Trollstopia Season 2: Harmoni...

By Rally9933

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The Trolls embrace on their big adventure as they left their home to travel another land of magic, harmonious... More

Harmonious Land part 2
Harmonious Land part 1
Harmonious Land part 3
A Bird In The Family
Music Area
Equal Meeting
The Last Day
Normal Trolls In Town
The Secret Kindness of Aggie Galido
Fashion Show
Cakes On The Train
Out of Control
Valentine's Day part 1
Valentine's Day part 2
Party Protectors
Family Matters
Friends' Night
Melancholy Melody
Funk Drive
Job Hunt
You Didn't Say It Was Your Birthday
Uncle Dearest
Rocking a Friendship Beat
Family Values
Radio Heads
The Rodeo Roundup
Common Bond
Funk Wash
Mixed Romances and Responses
Potion Situation
Highly Amused
He's Got The Power
Call Queen
Mount Yodelerest
Beach Day
Pua Nani Ē
Embrace The Magic
Saving Psychic Aggie
Harvest Moon Festival
Escaping Expulsion
There Goes The Bride
Aggie's Birth Story
Leave It To Master
13th floor
The Answers
Cooper In Love
The Magic Staff
Lost In A Small Wolrd
Fight and Conduct
Hard To Say Anything
Is This A Goodbye?

So The Dramatic Prom Night

518 6 2
By Rally9933


Aggie: You can do it solo

Queen Poppy and King Branch: But then you'd be all by yourself

King Trollex: So it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else!

King Quincy and Queen Essence: Together we will soar across the sky and beyond!

Delta Dawn: So turn up your voice!

Queen Barb: Stand up and sing along!

All Normal Trolls and Magic Musical Trolls: All different voices, our melody's ringin'
We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're livin' in harmony!
Our song is much stronger with every Troll singin'

We're livin' in harmony!


In his bed, Trollex woke up with the yawn, and stretched his body and his fins. As he saw through the window that it's morning, he turned to see his girlfriend at the dry side of the room, but he saw her bed was empty. She was nowhere in the room

Trollex turned to his best friend, and woke the button at the small hole of the wall where Beat was sleeping, "Hey, Beat, have you seen Aggie?"

Beat yawned and answered, "No, I just woke up,"

"Hmm," Trollex was curious that Aggie woke up too early that usually, except every Monday, but it's not Monday at all. She might be downstairs with the other eating breakfast so he swam out of bed, carrying Beat with him, and moved out of his room.


At the dining room, where the other Trolls were eating, Trollex and Beat came in last.

Trollex greeted them, "Morning, everyone, has anyone seen Aggie this morning?"

"No, we haven't seen her all morning. I thought she was with you two," Essence answered.

"We haven't seen her in bed. She can't just leave without telling us." Beat said.

"Oh, I know where she is!" Melody spoke while looking at her laptop, "She just emailed me that she's in school, decorating an event for tonight."

"Since when do you have an email account, and where did you get that laptop?" Val asked while sipping milk with a straw.

"Oh, when I earned enough money from the salon, I decided to buy my own laptop, and make my own email account. Aggie taught me how to do it," the Pop/Rock Troll replied.

"And what's the event tonight anyway?" Smidge asked.

"Don't know. She never said."

"Well, then, let's go to the school to check her out," barb suggested as the other Trolls agreed, and left their breakfast on the table, leaving out of the dining room.

"But what about breakfast?" Biggie pointed, but the dining room was empty already, leaving him and Mr. Dinkles alone. Biggie shrugged as he decided to take his honey pot with him while carrying Mr. Dinkles with his spare arm.


In Cabatwand Comprehensive High School, at the gym, the students were decorating for a special event as the whole place has lots of balloons and streamers. There was even a disco ball hanging in the middle of the ceiling. Some other students were placing food on the table. A Magic Techno Troll was arranging a DJ Booth at the left side of the stage. A Magic Classical Troll and a Magic Pop Troll were painting a banner for the event, adding a little glitter and cut-outs for designs.

"I need another balloon up here!" A male Magic Rock Troll called as he was on the ladder, putting the balloons above the stage.

A male Country Troll blew a pink balloon, and yelled, "Here you go!" He kicked the balloon up for his classmate to reach.

A female K-Pop Troll carefully placed a large bowl of punch with lemon slices in it.

"That's a lot of punch!" the female Magic Techno Troll chuckled.

Just in time, at the entrance, the Normal Trolls arrived together, and looked amazed around the room.


The Magic Musical Troll students didn't mind the Normal Trolls coming in as they were too busy and excited arranging and decorating the gym for tonight's event.

"What's going on here?!" Synth inquired.

"Look at this place," Poppy exclaimed, "It's like someone is having a birthday party!"

Just then, Aggie flew up above the stage to attach the spotlight.

Trollex spotted her and called while waving his hand, "Hey, Aggie!"

Aggie heard her secret boyfriend's voice as she looked at the entrance, "Hey, guys!" She flew towards them in excitement, "You're just in time!"

"What's a-goin' on here? Why are thay ...uhh students decawating thay ...uhh whowwl school? Especially thay ...uhh gym?" Delta Dawn asked.

"It's prom night tonight!" Aggie said as two Magic Classical Trolls attached the banner above the stage, below the spotlights and balloons, with the word "PROM!"

"Prom night?" Prince D said confusingly.

"What in the world is a 'prom'?" Dante asked.

Aggie gasped loudly in horror, "YOU NEVER HEARD OF PROM?!" Her friends shook their heads, "Why, it's the most awesome night of all nights, Trolls! You see, when students are in their junior and senior year, they have this party that is held near the end of their high school years. It happens either once or twice in a lifetime. With junior proms, senior proms, and even combined!"

"Oh, it's a dance party! So, that means you won't have this dance anymore in future years?" Stereo asked.

"Well, since I'm now a senior, this is probably my last prom ever," Aggie responded.

Clampers heard the whole expiation as she Popped out her aunt's hair, and frowned, "Oh, that's sad."

Aggie smiled, "It wasn't that bad. That's why we're making the most of it! That's why prom nights are the event that we always remember. We have to wear something formal, like tuxedos for boys, and evening gowns for girls. They have to bring their dates, listen to their favorite songs, and dance all night. They even have to eat good food if they want a break from dancing."

"Well, hot dang! This here prawum sownds so fun!" Holly cheered while raising her front legs.

"So, Aggie, you said you're a senior, so that means you had your prom last year. What was it like? Is it a night to remember?" Branch asked.

Aggie's smile turned to frown, "Well, not exactly. It's like the night I don't want to remember... I was still dating Scarlet that night, and she didn't want to do anything with me, so I was stressed eating a lot of food."

"Aww, you poor dear," Trollzart cooed while patting Aggie's head.

"Don't worry, Aggie. This year, this is gonna be the prom that you want to remember for the rest of your life! It's gonna be Funk-tastic!" Rhythm reassured her.

"And we're gonna make the most of it with you!" Blues added.

Aggie lifted up her head, beaming, "You guys wanna come to the prom with me tonight?"

"How could we ever miss a perfect opportunity to study a party that happens once in every Magic Musical Troll's life?!" Laguna squealed while pulling out her clipboard, but few others glared at her for ruining Aggie's hopes. Laguna realized she didn't say the right reason as she put her clipboard back in her hair, "And we're going to have fun with you too, Aggie. You're the reason we want to attend this prom. I mean, without you, we won't know about this party until now."

"Yeah, ayn' it's gonna be our naheet ta remembuurr!" Buckaroo said.

Aggie was so happy that all of her friends are going to company her for the prom as she pulled them together for a group hug, "Aww, thanks, guys!" She let go, and shook like a vibrating cellphone, "Oooh, I'm so excited I just wanna sing about it! You guys have to watch and learn how we deal with prom."

As the song started, the students were divided by genres and each had made-up closets as backgrounds.

Jeric: (Country theme) Guess now it's official
Chin-Hwa: (K-Pop theme) Can't back out, can't back out, no
Shimmer: (Techno theme) Getting ready for the night of nights
Tori and Junet: (Rock and Pop theme combined) The night of nights, alright
EJ Cyber: (Techno theme) Don't panic
EJ Cyber, Jeric, and Fritz: (Techno, Country and Funk theme combined) Panic!

Fritz: (Funk theme) Now do we have to dress up for the prom?
Jeric: (Country theme) Dude I don't think we have the choice
Chamuelle: (Pop theme) Yeah it's the night of all nights
Millerose: (Country theme) Gotta look just right
Saenie: (Pop theme) Dressing to impress the boys

Chin-Hwa: (K-Pop theme) Do I want classic or vintage or plaid?
Joash: (Classical theme) Where's the mirror?
Mel Andy Onday: (Disco theme) I think this tux is too baggy
Silovay: (Country theme) Too tight, it makes me look weird

Junet: (Pop theme) Should I go movie star glamorous?
Theresa Mae: (Pop theme) Sassy or sweet?
Marianne Marco: (Rock theme) Don't know, but no one better wear the same dress as me

Male students: (All music combined) It's the night of our nightmares
Female students: (All music combined) It's the night of our dreams
Male students: It's too late to back out of it
Female students: Hey! Makeovers, massages
Male students: Don't know what a corsage is
Female students: Been waiting all our lives for this

Female students: It's gonna be a night
Male students: Can't wait
Female students: To remember
Male students: Aw man
Female students: Come on now, big fun, alright
It's gonna be the night
Male students: I guess
Female students: To last forever
Male students: Lucky us
All: We'll never ever ever forget

While the Normal Trolls were listening and watching, Laguna, Rhythm, Blues and McJagger were documenting everything they learned from the song. Branch also found a school photo album from last year from one of the chairs, and looked at the pictures of last year's prom night.

At the next verse, Scarlet and her bandmates showed up, with mirror props. One was a heart-shaped for girls, and the other was rectangular-shaped for boys.

Scarlet, Opal, and Ethel: (Rock, Classical, and Funk theme combined) Getting ready
Dusty, Zyrus, and Nadine: (Country, Techno and Pop combined) Get ready
Scarlet, Opal, and Ethel: Get, a-getting ready, ready
Dusty, Zyrus, and Nadine: Get ready
Scarlet, Opal, and Ethel: Getting ready
Opal and Ethel: (Here we go)
Scarlet, Opal, and Ethel: Get, a-getting ready, go

?: (knocking) Hey, you've been in there and hour, man

Scarlet, Opal, and Ethel: So...what should I do with my hair?

Nadine: (Pop theme) Where's my shaver?
Opal: (Classical theme) Ooh, I love it
Zyrus: (Techno theme) I look like a waiter
Ethel: (Funk theme) Should I fluff it?
Scarlet and Dusty: (Rock and Country theme combined) It's getting late, I already should be there

At the next scene were the boys pushing buttons, resembling doorbells. Some female students dressed up as mothers, and some male students dressed up as fathers.

Male students: (All music combined) Her mother opens the door, I'm shaking inside

Female students: (All music combined) He's here, it's time, the hour's arrived

Male students: Don't know why, her father's staring me down

Female students: Where's my purse, lip gloss? Now I'm really freaking out

Male students: Then something changes my world
The most beautiful girl, right in front of my eyes

During the song, Trollex was distracted from watching the performance as he moved his attention to Aggie, who was placing a tower of plastic cups on the table. To him, she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. His attention got interrupted when the student sang a bit louder, pulling out a cardboard that looked like a limo.

Female students: It's gonna be a night
Male students: Oh yeah!
Female students: To remember
Male students: That's for sure
Female students: Come on now
All: Big fun, alright!

Female students: It's gonna be the night
Male students: Yeah tonight
Female students: To last forever
Male students: Forever more
All: We'll never ever ever forget

For the instrumental part, most Magic Musical Trolls played their Music In Life, mixing all six main music genres together, associated with the sub-genres, and everybody danced with their background as a whole sparkling ballroom.

Male students: Who's that girl? She's so fine

Female students: Who's that guy? I don't recognize

Male students: Who's that girl? She looks so good, yeah

All: Guess you never really noticed but you probably should
Big fun!

Male students: On the night of nights

Female students: Alright

Male students: The night of nights, tonight

All: Let's dance

Male students: On the night of nights
You know we're going to do it right

All: It's gonna be a night to remember
It's gonna be the night to last forever
It's gonna be a night to remember
It's gonna be the night to last forever

Aggie: (last forever)

Female students: It's gonna be our night
Male students: You know it
Female students: To remember
Male students: For all time
All: Come on now, big fun

Aggie: (To remember!)

Female students: It's gonna be the night
Male students: Love it
Female students: To last forever
Male students: The rest of our lives
All: We'll never ever ever forget

Female students: It's gonna be our night
Male students: Oh yeah!
Female students: All together
Male students: Say it loud!
All: Come on now, everyone, that's right

Female students: It's gonna be a night
Male students: Yeah tonight
Female students: To remember
Male students: Hear the crowd
All: And never ever ever, never ever ever
Never ever, never ever ever forget!

After the song, Aggie flew back to her friends, and bowed down after that performance of explanation about prom.

"I think this is definitely gonna be the night we would remember," Satin said.

"We just have to dress up, style our hair, and have fun!" Chenille continued.

"I don't think I'm gonna ask King Peppy to take his daughter to the prom," Branch smirked at his girlfriend.

"Oh, Branch," Poppy cooed as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Ayn' ya don't need-ta ask my daddy ta take me ta the prom eithuurr," Holly smirked at Gust, who blushed while scratching the back of his head.

"I think this is gonna be a perfect party for another date night!" McJagger said while wrapping an arm around Laguna.

"Aww, it's so sweet you guys have your dates. Don't worry, I'm okay with it. As long as you guys are all with me, this is gonna be the best night ever!" Aggie said.

"Oh, Aggie," Scarlet's voice was heard as she and her bandmates were behind Aggie, "Keep wishing that because I don't think you're going to have the best night ever."

"What does that mean, Scarlet?" Aggie asked while crossing her arms.

"Haven't you forgotten your own explanation to your friends? Everyone should have a date for the prom," the Magic Rock Troll reminded

"That's not a rule for the prom, Scarlet. I don't need a date to have fun for the prom," the rainbow-colored Magic Musical Troll scoffed.

"Uh, yeah it is. and even if you don't have a date, you're too desperate to have one for the prom. Remember what happened last year?"

"What's the difference?! You don't have a date, and you're expelled!"

"Yeah, thanks to you and your friends. But not a problem, I have Dusty to be my date."

"You chose one of your bandmates as your date just to get to the prom?"

"That, and I need a date. I don't want to miss this prom.

"I can work out for you for the prom," Dusty smirked at Scarlet.

Scarlet cooed romantically, "Aww, that's so sweet. And don't shower. I like it when you glisten,"

Aggie gagged quietly as she shouted, "'When you glisten'? Could you be any sicker?!"

"Oh, like you and your boyfriend? Oops, I forgot. You don't have a boyfriend, do you, Aggie? Too busy 'entertaining your friends' and 'being the Master of All Music'?" Scarlet moved while using air quotes with her fingers.

Trollex was angry at Scarlet bullying Aggie as he was about to step up, and tell her that he's Aggie's boyfriend, but Synth and Trollzart held him back while shaking their heads, reminding the young king that their relationship is a secret.

Aggie deadpanned, "You still use air quotes. Huh. Interesting."

"And I'm not the only one dating one of my bandmates," Scarlet walked around her bandmates one by one as she explained, "Nadine and Opal are together, Ethel and Zyrus too. In fact, every one of us has a date, some were even outside of our school. Face facts. All the remotely acceptable Trolls are taken."

Aggie rolled her eyes, and asked, "Is there a deadline I don't know about?"

"The prom!"

"Ugh, it's just another dance."

"Try 'the dance'. Who you go with is like crucial..." Scarlet then took a quick glance at the Normal Trolls, "You might even choose one of your Normal Troll friends," Aggie and the Normal Trolls cringed in panic a bit as they thought Scarlet might have a clue about their secret, "Oh wait, you can't! No one has ever heard of a Normal and a Magic Musical Troll dating together. If they do, everyone in our land thinks it's weird. Weirder than those two!" She pointed at McJagger and Laguna with her thumb as the two just glared at her, "Besides, I don't think your friends will ever get invited."

Fortunately, Principal Lauro arrived with a clipboard and explained, "Actually, Ms. Velvet, Ms. Galido's friends are allowed to attend the prom as long as Mc. Galido is with them. You are lucky that Mr. Cropper here agreed to be your date or you'll never attend this year's prom," With Scarlet scoffed in defeat, the principal then walked over to the Normal Trolls, and winked, "I'm looking forward for you to liven things up a bit for the prom tonight."

"Yeah, sure, we like to liven the party!" Poppy chuckled.

"Excellent. Can't wait!" Lauro said before walking oof. The young female Normal Trolls squealed in excitement as they jumped while holding each other's hands.

Scarlet groaned in defeat, "Fine, your friends are safe, but you still don't have a date!" She and her bandmates laughed while walking off.

This left Aggie frowned while feeling angry at the same time.

When Aggie turned around to get out of the gym, she accidentally bumped on Trollazon, who appeared in the gym with her fellow leaders.

"Ms. President, what are you all doing here?" Essence asked.

"We always come to prom nights in different schools in the whole Harmonious Land," Captain Raven explained, "This is where we get invited."

"And we like attending proms because they remind us of our high school days," Rodrigo added, "Are you attending the prom too?"

"Yes, yes we are," Guy Diamond smiled, answering confidently.

Aggie remembered that Barb told her about the leaders of Harmonious Land knowing two of her secrets, "So, uh, about the secrets..."

"Yeah, we know," Bailey said.

"Don't worry, your secrets are safe with us," Amelia smiled

The Main Trolls beamed and sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank you, thank, you, thank you!" Aggie almost got scared, but she felt relax now that the leaders of Harmonious Land agreed to keep her deepest secrets

"Maybe this relationship will bring peace and harmony to all of our tribes after all," Trollazon said quietly.

"and the whole vision thing, it was no problem keeping them," Rodrigo added, "Everyone has supernatural powers that they're afraid to show because they don't want other Trolls to think they're weirdos... just like you."

"Aggie smiled with her eyes sparkled.

"So, are you taking King Trollex on a date?" Raven asked her.

Aggie shushed the captain as she looked around to see if the other Magic Musical Trolls were listening. But seeing that there aren't, she whispered to the Magic Musical leaders, "I can't... remember, it's a secret."

"Oh, right, but you need to have a date for the prom, Ms. Aggie," Travor recommended, "It's not a rule, but you need it."

"When the leaders of Harmonious Land walked off to survey the place for the prom, Aggie looked down and frowned, realizing she did need a date for the prom.


Back In the lobby of their condo, the delegates and ambassadors were in the lobby with Aggie while the leaders prepared some snacks for their people.

"Ags, that is flawed!" DJ started, talking about what Scarlet said earlier.

"I know, but what if Scarlet has, in her own stupid way, a point?" Aggie wondered.

Val gasped, "Shut up, girl!"

"In order to have the best night of my life, I am taking Trollex as my date. He's my boyfriend. I wanted him to be my date to the prom," Aggie slouched on the couch.

"But you can't because you're not sure if the whole tribe would've accepted that," Leglsy recalled.

"Note: Aggie, we know how you feel. McJagger and I were in the same situation. Everything was fine in the end," Laguna noted.

"Yes, but this is my tribe. You don't care what they think. But I do, because this is where I was born. I just want everyone to accept me."

"Aggie, you are a strong, independent Troll," Lownote said proudly, "Anybody can accept you for who you are."

"Especially of who you're friends with or who you dated with," Minuet added.

The Magic Musical Troll agreed with her friends, but lifted her knees to her face, and hugged them tightly, "Yeah, maybe. But, what if she's right? Is there anything sadder than going to the prom with all of my friends like you while hiding my relationship from everyone?"

Outside of the condo, Noel and Agnes were walking (or flying in Noel's case) just past the condo, until Noel noticed his sister talking to her friends through the glass window.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" Noel asked curiously.

Wanting to know what their youngest half-sister and her friends were doing, Noel and Agnes snuck inside the garden by jumping over the gate, and hid inside the garbage cans, ignoring the garbage all over them.

The leaders then returned to the condo with Delta and Quincy carried the snacks, while Trollex got two glasses of apple juice for him and Aggie.

"Hey, Aggie, I got you apple juice, your favorite," He gave one for his girlfriend

"Thanks, Trollex," Aggie took a glass, and drank her juice.

"Still worrying about the prom?" Quincy asked.

Aggie nodded, "Yeah. I need your advice, everyone. I can't make decisions by myself. Should I go to the prom with all of you while keeping my relationship a secret, or let everyone know so I can have a date while I'll be a mockery of my tribe at the same time?"

"Aggie, naw mattuurr what y'all choose, y'all know we're always here faw y'all," Gust comforted her.

"And we would never let you get hurt," Stereo added.

"As long as I'm around, I won't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. I have no regrets of dating you if you have no regrets too," Trollex smirked while wrapping an arm around Aggie's shoulder.

"Nope. No regrets," Aggie gave a quick peck on Trollex's nose as everyone laughed delightfully at the couple.

Outside, the older siblings saw the whole scene as they were shocked that their youngest sister just kissed a Norma Techno Troll.

"What the—" Agnes gasped, until she felt her brother almost crash into her with the garbage can he's in, "Noel, stop scooting over!"

"I didn't scoot over, you did!" Noel scowled at his sister.

The two started to fight like children as they swatted their hands from each other. This caused them to hope forward with their trash cans, and crashed on the doors, opening them, and letting themselves in.

This startled the Main Trolls as they jumped off their seats while Beat was hiding behind Trollex's hair, and noticed a pair of Magic Musical Trolls with trash cans on them.

"Noel! Agnes!" Aggie screamed, realizing her siblings were here, and they must've seen her with Trollex all romantic over him.

Noel and Agnes managed to get out of their trash cans as they tried to clean themselves.

"Aggie, what is going on here?! What is this?!" Agnes asked while throwing a banana peel from her head.

"Oh, um, well, you see..." Aggie tried to explain, but she can't find the words

Demo cut him to cover for his friend, "We're just having a little get together! Yeah, for the prom!" The other Trolls nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I see. You guys are having a get together...," Noel smiled calmly and nodded, believing them, but that didn't buy Noel as he and Agnes knew Aggie was in a relationship with a Normal Techno King as the Magic Classical Troll started to throw garbage off of him in different direction, angrily yelling, "If the whole tribe knew about this...!"

Dante quickly flew over Noel, and told him, "You're not going to tell everyone, are you?!"

"Oh, please, Noel, Agnes, don't tell anyone... except for our parents, and the leaders, Shimmer, and Chin-Hwa, they already knew, but the rest would never understand!" Aggie begged.

"Sis, I know you've been desperate to find someone ever since your two break-ups, but have you thought about this?" Agnes asked in concern.

Aggie glanced at Trollex before turning to her siblings, "Yes, I thought about it, and I'm still in love with Trollex."

"Of all Trolls, why him?!" Noel felt so stressed, "There are plenty of fish in the sea..." This made Noel realize the term literally described as the Techno Trolls of being fishes, "Sorry, was that offensive?"

"It wasn't, but I love your sister, and I want to be with her," Trollex wrapped an arm around her, showing Noel and Agnes his love for Aggie.

"But..." Agnes was about to protest, but she saw the looks on her sister's adorable face while she was hugging Trollex. She saw how happy she is with her new boyfriend, and Agnes realized she can't take the happiness away from Aggie. As a big sister, she wanted Aggie to be happy, "Aaawww, I have never seen you this happy..." She sighed in defeated, "Alright, alright, I think I can live with this."

"What?!" Noel shouted as he made Agnes turn away from the Main Trolls to talk privately and quietly, "Agnes, you can't be serious about this. Trollex is the king of the Normal Techno Trolls!"

"Come on, Noel. Can you just give this a chance?" Agnes insisted.

"You don't think Aggie loves him because he's the king, do you?" asked Noel

"What? No!" Agnes glanced back at her sister and her friends before going back to Noel, "I don't think our sister would be like that. And he might be the one."

"How could you be so sure?"

"I can see it in Aggie's eyes, and I saw how King Trollex loves our youngest sister. And... we want her to be happy."

"What if he hurts her too?'

"I don't think he will."

Seeing how Agnes trusted Trollex for loving Aggie, Noel sighed as he turned around, and said, "Alright, alright, I think we both agree that if this what makes you happy, little sis, then... I think we can accept it."

The Main Trolls gasped happily.

"Really?" Trollex and Aggie smiled.

Noel warned as he got closer to Trollex, who leaned back, "Just promise that you take care of her for good. She's been through some break-ups, and I don't want that to happen to you, and I don't care if you're the king. If something happens to her, you don't wanna see my destructive side."

For what Noel said, Trollex looked back at Agnes and Aggie to see if he was telling the truth according to them.

"Trust us, you don't wanna see that," Agnes said as Aggie nodded.

Trollex looked back at Noel, and nodded nervously, "Oh, sure, I will."

"You better, your majesty!" Noel glared before pulling himself back as Trollex sighed in relief.

"Well, I guess that's another secret we want to keep," Aggie chuckled.

"What are the other secrets?" Melody asked.

Noel and Agnes widened their eyes in panic as they couldn't tell any of their secrets to anyone because some were troubling, and some were embarrassing.

"Okay, we gotta go!" Noel talked at a rapid speed.

"Love you, sis!" Agnes told Aggie.

The two fixed the trash cans while throwing the garbage back in the cans, and ran off before exposing their secrets.

"That went well. At least your siblings accepted it," Prince D said.

"Especially your sister," Cooper added.

"I know," Aggie sighed in relief, "You know, a 'date' date would be nice for the prom, but not with another kind of boyfriend."

"You've let Scarlet play you," Rhythm pointed.

"Have not!" Aggie protested.

Blues then acted like a helpless single girl, "What good your life would be if you don't have a romantic partner for the best night of all nights?!" she and her sister smirked.

"Okay, a little," Aggie admitted, "Just once, I'd like to make her eat her words."

"They are low-carb," Chenille said.

"And low-fat for a dress either," Satin added.

Aggie then changed the topic, "Anyway, guys, we gotta fuel up, and get ready for the prom."

"Ay think we'll be home awful early aftuurr wawk. We don't wanna miss the prom," Delta suggested.

"Us too." Riff spoke.

"Great! We'll meet up at 3pm," Branch declared as everyone nodded.

Melody, Laguna, Branch, McJagger, Smidge, Riff, Essence, and the Country Trolls walked out of the condo to get to their work, while the rest of the Trolls head to their rooms to prepare themselves for the prom.

Now Trollex and Aggie were alone together, and there was nothing to do but wait until 3pm. Trollex had an idea as he asked his girlfriend, "Hey, since the others are working for the rest of the day, how about we can go out for a walk?"

"But, people will see us," Aggie was worried.

"Let's just walk together as friends, and no one would notice," the Techno King recommended.

Aggie smiled, and agreed with her, "Yeah, that'll do!"

Beat was behind them, and said, "I'll just stay here, while you two secret lovebirds have fun before the prom."

"Thanks, buddy!" Trollex hugged his friend before he and Aggie moved out.

Beat just rolled his eyes, and headed to the elevator to get to his, Trollex, and Aggie's room to take a nap.

Though, Barb was at the dining room, supposed to get some snacks from the kitchen, but overheard that Trollex and Aggie are going out together. She feared the other Magic Musical Trolls might see them. So, she decided to follow them, just to see them that they're gonna be okay.


At the plaza of the town called Pocusinan, Trollex and Aggie took a stroll, trying not to show their romantic feelings for each other.

Just then, they heard jazz music at a ballroom where Magic Jazz Trolls and Magic Swing Trolls played their music together while the other Magic Musical Trolls danced together by pair, some were dancing solo, and some by group. The band has a piano, saxophones, and trumpets for instruments, and has a Magic Jazz Troll as a conductor.

Seeing these Trolls dancing might give Aggie some motivation to dance for the prom. He suggested to her, "Wanna practice dancing?"

Aggie nodded in excitement, "Yeah!"

Trollex to her by the hand, and the two floated into the ballroom where the dance was. Barb was hiding obstacles while following the couple as she got a closer look at them when she changed hiding spots. She even snuck in quietly without letting Trollex and Aggie know she was following them.

When the couple were in the ballroom, Trollex and Aggie started to dance together with partners. There was jazz ballroom dancing, and followed the beat of the music. They continued to dance until they were posed as a romantic dance couple that they couldn't resist.

After the song, the Magic Musical Trolls around them stopped dancing, catching their attention, and stared at them in shock.

Trollex and Aggie looked around, and realized they'd been caught this time as they tried to step away from each other.

The looks of the Magic Musical Trolls' faces were shocked in disbelief, and disgust. Each of them started to say something insulting and disgusting towards them.

"Is that...?"

"Oh look, a Normal Techno Troll and a Magic Musical Troll together."

"A Normal Techno Troll and a Magic Musical Troll together."


"As in, romantically together?"

"It is true!"

"It's disgusting!"


"I can't stand it!"

"It's an outrage!"

"This is unheard of!"

"I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"I'm mortified!"

"It's horrible!"

"I can't believe my eyes!"

"It's just not right!"

But Flame, who was at the dance party, said otherwise, "I think they're a lovely couple!"

"Quiet, you little flamingo!" a Magic Classical Troll shouted at her.

Flame felt insulted when her name was brought up, "Hey!"

The insults continued as More MMTs commented badly at Trollex and Aggie.

"A Normal Techno Troll and a Magic Musical Troll together?"

They don't belong together!"

"It's disgusting!"

"A Normal and a Magic Musical will never be together."


"Weirder than a Funk Troll and a Techno Troll together!"

Trollex and Aggie looked around, and knew this day would come. Their worst fear came true. They were surrounded by insults and disagreement from the Magic Musical Trolls.

While hiding, Barb facepalmed as she realized this was her vision. She tried to prevent it from happening, but it happened. It was worse than she imagined.

The couple couldn't handle the critics anymore as they decided to flee.

"Get them!" One of the MMTs commanded as the crowd of Magic Musical Trolls chased them.

Barb also followed the crowd, just in case Trollex and Aggie needed help.

While Trollex and Aggie are ahead, some Magic Musical Trolls fired their magic at them, like few Magic Rock Trolls fired their balls of fire, few Magic Country Trolls stomped their hooves to emerge earth structures ahead to block the couple's way, and Magic Pop Trolls emerge plants to capture them with their Venus plant traps and vines.

Trollex and Aggie managed to dodge the Magic Musical Trolls' magic as they were heading towards an empty abandoned kitchen. When they managed to get in, Trollex quickly closed the door, causing the Magic Musical Trolls to bump on the walls and doors, and fainted from that bump.

Trollex and Aggie chuckled as they were safe from an angry mob as they floated causally together, finding a way out of here.

Realizing that the couple are safe, Barb decided to go back to the condo, realizing she didn't need to help them anymore now that they're safe.


At Stylish Strands in High-ro, Melody was finishing up braiding a female Magic Country Troll's hair before offering her a mirror to look into. The Magic Country smiled, approving the look and paid Melody 15 Trollars before she got up and left.

Melody was set to help her next customer when she saw that it a male Magic Classical Troll, and one she knew well, as she said in surprise, "Dr. Barker! It's good to see you again."

Dr. Barker smiled at the Pop/Rock Troll as he said, "Ah, Melody, it's good to see you too. You seem to be in high spirits since we last spoke. How have you been feeling?"

"I've been feeling good, if anything, a lot better since we last spoke. After we had our talk at the hospital, Aggie came to visit with my older cousin and we just chatted and they helped me see that I didn't have to feel like I was alone because they would always be by my side, treating me like family," Melody replied.

Dr. Barker was pleased to hear as he replied, "Splendid to hear, Ms. Song."

Melody then said, "Well, since you're my next customer, please take a seat and let me know what I'm doing today for you."

Dr. Barker sat in the chair and commented while Melody placed a cape around him, "Nothing much. Just perhaps a trim off the top and side."

"You got it, Dr. Barker," Melody nodded.

Melody picked up her signature scissors and got right to work. As she snipped away at Dr. Barker's hair, Melody allowed herself to be enveloped in the music the salon was playing through the speakers. It gave her a steady beat that allowed her to cut and style with ease. However, while she was beginning to feel "in the zone," she overheard one of the other stylists who walked behind her.

A female Magic Rock Troll looked at her phone, and gagged in disgust, "A Normal Techno Troll and a Magic Musical Troll together? Ugh!"

Melody became shocked by the statement, developing a bad feeling about the situation, when she saw that her state of shock distracted her and made Melody cut a chunk of Dr. Barker's hair off by mistake. Melody squeaked in fear as Dr. Barker saw the Pop/Rock Troll's panicked state

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

Melody picked up the piece of hair she accidentally cut off, showing it to Dr. Barker as she said, "I am so sorry, Dr. Barker! I-It was an accident, I swear! I-I didn't mean to mess up like that!"

Melissa was monitoring the stylists at work when she saw Melody panicking, and came over "Is everything okay?"

Melody gulped and said, "No, I made a mistake by accident. I am so sorry, Ms. Mayweather! I normally never make a mistake like this! Don't worry, I can fix it!"

Dr. Barker then offered a sincere smile to Melody, "Hold on. Before you do, can I see that chunk of hair a minute?"

When Melody gave the chunk of hair that got cut off to Dr. Barker, he then stunned Melody by magically reattaching it firmly to where it got cut off, "There you go. It's fixed now."

Melody's jaw dropped as he poked at it to see if it was actually attached, and when she saw it was, she stammered in disbelief, "I just...and then...he...what?! How?! I'm relieved, but how?! I thought you couldn't reattach your hair once it's cut!"

Melissa chuckled and said, "I'll explain. See, us Magic Musical Trolls have a special ability where, if our hair gets cut by accident or sacrifice, or we do an unintentional cut, we can use our magic to reattach it at will."

Melody was speechless as she said, "Wow! That's so amazing! I didn't even think an ability like this was possible!"

"It's pretty neat, but you are right about something: if a Magic Musical Troll cuts their hair, and the cut is intentional, like how you styled it, we don't need to magically reattach unless we want to, and it will take some time for it to grow back. Just like with Normal Troll hair."

Melody was still in awe about hearing this, "Man, that's so awesome, I have a lot to learn in this tribe. I better tell my friends about this when I get home. I'm sorry, Ms. Mayweather. I promise this won't happen again."

Melissa smiled and said, "At ease, Melody. You'd be surprised how often an accident like that happens. Even the most careful of stylists make a mistake like that every now and then. Just try to be a little more cautious of your surroundings, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," Melody nodded before returning to finishing Dr. Barker's hair while Melissa went to check on another stylist.

However, while working, Melody was in thought, thinking to herself, "Phew, that was close! I was sure that accident was gonna get me fired! Still...what was up with that Magic Rock Troll and what she said? I hope she's not talking about Trollex and Aggie! I better let the leaders know about this when I get back to the condo. Hopefully, I can find the answer soon too before something bad happens."


At the airport, Smidge and Riff were busy loading the check-in luggage onto a huge cart.

"Careful with these suitcases, Riff. I overheard a Magic Techno Troll saying that one of these suitcases has a priceless, valuable heirloom inside that's incredibly fragile. So, we have to be very careful and move every piece of luggage with utmost care and caution," Smidge said.

"You said that last time and where did that get me? A pack of golf clubs ran the cart, and I was getting sucked into a turbine and having to be rescued and treated for my injuries."

Smidge rolled her eyes, "Well, at least you didn't get hurt too badly and survived that accident, and be grateful those golf clubs jammed the turbine when you got sucked in because things would've been really bad if they kept spinning."

"Don't remind me of that," Riff groaned.

As they both were placing the last suitcase into the cart, Riff overheard a Magic Funk Troll said behind him, "Have you seen this?"

"I have, and their relationship is disgusting. Whoever heard of such a couple? Normal Troll and Magic Musical Troll?" Magic Techno Troll answered.

Riff gasped a little in shock as he accidentally dropped a heavy luggage on Smidge. She was squished by the heaviness of the bag as she escaped while catching her breath, "Riff, are you okay? You almost killed me.

But Riff ignored that accident as he asked her, "Smidge, did you hear that."

The yellow Pop Troll replied, "Heard what? Time ticking away? Come on, we got to go get this luggage onto the plane."

Smidge hopped into the driver's seat while Riff hopped into the passenger seat next to her. As they carefully drove through the airport, they overheard a few Magic Musical Trolls gossiping, but from the disgusted looks on their faces, Smidge could see that whatever they were talking about was bad. Smidge then said to Riff, "Hey, I'm getting a bad feeling about this, seeing the Magic Musical Trolls gossip. What was it you overheard anyways?"

"Just something about a relationship being disgusting," The Rock drummer replied,

Smidge gasped, "Oh my guh!"

"Tell me about it. It doesn't help we have to go to the taco booth after this to get lunch because I've been craving for—"

"Halt on the food thoughts a sec! This gossip seems bad. We gotta let Poppy and Barb know about this after we finish our shift!"

Yeah, definitely! Do you think they'll want tacos too because—"

"We're not getting tacos!"


At the phone dating service building, Essence was currently taking as call as she pushed a button to answer.

"Oh yes, sir. I am pleased you enjoyed my 'company.; You sure know how to charm a woman."

Once the call came to an end, Essence sighed in exhaustion, "Troll, how much more of this can I take?" Essence was beginning to develop quite the reputation in the company and was one of the more successful employees, but that didn't stop her from feeling incredibly guilty about it, especially since she was still hiding her true job from her friends and family.

Soon, Rudy came by, and told her, "Su Majestad, you are doing an excellente job. You're a hit!"

Essence nodded her head and said, "Thank you, Rudy."

The Magic Reggaeton Troll went to check on another employee.

While Essence patiently waited for her next phone call, she overheard another Magic Musical Troll in a cubicle across from her talking to someone on his cell phone, and from what she was hearing, it sounded like gossip as the Magic Musical Troll said, "Ugh! No one has ever seen or heard of a relationship like this! It's awful!"

Essence looked around before she peeked her neck over the cubicle wall and saw a male Magic Pop Troll talking to someone on his cell phone as he said, "No way! That's impossible! A couple like that would never last!"

Essence began to feel worried about the gossip she was overhearing, saying to herself, "This seems very odd. I better let the others know about this."

Before she could think of anything else, a phone call came and she was forced to accept it.


In Trollnila, the fire department and paramedics were in the backyard of a Magic Rock family as the firefighters were at work helping to get a small, gray, female Magic Musical Troll down from a tree while the paramedics checked on the boy, who was a Magic Rock Troll as well, that was lying on a stretcher next to a pile of broken wood. Apparently, the kids were playing in their tree house, hence the pile of wood, when it collapsed, and while the girl was able to climb out in time, the boy wasn't so lucky and got caught in the fall.

Branch was climbing up the ladder while Chade was holding it down on the bottom. Branch carefully climbed up towards the girl and offered a hand out, "It's ok. We're here to help you."

The girl looked at Branch nervously before she allowed him to pick her up and carefully bring her back down.

Meanwhile, McJagger and Demy were checking on the boy, as Demy said while McJagger wrapped his arms and legs in small bandages, "You're very lucky to not have any broken bones or sprains. Just take it easy with some of the scrapes you have, and ice them so they won't be sore. You should be better in a few days."

The parents thanked the firefighters and paramedics for their help before the squad soon packed their things in their fire truck and started to head back to the station.

Captain Folly, who was driving, commented, "Excellent work out there, guys. King Branch, McJagger, good work you two."

Branch replied, "Thanks, Captain,"

McJagger added as he high-fived Branch, "Just doing our jobs."

However, while on the way back, McJagger and Branch overheard the Magic Musical Trolls on the street gossiping to one another, and judging by the number of disgusted reactions they had, it must be pretty bad.

"A Normal and a Magic Musical will never be together!"

Branch overheard that line as McJagger saw the worried expression on his face and asked, "Hey, everything okay, man?"

Branch replied, "Sort of. I just heard a Magic Musical Troll shout, 'A Normal and Magic Musical will never be together.'

Captain Folly overheard Branch and said, "Well, you're not fully wrong, King Branch. Like I mentioned before, love has no limits except for Normal Trolls and Magic Musical Trolls being together because it's a completely different history. Different tribe, different division."

McJagger then whispered, "Hey, don't worry, Branch. I'm sure that was just a random comment. But to be on the safe side, we should probably tell this to the leaders and Aggie when we get back."

Branch nodded, whispering back, "I agree. Because I have a feeling this is more than just simple gossip."


At the 2-4-0 dispatch center, Laguna was finishing up typing a report on the computer before sending it out when a Magic Funk Troll came over to her with some papers.

"Hey, can you deliver these to the manager? They're the reports of the recent calls we've received." He asked her.

Laguna nodded, "Sure thing," she got up, accepting the papers and beginning to head to the manager's office.

While on her way there, she overheard a group of Magic Country Trolls chatting with one another, gossiping about something as the female one, who appeared to be the leader, said, "Ken y'all believe it?! It's downraheet outrageous,"

The male Magic Country Troll that sat beside her replied, "Ya done said it, hon! It's disgustin' ay done tell ya!"

Laguna did her best to ignore the gossip and resume her task, but it didn't stop her from feeling concerned, saying to herself, "I wonder what they are talking about. Whatever it is seems pretty heated debate-wise."

Once she got to the manager's office, she opened the door and left the papers in the basket before proceeding back to her office.

However, she passed the Magic Country Troll group again and heard the female leader shout, "Ay tell ya, if ay ever have ta see that there couple, ay oughta give 'em ayy piece ov my maand faw a-messin' with our ways ov laafe!"

Laguna shuddered a bit in fright before saying to herself as she walked back, "I better let the leaders know about this once I get back to the condo."


Over at the police station in Las Veggie, Buckaroo was busy organizing some papers while Holly and Gust were outside on patrol, monitoring the city and trying to see if there was any suspicious activity to stop.

Delta was with Buckaroo, organizing the supplies, as she commented, "Sure sounds awful quiet today, am ay raheet?"

Buckaroo replied, "Yep, it sure is, ayn' ay don't laake it. Quiet always means the calm befawe the storm. Ya nevuurr know what may strike or come up. Ya gotta remain ov your hooves."

Delta chuckled and said, "Always set faw danguurr ta strike. Ya know, y'all ken relax ayy lil' Buckaroo. Try ta unwind ayn' Nawht be so uptaheet laake someone's gonna attack us from behaand. Think about somethin' fun, laake that there prom Aggie told us about."

Buckaroo nodded in agreement, "It sure does sound laake fun, but ya know if ay evuurr attend anythin' formal laake that there prom, ay ain't a-wearin a dress. Ay'm a formal suit Troll faw laafe."

Soon, Holly and Gust came trotting in as Gust reported through the radio, "The southside ov town is all clear."

"Ever'thin' up north is clear of suspicious activity too," Holly added, reporting through the radio

"Excellent work, both ov ya. The police chief will be pleased ta hear that," Delta informed through her radio.

Holly then commented while she frowned, "Whel, Delta, if aym' honest, whaale there weren't any suspicious activity, Gust ayn' ay heard ayy few Magic Musical Trolls a-talkin' lot ov gossip, ayn' it ain't pretty."

"Holly here is raheet, boss. In fact, while out on patrol, ay overheard a couple of them Magic Musical Trolls sayin' some pretty harsh things, including one that said, ayn' ay quote, 'This here is the most outrageous thing ay've evuurr done seen in my whole laafe!'

Delta, curious, asked, "Gosh, y'all. What the hay was that about?"

"Honestly, we don't know, but whatevuurr it may be, it sure has them Magic Musical Trolls all riled up." Holly replied.

Buckaroo then stated, "Called it! Ay knew there was a-somethin' up, ay knew it! We gotta let the othuurrs know about this here gossip. It could mean somethin' terrible is afoot."

"Couldn't agree with ya mawe, Buckaroo. Our shift is up anyways, so we ken head back ta the condo. Country Trolls, let's move out," the leader of the Country Trolls declared.

When their shift is up, the Country Trolls all galloped back to the condo at lightning speed.


At a small island in the middle of a lake, Trollex and Aggie decided to settle there as they sawm towards it.

When they arrived, they were encountered by a Magic Pop Troll and Magic Techno Troll couple.

"A Normal Techno Troll and a Magic Musical Troll? Together? Bleh!" a Magic Pop Troll gagged in disgust as he and his date decided to leave.

"The rumors are true!" the Magic Techno Troll growled as they both walked off.

After watching those two Trolls stubbornly take a boat, and drive away from the island, Trollex frowned a bit, but when he looked at Aggie, his happiness returned, as so did Aggie when she looked at him. The two then sat on the bench, enjoying each other's company and comfort.

"Hey," Suddenly, Flame came by, interrupting the moment, "I heard about what happened back there,"

"So, are you thinking the same?" Aggie asked.

"Well, I don't know what to think..." Flame sat between them on the bench, "I mean, the King of the Normal Techno Trolls, and a Magic Musical Troll? It's new though," she chuckled, "It's kinda cute though. I mean, you two might get married, and have lots of kids... if you love each other very much," Trollex and Aggie blushed in embarrassment, "But!" Flame ruined the moment, "You're a Magic Musical Troll," she said to Aggie, then turned to Trollex, "And you are a Normal Techno Troll! You two can't be together. If the whole tribe finds out, you both are in big trouble. Not to mention Aggie here might be called a traitor for being with a Normal."

"You don't think your father would think the same," Trollex hoped.

"Oh no, not even the rest of the leaders," Flame assured them, "But remember, every leader does what the people like. If the tribe didn't like Aggie to be part of it because of being in love with you, and possibly married in the future, she will be, and officially, an outcast!" This made Trollex and Aggie gasp in horror. If most Magic Musical Trolls disagreed with this relationship, she will be an outcast for sure, and Trollex won't like that. "Good luck with that!" Flame warned them before running off.

Trollex and Aggie stared at each other in concern as they decided to head back home before the situation might get even worse.


Back at the condo, the other unemployed Normal Trolls were waiting for everyone to get back home, until they saw Trollex and Aggie hovered towards the condo as fast as they can.

"Aggie, Trollex, glad that you're home!" Quincy sighed in relief.

"Why? What's going on?!" Aggie asked.

Just then, the employed Normal Trolls came home as well, feeling panic, worried, and concerned.

"Aggie! King Trollex! we have ayy problem!" Gust reported.

"Trolls, something's wrong!" Laguna announced.

"Can anyone tell us what's going on?" Trollex inquired.

"Lots of gossip here in Harmonious Land," Riff answered, "Something about a Normal Techno Troll and a Magic Musical Troll!"

Trollex knew it would happen so soon, "Rumors spread so fast since that Jazz dance part,"

"No, I think they already knew before we arrived," Aggie recalled when somebody said 'It is true!'

"But how? I know your siblings wouldn't do such a thing, but who could've known, and who spread this rumor?" Guy Diamond wondered.

"Was it your parents?" Tiny Diamond guessed.

Melody scanned the social media in her laptop, and found something as she gasped, "Uh, guys, I think I know where they get it," she showed everyone her laptop a picture of Trollex and Aggie laughing and hugging together from last night in Loveagram.

While the other Trolls gasped, Aggie held on the laptop, and looked at the upper left side of the picture, where the username was called, Musicharmonious98

"It's from a random user, Musicharmonious98," Aggie read, "My mom and dad never have Loveagram. Not even my siblings. And this is not Shimmer's nor Chin-Hwa's page."

"Then, who is this random user, and how did he or she know?" Prince D inquired as everyone wondered who it could be.

Suddenly, Noah showed up from behind them, just outside of their fence, "Wo-o-ow! You are blowing up! Blowing up bad! Heh!"

"Go away, Noah! We don't want any mawe problems!" Buckaroo scowled

"Oh, I know. You've been suffering enough since that secret revelation! Hoo!" Noah swung the gate open for him to enter the garden, "You should be careful next time when you want some privacy, like closing the blinds and curtains."

Aggie and the Normal Trolls turned to him as Branch asked, "What are you talking about, Noah?"

"You're easily exposed in the lobby. Lots of Trolls would take pictures, and post them in Loveagram. It was a good show since last night," the Magic Swing Troll chuckled.

"What?" Aggie inquired confusingly as the other Trolls were a little puzzle.

But not Trollex as he quickly figured out what Noah meant, "HE DID THIS!" He threw his hair, and choked Noah's neck.

As the Magic Swing Troll tried to break free, Aggie said while she, Synth, and Delta were pulling Trollex's hair, "Trollex! Wait! There might be a reasonable explanation!" Trollex pulled his hair back as Aggie told him, "Give him a chance!"

Noah was break free and can breathe freely, "Thank you, Aggie... Yep, I did this!" He confessed, making the other Trolls gasp in shock, "I knew there is something between you two, so I hired someone to spy on you and your friends. And there was an opportunity last night, so I let him take a picture, and posted it in Loveagram. Happy?"

Unbeknownst to him, two vines were at both Noah's side, and quickly strangled his whole body tightly, choking him again. The vines were revealed to be controlled by Aggie as she used her plant magic to strangle him tighter since she couldn't use her hair yet.

The other Trolls tried to hold her back while Trolls just watched while smirking and crossing his arm, feeling proud of his girlfriend to get her ex what he deserved.

"Aggie, stop!" Quincy exclaimed.

"No, no, no!" Dante cried.

"Aggie, calm down! Please!" Essence told her.

When she was forced by her friends to stop, Aggie pulled her hair back as Noah tried to catch his breath.

"You're making a big mistake, Noah!" Aggie shouted angrily

"The only one who is making a big mistake here is you, Aggie," Noah point a finger on her glaring face, "Your real purpose of escaping our land was asking for help from the Normal Trolls to help you choose your Music In Life, but it wasn't your plan to fall in love with this King of Techno weird-o, but you did. And as all of you know, a Normal Troll and a Magic Musical Troll should never be together."

Clampers popped out of Delta's hair, and leaned on Noah's face with Delta holding her back, "Who said?"

"It's against the law!" the senator shouted.

"There's no law for falling in love with different species," McJagger pointed.

"Unlike you two, you are both Normal Trolls, same division. But a Normal and a Magic Musical Troll, different division and different species, waaaaay too different. I don't think everybody would accept this."

"We accept it!" Barb yelled confidently.

"Well, you're all Normal Trolls, and everything what you see here is normal," Noah then stared at Aggie, "You know, I can make this all go away if you can get back with me."

"NEVER!" Aggie growled loudly.

"Oh come on, you don't want everyone to insult you again, do you? Like when you didn't have your colors yet," Noah reminded her her misery before she got her True colors, then he turned to Trollex, "And besides, King Trollex, you're the King of the Techno Trolls, you should be with a fellow Normal Techno Troll!" He turned back to Aggie again, "And you should be with a fellow Magic Musical Troll, someone perfect, someone has gorgeous look someone like..." he smirked, "Me."

Trollex got that raging fire in his eyes. He was so angry at Noah. Angrier than being angry at Barb. He pulled Aggie closer, and wrapped his arms around, locking her in his embrace, "I would never trade Aggie with another Techno Troll just because I'm the king,"

"And I will never get back with you!" Aggie glared at her ex-boyfriend, hugging her current boyfriend tighter, "You've done enough in my life to make me miserable! I'm already happy with the Troll I fell in love with, and there's nothing you can change that!"

Noah just glared at his ex-girlfriend, but smirked a bit before chuckling evilly, "Okay then, if you say, Trolls. One day, if you two tie the knot, you will never be one of us anymore!" He walked casually away, leaving with no care for Aggie or the Normal Trolls at all.

After watching Noah left, Aggie sighed sadly that her secret relationship was exposed as she hung her head down.

"Aggie, are you alright?" Synth asked his friend.

"What if he's right? Maybe I'm too different from the whole tribe?" Aggie said.

"Is it about...?" Trollex thought the reason was about their relationship.

"Everything, Trollex," Aggie corrected, making sure their relationship didn't make her different, "Not just you and I, but everything about me."

"No, Aggie, you're not that different. Even if you are, it doesn't mean you're an outcast," Trollzart said.

"Yeah, you're not an outcast to us," Cooper agreed.

"But this is my tribe, this is where I was born, and my family is part of it," Aggie almost shed a tear, but she wiped it before it could roll on her face, "Being different from them makes me feel so alone."

Blues held a hand on Aggie's shoulder, comforting her, "Oh, don't be sad. It's not the end of the world."

Rhythm then suggested, "You know, we still have more time to get ready for the prom. That'll cheer you up,"

"I bet the whole school knew already," Aggie guessed.

"If they insulted you, then we're here for you. We'll protect you from those... bullies. I bet you have more bullies than before, but you have more friends here," Biggie reminded, and the other Trolls nodded.

Aggie's frown turned to smile, and said, "Well, I guess a prom won't hurt a bit,"

"I'm gonna get myself a new outfit. You know Techno Trolls don't usually wear clothes, so I didn't bring one," Trollex said as everyone broke into laughter, "I think I have enough money to buy a tux."

"Alright, hon, I'll see you tonight," Aggie gave Trollex a kiss on the cheek as he left, hovering away alone to get a new tux.

When Trollex left, Holly held Aggie's arm, and told her, "Hey, Ags, ken ay do y'all's haerdo?" She held out a pair of scissors.

Aggie was afraid to get her hair styled by Holly because she made hair too big, like what happened to Poppy and Branch's hair.

Melody knew about Holly's hair too, and she saw the looks of Aggie's horrid face. She saved her best friend's hair life, and recommended, "Uh, I'll do her hairstyle this time."

Aggie nodded nervously, "Yeah..., like she said."


At the city of Trollnila, Trollex went to Jacey Trolly to buy a new tux for the prom. Inside the store, he wasn't so lucky as the Magic Musical Trolls stared at him in disgust. They must've seen the picture in Loveagram, and recognized the young king.

As he passed by, the Trolls started to gossip about his relationship with Aggie. They even whisper while staring at him. Trollex never felt so humiliated when he was gossiped about by Trolls around him, but he has to stay focused on buying a new tux.

At the men's section, he saw a dark blue tux as he picked one, and tried it on at the dressing room. It fitted perfectly, and decided to buy it.

When standing in the line, he can hear Magic Musical Trolls behind and in front of him about the rumor. Trollex tired to ignore that, but couldn't help but feeling sad, but he has to be strong for Aggie. When it was his turn at the counter, the cashier just snatched his tux, and checked the prize. When Trollex paid the tux, the cashier quickly put the tux on the bag, and shoved it at the Techno leader, looking away from him. Trollex realized that even the cashier didn't like the rumor. Trollex sighed as he decided to leave quickly.


When Trollex was outside, he decided to walk home with more Magic Musical Trolls in the street avoiding home while spreading gossips about his relationship.

Just then, when Trollex was alone, he was encountered by a red car, and parked beside him. The window rolled down, and revealed to be an older Magic Techno Troll.

"Hello, King Trollex," she greeted him

Trollex turned to her as he almost didn't recognize her, "Yes? Do I know you?"

"I'm sure you remember me when you first came to Harmonious Land... on the 3rd day, of course," she reminded.

Trollex tried to remember that 3rd day as Trollex suddenly recognized her as one of Aggie's relatives on her father's side, "Are you... Aunt Else Borra? Aggie's great-aunt?"

"I knew you remembered. Would you like a ride back to your condo?" Elsa recommended.

Trollex nodded, "Yeah... I kinda needed that."

Elsa opened the door for him as the King of Techno stepped in the car, and it zoomed away.

Elsa poured a bottle of soda on a glass, while pouring another one for Trollex, giving it to him.

"So, how long are you and Agatha dating?" Elsa asked.

Trollex sighed, "Oh, so you heard, huh?"

"It's all over Loveagram, and in the news," Elsa took a sip from her glass, "You know, it's very rare that a Normal Techno Troll, such as yourself, would be in love with a Magic Musical Troll, like my great-niece. But you're not just an ordinary Techno Troll, Trollex, you're the King of the Techno Trolls. You have more responsibilities as a king than dating someone who wasn't the same species as you are."

Trollex said while taking a drink, "I don't care if Aggie is different. I love her with all my heart. I never felt so in love before I met her, and when we got together, well, there was a spark between us, and I knew you she was the one."

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, I see," the older Magic Techno Troll nodded calmly, "You know, when Aggie was just a little Troll, she always dreamed of becoming a queen someday, despite that we don't have royal leaders here in Harmonious Land, and she wished to be one. She even played dress up sometimes if she wanted to."

"What does this have to do with my relationship with Aggie?"

"You know, King Trollex, every commoner female Troll loves to be a queen, and in order to do that, she should marry a king. And Aggie can be one of them."

Trollex looked up with his eyes open a little wide as he didn't want to believe what Elsa told him about Aggie, "No, Aggie would never do that."

"My great-niece is like any other Troll. What if she only likes you because you're a king, and only cares for your title and your riches?" Elsa pointed out, smirking.

"That's not true! Aggie loves me, no matter what! Even if I'm not a king she still loves me!" Trollex protested to believe, almost shedding tears.

"Are you sure about that? One day, when you remove your crown, she will leave you, and end up with someone wealthier than you!" "I was only warning you, your Technoness, that one day, your relationship with Aggie will never last, because she never loved you for real. She only loves you because you're a king. For those who dated a king only wanted that title and their wealth, not love."

When the car came to a complete stop, this meant they arrived at their destination. Else opened the door for Trollex as he hopped out with his tux.

"Have a good evening, your majesty," Elsa smiled before closing the door, and the car zoomed off.

Trollex watched the car driving away as Trollex couldn't help but think about what Elsa just told him. Is it true? Does Aggie only love him because he's a king? Does she love him for his title and his riches? Does she love him for his wealth? Does she want him so she can be queen? Trollex didn't want to believe that at first, but he doesn't know Aggie that much. Only her family knew much about her. He wasn't sure if Aggie really loved him. He wasn't sure if she loved him for his reach and his title. He felt his heart shattered when he felt so betrayed that his own girlfriend was only using him, and wanting his wealth, not his love. He's not sure if it's true, but it might be because the words came from Aggie's great-aunt, and she knew her more than he was. Trollex walked towards the entrance to get inside.


In her room, Aggie got her hairdo done for the prom all thank to Melody as her hair was a high ponytail, but with the hair flowing straight down her back and slightly curled up at the end, while her bangs were brushed over and going down the left side of her face. She looked at herself in the mirror, and carried two different dresses. One was purple and one was green. She didn't know which dress to wear for the night.

Just then, the door opened, and a tired and frowned Trollex came in, throwing a bag of his tux on a nearby chair.

"Hey, Trollex, ready for the prom?" Aggie greeted him happily, but Trollex ignored her and didn't say a word, "What's wrong? Why are you not speaking?" She asked as he didn't answer again, and sat on their dining table, "Aww, looks like someone needs a hug after a tough day," Aggie rushed to her boyfriend, and hugged him.

But Trollex gently pushed her away, "Let go of me, Aggie!" He also avoided her from coming closer.

"Trollex, what's wrong?" Aggie asked as she followed him, "What did I do?"

Trollex stopped on his tracks in the middle of the living as he spoke without looking at her, "Aggie..., tell me the truth? Do you love me?"

"What?" Aggie was confused of that question

"I said, do you love me?!" Trollex repeated, still won't looking at her.

"Of-Of course, I do. I do love you, Trollex," Aggie answered.

"Do you? Or is it because I'm a king?" Trollex finally turned, and glared at her.

"What are you talking about?" the Magic Musical Troll asked.

"Your Great-Aunt Elsa told me. She talked to me earlier, and she told me you used to dream of being queen."

"That was when I was a kid, Trollex. That was a long time ago."

"I would've thought you're different. I thought you loved me for who I am, but you were after my title and my wealth this whole time!" Trollex shouted, almost bursting into tears.

"Trollex, I do love you for you are! I don't care if you're a king!" Aggie reassured him, and wanted to hug him, but Trollex kept backing away from her.

"How would I know you're telling the truth?!" Trollex shouted, making Aggie pause as she couldn't think of a good explanation to answer that, "Aggie, I thought I'm in love with you because you're special and different from other Trolls. Every Troll loves someone royalty because of my title, and I thought you're not one of them, but I guess I was wrong. You don't love me at all, do you, Aggie?! You only love me because I'm a king!"

"I..." Aggie tried to explain things out, but when she saw the feeling of betrayal in Trollex's eyes, she couldn't speak. She was frozen. She didn't like her boyfriend feeling sad and betrayed. Trollex then headed towards their bedroom, and opened the door. But Aggie won't let him shut the door on her without saying, "But, Trollex, I love you!"

Trollex froze and stopped before doing anything else as he said quietly, "I don't know who to believe anymore. Maybe this whole relationship was a mistake after all," He shut the door in front of Aggie's face.

Aggie couldn't believe what just happened. Trollex was angry at her without knowing what's the truth. She shed a tear, believing Trollex didn't love her anymore because he thought she only loved him because he's a king. Aggie knew that some Trolls would like a royalty because of their title. But not Aggie. She's not that kind of Troll to do such a thing. Yes, it's true that she dreamt of being a queen when she was little, but she was too old for that now, and falling in love with King Trollex was a coincidence, and possibly fate. Aggie loves Trollex so much, and didn't care he was a king. But because of what her great-aunt had told him, he was blinded by a lie. Aggie shed some more tears when she closed her eyes, and then opened them again, turning her face into an angry stare. She was so angry for her great-aunt lying to her boyfriend, and tricked him to possibly break-up with her because of their relationship being forbidden in the Magic Musical Tribe.

She has had it! It's time for her to talk to her strict great-aunt. She marched towards the door, and exited, closing the door tightly behind her.


Later, when she got down the elevator, Aggie rushed out with her friends getting ready for the prom in the lobby.

"Hey, Aggie, are you ready...?" Legsly was about to ask Aggie if she's ready for the prom, but Aggie just marched past them.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Prince d asked her, but Aggie already fled.

"Where is she going?" Dante asked.

"Lownote jones has no idea," Lownote answered.

"Do you think something's wrong between her and Trollex?" Demo wondered.

"We should probably follow her," Poppy recommended.

"I go talk to Trollex," Branch said as he headed towards the elevator.

"I'll come with you, Dubstep," Synth said, wanting to check on his brother.

"Me too," McJagger added.


At Bacantation, the Borra family were discussing Aggie's new relationship, and it was an issue for them too.

Just then, Aggie burst from the gate, startling the whole family, and luckily for her, Elsa was one of them.

"Great-aunt Elsa!" She shouted as she marched towards the elderly Magic Techno Troll "What did you say to Trollex?"

"Oh, you're Techno 'boyfriend'? I only told him what he needed to hear: the truth," Else told her while leaning down on her great-niece's face.

"What kind of truth is this?! That you told him I only love him because he's the king?!" Aggie shouted.

"What? Isn't that the truth? Admit it, Agatha, you only love him because he's a king. You always dreamt of being a queen when you were little, and you still carried that attitude," Else scowled.

"I was 5 that time, Aunt Elsa. That was a long time ago! I don't love Trollex because he's a king, I love him because I do!"

"Open your eyes, Agatha! He's the King of the Normal Techno TrollsTopia, you're a Magic Musical Troll, you will never be together. You two are different from each other! Different tribes, different divisions. It's not right!"

Aggie now realized the reason why Elsa did this. She took a deep breath before exhaling through her nose, "This what this is all about?! You don't approve of our relationship?!"

"It's for your own good. You don't want to know what your future will be if you end up with him!" The great-aunt scolded her.

"For my own good? That you want to keep me away from my true happiness?! I don't need future vision like my two grandfathers to tell me what my future holds if I end up with Trollex!" "You know, this whole rule of a Normal and a Magic Musical is so dumb! Love has no limits! It cannot be controlled! And I can love someone whoever I want and whatever they are! I am through being alone and got my heart broken a couple of times! And you know what? I don't care if I'm different! I don't care if I'm going to be an outcast and ashamed of my tribe. I love King Trollex more than anyone in my life! He loves me too! He cares for me! He protected me from hurts and insults! He respected me! He understands me! He's the one who was there for me when I'm alone and hurt. He never stopped trying to win my heart until I accepted him, and I appreciate his effort to make me love him again when I almost lost my trust in him! He is the Troll for me, and I don't care what people say anymore! This is my one chance I can have someone beside me, and I don't want to lose this chance anymore! I don't want to lose Trollex because... I love him so much! I love him with my whole dear heart!" Aggie started to sob while the other relatives watched the whole dramatic scene, feeling pity for Aggie, "And I will never let him go in my arms! I will take care of him, just like how he took care of me when I was still in Troll Kingdom. If only he's here to listen to this."


Aggie paused from sobbing while letting tears rolled down her cheeks as she recognized that voice. She turned behind her, and saw Trollex in front of their friends, who were all standing at the opened gate. They've been following her, and watched the whole scene when she was standing up to her great aunt.

"He did listen... to everything you said," DJ chuckled.

"Trollex..." Aggie was about to explain, but Trollex rushed to her and hugged her tightly, startling the Magic Musical Troll.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, and I'm sorry I doubted you! I was wrong for doing that! I love you too, Aggie!" Trollex wept in guilt, and Aggie forgave him by hugging him back.

The whole Borra family awed in sweetness, seeing the two loving Trolls loving one another.

But Elsa wasn't so satisfied as she yelled angrily, "Ugh! This is an outrage!"

But Aggie have had enough of her great-aunt's strict demands as she let go of Trollex, and looked up to her with an icy death glare, "You know what, Aunt Elsa, the reason you told Trollex those things, it's not only because you don't want us to be together, but also because you don't know me!" This made the Borra Family and the Main Trolls gasp. Seeing Aggie standing up for her great-aunt was surprising, even for Aggie herself, "You don't know your own great-niece or the rest of our family! You only want what's best for our family in your own way. Well, not anymore. I'll choose my own future! My own destiny! You can't control anything about me anymore!"

Elsa felt offended when Aggie talked back to her, but the rest of the family felt so proud that Aggie finally stood up for what is right for herself.

"Ooohhh, burn!" Romel chuckled.

"She roasted you!" Mary Beb laughed at her Aunt Elsa, while telling Ryan Agua, "No one has ever done that to Aunt Elsa!" Her brother nodded in agreement.

"My Beetrollven's bassoon! I know talk back is impolite, but Aggie was doing the right thing, and I never seen this brace side of her," Minuet commented as Dante nodded in agreement.

Aggie then turned to her friends, "Come on, guys, let's get out of here!" She took Trollex by the hand as they both left while the rest of the Normal Trolls followed.

They even ignored a chattering angry Elsa as she shouted, "You can't walk away from me! Come back here, Agatha! I'm not done with you! You can't do this yourself! You can't do this to your own family. I don't want one of my great-nieces to be in love with a Normal!"

While Aggie and Normal Trolls ignored the elderly Troll, Aggie used her plant magic to grow vines and stems to close the gates.

While they were leaving, Melody typed something on her laptop while carrying it with her spare hand.

Val noticed her cousin doing something on her laptop, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Just a little something to make the Magic Musical Trolls change their minds," Melody moved the arrow of her mouse, and clicked "post".


Later, when Trollex and Aggie wanted to talk alone, they headed to an empty Techno Water Amusement Park where no one was around. The whole place was dark and quiet, but not exactly close as it was free to open for any Troll to come. Since nobody was around, the couple was now alone together. They both sat on a bench to rest.

"I heard everything that you told your aunt back there... about me. That was very brave," Trollex commented proudly for his girlfriend.

"Thanks, but that doesn't change everything what the other Trolls think of us," Aggie frowned.

"I feel the same way when I thought you don't really love me."

"But what if... what if they're right, Trollex? What if we're wrong about falling in love with each other?"

"But I thought you don't care what other people think," Trollex recalled of what Aggie said to her great-aunt.

"I don't, but... if this keeps up, I'm not sure if we're going to take it. No one has ever heard of the Normal and a Magic Musical together. I mean, a Funk and a Techno, it's alright because they are both Normal. Same thing with a Pop and a Rock. Also with a Magic Rock and a Magic Classical, like my parents, a Magic Funk and a Magic Country. But a Normal and a Magic Musical? No one has ever heard of that, not even me, or you..." Aggie sighed as he stood up, "Things just weren't meant to be."

Aggie decided to walk off, leaving Trollex, who wanted to comfort her, but he frowned as they both almost lost hope of being together.

Trollex: You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide.
I know you want me
So don't keep thinking our hands are tied.

They claim it's not in our cards
And fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me.
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?

What if we rewrite the stars?
Say that you're made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
You are the one I was meant to find!
It's up to you, and it's up to me.
No one can say what we get to be.
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
And maybe the world could be ours tonight

When she heard Trollex's song, Aggie's tears shed as she turned to him, singing her verse.

Aggie: You think it's easy
You think I don't wanna run to you, yeah
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside
You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all

No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you, it's not up to me, yeah
When everyone tells us what we can be
And how can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours tonight

But Trollex couldn't give up on Aggie as he grabbed her Classical hand, and pulled her closer to him, making them dance in an imaginary night sky with stars and a comet crossing them.

Both: All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you

Aggie: It feels impossible

Trollex: It's not impossible

Aggie: Is it impossible?

Both: Say that it's possible

How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
And nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours

Near the end, Trollex and Aggie were lowered down to the ground, escaping their imaginary night sky as they two hugged together.

Aggie: You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I love you.
With you, our hands can never be tied.

After the song, the two stayed hugging for a couple of minutes before staring at each other's eyes.

"Aggie, I want to be with you because I love you so much. And if you still worried what other Trolls think, then I'm right with you. I can protect you, and I can take care of you...," Trollex stroke Aggie's face with his thumb as he stared at her loving smile, "And that's why I wanted to ask you," he took out something from his hair; a small box. He opened it, and revealed two rainbow-colored rings with heart-shaped sapphires for each one

"Trollex?" Aggie thought Trollex was asked her to marry him, but he put a finger on her lips to quiet her down.

"Aggie, I know it's too soon for us to get married, even if we love each other so much, but I have another idea. I heard of Promise rings before, and that's why I bought these earlier when I bought my tux," Trollex took one of the rings, and showed it to Aggie while looking at her eyes, "With this promise ring, I promise you that I will be with you forever. And when we kept this promise to stay together, we'll be ready to get married if you want to. But for now, I made a special promise that I will never leave your side, and I will stay beside you for the rest of my life."

"Oh, Trollex," Aggie's eyes formed tears of joy as she was so happy that Trollex still loved her. And probably loved her even more than they first fell in love. She took the other ring, and told Trollex while looking at him, "And I promise I will stay with you, no matter what happens, and not matter what stands between us. We'll stay close together, and become husband and wife in the future, and I don't need future vision to see if we'll marry together because I know we will. I love you, Trollex."

"I love you too, Aggie," Trollex smiled, almost shed tears of joy as well. He slid the ring on Aggie's finger, while Aggie slid another ring on his.

After that, the two couldn't resist staring at each other's loving eyes as they pulled each other closer, and locked lips. Their kiss was more romantic and passionate than usual as they fell in love with each other all over again. Their hearts suddenly glowed brighter in the dark as they were beating together in unison. They were locked in each other's embrace, never wanting to let go, and they couldn't separate from their kiss. It took a little longer than they expected as they breathed through their noses, but they couldn't help it. They loved each other so much, they don't want their moment to end.

Their lips finally separated as their foreheads touched while staring at each other happily.

"You know, Trollex. There is one last thing we would do tonight," Aggie smirked at him

"Like what?" Trollex asked.

Aggie got up from the bend, and pulled Trollex with her, out of the park, "You'll see... if we have time to get to the condo."


At the Cabatwand Comprehensive High School, the prom at the gym started 2 hours ago, but the students stopped what they were doing when they were looking at the social media. It's a video of Aggie standing up to Elsa while defending her love for Trollex. It's the same video that Melody took and posted earlier with her laptop. The student felt the same disapproval and disgust for Trollex and Aggie's relationship, but seeing Aggie in the video made everyone so impressed. She never stood up for love before since Aggie got broken up twice, and they saw that Aggie finally found her true love.

"Wow, that Troll is so brave!" Chin-Hwa felt so proud for his cousin.

"Galido shoots, she scores!" Dusty high-fived at Scarlet, who refused to give him the same.

But Tori, who was beside Scarlet, gave the Magic Country Troll a high-five instead, "Straight up!"

"Excuse me!" Scarlet scoffed.

"Or you're excused. Hey, while you're gone, I'll hang with Junet," Dusty said.

"Me like," Junet, who was behind Tori, agreed with the offer.

Just then, all the students and school staff gasped when Trollex, Aggie, and the rest of the Normal Trolls arrived with their formal clothes. Most girls wore evening gowns, while most boys wore tuxedos. The leaders wore the same outfit they used on their first meeting with the leaders of Harmonious Land. Val also wore a purple formal jumpsuit, Synth was only wearing a white bow tie and cuffs, Buckaroo was only wearing a tuxedo with a green skirt around her waist, and Beat wore a black bow tie. Trollex, who was wearing the tux he bought, and Aggie, who wore a purple dress, stood in front while holding hands, and their promise rings were visible around their fingers.

"So it is true. She's dating a Normal! King Trollex and Aggie Galido are dating?! Hahaha!" Scarlet laughed loudly, making fun of the couple.

But, instead of the other student and the school staff laughing with her, they all cheered for them, seeing them as a lovely couple. This made Scarlet cored her arms and rolled her eyes in defeat.

Trollex and Aggie sheepishly stood there, not sure what to do. Beat came out of Trollex's hair as he pushed his best friend closer to Aggie, then moved to Aggie's side to push her closer to Trollex.

Trollex held out his hand for Aggie, asking her to dance with him. Aggie happily accepted, and they headed out onto the dance floor, and had a slow dance. The disco blow lit up as different-colored light lit the whole gym. Aggie hugged Trollex during their dance as he hugged her back happily.

*background music*

I know we've been friends forever
But now I think I'm feeling something totally new
And after all this time, I've opened up my eyes
Now I see you were always with me

In the distance when they found their table, the Normal Trolls together watched happily over them as Holly took a picture, and Rhythm, Blues, Synth and Stereo took a video of them dancing.

Scarlet's bandmates enjoyed the view while eating snacks while Scarlet was dissatisfied.

Silovay, Shimmer, Chin-Hwa, Junet and Tori smiled proudly for their cousin.

The leaders of Harmonious Land also watched proudly, not only that a Normal Troll and a Magic Musical Troll is a new thing, but also it will make unbreakable ties for both divisions of Trolls. Rodrigo also brought Flame, and Trollazon brought her six children, but Noah was the only one growling angrily at the couple.

Could it be you and I never imagined?
Could it be, suddenly, I'm falling for you?
(I am falling)
Could it be you were right here beside me?
And I never knew
Could it be that its true that it's you?
(Could it be?) That it's you

Trollex and Aggie paused during the dance as the looked and smiled at each other. Their foreheads touched as they slowly leaned their lips against each other, and kissed romantically with Trollex's hand cupped her cheek, and Aggie's Rock hand was placed on his chest. Both their pixelated hearts glowed brightly, and were beating rapidly and in perfect sync. They stayed like this together as they didn't care if everyone was staring at them. The two wanted to enjoy their moment together.


Finally, I finished my chapter! This might be one of my favorite chapters to write, and I can't believe I made it longer than I expected!

So, in this chapter, it's all about prom. And since Aggie is a high school student, and her online classes were from the same school, she is allowed to attend the prom.

Cabatwand Comprehensive High School is the name of the school, reference from my old high school, Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School.

The Night To Remember performance is based on the music number from High School Musical 3.

Scarlet's aggravation was based on the scene from Kim Possible: So The Drama where Bonnie mocked Kim for not having a boyfriend. Aggie discussing the date situation with the ambassadors and delegates was similar to the scene of the same movie.

The scene where Noel and Agnes crashed in the condo with trash cans, shocking the Main Trolls, was based on the scene of the Little Mermaid where Sebastian exposed himself knowing Ariel's secret grotto.

Pocusinan is a parody name from the name of the province, Pangasinan, and the word "pocus".

The scene where Trollex and Aggie danced in the ballroom with Jazz and Swing music, the Magic Musical Trolls insulted their relationship, and got chased by them is similar to a scene from a movie Romeo and Juliet: Sealed With A Kiss. The scene where Trollex and Aggie encountered a couple from an island, who were also disgusted by them together, and where Flame explained about them being together cannot be was similar to the scene from the same movie.

The scene where Trollex choked Noah with his hair, while Aggie did the same with vines is based on the scene where Poppy and Branch choked Creek with their hair from the first Trolls movie.

Noah's line, "Wo-o-ow! You are blowing up! Blowing up bad! Heh!" was a line from Stewie in Family Guy.

At the prom, the leaders wore the same outfit from Equal Meeting. Holly, Synth, and Cooper's outfit were similar from the episode, "My Dinner With Dante." Buckaroo's outfit was based on Luz Noceda's outfit from the Owl House. Aggie's hair was the same style as Kim Possible's hairstyle at her prom night.

The last scene at the prom was based on the last scene of Kim Possible: So the Drama.

I don't own the songs:

Night To Remember belongs to the cast of High School Musical 3

Rewrite the Stars was sang by Zac Efron and Zendaya

Could It Be (short version) was sang by Christy Carlson Romano

Special thaks to MAsterClass60 for helping me with this chapter, and suggesting the songs

I hope you like my new chapter. Please review! Here is a bonus scene!


After the prom, when everyone went home, Trollex, Aggie, and Beat went to their rooms.

Trollex helped Beat remove his bow tie before the button hovered at the water side of the room, rested himself on his hole bed, and went to sleep.

Aggie went to the bathroom to change, and went out of the room before Trollex could use it to remove his tux.

Aggie went to bed, but couldn't sleep as she looked at her boyfriend, "Trollex... thanks... for joining with me at the prom. IT's the night I'll always remember."

Trollex smiled as he sat beside Aggie, "It is the night I will never forget," he planted a kiss on Aggie's lips before separating.

Before Trollex can get up to go to his bed, Aggie thought of something as she called him, "Hey, Trollex," she caught his attention as the Techno King looked at her, "Umm, this is embarrassing for me to ask, but... would you sleep with me tonight?" She blushed in embarrassment. Trollex was also blushing when his girlfriend asked him, "I mean, not like how couples do, but if you don't want to..."

"No, it's fine, Aggie," Trollex insisted, "I mean, I know you're exhausted today, so I want to comfort you for a while."

Aggie chuckled as the two were still blushing. They remembered that it's not their first time sleeping together, but they'll be sleeping together as a romantic couple. With all the cuddling, comforting, and warming each other with their arms. But Trollex couldn't resist Aggie's offer as she scooted over to give Trollex a space as he laid down next to her on her left.

When they were settled, Aggie wrapped her Rock hand around Trollex while leaning her ear on his chest, listening to his heart beat, "I love you so much, Trollex. You made me the happiest Magic Musical troll in the world."

"I love you too, Aggie. I will never leave your side. I promise," Trollex cooed as he kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, my love."

Trollex reached for the lampshade, just between their beds, and turned the light off.

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All the trolls are finally living in harmony - pop, techno, funk, country, classical, rock and every other music in between. But there is a legend of...
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When a mystical voice that only Branch can hear invades Trollstopia, Branch, Poppy, and Barb must go and find out what it means...
26.3K 536 11
When Barb goes to the Techo Trolls to steal there string, they are surprised to see another troll beside Barb. The rock trolls leave with the string...
29.6K 310 20
Six adults, who loves music. Friends together as one. Find themselves into another world. It's a fanfiction of Trolls world tour.