Shade Of Love

By Faithskyyx96

155K 6.1K 1.2K

**** COMPLETE **** This novel centers around Faith, a young black woman in her early 20s that's given up on t... More

1 | The Meet
2 | Until Next Time
3 | Plans
4 | The Beach Day
5 | History
6 | Reality
7 | Me & You
8 | The Aftermath
9 | Therapy
10 | The Weekend
11 | The Weekend Part II
12 | The Weekend Part III
13 | Let's Be Real
14 | Into The Deep
15 | Sinderella
16 | The Rift
17 | Pick A Side
18 | Home To Mama
19 | Heartbreak
20 | Sextasy
21 | I Think I Love You
22 | Reunited
23 | Anita
24 | Secrets
25 | Monday
26 | Sensuality
27 | Unforgettable
28 | There Will Be Drama Part I
29 | There Will Be Drama Part II
30 | Time
31 | No Games
32 | Business
33 | Accountability
34 | The Truth
35 | Girls' Night
36 | Purpose
37 | Scarlett
38 | Warning
40 | Maybe Baby
41 | Confirmation
42 | Final Warning
43 | Safer
44 | Irreplaceable
45 | Panic
46 | Big Moment
47 | Spill The Beans
48 | Exposed
49 | Path
50 | Trouble
51 | Home
52 | Let's Get Married .. Part 1
53 | Let's Get Married .. Part 2
54 | That Time Of Year
55 | Merry Christmas
56 | Loose Ends
57 | Questions
58 | Karma
59 | At Last
New Book

39 | The Impossible

1.6K 83 25
By Faithskyyx96

Chapter 39 : The Impossible

Thursday morning arrived with heavy gusts of wind and substantial amounts of rain. The rain poured outside and suddenly hail droplets began hitting against my bedroom window.

I rubbed my eyes deeply before stretching and stepping out of bed. The plush soft carpet comforted my feet as I made my way to the bathroom.

After taking Nala out as briefly as possible I returned  to my living room and turned on the local news.

"We should expect to see very high winds with gusts up to 50mph throughout today and rising tomorrow to an expected 60-70mph. There is a storm surge possibility as well, we recommend avoiding outside unless emergent and taking shelter as best as possible," explained a weatherman.

I sighed. I would have about 3-4 days off work and unfortunately I would probably be in the middle of a shit storm during all of them, literally.

Omar texted me this morning before I woke up and had advised me that he would be getting to my place to stay for the next few days around 6pm this evening. This meant that I needed to stock up my apartment so I decided I'd go to the nearest Walmart.

I pulled on a pair of faded old jeans, a black baggy t-shirt and stepped into some never worn rain boots that were accumulating dust in the back of my closet.
I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, grabbed my wallet and umbrella and headed out the door.

When I arrived at the closest Walmart to my house it was an absolute circus. The news had caused everyone to panic like they did every year so people were pushing around huge shopping carts filled with toilet paper, food and water.

I rolled my eyes at the chaos unfolding around me.

As I entered the doors I closed my umbrella down and placed it inside a cart. I walked down each aisle trying to determine where some of the most important items I needed were.

After about 35 minutes of scrolling around the store I finally found everything I was looking for, for the most part. I had gotten snacks, canned goods, toiletries, flashlights, batteries, board games, cards and other items I thought we needed to survive the weekend.

When I made my way to the register I ended up waiting an additional 15 minutes just for an available cashier. As I waited I pulled out my phone and realized I had a missed call from Ashley. I decided to ring her back.

"Hey babe you called?," I asked.

"Yes girl I need your help with something," she replied. She sniffled.

"What's wrong, what do you need?," I questioned worriedly.

"I need you to come to my house and take a pregnancy test with me," she replied.

I stood in the store line frozen. Suddenly I no longer heard any other voices around me even though many stood right behind me.

"Oh my gosh Ash, you are?"

"I hope not but I'm late, I'm so stressed out. I just don't want to take one alone."

"Well of course, I can be to you in about an hour."

"Okay, thank you. See you in a bit," she mumbled, disconnecting the line.

I had absolutely no issue being there for my friend and I knew I wasn't pregnant, I couldn't be. I was fully on top of my birth control, especially after becoming so sexually active with Omar. I just felt nervous for her. So many changes in such little time.

When it was finally my turn in line I placed all my items up on the store counter and waited as the cashier rung me up.

"Find everything okay?," the cashier asked. She was popping gum in between her question which distracted me a bit.

"Um. Yes, thank you."

"Your total is 126.48."

I inserted my card into the machine and paid for my items.

When I exited the store I realized it was now raining much heavier. The rain resembled a sheet, that's how hard it had picked up. The winds caused signs to sway back and forth and the water from the rain had begun wetting everyone despite the use of umbrellas.

I quickly popped open my umbrella and made a run for it towards my car. I threw all the bags into the trunk and jumped in the driver's seat. Slowly I backed out of the parking lot and made my way to Ashley's place.

When I arrived to Ashley's apartment the rain had suddenly eased up a bit but not by much. I knew the worst was yet to come so I quickly ran to her door wanting to be in and out as fast as I could.

Boy I'm tryna meet ya mama on a Sunday
Then make a lotta love on a Monday
Never need no, no one else babe
'Cause I'll be
Switchin' the positions for you
Cookin' in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom
I'm in the olympics, way I'm jumping through hoops

Ariana grande's song positions blasted throughout the speakers causing me to clearly hear it from Ashley's doorstep. I knocked loudly and suddenly the door swung open.

She stood there with baggy eyes and messy hair. This wasn't like Ashley at all, she had to be fabulous at all times. This was indeed a crisis.

"I'm here let's do this," I joked.

"I'm so scared, I'm so scared."

"Don't be you'll be fine honey. Either way it goes I promise," I soothed.

She pulled out a double box of pregnancy tests and handed me one.

"We meet back out here in exactly 10 minutes."


I ran to the guest bathroom and pulled the test out of its packaging. I inserted it into my urine stream and then placed the top back on it setting it down on the bathroom counter.

I set a 10-minute timer on my phone and pulled up my text thread with Omar.

Me : Baby do you want to go to the clinic today or wait until the storm passes?

Him : We can go Monday bae it's no prob. See your fine ass later. Wear something tight.

I giggled and exited out of the thread.

Ten minutes later my alarm went off scaring me. I had suddenly forgotten all about the test waiting for me on the counter. I wiped off, stood up and rolled my eyes as I made my way over to the test.

When I looked down I nearly swallowed my tongue reading the result, pregnant.

This had to be some kind of fluke test. I laughed loudly as ever causing Ashley to knock on the door.

"Come out!"

"I'm coming," I yelled back.

"It's negative oh my god I'm so fucking relieved. Me and Trev will make beautiful babies one day but I have to look nothing short of amazing for our wedding, now I can finish planning."

"I think the tests are invalid," I replied.

I handed her mine and she looked down at it with widened eyes. Her jaw dropped to the floor as she stared back at me.

"Girl no, you're pregnant oh my gosh!," she squealed.

"That's impossible Ash. I've been on top of my birth control perfectly," I explained.

"I have more tests in my bathroom just incase I needed another confirmation if I was. Go take one. It's a whole different brand."

"I don't have to pee anymore," I replied.

"Well take it home and promise me you'll FaceTime me with the results," she begged.


I rolled my eyes and gave her a quick hug as I made my way towards the door.

I opened my umbrella back out and ran to my car as quick as my feet would allow.

I drove home in complete silence, no radio or nothing. I was confused and needed to get everything sorted out before I could peacefully focus on anything else.

I clutched all of my bags from Walmart in my hands and arms and made my way upstairs. As soon as I reached the top of the stairs I dropped all of my bags from shock.

"Surprise," Omar exclaimed.

He stood there with a large suitcase and a bouquet of black roses which were rare and my favorite. The dimples in his chins revealed themselves as his smile widened.

"What are you doing here it's barely noon babe," I asked nervously, bending down to pick up the items that had fallen out of the bags I dropped.

"I figured I'd surprise you with myself and some of your favorite flowers, I missed you."

"I miss you too."

"Need some help?," he chuckled.

"Sure you can just grab these bags that aren't all over the place. I'll get the rest."

He grabbed the bags I pointed towards and took my key from my hand unlocking the apartment door. I hurriedly picked up the rest of the items that had rolled towards my neighbors' door and finally made my way in.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" he asked sternly.

"Um, no. Why babe?," I replied.

I had closed the front door behind me with my foot and instantly started to put away some of the cold items into the fridge. I had my back turnt to him so he couldn't see the sense of worry on my face.

"Are you sure?," he asked. I could feel his eyes waiting for me to give him contact.

"Yes babe gosh."

I turned to face him and dropped the bottle of orange juice I was holding. It splattered all over my kitchen floor. He was holding onto the pregnancy test I had taken at Ashley's. I had dumped it into one of the grocery bags when I reached my car.

"Don't lie to me."

His voice was cold and serious. I gulped heavily as tears began to fall from my cheeks.

A/N : Thank you guys for helping me reach 17k! My goal is to get to at least 20k but even getting this fair would've been impossible without you guys! How'd you like the surprise? What do you think Omar will do? Please comment and give me your feedback it encourages me to write. I will be writing a little less frequently due to many personal life changes but no less than 2-3 times per week. Stay tuned! 🖤

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