Ease My Mind || SPN: Ketch x...

By muhlemule

1.6K 67 3

Secret relationship. Let's see how long the two can keep the secret. also some crowley x reader in here. More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 3

172 8 0
By muhlemule

Pulling up a small amout away, so no one could hear us coming, Ketch and I got of the bike and grabbed our guns.

Him using the fancy gun and me with a normal gun with silver bullets. Also carrying a few pairs of blades and knives in case. Ketch only needed his fancy gun, which I won't aruge.

"We have an estimate of 10-15 wolves, which may seem alot, but I know you got this." Ketch stopped for some reaction of mine, which was a nod with a smile. "I'll take the front and you can surprise them through the back, good plan?"

"Yeah. Be careful, Arthur."

"I'm always careful, my dear." Ketch smiled at me before leaning in for a kiss.

After that, Ketch and I started stealthly walking up to a building. It was a large wooden cabin that also looked like an abandoned building.

I silently jogged my way to the back, making sure my gun was loaded and good to go. I drew my gun and carefully turned the corner.

No one was there. As I heard gunshots being fired from the front, I hurried to the back door and got in. People– werewolves were there to greet me, showing their eyes, teeth, and claws.

One was very close, which I managed to kick and shoot. Three were in front of me, of where I shot two while the other one jumped on top of me. Fighting him off, I managed to grab one of my knives and stab his side.

Pushing him off of me, I retrieved my knife and stached it back. After killing a few more, Ketch and I meet up to where it seemed to be like the living room.

"Was that the last one?" Ketch asked.

"Yeah. I think s-" I got cut off by something clawing me. Resulted me in screaming. I dropped to the floor, seeing a wolf in the corner of my eye, about to bite me.

"Y/n!" Ketch practically yelled. Aiming his gun at the wolf, shooting him dead.

Ketch raced over to me, seeing me in tears. I cried from the pain, screaming for my life. He started comforting me, holding me close.

My screaming went by as I contuined to cry from the harm. Feeling blood run down my back. That'll leave a huge scar.

"Y/n, you'll be okay. You're okay." Ketch repeated over and over again.

My cry easily turned to sobs, being held in his arms. I knew I was safe. "It h-hurts." I managed to say.

"Okay. Okay. Here, come here." Ketch said in a panic, suddenly picking me up.

He rushed me over to the motorcycle, which really wasn't that far. He carefully set me on the seat, telling me to take my tops off that he could see the wound.

As I did as ask, I watched as Ketch pull out some first aid kit. Opening the box to grab a bottle and a banaged. My entire top half was completely naked.

"This'll sting a bit." Ketch said before pouring the liquid from the bottle on my back. I winced from the pain. "You're okay, dear."

He then immediately wrapped it up. It hurt like a bitch. With past times of hunting wolves, I got hurt like this, but something was much more stronger. That scratch was much more painful.

After a few more seconds, Ketch stepped in front of me, telling me that he was done. I was covering my chest, since the wolf ripped through my bra as well.

"I've leave you to get dressed while I go back to grab our weapons." Ketch said after kissing my forehead, walking off back to the cabin.

There was a smile on my face when Ketch was there, but disappeared when he left. My vision still burry from water in my eyes.

Once I changed into different clothes, Ketch was back to the bike as I pulled down my shirt and cleaned off some dust. Ketch had a small smile showing, clearing seeing he was hurt.

"How do you feel?"

"I've had worse."


Stopping at a gas station to fill up, I took some money and went in the store. Finding things of what we both want. Heading back to the compound, Ketch and I just passed the Kansas border line.

Skimming the store for snacks, it took a minute to find what I was looking for. Also buying a bottle of water of which Ketch and I could share from.

"I can help whosever's next." A cashier spoke as I stepped up to the counter.

As she rings me up, I glanced over to the glass doors. Having a clear shot of Ketch... and apparently Sam and Dean as well.

My brothers walked up to Ketch, talking and what not. Before Dean pointed to something on the motorcycle, which ended with Dean grabbing Ketch by the collar.

In response to my brother, Ketch held his hands up and what I'd imagine is laughing from seeing his mouth cracking a smile. Sam on the other hand was standing there, scanning the area.

Focusing back to what's in front of me, I made the exchange and politely said goodbye to the cashier, afraid as I walk out the door with a plastic bag in hand.

It was at that moment where Sam rescanned the area. He spotted me and alearted my other brother. Dean lets go of Ketch as all three men stared me down.

Dean had a pissed look, Ketch worried, and Sam with a look that was disappointment. I knew my brothers didn't like the situation one bit, but I didn't care what they think.

"You mind explaining what the hell you've been up too?" Dean scolded me.

"Sure. I owed Ketch, and when he asked for help, I went with him. And as you see, I'm not dead yet. We good?"

Dean shared a look to Sam, which may seem like I didn't tell the truth. Which isn't a complete lie. Ketch did ask for help, and I helped.

"Okay, well, you helped him. Now get your stuff and go to the Imapla." Dean said with sarcasm at first, but then got serious.

"Fine." I grew stubborn. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. "Here Ketch, here's your bag."

"Thank you, dear." He said as he grabbed it from my hand.

Dean wanted to rush me away, not letting me speak to Ketch until next time. I didn't bother to make a scene or fight. Learned to go with it.

My brothers started to walk away too, but I was behind them. Taking one last glance to Ketch as we both shared the same look: sadness.

Reaching the Chevy Imapla, I hopped in the backseat as the boys get in front. Starting it up and driving away. Going past Ketch as we exit the gas station.

Damn brothers are so overprotective.

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