Todoroki's Little Sister

De Yuzuki16

1.2M 41.2K 17.7K

Shoto Todoroki is Endeavors' youngest son and his 'masterpiece' compared to his older siblings. However at th... Mais

~ Chapter 1~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~Chapter 15~
~ Chapter 16~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19~
~ Chapter 20~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24~
~ Chapter 25~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29 ~
~ Chapter 30 ~
~ Chapter 31~
~ Chapter 32~
~ Chapter 33~
~ Chapter 33.5~
~Chapter 34~
~ Chapter 35~
~ Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
{ Special• AU} My Aneki/ Imotou
~ Chapter 38~
~ Chapter 39 ~
~Chapter 40~
~ Chapter 41~
~ Chapter 42~
~ Chapter 43 ~
~ Chapter 44~
~ Chapter 45 ~
~ Chapter 46 ~
~ Chapter 47 ~
~ Chapter 48 ~
~ Chapter 49~
~ Chpater 50~
{Special} Losing game I
Final Chapter
{Special} Losing Game II
I'm Sorry...

{Special} Through Their Eyes

8.5K 244 63
De Yuzuki16

I did +what I said I would do. Post as soon as I'm finished!
This might hurt? I dunno but I hope it does! Since you guys requested it!

Third pov

It seemed like slow motion as they heard the bomb go off and watched as the ceiling and walls began to come apart.

"She'll get crushed!" Ichirou yelled but Nobuko was already moving.

He pushed Asami out the way the rubble falling on his back and something crushing what felt like everything to him.

"Ack!" His body bent at the pain blood spouting and running down from his lips. He couldn't breathe, and all he felt was pain.

"No..bu...ko..." he turned to see Ichirou pinned to the wall his eyes were glazed and the light was leaving them. "Did she...?"

"S,She's safe." He managed to get out and with a satisfied look Ichirou let out his last breath.

"It hurts, nee-chan." His hand gripped onto Asami's clothes before more rubble fell on it but he was already in so much pain that it didn't matter.

Nobuko's head dropped. I'm not leaving here. At least I got Asami-chan out. Ah nee-chan! Wait, she's at home. Oh I'm so glad that you faked being sick...that you're not here. He cried silently unable to sob as he would suffocate and honestly all he could feel was pain but it was fading and with only darkness in his eyes he knew what was coming next.

Gomen nee-chan, we can't bother tou-san for that twin cake we wanted....I didn't say it but, I love you, arigatou for being my sister.

"" his eyes closed just as the rubble was lifted and he saw light.

《《》》《《 》》《《》》《《》》

"Nagasaki...are you...okay?" Aoi looked down at girl he tried to shield from the fire that was heading their way but she had knocked into a desk and had yet to get up. "Naga?" He was worried.

I can't move.. he wanted to cry. His body hurt so much he couldn't even lift a finger without pain going down, everywhere.

"Aoi...?" He gave a strained smile

"You're okay...that's a relief..." his head dropped and his eyes closed.

Gomen tou-san... looks like I get to see kaa-san first...but I...I don't want to leave you alone, gomen. Gomen. Daisuki tou-san...

One tear fell and his chest stopped moving.

"AOI!!" Nagasaki cried she was trying to heal him but she wasn't strong enough. "Aoi! Aoi! No! Hold on, please hold on!!"


"Ata! Do you have my paintbrush? I can't find it." Kaede bounced up to his eldest brother.

"Again Kae?" Daiski joked

"Not my my fault~" He shook his head turning his body to face his brother.

"Well I have an extra in my bag. But you have to give it back! Or else okaa-" He reacted on instinct, pulling his brother close to him as he pushed Daiski away, though he didn't need to since the blast sent him flying.

They landed on the ground fire covering them and knocking them both unconscious with the vague feeling of something pressing on them.

"Keenntttaa!! Kaeeddee!!!"

Kazuo? He heard Kazuo coming to, but he couldn't move. Ah, so this is what that painting meant. So slow Kenta, you should have known!

The pain itself didn't register but he felt internal pain.

My brother...all because I couldn't-

"Kenta...Kaede...." his eyes were still closed but he heard a body crawling closer to where he laid. "Please! I can help with the burns! Just show me you're alive!!" Asami cried out.

I'm still here...! He moved, eyes cracking open softly. Tears instantly fell from his eyes at the sight of Kaede on top of him. With every bit of strength he had and could muster he gripped onto his clothes hugging him closer.

He was crying as he gripped the charred clothes of Kaede who was gone. He felt it. His baby brother had no heart beat.

H,He's gone! Kae...Kae is gone...! His body protested at the pain, begging him to relax and stop the extra pressure he was placing on it through hugging and pressing Kaede closer, but that was nothing could compared to loosing Kaede.

"Sa...mi..." Kenta looked up at his friend who was sharing his pain at the sight of his brother.

"Kenta!!" He gripped her outstretched hand as hard as he could sobbing through pain. He knew....he knew he was not going to make it.

He saw it, he had drawn it, but he didn't understand it so he had ignored it. He should have shown his parents sooner maybe then...then Kaede and the others would still...Kazuo! Kenta gave a strangled gasp eyes searching and begging his friend. He had to know, he had to know if he lost him too!


"Ata...! You can't go! Ata!!!" Kazuo cried out, and Kenta's head turned slightly in the direction seeing his brother trying to crawl back under the rubble.

Relief washed over the pain in his body and more tears fell.

He's okay...thank goodness! He's okay! He sobbed softly breathing shaky and lowering.

"" he turned his head fully looking at his second baby brother. "Don't die...Zuo." he sobbed but he had to say it. He didn't want any of them dying here. They had to be heroes right? "Don't...don't die...everyone. Zuo." His voice was getting softer it was getting harder to stay awake. But Kenta refused to leave until he finished what he wanted to say. "Love you. Daisuki Zuo..."

Yatta... I said it... don't worry about us Zuo...we'll be fine where we are. Take care of kaa-san and tou-san...his eyes closed letting out one last tear, one last breath.



"...Love you..." he looked to his parents, then to his best friends "I love you dorks..." The heart monitor flat lined and his eyes closed surrounded by only the warmth and love he felt from Asami and Kichirou.

Darkness greeted him and he felt like he was floating. Was he on water or in the air? He didn't know. Then the feeling changed, it shifted and then-

"Oi! How long do you plan to sleep?"


"Ah...still lazy Ryu?"

It can't be...!

"Open your eyes already, Hashiyama!!"
His eyes shot open and above him stood his five friends that he lost all on the same day.

"Oh no, he's crying." Nobuko sighed.

"This is your fault." Kaede looked to Aoi

"Huh?! Why me?!" He pouted upset he was being ganged up on.

"You're the one that yelled at him." Ichirou shrugged.

"Ah-!" Aoi blanked not knowing what to say to that.

"I told you to live and two months later you come to greet us. You never listen!" Kenta scowled.

"How? How are you all here?" Ryouta chocked out still laying on the floor.

"We had to come get you or you'd be lost!" Kaede smiled holding out his hand.

"So I really am.." Ryouta took the hand allowing himself to be pulled up. His friends gave him sad smiles.

"You are." Kenta sighed.

"You're not supposed to be here dang it! You were supposed to help protect Asami-chan!" Ryouta blanked.

"What about the others?"

"If you had lived and became a hero wouldn't you automatically be able to protect them too?" Kenta gave him a look as if he was dumb. Kaede snickered as the other shook their heads dumbfounded by their friend's logic.

"You're not wrong... but you're so wrong for that at the same time." Aoi pointed out.

"After so long in the darkness. I woke up just to die again. I'm so useless!" Ryouta chocked up biting his lip.

"I wish I could say you're not. That everything is fine now...but....but we feel the same..." Ichirou sighed and the atmosphere became sullen.

"None of us wanted to die. But it was so fast. So sudden. We wanted to grow up with everyone and become heroes or supporters." They began to cry

"We wanted to have more memories together. But this happened and there's nothing we can do about it!" Nobuko sobbed.

Ryouta looked around at his crying friends. He himself felt the same. He wasn't ready to die. But his body was too weak to handle all those changes.

Watch over the others for us, ne...

His eyes widened and he looked back. The vague and blurred image of Asami and Kichirou appeared before him.

Yeah, we got the ones on this side....

And he smiled. His tears didn't stop his heart pained at the painful realization that this.. was it. But...his mind was at ease.

He didn't die in pain. He died surrounded by love and warmth and he had no regrets. Yes he wanted to be with them longer but...

"Nothing changes what already happened. We can sob and cry and get angry. That's fine. But...if we don't find peace I have a feeling, those dorks we left behind wouldn't either. We told them to live and move on." The boys watched Ryouta, their cries lessening. "We can't live, but we can move on too. We can give ourselves and them that peace of mind. Because none of us are in pain anymore." Ryouta smiled wiping away his tears.

"How about we go home?" He held his hand out.

"Home?" They mumbled confused.

"Hai. Home..." he didn't explain. But he didn't need to. They looked at each other, a silent agreement passing along them.

The first to grab his hand was Kaede, the other was Aoi then the others joined their hands and they all began to walk.

Slowly the darkness covering them faded as light appeared. Their clothes changed and they felt wind blowing through their hair. Soon they were walking up a mountain, a house in sight and everything seemed to be glowing, themselves included. As they got closer to the house peace washed over them and they smiled.

Don't worry everyone. We're okay. We're at peace. And I'm watching over them, Asami Kichirou...


The wind blew harshly throwing sakura petals off the trees and dancing around the group that laid under it.

"I don't know why but, I suddenly feel peaceful..." Nobuo whispered eyes dropping.

"Me too..." the others nodded.

"Maybe... they found each other?" Asami looked at Kichirou who smiled with his eyes closed

"Hopefully..." not long after the group fell asleep.

Snuggled close to each other and cuddling one another. Sakura petals lay scattered all over them creating the most peaceful image their parents had seen of them since two months ago.


I hope this was satisfactory enough. Hmph.

Asami: are you...are you pouting? Or sulking?

Can you do both?

Asami: I don't know...

I'm doing both.

Asami: * sweat drops* o...kay... I'm going to go to my cuddle buddy so...


Asami: Not this time. Natsu! *runs off*

I wish I could cuddle him too. T~T

Continue lendo

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