Timeless (A harry potter/ Twi...

By JeannaRichardson

38.5K 667 104

The story of the boy and girl who lived, they took on You-Know-Who head-on and emerged victoriously. However... More

The Move
The cold ones
On the run
The dance studio
The Fight
The hospital and Prom
Real Chapter (Start of New moon)
Diagon Ally and Reunions
A Vampire Wizard party
Shameless self promo
I'm Sorry

Problematic Parties

690 21 2
By JeannaRichardson

(Just a PSA that I will be continuing all of my writing in 3rd person, I know I've been gone for a while but I've been going through a ton, I'm now  10th grader! Along with dealing with highschool I've had a lot of family issues, but I've also been doing my best to better my writing so I hope the change doesn't bother anyone)(Also Anna is 3, I put the wrong age in and I don't know if I missed any so just in case)

        With now two babies in the house, Paisly had been getting so little sleep lately that she was practically a zombie. You'd think with another person in the house she would have less to do but no, Ginny did jack shit when it came to the babies, neither did Harry. Bella and Charlie would help but with their room being the attic, there was no way to get there before her without disturbing everyone else. Paisly was also the kind of person who hated inconveniencing others, she would work herself until she passed out before she made Charlie and Bella get up and take care of a baby they had no responsibility to.(Geez, Jeanna, I wonder why these types of characters are so easy to write, maybe you should let people help you. Yeah probably not.) It was currently 3 in the morning and she was standing in a bra and sweat pants, holding the not even year old baby to her chest, skin to skin contact helps Teddy sleep much better than rocking or singing. Her hair was up in a messy bun, tangled from not being brushed for a week, she had stains all over her pants and shirt, one of Fred's old t-shirts, and she could fit her entire life into her eye bags. "Oh please darling, just go to sleep. Shh." 

      After about an hour of rocking the screaming baby he'd fallen asleep and she set him down carefully. Relieved when it doesn't make him scream again she lets out a breath of relief and turns around carefully and shouts, "AHH!" She hadn't been expecting Jasper to be standing in the window, usually she could at least hear the wind and predict when he would appear, but due to her immense lack of sleep she had been on low alert. This did wake up Teddy, not only Teddy, but her very energetic toddler also awoke ready to start the day. She clenched her fists and took a breath before turning to her toddler, picking up Teddy. "It's not time to wake up yet baby, why don't we go back to sleep." "B-But you's is awake mama." "I'm only awake because Ted-" "JAZZY!" She sighed quietly as the toddler ran to the blonde vampire and threw her hands around his knees, that was how tall she was to him now. Slightly tall for her age, but due to her fathers height, this didn't surprise Paisly. He chuckled and picked the girl up, tossing her in the air and catching her, "Hey there Tater Tot." She giggled and began to mess with his long hair. He did his best to pull her little hands from his hair and spoke to her quietly, "Hey, why don't we go back to bed, see, it's still dark. You gotta make sure you're all rested for your sleepover with Uncle Sam don't you." After a couple minutes, he convinced the girl to lay back down, but only if he promised to lay with her. 

       Paisly was still trying her hardest to get the small boy to sleep. She eventually walked over to the water bottle she had in a thermo bag, to keep them warm, and held it to his little bloated stomach in her hands. While he was awake his hair was constantly changing color along with his entire appearance, but when he was asleep he made her heart stop. He was a spitting image of the baby pictures she'd seen of Remus. She used this as a tell to see when he was getting close to sleep. By the time the boy had finally fallen asleep it was five o clock. She let out a groan, knowing it was time for her to get up and get ready for school. She looked at Jasper, who was still laying with the small girl and smiled widely. She used the moment to take a picture with her camera Molly had gotten her for her last birthday before whispering, "Can you watch them while I go get ready for school?" "You go right on ahead darling." She smiled again and kissed Anna's and his head before gathering the items she would need to destinkify herself. Their small break was over, though for Paisly it was just a small period used to move in Teddy and get absolutely no sleep while Harry and Ginny went out to Seattle and Forks, investigating the new town. She appearated to the bathroom, to avoid any noise. Once in the warm water she let out a sigh of pleasure. She thoroughly scrubbed the vomit and other fluids off of herself and smelled like coconut once more.

       She put on some jeans and a black v-neck alone with some heeled boots. It was simple enough and comfy. She brushed her hair, magiced it dry and tossed it up in a pony tail. She put on some light makeup for a final touch before going and getting some coffee downstairs. She made sure her backpack and diaper bag was ready, with Teddy being as young as he is she would have to take him with her to school. She already prepared herself for the rumors and had been practicing the spell to stop his morphing, more like pause it, she would just have to do so when he was asleep so that he had normal colored hair for the public. After making sure everything was ready she went upstairs to retrieve the baby and hitched a ride with Charlie, Harry and Ginny were always a lot later than her and Bella, who were one of the first cars in the parking lot. Today, however, Bella was getting a ride with Edward,so Charlie was her only hope. Once he dropped them off she ducked up under the oning so that Teddy didn't get wet, she'd made sure he was dressed for the weather and cast a spell around his baby carrier to keep him warm. Jasper would have taken her but he was supposed to ride with his siblings to discuss the party later tonight. She watched as the students trickled in one by one, eventually growing enough that students were getting out of their cars and communing with one another on this now pleasant day. The rain had stopped and the sun had dried up almost all of it by now, warming the air slightly.

       The school day was overly boring, the classes came easy to Paisly, and thankfully Teddy had slept most of the day. The pair sat with the Cullens for lunch so Alice and Rose could hold him while Bella and Edward sat with her friends, and Harry and Ginny sat with their team mates, having joined sports recently. She was happy Harry and Ginny were blending and enjoying their time but the pair were annoying her with how little their cared for the kids and her at this point. She brushed it off and finished off the day quickly. She rode with Bella and Edward this time, picking up Anna and taking the trio to the reservation line where Sam was waiting to pick up the children. Emily was beaming when they showed up, picking Anna up in her hands immediately and spinning her around. "Thank you guys so much, seriously, I love you guys." "we love you too, we need the practice any way, being around Anna has helped us decide to have our own baby." Sam wrapped his hand around Emily's waist as Paisly smiled, "Oh that's great. Congratulations!" They all hugged before they took the kids and the teens were off to the Cullen residence.

        When they made it to the house Bella braced herself for the all out Alice party. To Paisly and Edwards surprise she'd toned down her initial ideas a lot, but for Bella this was insane. Everyone was giving gifts currently and Bella and Emmett were playing with each other about her truck. Even Rose had to get her something, though it was forced. Most of Paisly's night consisted of calling Harry and Ginny to see where they were considering they were supposed to be there an hour ago, thankfully she had brought all of their gifts. She was up right before Esme and Carlisle, putting her phone away and smiling at everyone embarrassed, "Um, I don't know where my brother and his girlfriend are, I apologize for their absence." Her normal confidence had decided to take a few off days due to her exhaustion. She looked at the unwrapped gifts as sighed, "Honestly, you aren't gonna like what they got you, Ginny got you a pink skirt and Harry got you some jewelry, they're still getting to know you." She passed her the bad gifts and pulled out her wrapped one, "I think you'll actually like mine though." Bella opened up the gift and gasped, "Oh my god! This is amazing! Thank you Pais!" Everyone was curious as to what the gift that made the quiet, gift hating girl, get this excited. She showed everyone a stack of books she'd been talking about for a while. Alice groaned, "You've given her more ammo to stay inside!" "Yeah, but look at that smile." She nodded, "I concede. All hail the gift giving queen!" Everyone bowed or curtseyed jokingly.

       Esme and Carlisle were beaming, waiting to give her their gift, which they told her before she opened it. They were tickets to go visit her mother for her and Edward so that he could meet her. She got so excited that she got a papercut whilst opening the package. The room went silent in the millisecond that it took for a single drop of blood to hit the carpet. From her side Jasper lurched across the room, causing everyone to shout and Edward to send Bella flying into a wall, table, and glass vase, causing more blood. "Well that was thick!" She pulled out her wand and pointed it at Jasper, currently being held back by Emmett and Carlisle. "Petrificus Totalus!" He went rigid, allowing Emmett and Rose to carry him outside, Alice following close behind with her mate to make sure he was okay. Paisly made sure to pass on that the spell was temporary, but it should be long enough to have him calm down. Carlisle whisked away along with Edward while Paisly helped Esme clean up with a wave of her wand. Once Jasper had unfrozen he was consumed with guilt. Everyone but Edward, who'd taken Bella home and gone to get the kids for her, told her it was best for her to stay with Jasper at the moment. So that's what she did. She knew he wouldn't want to talk, so she stayed quiet, she pulled him into a hug, his face buried in her neck as she stroked his hair. It all felt so natural that there were no second thoughts to giving him exactly what he needed. 

      The only words spoke the entire time were near the end when she lifted his head in her hands and stared him in the eyes with a soft look. Not one of sympathy, or guilt, a genuine love lorn look in her eyes that he was relieved to see as she told him with a firmness, "It was NOT your fault." When Edward returned with the kids, Teddy and Anna were screaming, Teddy's being colic cries, Anna being a 3-year-old and Edward looked terrified as he set down the baby carrier and looked at Paisly, "I-I don't know what to do." She laughed along with all the others as she picked up Teddy and shh'd him as she gave Anna a sharp look, causing her to silence herself and giggle, running for Emmett who bent down, "Emmy!" "Hey monkey!" He tossed her high up in the air, causing her to giggle. Teddy soon stopped crying and a family meeting was called. Edward was firm with his pitch for the Cullen/Hales to leave Forks but giving weary looks to a stone faced Paisly. "Edward, darling, stop looking over here. If this is what's best for Jazz and he wants to do it, I'll support the decision. It's not up to me what's best for your family. I get doing what you have to to protect the ones you love. If this is what you need," she was now looking straight at Jasper, "If this is what you believe is best for you as of now. I will support that. Do you feel this is what's best for you?" 

     Despite being unable to cry, Jasper looked close to tears as he nodded. "Okay then. I'll hold down the fort here. I'll text and call so Anna can talk to everyone, unless you need radio silence?" Esme shook her head along with Carlisle, "That won't be necessary, besides, we'd miss her too much." Edward looked slightly upset causing Paisly to look at him directly, "I am giving you what you want. Despite not enjoying it, I am doing this because it's what's best for him. Bella doesn't even have to know we're in contact. But I will not hurt my little girl like that again." He looked down and nodded with a stoneface before leaving to sulk. The rest of the night was spent with one another, knowing they would miss each other so much. Paisly dreaded having to explain what was happening to Anna when she began to ask to go over and see Jazz, Emmy, Rose, Allie, Gigi or PopPop, Gigi and PopPop were her choice of names for Esme and Carlisle as they had become like grandparents and had hard to pronounce names for a little girl just barely speaking. Knowing it was good for them wiped away any doubt, and she was prepared for any backlash.

I know I've been gone but I will try and post more

xoxo your wattpad mom

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