Classroom Of The Elite: The S...

By UAM-19

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Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, the sole survivor of the Demonic 4th Generation has completed the set curriculum for him... More

Chapter 1: Class S
Chapter 3: Club Fair
Chapter 4: Interactions
Chapter 5: Class Ideologies
Chapter 6: May 1st
Chapter 7: Class Of Mystery
Chapter 8: Investigations
Chapter 9: Revelations
Chapter 10: Negotiation
Chapter 11: Study Group
Chapter 12: Preparation
Chapter 13: Class D
Chapter 14: Exam Results
Chapter 15: Limelight
SS1: Professor Ayanokōji - Unique Experiment

Chapter 2: S System

9.9K 331 57
By UAM-19

Ayanokōji POV

After running through the information throughout the brochure. Yuzuriha Sensei then grabbed a device of sorts and then handed it to me. "Ayanokōji, this is your student ID. Using this you can access the many facilities available on the campus, purchase goods from stores and the whole shebang" she said whilst motioning out the window. "So this is in short your credit card for the next three years. At this school you can buy anything with points - you can purchase anything located on the school campus" she continued.

This of course piqued my interest as Sensei was putting some clear emphasis on the word anything. Having seen that I was somewhat more curious Yuzuriha Sensei had a grin on her face and started walking towards my desk.

As she approached she called out to me "Ayanokōji take a look at where it says balance" as I slowly tapped through and finally found balance, the screen displayed a number of 4,000,000 with the words points alongside it. This is what Sensei meant when she was talking about currency. Then as she reached my desk she announced quite the bomb, the bomb being that each point was worth 1 yen.

After announcing this she turned to look at me with a wider grin than before but it slowly dissolved as it seems that she was looking for a reaction out of me but my ever stoic expression showed no hint of changing. After seeing no reaction from me Sensei proceeded to poke at my cheek with her finger whilst saying "Ahhhhh Ayanokōji you're being a bit boring aren't you, come on you could show a bit of curiosity couldn't you or maybe even disbelief I'd especially love to see the latter as your expression hasn't changed since I first met you" seemingly done with her teasing Sensei went back to the podium with a pout.

It certainly was an unprecedented amount for a high schooler to receive especially as this was a monthly thing however I thought it would be best to let Sensei finish her explanation before drawing any conclusions.

As I turned back to Sensei with a more attentive look she seemed to be a bit happier that I at least had become more immersed in the explanation. "Well Kiyotaka Kun, is it fine if I call you Kiyotaka?" Before having a chance to speak she moved on "Well as you have probably noticed you have quite the sum of money, but the sum of classmates is well not as high, to say the least," As she motioned behind me at the scarce classroom "Of course however anyone views it you have a disadvantage bigger than anyone else here. However to somewhat offset this great disadvantage of yours, you will learn quite a few things about the S system right here right now whilst the rest of the classes figure it out for themselves, still isn't the fairest deal but at least you have a head start albeit one that can be taken away if not cautious of what you do."

After a long ten minute run-through of the S system, I realised what Sensei had meant by the fact that my head start could be lost if I'm not cautious. But from the overall explanation I am currently a secret from the rest of the school, there has never been an S class before and there has also never been a class that started with a lone student, but even though it was like being cut off from the rest it was nice not having to deal with others as my whole life it has always just been me alone doing everything. From the explanation, I also gathered that the classes that would be easiest to cooperate with would probably be the lower classes.

"Should probably scout them out" I muttered, having heard what I said Yuzuriha Sensei wandered over "Scouting huh" she paused "A good choice I must say" as she started to walk away I had a final question.

Whilst thinking back on what was said Sensei specifically chose the words 'quiet a few things' when telling me how much I would learn about the S system meaning that there is still more to it but it is unknown how much is unknown, based on how the word choice was 'quiet a few' I estimated that I had learnt a bit less than half of the system.

"Sensei" I called out, she turned around with a beaming smile and asked what the problem was. "You said anything can be bought right so can this classroom be filled with a few more desks?" I asked this because it would be a good starting purchase to understand the workings of purchases and just how the price varies for certain requests, seemingly amused by what I was trying to do she had a smug expression on her face "You know they'll probably found out that you're alone eventually right, but it's not my job to get in the way of you so how many do you want?" she caught on instantly which was nice but before I could answer she started to ponder something herself. "Well for my favourite student I'll put in 10 desks for free unless you want more you're gonna have to pay." I asked about how much more desks would cost me but Sensei replied saying it's either the free option or you pay for them all. As I was already disadvantaged in terms of points I decided it would be best to just go with the free option.

This would probably not raise as much attention if there was only one desk in comparison to there being 11 desks. However, due to them being given for free I didn't get a price of which I can compare to the purchase of other unusual purchases.

I had also thought about the idea of a new school ID to keep the attention off of myself and onto someone that doesn't even exist, I could figure that out later.

All I could do was sigh in response to the bothersome situation I had been thrown into.

- - - - -

After running through the whole S system I decided it would be best to go to the convenience store near the dorms. It was quite busy as it was the first day for many people. As I passed the bustling crowd I found my way to the section I was looking for. As I was shopping for necessities such as toothpaste and such I noticed a sign in the corner which read 'free' of course knowing parts of the S system I could easily deduce what it was for.

After shopping for the necessities, ingredients and utensils I needed I headed towards the free section and grabbed three items as the monthly limit was three. Having noticed my actions a girl with long black hair and crimson eyes walked over and peered over at the sign. I remember seeing her whilst entering the school but that was all, however, this would be the prime opportunity to scout out another class. Of course, I couldn't magically find out which class she belonged to, so it could prove quite troublesome. Especially since knowing her class would help in setting the standard/bar for her class. She also decided to take three items and placed them within her basket, it seemed that she could maybe actually figured something out since her basic was full of products on the cheaper side of what was available within the store.

We stood there together without speaking a word until behind me I heard a voice call out to the girl stood beside me. We both turned around to find a fairly energetic boy frantically waving his arm in the air at the girl beside me. "SUZUNE" the boy shouted, from her expression they weren't on the best of terms as she had quite the annoyed look on her face. "Who said you could use my given name" she snapped back in reply to which the boy sheepishly scratched his cheek.

"C'mon we're seatmates if not friends aren't w-..." the energetic boy completely stopped what he was saying and turned to face me and then clicked his fingers as to say he has figured something out. He then turned to 'Suzune' and whispered in a hushed voice "Sorry about that didn't know you were talking with your boyfriend." That didn't seem to be the best choice of words as it resulting in him being swiftly chopped in the side by the girl.

He turned to me after regaining his composure and stretched his hand out for a handshake "Arata Tatsuya, of class D nice to meet you." It seemed that I had found out about their class by complete chance which I was certainly not against. After snapping out of my thoughts I remembered his outstretched hand and shook it in response causing him to smile even brighter than before.

Utilising the opportunity I was given I decided to bring the topic of free items into the discussion between us "So what do you guys think about this?" I questioned them, as I pointed behind me towards the free items. The atmosphere was certainly an awkward one since I didn't interact with anyone my age for many years, but with Matsuo's help, I was at least able to make basic conversation.

They both turned back and both looked as if they were thinking. "The school certainly is very lenient, with them giving free items even though each month we had an allowance of 100,000 which is already far more than what a regular high schooler would need monthly." I turned to the boy who only responded with a nod to suggest that his thought process is the same as the girls beside me. "I don't see how the school benefits from giving us such a large some monthly" she mused.

As I had also got the same textbook explanation of the rules of the S system at the start before getting even more information I decided to drop tiny hints to gauge their abilities, since they are both class D, valued at the bottom in a merit-based system, I don't have any high expectations of either of them.

"They probably wouldn't benefit whatsoever," I said in response to her earlier thought, in response all she did was glare at me.

"I won't tell you what to do but I would strongly suggest that you don't spend your money free of care."

It seemed that 'Suzune' had not thought about the system at all when I posed my reply, but since they were considered to be ranked at the bottom I'd thought I'd take pity upon them and drop another subtle hint. "What do you think people will do if they received fewer points in the next month over?" I had just dropped a massive hint on the class D duo but it seems it hadn't worked as they both shrugged it off as a meaningless question.

My hopes for them really can't fall lower at this point.

Whilst my 'scouting' was happening it seemed that there was a scuffle at the front of the line involving a red-haired looking delinquent but Tatsuya quickly jumped in himself and resolved the issue. I separated from the duo and went out after paying, the payment was exceptionally easy and instantaneous as well. After walking out I noticed the 'red-haired delinquent' sitting on the bench. I had no reason to interact with him so I walked out of the shade of the convenience store and into the sunlight. Moments later the class D duo also exited and also a trio of what seemed to be 2nd or 3rd years. One of the people from the trio called out to the first years "Hey, you guys this is our spot."

This certainly would be an interesting interaction and thought to just hang around and see how it all plays out.

"Who are you? I was already here. Get lost"

The delinquent was not happy with the provocative behaviour from the senpai but it seemed that he had a short fuse as shown by the fact he was also the creator of the scuffle with the store earlier.

"Get lost? huh, what a cocky little first year."

Unable to handle being laughed at the delinquent quickly shot up spilling the broth and noodles, which splashed everywhere. It seemed that this would take an aggressive route, but it seems that Tatsuya had also predicted this and apologised to the senpai whilst also trying to get his classmate to back down.

"Wait, you're in class D aren't you?"

This certainly caught the attention of the class D trio.

"Yeah, so what?" snapped the delinquent.

"It was a dead giveaway! Haha! He's in class D, Aw don't you worry you poor things. Since you're defective, We'll let you off the hook, since the real hell will start for you soon enough"

The trio then walked away laughing in a mocking manner which made the delinquent even angrier, but this was yet another perfect opportunity to assess their thought process. It couldn't be more perfect, 'honestly, this feels too convenient' I thought.

I turned my attention back to the class D trio but it seems the delinquent left, leaving only Suzune and Tatsuya. It seemed that Tatsuya had realised there was a camera and was cleaning up after his classmate.

"What do you think they meant by hell?" Asked Tatsuya

"It was most likely just a provocative comment meant to anger us and him as well" she motioned over to the direction that the delinquent walked off in.

It seems I was wrong earlier as my evaluation of class D had just dropped even further than what it was before.

Seeing that the commotion had died down and that I had realised what exactly the school meant by defective, I decided to head to the dorms.

After going up to the desk, I received a keycard for Room 401 in the dormitory and also a handbook which contained the information about the dorm's rules and within that something caught my eye.

"So they don't place any restrictions on gas or electricity usage?"

I had then thought about it and it made sense since if somehow a class was that badly behaved that they managed to lose all their class points and had also used their private points they would have no access to water or electricity which could create quite the uproar among the students.

As I got into my room I lay on my bed and thought about the whole S system and the potential ways I could win against 160 others. Well, my advantages are my abilities themselves, my larger personal budget, me being a secret at least for the first month and having a head start in terms of knowledge of the S system.

I had yet to make a friend but I have three whole years I don't need to necessarily rush the process, but how do you actually make friends is what I would like to know. Is it through simple interaction or if you exchange greetings each morning or something different entirely?

The important thing was that I was free, well for at least three years and could finally learn all of the things that I couldn't back in the white room. As I pondered over the many things that I could learn at my new home, I looked at my watch to see the time was getting late so I decided to rest.

Well, 3 parts in a day! Other than that all I can say is that I hope you're enjoying the story!

Just for context Ayanokōji Class points will be multiplied by 4,000 instead of the usual 100 (Thanks to @Jayemiya for the criticism).

If you think I should change it a bit or adjust the system a bit for Ayanokōji just type a comment here.

Write questions or criticism here

Thanks for reading! Another chapter should be out tomorrow or the day after.

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