

"Says the guy who spent a week flirting with her," Steve said laughing.

"Hey - sometimes you gotta shoot your shot," Sam said, shrugging. "Let's go over and rescue her from Roy - he's liable to introduce her to the entire building."

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