Possessive CEO

By manukansal12

92.9K 3.9K 278

Suhana is sincere and good nature but she is clumsy and not smart. She is innocent and pure. She thinks every... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 36

1.2K 68 8
By manukansal12

Suhana didn't say anything else but waited for Namita to explain. Namita took her mobile and showed Suhana a video. When Suhana looked at video, her eyes got widened. She looked at Namita for clarification. Namita smiled brightly and nodded, "That's why I am so happy."

Suhana looked at Rajeev who had relax expression on her face. She asked, "When would it happen?"

Namita replied, "today.... In afternoon.  His assistant called Rajeev in morning and explained everything. Even, they already arranged everything." Namita came closer to Suhana and asked Suhana into her ear as only both of them knew what they were talking, "Did you ask him for help?" Namita was both concern and curious. She was concern because she didn't want Suhana got in problem because of them. If Kavish was common business like them, then matter was different. It's common to ask for help between friends or you know eachother slightly. But unfortunately, Kavish was almighty figure in business world. Their status were different.

She was curious if Suhana ask help to him then how? Because as she knew her sister best, her sister didn't know how to society works. Suhana is intelligent but she is not social.

Suhana didn't know what's going on her sister's mind. But she was also confused.

In the video, there was a press conference. There was an announcement of big project between Singh group and her brother-in-law's company (Anuwaliya & Co.). Even Kavish was present into press conference. He didn't say anything. He only did shake hand with Rajeev but it was enough for Anuwaliya & Co. Ravi talked everything but everyone knew Ravi was Kavish's assistant who was most trusted and right hand to Kavish. That's why it was enough to increase reputation to Anuwaliya & co. Even Ravi said it was misunderstanding between Singh group and Anuwaliya & Co. Now, everything is sorted out. And as a apologize, Singh group is shaking hand with Anuwaliya & co.

After this announcement and project, Suhana knew Rajeev's company reputation increased triple. Even, who sold the shares of Anuwaliya & co in cheap price now they were crying for losses.

There are more than hundred company in city like Anuwaliya & co. But only one group like Singh group.

Suhana was also confused what's going on. She was angry because Singh group was attacking her brother in law's company. But now after it, she didn't know what was her emotions.

Suhana looked at Namita and told truth, "I didn't meet him after that day."

Namita wanted to ask something else but she didn't ask anything at last.

Namita and Rajeev came to tell Mr Triveni and Mrs Triveni. After tea, they left because they had to celebrate with Rajeev's family.

Mrs Triveni wanted to stop them for dinner. But after hearing reason, she knew her daughter is married now and it is important to spend time with her in law that's why she didn't insist them.

After Namita and Rajeev left, Mr Triveni, Mrs Triveni and Suhana ate dinner. During dinner, Mrs Triveni said with relief, "Now, I am happy for Namita."

Mr Triveni was also happy for his daughter. That's why he nodded while Suhana didn't say anything and ate in silence.

After few minutes, Mr Triveni said, "Do you remember my friend Ashok?"

After thinking a while Mrs Triveni said with smile, "Yeah, who lived in this city few years ago but left and settled another city."

Mr Triveni nodded, "Yeah, he set up business there. Now, the business is going well. His son Vihan is coming here for business related."

Mrs Triveni said with excitement, "It's good. I remember that time Vihan was child. He was well mannered child." She turned to Suhana and asked, "Suhana, did you remember about him? Both of you fought a lot in childhood."

Suhana tried to think but she couldn't remember anything that's why she shook her head, "Mom, I don't remember."

Mrs Triveni frowned and scolded her, "You... How can you forget about your childhood?"

Suhana didn't say anything because she knew she couldn't win against her mom and second, she was not interested.

Mrs Triveni noticed Suhana didn't say anything. She looked her husband and asked with excitement, "When is he coming? Will he stay with us?"

Mr Triveni wanted to know Suhana is interested or not. When he noticed that his daughter didn't care. He told to his wife, "After two weeks. I asked Ashok but he told that company already booked hotel for Vihan that's why we didn't need to worry. But I asked Vihan to come at dinner whenever he will has time."

Mrs Triveni was happy because Vihan had a good impression on her as child.

Meanwhile, Mr Triveni also wanted that Suhana showed some interest in Vihan because as he knows Vihan was good and filal guy. Moreover he handles her father's business that's why his future is bright. Moreover Ashok was his friend that's why after marriage, Suhana will be happy with her husband and family-in-law. But it was only his wish. He didn't want to insist his daughter if she was not ready. He gave his daughters to do freedom anything in their life then how can he takes important decision without Suhana's agreement.

Mrs Triveni had no problem with Vihan or the guy Suhana likes. She only wanted her daughter's happiness.

Suhana didn't know what's going on her parents' mind that's why she had one less problem.

After dinner, Suhana was walking in her room. She couldn't share what's going on her mind to anyone else. That's why she was more confused.

When she was in tension, her mobile rang. She looked at screen. She immediately attended call, "hello."

Sameer asked with concern from other side, "Suhana, are you okay?"

Suhana blinked her eyes with confusion and asked, "Yeah.... Why are you asking it?"

Sameer couldn't tell that Namita told him that's why he lied, "your tone."

Suhana was surprised that he could tell about her mood after hearing her voice that's why she said, "You are thinking too much."

Sameer didn't expose her but asked, "Are you free tomorrow? Can we meet  outside?"

Suhana also needed to someone to talk that's why she agreed, "ok... After office."

Sameer smiled after hearing it, "Good... Then see you tomorrow. Good night..."

Suhana smiled, "Good night." She hung up call and took deep breath. May be, tomorrow she will distract a little. Moreover, she had to tell Sameer about Rajeev's company. She didn't know Sameer knew about it or not.

The following day, In evening,

As usual, Sameer was waiting in cafe. Suhana looked at him and smiled, "You are early as usual."

Sameer chuckled lightly and said, "I don't want a girl would wait for me."

Suhana laughed, "You"

Suhana ordered coffee and pastry while Sameer ordered coffee and sandwich.

Sameer asked, "So how was your day?"

Suhana shrugged her shoulder, "as usual. What about you?"

Sameer replied, "same."

Suhana told him, "Do you know now Singh group and brother-in-law's company are working together?"

Sameer nodded, "Yeah, I heard about it. I am glad after hearing it."

Suhana asked with hestitation, "Do you know the reason? I mean first they attacked to brother-in-law's company and now suddenly they apologized and shook hand."
She wanted to know what's going on? She was tensed since last night about it. She knew a person can give correct answer but she didn't know how to ask him. That's why she asked to Sameer. May be, he knows the reason. It was only misunderstanding or something else.

Sameer shook his head, "I don't know. I tried to find out reason but I only got to know only upper knew about it."

She nodded her head with understanding. It means only one person told her reason.

After that, they talked about here and there and enjoyed coffee.

When they were exit, Suhana looked someone whom she wanted to meet but didn't know how to face.

Kavish and Suhana were looking each other but they both didn't say anything.

Sameer saw where Suhana was looking. He was stunned to look Kavish and murmured, "Mr Singh."

Kavish was his senior that's why he couldn't ignore after seeing him. He told Suhana, "Suhana, let's say hello to him."

Suhana didn't say anything. Sameer and Suhana went towards Kavish. Sameer greeted polietly, "Mr Singh, it's nice to meet you."

Kavish only glanced slightly to Sameer and nodded. He looked at Suhana. When Sameer noticed Kavish's gaze on Suhana, he put his hand on her back professionally and introduced her, "She is Suhana and my family's friend. She works in Nanda Association. She was incharge of project. I hope you remember about her."

Kavish didn't say anything but he glared the hand which was on Suhana's back. Suhana looked at his face carefully. She was angry that's why she didn't notice that he was also injured that day. But his face was clean and clear that's why she took deep breath in relaxation.

She wanted to know what he was thinking but his face was expressionless that's why she didn't know he was angry or not.

When Sameer shook her lightly, she came into her senses and greeted Kavish, "Mr Singh." She wanted to thank him and sorry but she didn't know how to say in front of Sameer.

After hearing formality from her mouth, Kavish glared at her and left without saying anything.

Suhana looked at his back with confusion. What did she wrong? Sameer told her, "It's ok Suhana. He is like it. You worked with him that's why you know his personality."

Suhana didn't say anything. She thought he was angry about that day. It means if she calls him, he would not pick call. She sighed deeply. She was sad after thinking it but she couldn't do about it.

He was not person she could offend or act recklessly in front him.

She put her thoughts aside. After it, she was confirmed that she couldn't contact him.

When Sameer noticed she was distract, he asked, "Suha, are you alright? What happened?"

Suhana smiled, "Sam, I am fine. Let's go."

She couldn't sleep at night when she remembered his glare. She didn't know why she was feeling hurt.

The following day, she was in more depressed but she didn't know what to do.

After two days, unexpectedly, she got a call from Ravi. When she looked at screen, she was shocked but she attended the call and said, "Hello, Mr Ravi."

Although, Ravi dialled her number but he was worried that Suhana would not attend the call. When he heard Suhana's voice, he started without stop, "Miss Triveni, I know I shouldn't call you. But it's urgent matter. Can you meet me? I need to tell you something important. Please, it's my request." He has fear that Suhana will not listen him completely that's why he didn't give her chance to speak more. Moreover he was sure that Suhana will be his lady boss that's why it's not wrong to request her.

After thinking a while, she agreed, "ok". Intitially, Suhana was angry but now, she was not that's why she wanted to know what Ravi wanted to say her.

When Ravi heard it, he was glad that he sorted out some problem, "Then I will wait for you after your office hour." After saying it, he hung up call. What if Suhana changed her mind.

When Suhana heard tune, she looked at mobile screen with confusion.

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